Loglan/The Power of Little Words/Logical Operators and Connections/OR operator

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The OR Operator

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In Loglan, we define the Or operator as true if one item it links together has a value of true. The little word a connects predicates together.


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  • mi tcatro a maifle - I am a driver or a pilot (or both)
  • le tetri gu solflo a kleda - the weather is sunny or cold (or both)
  • le bakso gu redro a dirlu a groda - the box is red or lost or large (or any combination)

ca, ka, anoi and ica

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The little word a forms the foundations for a set of "OR" words.

  • ca - forms an OR operation with predicates as arguments
  • ka - forms an OR operation as a but as a forethought connection. It works with the little word ki
  • anoi - represents an if relationship and results from NOT OR
  • ica - connects two sentences together with an OR operation


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  • le mrenu ca fumna gu godzi - the man or woman goes
  • le katmu gu fundi le cutri ca ficlu - the cat likes water or fish


  • le ka mrenu ki fumna gu godzi - the man or woman goes
  • le katmu gu fundi le ka cutri ki ficlu - the cat likes water or fish


  • mi fundi le bukcu anoi le sinma - I like the book if I like the film


  • mi fundi le bukcu ica le sinma - I like the book or I like the film