Quenya/Texts in Quenya/Hríveressë

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Quenya in Tengwar Quenya in Latin Alphabet English



In a winter's day

`V1 t#7T5Ì#j°^ t#j°$5:#

yE4#5 ½7~ByR7R,R 9RjaD=

5& eD5Ì#7R elU5$9B8nE=

j&wlY5$5 5lD7E 5&61lD5#--

Et marinyallo mallenna
vantan hríveressë helca,
nu fanyarë fuinehiswa,
lumboinen Naira nurtaina.

From my home to the street
I walk in a cold winter's day,
under shadowy-grey skies,
the sun hidden by clouds.

½j~C7E5Ì$ 7Ts# eH6t$k~M7R=

`C8~MhÍ `Cm#,F5 ~Mj#,G`V=

`Cj&,D `Njw#j%,F
[1] 5^65$=

`Cj#tÌ# yR 5&7U5lD5%`V--

Hláranyë ringa Formessúrë,
asúy' aldassen úlassië,
alussa olbalissë[1] nornë,
alamya ve Nuru-nainië.

I hear the cold Northwind
blowing through the leafless trees,
whispering in the twisted branches,
sounding like a Death-lament.

eH6t$k~M7RhÍEjt$ z~Vj#=

`C6 5~Mt$j°^ 9Yj1E5 cR81E

5~BiGt# `C8~MhÍE 5%5:#=

`C6 5lD5%`V `C9ÍC j~B7T5:#--

Formessúrë-yalmë quéla,
ar Númello holtan hwesta
nísima asúya ninna,
ar nainië ahya lírinna.

The clamour of the Northwind fades,
and from the West I smell a
fragrant Zephyr blowing towards me,
and the lament changes to song.

a~V5#5 1lUj%2^ `CnTj$

9ÍC6t$j°^ ~M7Tt# 8~M7R=

5& 7~Ct#7ÎD1 aG6aDaD4$=

`Cj%6 `Cm#5:#6 ~Mj#,G`V--

Cénan tuilindo awilë
Hyarmello úrima súrë,
nu rámaryat circa-cantë,
alir' aldannar úlassië.

I see a swallow flying
from the South, the hot wind
under its sickle-shaped wings
singing towards the leafless trees.

.D1Y6 `B j&w^6= `C6 5lD7E

a~V5#5 `C5~M1E 5~Mt$5:#=

`V1 7~Nt$j^ 1Tj%`N5 `N61E=

`C6 `M2~Nt$k `Vj$5 8~Bj#--

Autar i lumbor, ar Naira
cénan anúta Númenna,
et Rómello Tilion orta,
ar undómess' elen síla.

The clouds pass, and I see
the Sun setting in the West,
and from the East the Moon rises,
and in the twilight the star shines.

`C6 j~Nt$j%2$j~B7T5$5=

`V4~Mj#5 hÍE5:# `V1;Uj°$5=

5& t$5$j `Vj$4%4lD5#=

½7~ByR`N j~Nt$,F iG5# -Â

Ar lómelindë-lírinen,
entúlan yanna ettullen,
nu menel elentintaina,
hrívëo lómessë sina.

And by the song of the nightingale
I return to whence I came,
under the starlit heavens,
in this winter's evening.

  1. a b jw is used to write lb. Olbalissë is the partitive pl. locative of `Njw# olba "branch" [PM:340];
    the Etymologies gives `NjnE olwa. `NjnEj%,F Olwalissë is more closer to Exilic Quenya.