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United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Sub-group PC-E – Envelope Management Software (Endicia)

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Sub-group PC-E: Franks from Envelope Manager (Endicia) software, ID numbers mostly with 07#V prefix but also 07#M, 07#S, and without ID number

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  • All the stamps have a generic design, bar code and text. The earlier stamps include "endicia.com" in the design and later ones are identifiable only by the identification number which is most commonly 071V although 071M and 071S are also found. An exception is Type PC-E2.2, Sub-type A, which does not show an identification number.
  • When first released (February 2001) the system was labeled by Indicia as "DAZzle 2000".

Type RE1 in 2001 edition

PC-E1.1. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) “DAZzle 2000” (digital), 2000.

endicia.com” or "endicia.com/mac" at bottom left of "PDF417" barcode.
“US POSTAGE” at top right.
Stacked at center: value figures / class of mail / date / town line.
ID# with 071M, 071S, or 071V prefix at bottom right.
With or without "FIM" barcode at top left.
A. Basic stamp without framing
B. The stamp is in a frame with large mail class indicator at left and the class of mail spelled out below.
V/F: $0.00 $0.000
a. Top portion above 2D barcode shifted far to the left (shown at right). This may be the result of inconsistent software rather than printer variables.

Type RE2 in 2001 edition

PC-E1.2. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) “DAZzle 2000” (digital), 2002.

As Type PC-E1.1 but the point-of-sale data is at left rather than in the center, and the sequence of data is different.
At top left: value figures/ date/ rate information
At top right: "US POSTAGE"/ "Mailed from ZIP..."
endicia.com” at bottom left
Identification number with 071V prefix
Never with "FIM" barcode.
A. Basic stamp without framing
B. The stamp is in a frame with large mail class indicator at left and the class of mail spelled out below.
V/F: $0.00
a. "endicia.com/mac" at lower left, produced by systems designed for Apple computer users
b. With text above bar code shifted significantly to left or right. This may be the result of inconsistent software rather than printer variables.
c. With "Commercial Base Pricing" added below the date
d. Without rate information below the date

PC-E1.3. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) “DAZzle 2000” (digital), 2002.

Similar to Type PC-E1.2 but with rate statement instead of value figures.
“POSTAGE AND FEES PAID” at top above date, ZIP code, and rate statement.
endicia.com” at bottom left
Identification number with 071M or 071V prefix
A. Basic stamp without framing
B. The stamp is in a frame with large mail class indicator at left and the class of mail spelled out below.
a. "endicia.com/mac" at lower left, produced by systems designed for Apple computer users
b. With text above bar code shifted significantly to left or right. This may be the result of inconsistent software rather than printer variables.
c. With "Commercial Base Pricing" or "Commercial Base Price" added below the rate statement
d. With "Commercial Plus Pricing" added below the rate statement
e. As B, with question mark after the mail class statement: PRIORITY MAIL 2-DAY? (This may be a computer error with the question mark printing in place of a registration mark (R in circle).)
f. Without the panel containing the class of mail below the frank

Type RE3 in 2001 edition

PC-E2.1. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) (digital), 2002.

Found only on the top of large address labels downloaded directly from the USPS web site.
In wide box at right is the 2D "PDF417" barcode.
To the left of the 2D barcode are "US POSTAGE" vertical, "WWW.USPS.COM", value figures, and date.
A series of nine 4-digit numbers is above the 2D barcode, and the ZIP code and identification number with 071V prefix are below.
Very large “P” (for Priority Mail) or “E” (for Express Mail) in box at left.
Across the bottom is the class of mail spelled out.
V/F: $0.00 $00.00

Type RE4 in 2001 edition

PC-E2.2. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) (digital).

Stamp similar to PC-E1.4 with "PDF417" barcode but with panel at top containing USPS eagle logo at left and Click-N-Ship® logo at right.
This appears to be a replacement for type PC-E3.1.
A. Without identification number
B. Identification number, with 071V prefix, at right of the ZIP code
V/F: $0.00, $00.00
a. With "Commercial Base Pricing" immediately below the 2D barcode

PC-E2.3. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) (digital).

Nearly identical to Types PC-C5.2 (Stamps.com) and PC-D3.3 (Pitney Bowes) except for the identification number which has "071V" prefix.

PC-E3.1. Endicia.com (digital), 2010.

Square "DataMatrix" barcode at right with "endicia.com" reading down at far right.
Text from top, at left of barcode: "US POSTAGE AND FEES PAID", mail class (may be omitted), date (mmm dd yyyy), ZIP code, rate statement (may be omitted).
Later stamps also include a second, more specific, rate statement. (see the image for "b" below)
ID# with 071S or 071V prefix below 2D barcode.
a. Datamatrix barcode omitted
b. Text at top truncated: "US POSTAGE AND FEES P"
c. Printed on short label containing tracking bar code but not the destination address
d. Printed on very short label showing the frank but not the tracking bar code
e. The bar code contains vertical bars, probably caused by a malfunction

PC-E3.2. Endicia.com (digital), 2014.

Similar to Type PC-E2.1 with square "DataMatrix" barcode, but the value figures are at upper left and "US POSTAGE" is alone at top center.
ID# with 071V prefix seen.
V/F: $00.00

PC-E3.3. Endicia.com (digital), 2015.

Similar to Types PC-E2.1 and PC-E2.2 but "U.S. POSTAGE" is lower, below the date and ZIP code.
The value figures are at far left.
One seen, with "FIM" bar code at upper left.
ID# with 071V prefix seen.
V/F: $00.00

PC-E3.4. Endicia.com (digital), 2016.

Similar to Type PC-E2.1 but inscribed "U.S. POSTAGE PAID" without "AND FEES". Also the inscription is centered rather than high.
Below "US POSTAGE PAID" is "From ZIP ##### and a rate statement.
Rather than a large mail classification code, the mailer's name and address is found in the box at left.
ID# with 071S prefix seen.