User:Klaas van Buiten/sandbox

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SQLite pocketManual[edit | edit source]

CommandLine[edit | edit source]

Usage: sqlite3 [OPTIONS] FILENAME [SQL]

   FILENAME is the name of an SQLite database. A new database is created if the file does not previously exist.
   SQL is a dot-, SQL-command or Pragma. OPTIONS include:
  -append              append the database to the end of the file
  -ascii               set output mode to 'ascii'
  -bail                stop after hitting an error
  -batch               force batch I/O
  -box                 set output mode to 'box'
  -column              set output mode to 'column'
  -cmd COMMAND         run "COMMAND" before reading stdin
  -csv                 set output mode to 'csv'
  -deserialize         open the database using sqlite3_deserialize()
  -echo                print inputs before execution
  -init FILENAME       read/process named file
  -[no]header          turn headers on or off
  -help                show this message
  -html                set output mode to HTML
  -interactive         force interactive I/O
  -json                set output mode to 'json'
  -line                set output mode to 'line'
  -list                set output mode to 'list'
  -lookaside SIZE N    use N entries of SZ bytes for lookaside memory
  -markdown            set output mode to 'markdown'
  -maxsize N           maximum size for a --deserialize database
  -memtrace            trace all memory allocations and deallocations
  -mmap N              default mmap size set to N
  -newline SEP         set output row separator. Default: '\n'
  -nofollow            refuse to open symbolic links to database files
  -nonce STRING        set the safe-mode escape nonce
  -nullvalue TEXT      set text string for NULL values. Default 
  -pagecache SIZE N    use N slots of SZ bytes each for page cache memory
  -pcachetrace         trace all page cache operations
  -quote               set output mode to 'quote'
  -readonly            open the database read-only
  -safe                enable safe-mode
  -separator SEP       set output column separator. Default: '|'
  -stats               print memory stats before each finalize
  -table               set output mode to 'table'
  -tabs                set output mode to 'tabs'
  -unsafe-testing      allow unsafe commands and modes for testing
  -version             show SQLite version
  -vfs NAME            use NAME as the default VFS

dotCommands[edit | edit source]

SQLite3.45 .helpScreen (a-e)
  • .archive ... Manage SQL archivesa
  • .auth (ON,OFF) Show authorizer callbacks
  • .backup ?DB? FILE Backup DB (default "main") to FILE
  • .cd DIRECTORY Change the working directory to DIRECTORY
  • .changes (on,off) Show number of rows changed by SQL
  • .check GLOB Fail if output since .testcase does not match
  • .clone NEWDB Clone data into NEWDB from the existing database
  • .crnl (on,off) Turn binary output on or off. Default OFF
  • .databases List names and files of attached databases
  • .dbinfo ?DB? Show status information about the database
  • .dump ?TABLE? ... Dump the database in an SQL text formatt
  • .echo (on,off) Turn command echo on or off
  • .eqp (on,off,trigger,full) En-/disable automatic EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN
  • .excel Display the output of next command in a spreadsheet
  • .exit Exit (=.q) this program
  • .expert EXPERIMENTAL. Suggest indexes for specified queries

More info at

  • .fullschema ?--indent? Show schema and the content of sqlite_stat tables
  • .headers (on,off) Turn display of headers on or off
  • .help Show this message
  • .import FILE TABLE Import data from FILE into TABLE
  • .imposter INDEX TABLE Create imposter table TABLE on index INDEX
  • .indexes ?TABLE? Show names of all indexest
  • .limit ?LIMIT? ?VAL? Display or change the value of an SQLITE_LIMIT
  • .lint OPTIONS Report potential schema issues.
  • .load FILE ?ENTRY? Load an extension library
  • .log (FILE,off) Turn logging on or off. FILE can be stderr/stdout
  • .mode MODE ?TABLE? Set output modem for tablet
  • .nullvalue STRING Use STRING in place of NULL values
  • .once (-e,-x,FILE) Output for the next SQL command only to FILEe
  • .open ?OPTIONS? ?FILE? Close existing database and reopen FILEo
  • .output ?FILE? Send output to FILE or stdout
  • .print STRING... Print literal STRING
  • .prompt MAIN CONTINUE Replace the standard prompts
  • .quit Quit (=.ex) this program
  • .read FILENAME Execute SQL in FILENAME
  • .restore ?DB? FILE Restore content of DB (default "main") from FILE


  • .save FILE Write in-memory database into FILE
  • .scanstats (on,off) Turn sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus() metrics on or off
  • .schema ?PATTERN? Show the CREATE statements matching PATTERNs1
  • .selftest ?--init? Run tests defined in the SELFTEST table
  • .separator COL ?ROW? Change separator for column and optionally rows2
  • .sha3sum ?OPTIONS...? Compute a SHA3 hash of database content
  • .shell CMD ARGS... Run CMD ARGS... in OS shell (=sy)
  • .show Show the current values for various settings
  • .stats (on,off) Show stats or turn stats on or off
  • .system CMD ARGS... Run CMD ARGS... in OS shell (
  • .tables ?TABLE? List names of tablest
  • .testcase NAME Begin redirecting output to 'testcase-out.txt'
  • .timeout MS Try opening locked tables for MS milliseconds
  • .timer (on,off) Turn SQL timer on or off
  • .trace (FILE,off) Output each SQL statement as it is run
  • .version Show detailed SQLite version info
  • .vfsinfo ?AUX? Information about the top-level VFS
  • .vfslist List all available VFSes
  • .vfsname' ?AUX? Print the name of the VFS stack
  • .width NUM1 NUM2 ... Set widths for "column" modew

a .ar [OPTION...] [FILE...] The .ar command manages sqlar archives.


 .ar -cf archive.sar foo bar    # Create archive.sar from files foo and bar
 .ar -tf archive.sar            # List members of archive.sar
 .ar -xvf archive.sar           # Verbosely extract files from archive.sar

Each command line must feature exactly one command option:

 -c, --create               Create a new archive
 -u, --update               Update or add files to an existing archive
 -t, --list                 List contents of archive
 -x, --extract              Extract files from archive

And zero or more optional options:

 -v, --verbose              Print each filename as it is processed
 -f FILE, --file FILE       Operate on archive FILE (default is current db)
 -a FILE, --append FILE     Operate on FILE opened using the apndvfs VFS
 -C DIR, --directory DIR    Change to directory DIR to read/extract files
 -n, --dryrun               Show the SQL that would have occurred

See also: sar-support

e or invoke system text editor (-e) or spreadsheet (-x) on the output.
l lintOptions: fkey-indexes Find missing foreign key indexes
m mode: ascii delimited by 0x1F and 0x1E; csv Comma-separated values;
column Left-aligned columns (See .width); html HTML <table> code;
insert SQL insert statements for TABLE; line One value per line
list delimited by "|"; quote Escape answers as for SQL
tabs Tab-separated values; tcl TCL list elements
o openOptions: --new option starts with an empty file
Other options: --readonly --append --zip
s1 schemaOption: --indent for pretty-printing
s2 separator for both the output mode and .import:
t If TABLE specified, only dump tables matching LIKE pattern TABLE.
w Negative values right-justify