User:DVD206/The case of the unit disc

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Operator equation

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The continuous Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator can be calculated explicitly for certain domains, such as a half-space, a ball and a cylinder and a shell with uniform conductivity 1. For example, for a unit ball in N-dimensions, writing the Laplace equation in spherical coordinates one gets:

and, therefore, the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator satisfies the following equation:


In two-dimensions the equation takes a particularly simple form:

The study of material of this chapter is largely motivated by the question of Professor of Mathematics at the University of Washington Gunther Uhlmann: "Is there a discrete analog of the equation?"

Exercise (**): Prove that for the unit ball the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator satisfies the quadratic equation above.

Exercise (*): Prove that for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator of a half-space of RN with uniform conductivity 1,

Network case

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To match the functional equation that the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator of the unit disc with conductivity 1 satisfies, one would need to look for a self-dual layered planar network with rotational symmetry. The Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for such graph should be equal to:

where -L is equal to the Laplacian on the circle:

The problem then reduces to finding a Stieltjes continued fraction that is equal to 1 at the non-zero eigenvalues of L. For the (2n+1)-case the eigenvalues are 0 with multiplicity 1 and

with multiplicity 2. The existence and uniqueness of such fraction with n floors follows from our results on layered networks.

Exercise (***). Prove that the continued fraction is given by the following formula:

Exercise 2 (*). Use the previous exercise to prove the trigonometric formula:

Exercise 3(**). Find the right signs in the following trigonometric formula