Development Cooperation Handbook/How you can participate in TVP

The Vrinda Project is a knowledge sharing action: it creates a peer-to-peer cooperative environment where development actors share their experiences, express their views and enable each other to better tackle development cooperation issues.
Besides development workers, our expected audience are the media professionals desiring to communicate international cooperation issues that enable the general viewer to make informed choices while politically and economically supporting policy makers and international organizations.
If you want to participate in this project, this is how you can contribute, by disseminating the resources produced and cooperating in their improvement and expansion. Here are some practical indications on how you can "come on board". Welcome!

Help sharing the resources we have produced
[edit | edit source]Disseminate through social media
[edit | edit source]Share the pages of this handbook and the videos on Youtube through the social networks. in particular you can:
⇒ Subscribe to The Vrinda Project Channel on Youtube
⇒ Like The Vrinda Project Channel page on Facebook. Invite your friends also to like it
⇒ Follow the TVP Page on Google+; invite others of your circles to follow it.
Translate and caption the videos
[edit | edit source]Most videos uploaded on The Vrinda Project Channel on Youtube have (in the description below the viewer) a link to Amara to enable contributors to help in subtitling the videos and translating them in different languages. It takes only few minutes to learn how to do it. Captions will be available to all viewers on Youtube.
You can also use Amara to subtitle the videos on the Wikimedia Commons, although uploading the transcript is a bit more complicated.
Create links to TVP resources from other web pages
[edit | edit source] ⇒ You can post the
Handbook and
The Vrinda Project Channel on Youtube to links on your website.
⇒ You can generate links from the Wikipedia or any other Wikimedia site to the pages of this Wikibook or to the Video resources uploaded on Wikimedia Commons.
Help improving the quality of the resources
[edit | edit source]Give your feedback to the videos
[edit | edit source]Comment them directly on TVP Channel or on
TVP Channel page on Facebook. We will consider your suggestions while improving the successive editions.
Contribute to the Handbook
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(you should know how to edit a wikibook page)
- Write on the Discussion tab in the wiki pages of the Handbook to propose corrections and integrations
- Contribute to the pages listing the "Other resources", viz.:
Share tools
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The toolbox of this Handbook includes
If you have difficulty in uploading them in the Wikimedia Commons and linking them to the discussion pages, send an e-mail message.
Enter in partnership with us
[edit | edit source]For the distribution of the media products
[edit | edit source]As we are finalizing the editing of the ⇒ documentary episodes we search for partners for the distribution of the documentary to television companies in different countries. If you are interested please join the
Google+ community that we created for that purpose.
For the production of new resources to share
[edit | edit source]- You can contact us for producing media that will then also be broadcast through the TVP platform, which is in line with the TVP scope. Organizations that are working at cooperation projects and have a budget for project communication can contact us to prepare video and internet resources that narrate the work being done and that we can include in the ⇒ list of development cooperation stories that are shared through the Handbook and the
⇒ The Vrinda Project Channel on YouTube.
- We can form consortia to design projects and participate to tenders and call for project proposals by International Organizations and other donors.
How to contact us
[edit | edit source]Ff you'd like to share tools and experiences or provide feedback, criticism, correction, suggestions etc. regarding this wikibook, please contact us through e-mail of by sending us a message to the TVP Channel page on Facebook.