Development Cooperation Handbook/Templates/The Scope Statement

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Project Scope Template

The deliverable that terminates the Project initiation stage (and opens the Detailed Planning or design stage is the project scope document.
(see also How to write a scope statement).

Project Name:


Organization: ___________________________________

Business Unit/Program Area:______________________

Who is proposing the project within the Organization:___________________

Who is giving the “green light” within the Organization to proceed further with the project planning:___________________

Who will eventually prepare the detailed project plan:_________________

Who will eventually approve the project plan (within the Organization):_________________

Who else (outside the Organization) need to approve the Project Plan:_________________

Project Justification

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  • Provide a general and detailed presentation and analysis of the problems and the opportunities and why the achievement of the project objectives will contribute to the solution of these problems.
    • To what problem/need is this project addressing? (the general context)
    • What are the problems to be resolved and the needs to be met? (The specific context)
    • What is the proposed solution? (i.e. the specific objective of the project):
  • Provide a detailed description of the beneficiaries and target groups (social category, age group, gender, etc.) and estimated number.
  • Demonstrate the relevance of the choice of the target group(s) in view the role they will play in relation to the problem(s) addressed.

Project Outcomes

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  • What are the expected outcomes of the project? (including behavioural changes of the target groups)
  • Demonstrate why and how the expected outcomes of the project are indicators of a contribution to the achievement of the specific objectives
  • Demonstrate the relevance of the expected outcomes choice of the target group(s) in view the role they will play in relation to the problem(s) addressed.
  • Are this project overall objectives consistent with the one or more specific objectives of the Organization's programmes and strategies?
  • What will be the impact on the Organization?
  • What will be the impact on the Organization's Partners?

Project deliverables

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  • What will the project deliver to the project beneficiaries? (services, products)'
  • Demonstrate the relevance of the choice of the deliverables to the need of the target group(s) in view the role they will play in relation to the problem(s) addressed'
  • Demonstrate the relevance of the choice of the deliverables as these will lead to the e target group(s) in view the role they will play in relation to the problem(s) addressed'
  • Who are the other stakeholders? How their interests will be affected by the project results, outcome and impact?


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  • Who are the actors involved (project team + partners + beneficiaries and other stakeholders expected to contribute to the actions) ?
  • Are there implementing partner? What is the length of your relationship with them and how will they be involved in the project?


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  • How will the project achieve sustainability?
  • Will it have multiplier effects?

Where the funds will come from

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From within the Organization:

  • From Other Sponsors:
  • From the beneficiaries:
  • From other expected incomes (specify):


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Revised by:

On the : (date)


Approved by



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Checklist for the approval of the Project Scope Document
How to write a scope statement