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Algorithm Implementation/Sorting/Bubble sort

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Bubble Sort

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The bubble sort is also known as the ripple sort. The bubble sort is probably the first, reasonably complex module that any beginning programmer has to write. It is a very simple construct which introduces the student to the fundamentals of how sorting works.

A bubble sort makes use of an array and some sort of "swapping" mechanism. Most programming languages have a built-in function to swap elements of an array. Even if a swapping function does not exist, only a couple of extra lines of code are required to store one array element in a temporary field in order to swap a second element into its place. Then the first element is moved out of the temporary field and back into the array at the second element's position.

Here is a simple example of how a bubble sort works: Suppose you have a row of children's toy blocks with letters on them. They are in random order and you wish to arrange them in alphabetical order from left to right.

Step 1. Begin with the first block. In this case, the letter G. (Fig. 1.)
Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Step 2. Look at the block just to the right of it.
Step 3. If the block to the right should come before the block on the left, swap them so that they are in order (Fig. 2.)
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
If you were doing this by hand, you might just pick the blocks to be moved with one in each hand and cross your arms to swap them. Or you might move the first one out of its position temporarily, move the second one in its place, then move the first one to the now empty position (this is the difference between having a single function to do the swap, or writing some code to do it).
Step 4. Compare the next block in line with the first, and repeat step 3. Do this until you run out of blocks. Then begin step one again with the second block. (Fig. 3,4,5,6)
Fig. 3
Fig. 3 - Pass #2
Fig. 4
Fig. 4 - Pass #3
Fig. 5
Fig. 5 - Pass #4
Fig. 6
Fig. 6 - Completed Sort

Why is it called a bubble sort?

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The bubble sort gets its name because elements tend to move up into the correct order like bubbles rising to the surface.

Quick Basic

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DIM NameArray$(1000)

i = 0

' Seed read ...
READ Name$

' Loop through and read names in data ...
DO WHILE Name$ <> "*EOD"
      i = i + 1
      NameArray$(i) = Name$
      READ Name$

' The value of i is now the number of names in the array ...
ArraySize = i

' Bubble (or ripple) sort ...
FOR i = 1 TO ArraySize - 1
  FOR j = 1 TO ArraySize - 1
      IF NameArray$(j) > NameArray$(j + 1) THEN
         SWAP NameArray$(j), NameArray$(j + 1)
      END IF
  NEXT j

' Print out the sorted results ...
FOR i = 1 TO ArraySize
        PRINT NameArray$(i)

DATA Crowe,
DATA Adams,
DATA Zimmerman,
DATA Goodhead,
DATA Smith,
DATA Jones,
void BubbleSort (int a[], int length)
	int i, j, temp;
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < length - i - 1; j++)
            if (a[j + 1] < a[j])
                temp = a[j];
                a[j] = a[j + 1];
                a[j + 1] = temp;

C++ can use the C bubble sort above, or use this for random-access iterators of generic containers and a generic comparison operator:

 #include <algorithm>
 template<typename Iterator>
 void bubbleSort(Iterator first, Iterator last)
     Iterator i, j;
     for (i = first; i != last; i++)
         for (j = first; j < i; j++)
             if (*i < *j)
                 std::iter_swap(i, j); // or std::swap(*i, *j);
 template<typename Iterator, class StrictWeakOrdering>
 void bubbleSort(Iterator first, Iterator last, StrictWeakOrdering compare)
     Iterator i, j;
     for (i = first; i != last; i++)
         for (j = first; j < i; j++)
             if (compare(*i, *j))
                 std::iter_swap(i, j);

template <typename Iterator>
void bubbleSort(Iterator first, Iterator last)
    for (Iterator i, next; first != last; --last)
        for (next = first, i = next, ++next; next != last; i = next, ++next)
            if (*next < *i)
                std::iter_swap(i, next);

template <typename Iterator, typename StrictWeakOrdering>
void bubbleSort(Iterator first, Iterator last, StrictWeakOrdering compare)
    for (Iterator i, next; first != last; --last)
        for (next = first, i = next, ++next; next != last; i = next, ++next)
            if (compare(*next, *i))
                std::iter_swap(i, next);
 void bubbleSort(T)(T[] array) {
     bool swapped;
     T temp = void;
     for (int j, i = array.length - 1; i; swapped = false, i--) {
         for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
             if (array[j] > array[j+1]) {
                 temp = array[j];
                 array[j] = array[j+1];
                 array[j+1] = temp;
                 swapped = true;
         if (!swapped) break;
 static void BubbleSort(IComparable[] array)
     int i = array.Length - 1;
     while(i > 0)
         int swap = 0;
         for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
             if (array[j].CompareTo(array[j + 1]) > 0)
                 IComparable temp = array[j];
                 array[j] = array[j + 1];
                 array[j + 1] = temp;
                 swap = j;
         i = swap;
 static void BubbleSort<T>(IList<T> array) where T : IComparable<T>
     int i, j;
     T temp;
     for (i = array.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
         for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
             if (array[j].CompareTo(array[j + 1]) > 0) 
                 temp = array[j];
                 array[j] = array[j + 1];
                 array[j + 1] = temp;

Sorts an array of integers.

 type Integer_array is Array (Natural range <>) of Integer;

 procedure Bubble_Sort (A : in out Integer_Array) is
    Temp : Integer;
    for I in reverse A'Range loop
       for J in A'First .. I loop
          if A(I) < A(J) then
             Temp := A(J);
             A(J) := A(I);
             A(I) := Temp;
          end if;
       end loop;
    end loop;
 end Bubble_Sort;

Assembly (x86)

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include io.h

.model small
.stack 200h

arrayLength equ 4

str1 	db 		50 dup(?)
arrw   	dw      arrayLength dup(?)
crlf    db 		10,13,0


sort proc
		s2:	cmp [si],ax
			jg big
			jmp edame
			mov  bx,[si]
			mov [si],ax
			mov [di],bx
		cmp ax,0
		jnz sd
		jmp s0
		add si,2
		add di,2
		mov   ax,[di]
		jmp edame2
		mov   si, offset arrw
		mov   di, si
		add   di,2
		mov   ax,[di]
loop for2
sort endp

Main   proc
       mov ax, @data
	   mov ds, ax
	   mov   si, offset arrw
	   mov   cx, arrayLength
	   inputs    str1,5 
	   output crlf
	   atoi      str1     
	   mov       [si], ax
	   add       si, 2
	   loop  for1
    mov bx,arrayLength
while1: cmp bx,0
		jbe endwhile1
	mov   si, offset arrw
	mov   di, si
	add   di,2
	mov   ax,[di]
	mov cx,arrayLength
	sub bx,1
call sort 
jmp while1
	   output  crlf
	   mov   si, offset arrw
	   mov   cx, arrayLength
	   itoa   str1,[si]
	   output  crlf
	   output  str1
	   add si,2
	   loop   for3
	   mov   ax,4c00h
	   int 21h
Main   endp
       end   Main

Sorts an array of variant data types

Func BubbleSort(ByRef $bs_array)
	For $i = UBound($bs_array) - 1 To 1 Step -1
		For $j = 2 To $i
			If $bs_array[$j - 1] > $bs_array[$j] Then
				$temp = $bs_array[$j - 1]
				$bs_array[$j - 1] = $bs_array[$j]
				$bs_array[$j] = $temp
	Return $bs_array
EndFunc   ;==>BubbleSort
 Sub Bubblesort(Array() as Integer, Length as Integer)
    Dim I as Integer
    Dim J as Integer
    Dim Temp as Integer
    For I = Length -1 To 1 Step -1
       For J = 0 to I - 1
          IF Array(J)>Array(J+1) THEN  ' Compare neighboring elements
             Temp = Array(j) 
             Array(J) = Array(J+1)
             Array(J+1) = Temp
          End If
       Next J
    Next I
 End Sub
  while unsorted
    for x = 1 to 10
      if ar[x]<ar[x-1]
        tmp = ar[x]
        ar[x] = ar[x-1]
        ar[x-1] = tmp
      end if
(defun bubble-sort (lst)
  (loop repeat (1- (length lst)) do
    (loop for ls on lst while (rest ls) do
      (when (> (first ls) (second ls))
        (rotatef (first ls) (second ls)))))

Emacs Lisp

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(defun bubblesort (list pred)
  "Sort LIST in order of comparison function PRED."
  (let ((i (length list)))
    (while (> i 1)
      (let ((b list))
        (while (cdr b)
          (when (funcall pred (cadr b) (car b))
            (setcar b (prog1 (cadr b)
                        (setcdr b (cons (car b) (cddr b))))))
          (setq b (cdr b))))
      (setq i (1- i)))
      SUBROUTINE sort (array_x, array_y, datasize)
 Global Definitions
       REAL array_x(*)
       REAL array_y(*)
       INTEGER datasize
      REAL x_temp
      REAL y_temp      
      LOGICAL inorder      
      inorder = .false.
      do 90 while (inorder.eq..false.)
       inorder = .true.       
       do 91 i=1, (datasize-1)              
 Check Equilivant Points and swap those on Y
       if (array_x(i).eq.array_x(i+1) ) then
        if (array_y(i).lt.array_y(i+1) ) then
         x_temp = array_x(i)
         y_temp = array_y(i)
         array_x(i) = array_x(i+1)
         array_y(i) = array_y(i+1)
         array_x(i+1) = x_temp
         array_y(i+1) = y_temp
         inorder = .false.
 If x needs to be swapped, do so 
       if (array_x(i).lt.array_x(i+1) )then
        x_temp = array_x(i)
        y_temp = array_y(i)
        array_x(i) = array_x(i+1)
        array_y(i) = array_y(i+1)
        array_x(i+1) = x_temp
        array_y(i+1) = y_temp
        inorder = .false.
 91    continue
 90    continue       

Go implementation with package sort

func BubbleSort(list sort.Interface) {
    for itemCount := list.Len() - 1; ; itemCount-- {
        hasChanged := false;
        for current := 0; current < itemCount; current++ {
            next := current + 1
            if list.Less(next, current) {
                list.Swap(current, next)
                hasChanged = true
        if !hasChanged {
bubbleSort []=[]
bubbleSort x=
   (iterate swapPass x) !! ((length x)-1)
      swapPass [x]=[x]
      swapPass (x:y:zs)
         | x>y = y:swapPass (x:zs)
         | otherwise = x:swapPass (y:zs)
public static int[] bubblesort(int[] numbers) {
    boolean swapped = true;
    for(int i = numbers.length - 1; i > 0 && swapped; i--) {
        swapped = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
            if (numbers[j] > numbers[j+1]) {
                int temp = numbers[j];
                numbers[j] = numbers[j+1];
                numbers[j+1] = temp;
                swapped = true;
    return numbers;
function bubbleSort (array) {
    var temp;
    do {
        var newLocation = 0;
        for(var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length - 1; ++i) {
            if(arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) {
                /* swap */
                temp = array[i];
                array[i] = array[i + 1];
                array[i + 1] = temp;
                newLocation = i;
        length = newLocation;
    } while ( length );

This version checks for changes in a separate step for simplicity.

let rec bsort s =
  let rec _bsort = function
    | x :: x2 :: xs when x > x2 ->
        x2 :: _bsort (x :: xs)
    | x :: x2 :: xs ->
        x :: _bsort (x2 :: xs)
    | s -> s
  let t = _bsort s in
    if t = s then t
    else bsort t
 Program BubbleSort:
   MAXINTARRAY    : 1000; { Set this value to fit your data needs for max array size }
   STARTINTARRAY  : 1;    { Set 1 _or_ 0; indicates the lower index of the array }
   IntArray : Array[STARTINTARRAY..MAXINTARRAY] of integer;


 BubbleSort is an all purpose sorting procedure that is passed an array of
 integers and returns that same array with the array elements sorted as desired.
 Parameters are used to control the sorting operation:
 If you want to sort the entire array, pass a value in Count that signals the number
 of elements you want sorted. BubbleSort will then sort Count number of elements starting 
 with the first element in the array. 
 If you want to sort a subset of elements within the array, pass 0 in Count and pass
 a beginning and ending subset index number in First and Last, respectively.
 The sort will be either ascending or descending as controlled by the parameter Ascend:
 Pass True in Ascend and the sort will be ascending. Pass False and the sort will be 
 Data: The array to be sorted.
 NOTE: Sample is a var and will be modified by BubbleSort, unless the array is 
 already in a sorted state.
 Count:  0 _or_ the number of elements to be sorted, starting with the first element.
 First:  The first element to be sorted in a subset of the array.
 Last:   The last element to be sorted in a subset of the array.
 Ascend:  Flag to indicate the sort order. True is ascending order. False is descending.
 Succ:   Flag returns result of BubbleSort
 0 = success.
 1 = Failed. Parameter First has value below allowed first index value.
 2 = Failed. Parameter Last has value above allowed last index value.
 3 = Failed. Parameter Last has value below allowed first index value.

 Procedure BubbleSort( 
                       Var Data : IntArray;
                       Count    : integer;
                       First    : integer;
                       Last     : integer;
                       Ascend    : boolean;
                       Var Succ : integer );
   numsort : integer;
   sorted  : boolean;
   { initialize for full array sort }
   s_begin := STARTINTARRAY;
   s_end   := STARTINTARRAY + count - 1 ;
   numsort := Count;
   Succ    := 0;    { assume success }
   { check for a subset sort; check parameters for correctness }
   if (Count = 0) then 
       If (First < STARTINTARRAY) then 
       Begin { error: sort start index too low }
         Succ := 1;
       If (Last > MAXINTARRAY) then
       Begin { error: sort end index too high }
         Succ := 2;
       if (Last < STARTINTARRAY) then 
       Begin { error: sort end index too low }
         Succ := 3;
       s_begin := First;
       s_end   := Last;
       numsort := Last - First + 1;
   If numsort <= 1 then Exit; { only one element, so exit }
   If Ascend then
   Begin { do the ascending sort }
       sorted := true; { flag default is true }
       For i := s_begin to s_end -1 do
         if (Data[i] < Data[i+1]) then
           { swap contents of Data[i] and Data[i+1] }
           temp      := Data[i];
           Data[i]   := Data[i+1];
           Data[i+1] := temp;
           { set flag to indicate a swap occurred; i.e., sort may not be completed }
           sorted := false;
     Until sorted;
   End Else
   Begin { do the descending sort }
       sorted := true; { flag default is true }
       For i := s_begin to s_end -1 do
         if (Data[i] < Data[i+1]) then
           { swap contents of Data[i] and Data[i+1] }
           temp      := Data[i];
           Data[i]   := Data[i+1];
           Data[i+1] := temp;
           { set flag to indicate a swap occurred; i.e., sort may not be completed }
           sorted := false;
     Until sorted;

A simplified version:

 Procedure BubbleSort(var a:IntArray; size:integer);
  var i,j,temp: integer;
   for i:=1 to size-1 do
    for j:=1 to size do
     if a[i]>a[j] then
         temp:=a[i]; a[i]:=a[j]; a[j]:=temp;
sub swap {
    @_[ 0, 1 ] = @_[ 1, 0 ];

sub bubble_sort {
    # returns a sorted copy 
    my (@a) = @_;
    for my $i ( 0 .. $#a ) {
        for my $j ( 0 .. $#a - 1 - $i) {
            swap $a[$j], $a[ $j + 1 ]
              if $a[$j] > $a[ $j + 1 ];
function bubble_sort(sequence s)
object tmp
integer changed
    for j=length(s) to 1 by -1 do
        changed = 0
        for i=1 to j-1 do
            if s[i]>s[i+1] then
                {s[i],s[i+1],changed} = {s[i+1],s[i],1}
            end if
        end for
        if changed=0 then exit end if
    end for
    return s
end function
 function bubbleSort ($items) {
     $size = count($items);
     for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
          for ($j=0; $j<$size-1-$i; $j++) {
               if ($items[$j+1] < $items[$j]) {
                   arraySwap($items, $j, $j+1);
     return $items;
 function arraySwap (&$arr, $index1, $index2) {
     list($arr[$index1], $arr[$index2]) = array($arr[$index2], $arr[$index1]);
 def bubblesort(lst):
     "Sorts lst in place and returns it."
     for passesLeft in range(len(lst)-1, 0, -1):
         for index in range(passesLeft):
             if lst[index] > lst[index + 1]:
                lst[index], lst[index + 1] = lst[index + 1], lst[index]
     return lst
0.up to(keys.size-1) do |i|
  (i+1).up to(keys.size-1) do |j|
    (keys[j], keys[j-1] = keys[j-1], keys[j]) if keys[j] <= keys[j-1]
puts keys

Rust function for generic types that implement Copy and PartialOrd traits (e.g. numeric types or strings).

fn bubblesort<T: std::marker::Copy + std::cmp::PartialOrd>(arr: &mut [T]) -> &[T] {

    let mut temp: T;                        

    for i in 0..arr.len() {
        for j in i..arr.len() {            
            if arr[i] > arr[j] {                
                temp = arr[i];
                arr[i] = arr[j];
                arr[j] = temp;                
    arr                                     // return the sorted array

 (define (bubblesort l)
  (define (swap-pass l)
    (if (NULL? l)  ;to handle empty list
        (let ((fst (car l))(snd (cadr l))(rest (cddr l)))
          (if (> fst snd) 
              (cons snd (swap-pass (cons fst rest)))
              (cons fst (swap-pass (cons snd rest)))))))
  (let for ((times (length l))
            (val l))
    (if (> times 1)
        (for (- times 1)(swap-pass val))
        (swap-pass val))))
fun bubble_select [] lessThan =[]
  | bubble_select [a] lessThan =[a]
  | bubble_select (a::b::xs) lessThan =
    if lessThan (b, a) then b::(bubble_select(a::xs) lessThan) else a::(bubble_select(b::xs) lessThan)

fun bubblesort [] lessthan =[]
  | bubblesort (x::xs) lessthan =bubble_select (x::(bubblesort xs lessthan)) lessthan
 Private Sub bubble(N as integer, array() as integer)
 'N is the number of integers in the array'
 '0 to N-1'
 Dim I, J, P, Temp as Integer
 For I = n - 1 To 0 Step -1
     For J = 0 To I
          If array(J) > array(J + 1) Then
             Temp = array(J)
             array(J) = array(J + 1)
             array(J + 1) = Temp
          End If
          If P=I then GoTo premend
     Next J
 Next I
 'premend = premature ending = all integers are already sorted'
 End Sub

see discussion for possible mistake

  Public Sub BubbleSort(ByRef ArrayIn() As Long)
    Dim i, j    As Integer
    For i = UBound(ArrayIn) To 0 Step -1 
      For j = 0 To i - 1 
          If ArrayIn(j) > ArrayIn(j + 1) Then
              Call swap(ArrayIn(j), ArrayIn(j + 1))
          End If
      Next j
    Next i
  End Sub

  Private Sub swap(ByRef data1 As Long, ByRef data2 As Long)
    Dim temp As Long
    temp = data1
    data1 = data2
    data2 = temp
  End Sub
 global proc int[] SortList(int $list[])
 	int $i;
 	int $j;
 	int $temp;
 	int $flag;
 	int $n = `size($list)`;
 	for($i=$n-1; $i>0; $i--)
 		$flag = 1;
 		for($j=0; $i>$j; $j++)
 				$flag = 0;
 				$temp = $list[$j];
 				$list[$j] = $list[$j+1];
 				$list[$j+1] = $temp;
 		if($flag) {
 	return $list;

If you are dealing with a large volume of data, use the COBOL SORT using sequential files. For sorting a WORKING STORAGE table, the following example assumes that the table is already loaded. The literals "a" indicates the size of the row, and "b" how many rows in the table.

       01  WS-SORT-AREA.
           05  WS-SORT-TABLE.
               10  WS-SORT-ROW PIC X(''a'') OCCURS ''b''.
           05  WS-TEMP-ROW     PIC X(''a'').
           05  WS-ROW-MAX      PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE ''b''.
           05  WS-SORT-MAX     PIC S9(4) COMP.
           05  WS-SORT-UP      PIC S9(4) COMP.
           05  WS-SORT-DOWN    PIC S9(4) COMP.
           05  WS-SORT-INCR    PIC S9(4) COMP.
           05  WS-SORT-TEST    PIC S9(4) COMP.
      * find the last entry
               UNTIL WS-SORT-MAX = ZERO
               OR    WS-SORT-ROW (WS-SORT-MAX) NOT = SPACES
      * bubble sort into required sequence
               UNTIL WS-SORT-UP = ZERO
               MOVE ZERO TO WS-SORT-TEST
                   UNTIL WS-SORT-DOWN = WS-SORT-UP
                   IF  WS-SORT-ROW (W30-SORT-DOWN)
                     > WS-SORT-ROW (W30-SORT-INCR)
                       MOVE WS-SORT-ROW (WS-SORT-DOWN)
                         TO WS-TEMP-ROW
                       MOVE WS-SORT-ROW (WS-SORT-INCR)
                         TO WS-SORT-ROW (WS-SORT-DOWN)
                       MOVE WS-TEMP-ROW
                         TO WS-SORT-ROW (WS-SORT-INCR)
                       ADD 1 TO WS-SORT-TEST
               IF  WS-SORT-TEST = ZERO
                   NEXT SENTENCE