Basic Physics of Nuclear Medicine/Radioactive Decay MCQ

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1 Gamma-ray photons have:

no mass and no electric charge
no mass and an electric charge of +1
no mass and an electric charge of +2
no mass and an electric charge of -1

2 Electron Capture involves:

an electron combining with a neutron
a neutron being ejected from the nucleus
an electron combining with a proton
an electron being ejected from the nucleus

3 In Alpha Decay:

Z and A are unchanged
Z decreases by 4 and A decreases by 2
Z decreases by 2 and A decreases by 4
Z decreases by 4 and A decreases by 4

4 Isomeric Transition involves:

the emission of a gamma-ray
the conversion of a neutron to a proton
the conversion of a proton to a neutron

5 In spontaneous fission:

nuclear stability is always achieved
the nucleus splits into 2 or 3 fragments
the fragments are never radioactive
the nucleus is unchanged

6 An alpha-particle consists of:

one proton and two neutrons
two protons and one neutron
two protons and two neutrons
one proton and one neutron

7 Internal Conversion involves:

the emission of a gamma-ray
the conversion of a neutron to a proton
none of the above processes

8 Electron Emission involves the ejection of:

a beta-minus particle
an alpha-particle
a beta-plus particle
a proton and two neutrons

9 In Positron Emission:

Z increases by 1 and A remains the same
Z decreases by 1 and A remains the same
Z remains the same and A decreases by 1
Z remains the same and A increases by 1

10 Positron Emission involves the ejection of:

an alpha-particle
a beta-minus particle
a beta-plus particle
a proton and a neutron