Professionalism/The Right to Repair

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Right to Repair is a movement and philosophy spearheaded by repair professionals who believe in equal access to repair. Modern devices have become increasingly difficult to repair as manufacturers' products become more complex[1][2]. Right to Repair advocates claim that manufacturers are exploiting complexity in product designs and in legal mechanisms to inhibit refurbishing and repair. They are fighting to raise public awareness and for legislative action that would compel manufacturers to provide documentation and parts needed for repair.


Planned Obsolescence

Planned obsolesce refers to a practice of engineering a product to fail after a predetermined period. The Phoebus cartel is an early example from the 1920's and 30's, in which a group of light bulb manufacturers conspired to fix the lifetime of a light bulb to 1000 hours, only 50 to 66% of the contemporary bulb's life[3]. The phrase "planned obsolesce" was coined by Bernard London, a New York real estate broker in Ending the Depression Through Planned Obsolescence. The idea gained popularity during the Great Depression and WWII as a method for stimulating economic growth. Brooks Stevens, an industrial designer, popularized the phrase in 1954 when he used it in a talk [4]. More recently, it has been applied to technology companies such as Apple and Samsung[5]. Planned obsolesce is often cited by Right To Repair advocates as justification of the need for regulatory action. They claim planned obsolescence has worsened the quality of goods and made repair more difficult[6].

Public Response

Map of Right to Repair Legislation in the U.S: Red - Republican introduced legislation, blue - Democrat introduced legislation, purple - bipartisan coalition introduced legislation.

The public has shown high levels of support for the right to repair. In Massachusetts, 74% voted yes to Right To Repair for vehicles[7]. Ting found that 64% of consumers said they would buy repair kits from manufacturers[8]. Twenty states currently have pending legislation on Right To Repair[9]. The issue has been bipartisan with both Democrats and Republicans sponsoring bills in different states. There has also been federal legislation proposed in H.R. 1449 [10].

There has been related regulation and judicial opinion that supports Right To Repair's goals. The Library of Congress issued a decision that exempts repair of privately owned devices from copyright protection [11]. The Supreme Court ruled in 2016 that once a product is sold, patent protection does not restrict modification of the item [12].

Some have pushed back against Right To Repair. Tech journalist Lance Ulandoff scoffs at consumers' ability to repair complicated devices, like smart phones, themselves[13]. The Security Innovation Center published survey results suggesting that repair could introduce security risks for some devices[14].

Critical Players Against

Apple, John Deere, and the Entertainment Software Association are large players in opposition to Right To Repair. In effort to to avoid negative PR, public statements from these players in regard their stance cannot be expected. Therefore their actions will serve as primary evidence for their stance.


Owning a significant market share in several industries (including notebooks/laptops, tablets, smartphones, and computers[15]) Apple provides no official statement on their opinion of Right to Repair. However their actions illustrate they are strongly opposed.

In 2018, Apple's T2 chip debuted in the 2018 Macbook.[16] The chip "enables a new level of security ... and provides the foundation for new encrypted storage and secure boot capabilities."[17] The ASIC serves as a secure bridge between hardware peripherals and the core system,[18] but its inclusion has the side-effect of disabling features or preventing the system from booting up following certain modifications[19]. Apple actively moderates their online support forum and censors users that provide repair or data-recovery methods outside of Apple's official services.[20] While Competitors such as Samsung[21] and HP[22] make parts and repair guides available to consumers, Apple do not, instead redirecting consumers to warranty and insurance services such as Apple Care. Nearly all components inside Apple devices contain the Apple trademark logo, enabling Apple to leverage government power to seize counterfeit goods due to trademark protection laws. In October 2018, Louis Rossmann, a small but vocal independent repair shop owner, published a video showing that Apple had seized a large number of imported batteries under the provisions of 19 USC 1526(e).[23] Apple also sued Henrik Huseby for purchasing refurbished "counterfeit" iPhone displays on the grounds of trademark law.[24]

As industry leaders, Apple has reached market saturation and are now competing against themselves, as their iPhone sales figures remained stagnant since Q1 2015.[25][26] In the letter "From Tim Cook to Apple Investors," Apple attributes the recent 2018 to 2019 drop in quarterly revenue projections to a variety of factors including the practice of refurbishing iPhones with new batteries.[27] The appears to suggest apple is strongly against Right to Repair in order to encourage consumers to buy new iPhones rather than refurbished models.

Entertainment Software Association (ESA)

The Entertainment Software Association is an interest group that represents companies including Microsoft, Nintendo, and Nvida[28]. Michale Warnecke, a lawyer working for the ESA, testified in Nebraska against the Right To Repair, claiming "it would allow third paries to modify [devices] a way that would compromise...vital security features." [29] No evidence was offered to support this statement. By acting through interest groups like the ESA, companies can avoid bad PR while still fighting Right To Repair legislation.

Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Nvidia have large market-shares in the video game industry[30], and have a general interest to maintain control over piracy of games. It's likely that while do not directly oppose Right to Repair, they believe Right to Repair legislation will make system modifications more accessible and consequentially increase difficultly of enforcing Data Rights Management, or DRM.

John Deere

John Deere, a farm equipment manufacturer, sells equipment that requires proprietary software to fix or repair[31]. The company's products are not affordable for the average farmer. As a result, most farmers opt for a lease or loan and John Deere remains the owner of the equipment. They forbid unauthorized repair through a contractual agreement. While John Deere provides OEM parts, software locks require that any repairs be "authorized"[32]. In letter, John Deere publicly opposed a Kansas Right To Repair billThey claimed it "could negatively impact customer and public safety, as well as the environment," and that legislation is unnecessary, as "manufacturers that are unresponsive to customer needs will risk losing business."[33] This reasoning is reminiscent of cases like the FAA's stance towards manufactures like Convair, McDonnell Douglas, and Boeing or the FDA's approach to pharmaceutical regulation prior to Frances Kelsey's handling of thalidomide.

Critical Players For

There are a variety of informational, advocacy, and legally-focused groups working to advance the Right to Repair agenda. There is a significant unofficial presence on social media, in addition to official organizations, that work to encourage consumers to repair their products.

Online Presence

Louis Rossmann started his business and YouTube channel because of his passion for fixing computers. Rossmann's platform focuses primarily on Macbooks, and has publicly bashed Apple for their anti-repair practices. A CBC article documents the price and service disparity between Apple repair stores and the Rossmann store. His channel shows his frustrations with technical,[34] as well as legal sabotage.[35] Rossmann's position appeals to his audience. He is 85% upvoted on Reddit with many positive comments, and has almost a million subscribers to his channel.

Rich Benoit is another YouTuber who documents how he repairs used, and sometimes nearly destroyed, Tesla cars. His videos show him working on drowned Teslas, as well as ones "shaped like a rhombus."[36] Benoit also shows how while Tesla should be providing diagnostic and repair manual information under Massachusetts state law, they intentionally make it almost impossible to access, and the ones available provide vague information.


While unorganized online presences are helpful with raising awareness and facilitating some aspects of repair, iFixit goes further than the repair shop and empowers individuals to repair their own products. Their website highlights the environmental and economic benefits of repair, through sustainability and jobs creation[37]. iFixit shares information about the Right To Repair movement and relevant news, and provides manuals, teardown videos, a Q&A forum, and a parts and tools store in a variety of languages for a plethora of products. Founder Kyle Wiens, who previously worked as an Apple technician, created the platform after he realized the gross deficiency of online repair resources.[38]

The Repair Association

Aside from technical resources, the Repair Association focuses its efforts on the legal fight for Right to Repair. Their website educates people on their rights and what industries are involved in the issue, shows what they can do to advocate, and posts news articles and blogs related to their efforts. Similar to iFixit, they emphasize benefits like job creation, and highlight repair as a consumer right. A number of organizations, including U.S. PIRG and iFixit, are members of the Repair Association.


Maya Lin and Primo and Segundo's examples show that integrity trumps careerism when defining a professional. Engineers have a duty not just to design to specification, but to design the best product for consumers. The passion Right To Repair advocates show for serving the consumer, despite personal consequences, embodies professionalism. In history, officials like Archer Blood stood up to oppression at the personal expense of their career, setting a standard for how a professional should behave.[39] Currently, this same example of professionalism is upheld by people like Willie Cade, an engineer at John Deere who, as the grandson of the man who brought John Deere to its initial success, stands up against his company's involvement in hindering repair,[40] along with Tesla engineers who support Rich Benoit's efforts.[36] Further work could explore the historical evolution of the aforementioned products, noting when and how planned obsolescence started taking effect. It could also include more unorganized participants in this issue.


  1. Koebler, J. (2017, March 21). Why American farmers are hacking their tractors with Ukrainian firmware.
  2. Chambers, B. (2018, April 14). Making the grade: Does repairability of Mac laptops matter?
  3. Krajewski, M. (2014, September 24). The great lightbulb conspiracy.
  4. Milwaukee Art Museum. (n.d.) Brooks Stevens biography.
  5. Brunelli, S. (2018, October 26). Apple and Samsung fined for planned obsolescence.
  6. iFixit. (n.d.). Repairable products make good sense.
  7. Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (n.d.). Statewide ballot questions — Statistics by year: 1919 – 2018.
  8. Ottoni, C. (2019, April 1). Check out our epic phone fails infographic.
  9. U.S. PIRG (2019, March 18) United States Public Interest Research Group. California becomes 20th state in 2019 to consider right to repair bill.
  10. Towns, E. (2011, April 12). H.R.1449 - Motor vehicle owners Right To Repair act of 2011.
  11. Supreme Court of the United States. (2017, May 20). Impression Products, Inc. v. Lexmark International, Inc.
  12. Ulanoff, L. (2017, February 16). No, you shouldn't be allowed to fix your own phone, 'Right-to-Repair' is a dumb idea.
  13. Security Innovation Center (2018, February 13). Digital insecurity: As billions of products connect to the Internet, concerned Americans prioritize security and privacy when getting them repaired, study finds.
  14. Site Map. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  15. AppleInsider. (2018, August 08). Everything you need to know about Apple's T2 chip in the 2018 Mac mini and MacBook Air. Retrieved from
  16. About the Apple T2 Security Chip. (2019, February 06). Retrieved from
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  18. Apple Pairs Every Touch ID Sensor To Its A7 Chip To Make Them Super Secure. (2015, July 26). Retrieved from
  19. Rossmann, L. (2019, April 04). Apple just won't stop. Retrieved from
  21. HP Notebook PCs - Purchasing a Replacement Battery. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  22. Rossmann, L. (2018, October 18). Apple & Customs STOLE my batteries, that they won't even provide to AASPs. Retrieved from
  24. Apple Inc Q4 2018 Unaudited Summary Data. (2018). Retrieved from
  25. Apple iPhone sales 2018. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  26. Letter from Tim Cook to Apple investors. (2019, April 30). Retrieved from
  27. About ESA. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  28. Warnecke, M. (2017, March 9). Judiciary committee on March 09, 2017.
  29. Console Operating System Market Share North America. (n.d.). Retrieved May 6, 2019, from
  30. Koebler, J. (2017, March 21). Why American farmers are hacking their tractors with Ukrainian firmware.
  31. Sessa-Hawkins, M. (2017, June 6). Farmers face uphill battle in Right To Repair tractors.
  32. John Deere. (n.d.). Kansas HB 2122: Digital electronics repair requirements.
  33. Louis Rossmann. (2019). F#%K APPLE! Retrieved from
  34. Louis Rossmann. (2018). Apple & Customs STOLE my batteries, that they won’t even provide to AASPs. Retrieved from
  35. a b Lopez, L. (2018). Rich Benoit is not scared of Tesla interview podcast - Business Insider. Retrieved May 6, 2019, from Business Insider website:
  36. (2019). Repair is noble - iFixit. Retrieved May 6, 2019, from
  37. Matchar, E. (2016). The Fight for the “Right to Repair.” Retrieved May 6, 2019, from website:
  38. Filkins, D. (2013). ‘The Blood Telegram,’ by Gary J. Bass - The New York Times. Retrieved May 6, 2019, from The New York Times website:
  39. Doctorow, C. (2019). Grandson of legendary John Deere engineer defends right-to-repair and condemns Big Ag for “taxing customers.” Retrieved May 6, 2019, from