New Zealand History/Mid to Late Twentieth Century

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Major Events in the Mid to Late Twentieth Century

1947 - Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1947

New Zealand gained total independence from Britain, through the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act of 1947. New Zealand today is an independent member of the British Commonwealth.

The British monarch is the constitutional head of state, although plays no part in the running of New Zealand. The Governor General, who is generally a New Zealander, represents the monarch in New Zealand's Parliament.

1953 - Tangiwai Rail Disaster

At 10:21pm on Christmas Eve 1953, a lahar from a nearby volcano knocked out the rail bridge over the Whangaehu River at Tangiwai, just before the Wellington–Auckland night express train was due to cross it. The train plunged into the flooded river at high speed, killing 151 of the 285 passengers on board. At the time it was the eighth biggest rail disaster the world had seen. The whole nation, with a population of just over 2 million were stunned. For his actions in attempting to stop the train by running along the line waving a torch, Arthur Cyril Ellis was awarded the George Medal, New Zealand's highest civilian award.

1967 - Introduction of a Decimal Currency

A decimal currency was introduced to New Zealand, replacing the old system of pounds, shillings and pence.

The first decimal coins were introduced on the 10th of July 1967.

1981 - Springboks Rugby Tour

With the controversial tour of New Zealand by the South African Springboks rugby team, many New Zealanders were unhappy because the South Africans were still involved in apartheid. The tour was approved by the New Zealand Rugby Football Union, and the Government didn't intervene because the Prime Minister, Robert Muldoon, had a policy that politics shouldn't interfere with sport.

The protests against the tour were some of the most violent in New Zealand history. Protesters filled the streets outside stadiums where games were being played, and successfully invaded the pitch at some games, stopping gameplay.

After the tour, the popularity of Rugby Union in New Zealand decreased until the All Blacks won the Rugby World Cup in 1987.

1985 - Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior

In 1985, The New Zealand Government funded the Voyages of the Greenpeace 'Rainbow Warrior'. These Voyages were designed to protest and prevent the French Nuclear testing in the Mururoa Atoll. The French Government, in conjunction with the DGSE, planned to bomb the Civilian Vessel. Today, this action would be condemned as a Terrorist Attack or State Sponsored Terrorism. On 10th of July, 1985, The French agents, using scuba equipment, began to plant the Limpet Mines on the hule of the civilian Craft. The first Bomb went off at at 23:38. The Crew of the Rainbow Warrior did not react to the first explosion. while Ship was initially evacuate, some of the crew went down to investigate the damage. Fernando Pereira, a photographer, continued to investigate. Than, at 24:45, the Second bomb whent off. The rapid flooding of the Ship Killed Fernando Pereira.

Initially, the French Government denied any involvement of the Bombing of the Civilian Greenpeace craft. The French statement from the New Zealand embassy was "the French Government does not deal with it's opponents in such ways". When tried, the Two French agents, Dominique Prieur and Alain Marfart, Pleaded Guilty of mansaughter and wilful damage. There sentence was 10 year and 7 years respectively. They were than transfered to the Hao Atoll, a French Base.

Then they were released within less than two years.

Forward to Famous New Zealanders in the Twentieth Century