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Sport Innovation/2011 Women In Super Mother's Day Classic/Project Life Cycle, Phases and Tasks MDC/Phase 2 - Development of Event Plans

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< 2011 Women In Super Mother's Day Classic

During this phase each department worked on the development of plans for each task and activity they were responsible.


During this phase the Registrations Manager would have determined exactly what the event required with regards to a registration system (ie. ease of use, accurate data collection, financial reporting and stocktake of merchandise sales against availability). They would have researched and tested multiple web-based software programs that could facilitate each of the requirements.


The Services Manager would have determined the merchandise range the event would offer as well as the quantities. Various companies would’ve been researched to determine the quality of the product and sourced quotes to determine cost. Various sponsors, supporters and suppliers would be contacted regarding samples for inclusion in the finisher’s kits each participant received once they have completed the event.


During phase 2 of the project lifecycle the Marketing & Sponsorship Department would have developed the marketing and communications strategy for the event. The website map would be determined (ie. where all of the event information would go). This would also include developing a list of possible sponsors, and creating proposals for the various levels of sponsorship opportunities offered.

The next phase within the event lifecycle is the phase 3 - review of event plans.

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