ROSE Compiler Framework/SPEC CPU 2006 benchmark

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spec cpu 2006

Assuming the source package is under /usr/casc/overture/ROSE/svn/spec_cpu2006_v1.1


./ -d /home/yourAccount/opt/spec_cpu2006

files and directories

/home/yourAccount/opt/spec_cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/400.perlbench Subdirectories

  • build data Docs exe run Spec src

benchmark summary

12+17= 29 benchmarks

12 Integer benchmarks:

  • 400.perlbench C Programming Language
    • Derived from Perl V5.8.7. The workload includes SpamAssassin, MHonArc (an email indexer), and specdiff (SPEC's tool that checks benchmark outputs).
$ 400.perlbench
    3057 text files.
    1517 unique files.                                          
     484 files ignored. v 1.56  T=57.0 s (23.8 files/s, 26844.6 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Perl                          1179         127322         661995         451954
C                              109          13768          31736         192811
C/C++ Header                    65           4202           9296          30785
XML                              1            680             13           5357
Pascal                           1              9            115             78
make                             2              4              1             14
SUM:                          1357         145985         703156         680999

  • 401.bzip2 C Compression
    • Julian Seward's bzip2 version 1.0.3, modified to do most work in memory, rather than doing I/O.
$ 401.bzip2/
      56 text files.
      43 unique files.                              
      27 files ignored. v 1.56  T=1.0 s (17.0 files/s, 12473.0 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C                               10           1083           1131           5561
HTML                             1            639              5           2837
C/C++ Header                     3            210            174            617
XML                              1             36              6            137
Perl                             1              5              0             25
make                             1              1              1              5
SUM:                            17           1974           1317           9182

  • 403.gcc C C Compiler
    • Based on gcc Version 3.2, generates code for Opteron.
$ cloc 403.gcc/
-bash: cloc: command not found
[hudson-rose@hudson-rose-30] 403.gcc/
     597 text files.
     319 unique files.                                          
      26 files ignored. v 1.56  T=40.0 s (7.4 files/s, 46660.2 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Assembly                        11              0           2794        1331673
C                              159          58475          62060         370172
C/C++ Header                   110           5890           9295          17385
XML                              1           1242              6           3794
Teamcenter def                  12            611             47           2897
Perl                             1              4              0             55
make                             1              1              1              5
SUM:                           295          66223          74203        1725981

  • 429.mcf C Combinatorial Optimization
    • Vehicle scheduling. Uses a network simplex algorithm (which is also used in commercial products) to schedule public transport.
$ 429.mcf/
      94 text files.
      64 unique files.                              
      37 files ignored. v 1.56  T=2.0 s (19.5 files/s, 2090.0 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C                               22            526            345           2501
C/C++ Header                    14            221            216            204
XML                              1             24             10             95
Perl                             1              5              0             26
make                             1              1              1              5
SUM:                            39            777            572           2831

  • 445.gobmk C Artificial Intelligence: Go
    • Plays the game of Go, a simply described but deeply complex game.
$ 445.gobmk/
    3110 text files.
    1543 unique files.                                          
    2767 files ignored. v 1.56  T=37.0 s (4.3 files/s, 7464.7 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C                              134          25940          25404         218416
C/C++ Header                    22           1048           1595           3478
XML                              1             49              6            139
Perl                             1              7             11             95
make                             1              1              1              5
SUM:                           159          27045          27017         222133

  • 456.hmmer C Search Gene Sequence
    • Protein sequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models (profile HMMs)
$ 456.hmmer/
     235 text files.
     160 unique files.                                          
      37 files ignored. v 1.56  T=4.0 s (33.0 files/s, 17054.2 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C                              114           3946          22853          38230
C/C++ Header                    15            324           1045           1413
XML                              1             75              6            212
Perl                             1              4              0            102
make                             1              1              1              5
SUM:                           132           4350          23905          39962

  • 458.sjeng C Artificial Intelligence: chess
    • A highly-ranked chess program that also plays several chess variants.
$ 458.sjeng/
      69 text files.
      45 unique files.                              
      18 files ignored. v 1.56  T=2.0 s (14.0 files/s, 7162.5 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C                               21           2152           1068          10429
C/C++ Header                     4            123             36            397
XML                              1             17              6             56
Perl                             1              6              0             28
make                             1              1              1              5
SUM:                            28           2299           1111          10915

  • 462.libquantum C Physics / Quantum Computing
    • Simulates a quantum computer, running Shor's polynomial-time factorization algorithm.
$ 462.libquantum/
      86 text files.
      54 unique files.                              
      19 files ignored. v 1.56  T=1.0 s (36.0 files/s, 4694.0 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C                               18            798            492           2302
C/C++ Header                    15            267            243            394
XML                              1             40              6            111
Perl                             1              7              0             27
make                             1              1              1              5
SUM:                            36           1113            742           2839

  • 464.h264ref C Video Compression
    • A reference implementation of H.264/AVC, encodes a videostream using 2 parameter sets. The H.264/AVC standard is expected to replace MPEG2
$ 464.h264ref/
     191 text files.
     109 unique files.                                          
      23 files ignored. v 1.56  T=3.0 s (28.7 files/s, 17554.0 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C                               44           5968           7718          33063
C/C++ Header                    39            899           1118           3409
XML                              1             71              6            321
Perl                             1              6              0             76
make                             1              1              1              5
SUM:                            86           6945           8843          36874

  • 471.omnetpp C++ Discrete Event Simulation
    • Uses the OMNet++ discrete event simulator to model a large Ethernet campus network.
$ 471.omnetpp/
     333 text files.
     178 unique files.                                          
      22 files ignored. v 1.56  T=4.0 s (39.2 files/s, 12109.5 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C++                             85           5087           3697          22603
C/C++ Header                    69           2684           9788           4044
XML                              1            122              6            357
Perl                             1              4              0             39
make                             1              1              1              5
SUM:                           157           7898          13492          27048

  • 473.astar C++ Path-finding Algorithms
    • Pathfinding library for 2D maps, including the well known A* algorithm.
$ 473.astar/
     107 text files.
      64 unique files.                              
      42 files ignored. v 1.56  T=1.0 s (33.0 files/s, 9131.0 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C++                             22            949            192           5972
C/C++ Header                     8            544             62           1277
XML                              1             22              6             56
Perl                             1              9              0             35
make                             1              1              1              5
SUM:                            33           1525            261           7345

  • 483.xalancbmk C++ XML Processing
    • A modified version of Xalan-C++, which transforms XML documents to other document types.
$ 483.xalancbmk/
    3665 text files.
    1820 unique files.                                          
      19 files ignored. v 1.56  T=75.0 s (24.0 files/s, 37920.6 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
XML                              4         194172              8        2074361
C++                            829          54318          72591         202976
C/C++ Header                   944          35917         120959          80316
C                               19            811           2399           2982
XSD                              2             86              0            789
Perl                             1             16             14            767
XSLT                             2             58              0            500
make                             1              1              1              5
SUM:                          1802         285379         195972        2362696

17 Floating point benchmarks:

  • 410.bwaves Fortran Fluid Dynamics Computes 3D transonic transient laminar viscous flow.
  • 416.gamess Fortran Quantum Chemistry. Gamess implements a wide range of quantum chemical computations. For the SPEC workload, self-consistent field calculations are performed using the Restricted Hartree Fock method, Restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock, and Multi-Configuration Self-Consistent Field
  • 433.milc C Physics / Quantum Chromodynamics A gauge field generating program for lattice gauge theory programs with dynamical quarks.
  • 434.zeusmp Fortran Physics / CFD ZEUS-MP is a computational fluid dynamics code developed at the Laboratory for Computational Astrophysics (NCSA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) for the simulation of astrophysical phenomena.
  • 435.gromacs C,

Fortran Biochemistry / Molecular Dynamics Molecular dynamics, i.e. simulate Newtonian equations of motion for hundreds to millions of particles. The test case simulates protein Lysozyme in a solution.

  • 436.cactusADM C,

Fortran Physics / General Relativity Solves the Einstein evolution equations using a staggered-leapfrog numerical method

  • 437.leslie3d Fortran Fluid Dynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) using Large-Eddy Simulations with Linear-Eddy Model in 3D. Uses the MacCormack Predictor-Corrector time integration scheme.
  • 444.namd C++ Biology / Molecular Dynamics Simulates large biomolecular systems. The test case has 92,224 atoms of apolipoprotein A-I.
  • 447.dealII C++ Finite Element Analysis deal.II is a C++ program library targeted at adaptive finite elements and error estimation. The testcase solves a Helmholtz-type equation with non-constant coefficients.
  • 450.soplex C++ Linear Programming, Optimization Solves a linear program using a simplex algorithm and sparse linear algebra. Test cases include railroad planning and military airlift models.
  • 453.povray C++ Image Ray-tracing Image rendering. The testcase is a 1280x1024 anti-aliased image of a landscape with some abstract objects with textures using a Perlin noise function.
  • 454.calculix C,

Fortran Structural Mechanics Finite element code for linear and nonlinear 3D structural applications. Uses the SPOOLES solver library.

  • 459.GemsFDTD Fortran Computational Electromagnetics Solves the Maxwell equations in 3D using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method.
  • 465.tonto Fortran Quantum Chemistry An open source quantum chemistry package, using an object-oriented design in Fortran 95. The test case places a constraint on a molecular Hartree-Fock wavefunction calculation to better match experimental X-ray diffraction data.
  • 470.lbm C Fluid Dynamics Implements the "Lattice-Boltzmann Method" to simulate incompressible fluids in 3D
  • 481.wrf C,

Fortran Weather Weather modeling from scales of meters to thousands of kilometers. The test case is from a 30km area over 2 days.

  • 482.sphinx3 C Speech recognition A widely-known speech recognition system from Carnegie Mellon University

language summary

C : 14 benchmarks/ 12 real ones excluding specrand

   400.perlbench     	 Programming Language
   401.bzip2            Compression
   403.gcc              C Compiler
   429.mcf              Combinatorial Optimization
   433.milc             Physics / Quantum Chromodynamics
   445.gobmk            Artificial Intelligence: Go
   456.hmmer            Search Gene Sequence
   458.sjeng            Artificial Intelligence: chess
   462.libquantum       Physics / Quantum Computing
   464.h264ref          Video Compression
   470.lbm      	 Fluid Dynamics
   482.sphinx3          Speech recognition

C++: 7 benchmarks  : namd dealII soplex povray omnetpp astar xalancbmk


Fortran: 6 benchmarks: bwaves gamess zeusmp leslie3d GemsFDTD tonto


Mixed C and Fortran: 4: gromacs cactusADM calculix wrf



  • enviornment Source the shrc or cshrc in /home/youAccount/opt/spec_cpu2006 to set up your environment for the benchmark.
 . ./shrc
  • configuration prepare config/tux268-gcc42.cfg set compilers and flags based on existing examples there

Table summary

  • output_format = asc, pdf, Screen, html


  • build only:
bash-3.00$ which runspec
bash-3.00$ runspec --config=tux268-gcc42.cfg --action=build --tune=base bzip2

clean up first

  • runspec --config=rose-linux64-gcc41 --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable --action=clobber all
  • Run with test data set default is --size=ref : run with reference data set
runspec --config=tux268-gcc42.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable bzip2

runspec --config=tux268-rose-gcc42.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable bzip2
  • run all integer or fp benchmarks 12 total integer
runspec --config=tux268-gcc42.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable int   // total 12

400.perlbench      --     3.78           -- S
401.bzip2          --     7.52           -- S
403.gcc            --     1.42           -- S
429.mcf            --     5.37           -- S
445.gobmk          --    20.0            -- S

456.hmmer          --     5.35           -- S
458.sjeng          --     5.00           -- S
462.libquantum     --     0.0951         -- S
464.h264ref        --    21.7            -- S
471.omnetpp        --     0.545          -- S

473.astar          --    10.7            -- S
483.xalancbmk      --     0.115          -- S

 Est. SPECint_base2006                   --
 Est. SPECint2006                                                   Not Run

runspec --config=tux268-gcc42.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable fp   // total 17

410.bwaves         --    12.4            -- S
416.gamess         --     0.510          -- S
433.milc           --     8.71           -- S
434.zeusmp         --    25.2            -- S
435.gromacs        --     1.74           -- S

436.cactusADM      --     4.66           -- S
437.leslie3d       --    32.7            -- S
444.namd           --    15.6            -- S
447.dealII         --    22.6            -- S
450.soplex         --     0.0263         -- S

453.povray         --     0.874          -- S
454.calculix       --     0.0546         -- S
459.GemsFDTD       --     4.52           -- S
465.tonto          --     1.35           -- S
470.lbm            --    13.6            -- S

481.wrf            --     5.66           -- S
482.sphinx3        --     2.26           -- S

 Est. SPECfp_base2006                    --
 Est. SPECfp2006                                                    Not Run

test gcc/g++/gfortran first then build only


clean up: --action=clean or clobber then identityTranslator

runspec --config=tux268-rose-gcc42.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable gobmk

data set

Reportable runs ensure that your binaries can produce correct results with the test and train workloads (this run rule requirement is new as of CPU2006 V1.0) and then run the ref workload 3 times for the actual measurements.

runspec --config=tux268-rose-gcc42.cfg --tune=base --size=ref --iterations=1 --noreportable perlbench

data sizes

  • test: smallest data set
  • train: test the ability to run more than one size in a single invocation
  • ref (default): run 3 times for reportable results

selective run

runspec --action=clobber int fp
runspec --config=tux268-intel.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable bzip2
runspec --config=tux268-rose-gcc42.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable bzip2
runspec --config=tux268-rose-gcc42.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable bzip2

bash-3.00$ pwd
bash-3.00$ runspec --config=tux268-rose-gcc42.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable fp

modified source run

Changed /home/yourAccount/opt/spec_cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/400.perlbench/src/spec_config.h

to have #include <stdbool.h>

Have to add a line in the config file (eg. config/tux268-rose-gcc42.cfg) to avoid corrupted source warning

strict_rundir_verify = 0




/home/yourAccount/opt/roseLatest/bin/identityTranslator -c -o sv.o -DSPEC_CPU -DNDEBUG -DPERL_CORE   -O2 -DSPEC_CPU_LINUX_IA32        sv.c

Adding argv[3] = sv.o to p_objectFileNameList
Using strcmp(): This was not a valid string (buffer = define returned)
Using strcmp(): This was not a valid string (buffer = define returned)
Error: Unknown cppIndentifier =
identityTranslator: ../../../../rose/src/frontend/SageIII/rose_attributes_list.C:1676: bool ROSEAttributesList::isCppDirective(const std::string&, PreprocessingInfo::DirectiveType&, std::string&): Assertion `false' failed.

results verification


  • .mis
bash-3.00$ cat dryer.jpg.out.mis
0008:  Compressed data 1434910 bytes in length
       Compressed data 1434894 bytes in length
0013:  Compressed data 1127895 bytes in length
       Compressed data 1127995 bytes in length
0018:  Compressed data 1067335 bytes in length
       Compressed data 1067427 bytes in length

run manually

each benchmark has a command line file:


sphinx_livepretend_base.amd64-m64-gcc41-nn ctlfile . args.an4

403.gcc ~/opt/spec_cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/403.gcc/run/run_base_test_amd64-m64-gcc41-nn.0000]

[yourAccount@tux322]cat speccmds.cmd
-C /home/yourAccount/opt/spec_cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/403.gcc/run/run_base_test_amd64-m64-gcc41-nn.0000
-o cccp.out -e cccp.err ../run_base_test_amd64-m64-gcc41-nn.0000/gcc_base.amd64-m64-gcc41-nn cccp.i -o cccp.s

# ignore -C etc. focus on the final part! 

gdb -args ../run_base_test_amd64-m64-gcc41-nn.0000/gcc_base.amd64-m64-gcc41-nn cccp.i -o cccp.s

ROSE identityTranslator

formal text

We use ROSE's identityTranslator. Like any other ROSE-based translators, it is designed to automatically detect input source file types and invoke the right EDG capability.

We do test ROSE on a subset of SPEC CPU2006 as part of our daily regression test. ROSE can fully support 10 out 12 spec C benchmarks (compiling them and having verified execution results). The 10 C benchmars are perlbench, bzip2, mcf, milc, gobmk, hmmer, sjeng, libquantum, lbm, and sphinx3. gcc and h264ref have some minor issues (mostly related to ROSE's handling of macro calls) but we are working on this.

The way we compile SPEC using ROSE is: 1) install (via make install) ROSE to a directory, like ROSE_INS (specified via configure --prefix=ROSE_INS).

2) set up the environment for using the installed ROSE, identityTranslator is located under ROSE_INS/bin PATH=$ROSE_INS/bin:$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ROSE_INS/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH

3) preparing an SPEC configuration file (e.g. spec_installation_path/config/rose.cfg) to use ROSE A set of relevant options in rose.cfg are:

#We want to the test to abort on errors and report immediately
ignore_errors = no
# we want have ascii and table-based output (Screen) for results
output_format = asc, Screen
#The result is not intended for official reports to the SPEC organization
reportable = 0
# compilers to compile benchmarks
CC = identityTranslator
CXX = identityTranslator
FC = identityTranslator
# compilation options: turn off ROSE ’s EDG frontend warnings
# since we are not interesting in fixing the benchmarks
COPTIMIZE = -O2 --edg:no_warnings
CXXOPTIMIZE = -O2 --edg:no_warnings
FOPTIMIZE = -O2 --edg:no_warnings

4) finally you can test ROSE on spec

cd $SPEC_CPU2006_INS
# set up environment to run spec
. ./shrc
# clean up previous object/executable files for all floating point and integer benchmarks
runspec --config=rose.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable fp int --action=clobber

runspec --config=$SPEC_CPU2006_CONFIG --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable \
perlbench bzip2 mcf milc gobmk hmmer sjeng libquantum lbm sphinx3

12 C benchmarks

10/12 passed now

Passing set: runspec --config=tux268-rose-gcc42.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable perlbench bzip2 mcf milc gobmk hmmer sjeng libquantum lbm sphinx3

perlbench: pass !!! compilation  -D_GNUG__ problem bool problem
bzip2:     pass !!!  line continuation for two empty line problem: compilation but wrong results
gcc :                noncompilable rose_x  pending on a bug 347?, Unparse_ExprStmt::unparseEnumDeclStmt() SgInitializedName should be moved to located node
           test case test2009_05.c
mcf :      pass!!!
milc:      pass!!!

gobmk :    pass!!!   file path issue include/liberty.h vs. engine/liberty.h   rose_out.c engine/rose_out.c
hmmer :    pass!!!   EDG frontend failure: implicit C function decl
sjeng :    pass!!!
h264ref:             noncompilable rose_x  recursive macro replace after macro expansion: 

lbm :       pass!!!
sphinx3:    pass!!! __FILE__ macro expansion problem. file name vs. full path+filename

runspec --config=tux268-rose-gcc42.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable sphinx3

/home/yourAccount/opt/spec_cpu2006/bin/specinvoke -d /home/yourAccount/opt/spec_cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/482.sp hinx3/run/run_base_test_i386-m32-gcc42-nn.0000 -e speccmds.err -o speccmds.stdout -f speccmds.cmd -C
/home/yourAccount/opt/spec_cpu2006/bin/specinvoke -E -d /home/yourAccount/opt/spec_cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/482 .sphinx3/run/run_base_test_i386-m32-gcc42-nn.0000 -c 1 -e compare.err -o compare.stdout -f compare.c md

*** Miscompare of an4.log; for details see
    /home/yourAccount/opt/spec_cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/482.sphinx3/run/run_base_test_i386-m32-gcc42-nn.0 000/an4.log.mis
Error: 1x482.sphinx3

7 C++ benchmarks

runspec --config=tux268-rose-gcc42.cfg --tune=base --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable namd dealII soplex povray omnetpp astar xalancbmk
