The Voynich Manuscript/F3r

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Transcription, comments, theories, links to do with VMs page f3r to be added here...


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One plant, flush against the right margin.

Roots: a bunch of unbranched tentacle-like roots radiating from the stem's base. Light colored, partial dark overpaint.
Stem: rather thick, bent. Light colored, dark overpainted stripe (shadow) along its left side.
Branches: none.
Leaves: lance-shaped with an S bend, very dense, growing straight off the stem on both sides, each partially covering the previous one. Stem ends with one unpaired leaf. Light colored, with a dark-painted shadow on the bottom of each leaf, and a dotted line just inside the leaf's rim.
Flowers: none.

Four paragraphs (with 9.5, 3.5, 2.7, and 2.8 lines): a longer one at the top, and three short ones just below mid-page. The first two are left-justified and follow the plant's outline on the right. The last two are left- and right-justified, and interrupted by the main stem.


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The plant looks strange because of the dense leaves. Perhaps they are actually the sheaths of leafstalks, badly drawn? Perhaps the dots along the leaf rim are short spines?