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User:Recent Runes/Letter Writing Parties/Hosting a Letter Writing Party

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In the age of digital communication, it is easy to forget the impact of a hand written letter. The fact that someone has taken the time to write is a powerful and personal way to deliver a message. This guide offers some ideas about organising a successful letter writing party.

Why should we host a letter writing party?

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Writing letters is a powerful way to advance an issue you care about with a local elected official. The number of communications they receive often persuades members of Parliament about the importance of an issue. This is because they find out:

  • What local people think or feel about an issue,
  • How an issue is affecting their local area,
  • What the major impacts for action could be from a variety of local perspectives.

Effective letters are short, personal and locally focused, and they share our core beliefs, questions and values. It is also your opportunity to influence the debate.

What is my job as organiser?

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Your job is to welcome people who come to the letter writing party and to support them whilst they write their letters. Reminding people what the key purpose of the letter writing campaign is and to give them some hints and tips on what to say (These can be found later in this guide). Most commonly we will be writing to the local Member of Parliament but you might decide that writing to a local councilor or business may be more useful in your local community. Your job is to help a volunteer decide who the best person to write to is. If you need help with this then please contact the People’s Vote campaigns team via David (david.gwyther@peoples-vote.uk) or Hugo (hugo.mann@europeanmovement.co.uk).

Where to hold your Party?

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You can hold your letter writing party in most locations whether it’s your home, village or community hall or even the pub. The most important thing is there are tables for people to lean on when writing their letters.

What resources do you need?

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You need very little resources for the party. All you need:

  • Sign in sheets
  • List of MP, councilor and key stakeholder addresses
  • Tables and chairs
  • Ream of A4 paper
  • Envelopes
  • Pens
  • Stamps

Examples of letters

Not forgetting the vital refreshments.