Webots Odor Simulation/Download and Installation

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The plugin is currently under development and not available for download. Please contact the author to obtain the latest version of the plugin.

Installation and Quick Start

To use the plugin, you need to have a recent version of Webots 5 PRO installed on your computer. If you just want to try the plugin and do not have a Webots license, you can download a 30 day evaluation version of Webots for free. Note that the EDU version does not support physics plugins, and is therefore not suitable to run the odor simulation plugin.

With Webots installed, you can launch the simulation as follows:

  1. Unzip the file webots_odor_simulation.zip that you obtained from the author. This will create a folder Webots.
  2. Launch Webots and open the file Webots/worlds/odor_test.wbt.

You should see an arena with a model of the Khepera III robot.