Roman Culture/Mother

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Roman Mothers

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Sunhee Jung ANCS202

In Rome, all women are expected to become a mother. In Rome women are always in authority of men; father, husband, or guardian. Women did not have any capacity of independent without men (The exception was six Vestal Virgins). Only freemen are only allowed to be wed, and have to the age to wed. The legal age of twelve, girls are wed to someone who might be several decay order. Even though the idea of marrying off women in such a young age is taboo in modern time, it was common practice. Understand that life expectancy in ancient time is much different from modern time; women were high risk of the death due to risk of birth. It was important for women to be fertile. If she was not, she was divorced by her husband. During the ancient time there was high rate of infant deaths, so even with giving six births doesn’t mean all of them will survive their infanthood. It was the upper class women that had more children, since she had the access to take care the children. It was the father who had the authority in the house, and had the power to disown his infant (This became illegal by 374 AD). It was the mother’s job to educate the children about Roman culture, and expected to invest the son’s political career. Also daughters are expected to learn about Roman culture so that she could teach her own children later on her life. The mothers raised their sons to be a successful leader that influenced the Rome in greater way. When husband past away, and then the family will be free of his care, but will have another guardian. The daughter is most likely under the uncle or her brother (as long as he is in legal age) till she is wed. By legal status, being under a care of father is not different from under a care from her husband. The ideal mother is to be honorable, chaste, and fertile. The famous mothers are known due to her success to raise their sons to be the leader of the Rome.


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