Futurebasic/Language/Reference/menu preferences

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MENU PREFERENCES[edit | edit source]

Syntax[edit | edit source]


Revised[edit | edit source]

Feb 2002 (Release 6)

Description[edit | edit source]

In OS X, preferences are no longer accessible from the bottom item of the Edit menu. They are traditionally moved to the application menu. This means that you would have to do a large amount of coding to insure that your program followed the proper guidelines for both System 9 and OS X. Instead, you may use the MENU PREFERENCES statement. If you are operating in System 9, this command does nothing. If your application is being run in OS X, the preference menu is moved to the application menu. Further, if the user selects the preference item, the menu choice is converted to the specified menuID and itemID so that your program can react without special coding.

A full example of using the new PREFERENCE commands can be found on on the PUT PREFERENCES help page.

Note: This will not work properly if the itemID is anything other than the last item of the edit menu. FB must delete the old preference item and this would change menu IDs in your program if other selections followed it.

See Also[edit | edit source]