Lojban Made Easy/L2

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Cmene (pronounced shmeh neh, ʃmɛnɛ) are Lojbanized names. All cmene are preceded by "la" and end in a consonant followed by a period. If it starts with a vowel, it will have a period before.

  1. Write the name with the Lojban alphabet
    1. Ch → Tc
    2. Sh → C
    3. Y → I
    4. W → U
    5. J → Dj
  2. If it ends in a vowel, insert any consonant, though "s" is most common

Examples: Harold → xeirold → la xeirold. Susan → suzen → la suzen. Harry → xeiri → la xeiris. Einstein → ainstain → la .ainstain.


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Write the cmene for the following names

  1. Mary
  2. Mark
  3. Harriet
  4. Jennifer
  5. Obama
  6. Dorothy
  7. Toto


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  1. la meiris.
  2. la mark.
  3. la xeiriet.
  4. la djenefer.
  5. la .obamas.
  6. la dortis.
  7. la totos.