Florence Earle Coates Guide-Book/S

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Saint Theresa

Sappho. Atlantic Monthly v. 65 no. 388 p. 192 (February 1890); 1898 p. 7; 1916 v. 2 p. 12. Punctuation, indentation, and stanza break differences between versions.

As a wan weaver in an attic dim,
Hopeless yet patient, so he may be fed
With scanty store of sorrow-seasoned bread,
Heareth a blithe bird carol over him;
And sees no longer walls and rafters grim,
But rural lanes where little feet are led,
Through springing flowers, fields with clover spread,
Clouds, swan-like, that o'er depths of azure swim;—

So when upon our earth-dulled ear new breaks
Some fragment, Sappho, of thy skyey song,
A noble wonder in our souls awakes;

The deathless Beautiful draws strangely nigh,
And we look up, and marvel how so long
We were content to toil for sordid joys that die.

Line 14:—

—— drudge for sordid joys that die.—[Atlantic Monthly.]
—— toil for sordid things that die.—[The Reader v. 3 no. 2 p. 198. (January 1904).]

A Secret


A Seeker in the Night

Self-confident Youth

"The Sense of Tears in Mortal Things"



She will not hear


The Singer (He came to us with dreams to sell—) (same as A Traveller from Altruria, 1909)


The Smile of Reims

"So War has Begun"

So you love me

A Soldier


Song. ("For me the jasmine buds unfold") Harper's Weekly v. 35 no. 1783 (21 February 1891); 1898 p. 11; 1916 v. 1 p. 237.

For me the jasmine buds unfold
  And silver daisies star the lea,
The crocus hoards the sunset gold,
  And the wild rose breathes for me.
I feel the sap through the bough returning,
  I share the skylark's transport fine,
I know the fountain's wayward yearning,
  I love, and the world is mine!

I love, and thoughts that sometime grieved,
  Still well remembered, grieve not me;
From all that darkened and deceived
  Upsoars my spirit free.
For soft the hours repeat one story,
  Sings the sea one strain divine;
My clouds arise all flushed with glory,—
  I love, and the world is mine!

Song: "Friendship from its Moorings Strays"

Song: "Her Cheek is Like a Tinted Rose"

Song: "If Love Were But a Little Thing"

Song: "If Love Were Not, the Wilding Rose"

Song: "Love never is too late" (see Love never is Too Late)

Song: "My Love is Fairer than the Tasselled Corn"

Song: "The New-Born Leaves Unfolding Fast"

Song: "Sweet is the Birth of Love"

Song of Life

The song that is forgot

Stanza: "The Voices of All Waters"

The Summer-Time is in the Rose

The Sun-Dial

