Micronations/Starting your own micronation/Invading claimed land

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probably not a good idea unless you already have a country with a substantial military forces, doing this may reduce your chance of survival but if invading another country you should consider small size, resources, and surrounding countries.

small size

don't invade large countries your likely to lose take on someone small that you can overwhelm easily this may be other micronations or small islands in international waters be (carful about invading islands belonging to larger nations with military forces as they may counter attack)


don't invade a peace of land with no access to resources your country needs something to build off of like a (dormant)volcanic island in the pacific with rich volcanic soil good for agriculture.

surrounding countries

don't invade land with greedy or unfriendly nations around it they may attack your micronation, try to find countries that will help you grow, make treaties with your micronation or trade goods with you.