JavaScript/Reserved words/function

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The function keyword

The function keyword stars the declaration and definition of a function. It can be used in two ways: either as

functionName = function() { [] };

or as

function functionName() { [] };


The code
  capitalize = function(properName) {
    return trim(makeProperName(properName));

  function makeProperName(noun) {
    if (typeof(noun) == 'string') {
      if (noun.length > 1) {
        chars = noun.split('');
        for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
          chars[i] = (i == 0 || chars[i - 1] == ' ')
            ? chars[i].toUpperCase()
              : chars[i].toLowerCase();
        noun = chars.join('');
    return noun;

  function trim(words, searchFor) {
    if (typeof(words) == 'string') {
      if (typeof(searchFor) == 'undefined') {
        searchFor = '  ';  // Two spaces
      words = words.trim();
      // As long as there are two spaces, do...
      while ((index = words.indexOf(searchFor)) > -1) {
        words = words.substring(0, index) + words.substring(index + 1);
    return words;

  var names = ['anton', 'andrew', 'chicago', 'new york'];

  for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
    console.log("name = '" + capitalize(names[i]) + "'");
returns the following:
result = 3
name = 'Anton'
name = 'Andrew'
name = 'Chicago'
name = 'New York'

See also

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