Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Sharing

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Little Lamb

Listen to a book about sharing.

LIttle Lamb, the classroom puppet, would do a great job reading or telling this story!

There are numerous Bible story books that tell stories about sharing. The most popular Bible story is likely the one found in John 6:1-14 (NIV & NKJV).

You may choose to read the story, have pictures for different scenes that allow the children to tell parts of the story, or even have children act out the story (with props) as you read the story.

Using easier-to-read Bible versions (NIRV, ICV) or children's story books is recommended.

Many school and public libraries also have books for children on the subject.

Sing a song about sharing.

Have the children sit in a circle. Place the box of toys in the middle of the circle. Each time you sing the song, select one child to go to the box and pick a toy to give to another child. After each child has had a turn selecting and sharing a toy, give the children time to play with the toys. Encourage them to play and share with each other.

The Sharing Song “The Sharing Song” is sung to the tune of “Brother John” (“Frère Jacques”).

Don’t know the tune? Listen to it at

Are you sharing,

Are you sharing,

Little Lamb,

Little Lamb?

Here’s a toy to play with,

Here’s a toy to play with.

Let’s go play, Let’s go play.[1]

Youtube has a wide variety of kids' sharing songs available with a simple search. One I especially enjoyed was "Little Mandy Manners Shares"

Play a game about sharing.

Materials: a ball appropriate for the size of group and room conditions (inflated light-weight ball preferred)

Procedure: Part of learning to share is not keeping a toy too long. This game (a version of Hot Potato) emphasizes giving the ball to another child. Have the children stand in a circle. Hand the ball to one child and then have her give the ball to the child next to her. Continue on around the circle so the children can practice passing the ball. Then as the children continue passing the ball, have the adults lead out in the following chant:

The sharing ball goes round and round. It doesn’t even make a sound. (clap twice) Keep it going while you sit. Pass it quick or you are it. (clap twice) If you’re not the one to hold it last, in the circle you must pass— you are it! (clap twice)

The child holding the ball on the last “it” goes and stands in the middle of the circle. Now play the game again. The child holding the ball on the last “it” during the second round of the game trades places with the child in the middle of the circle. Play the game several times.[1]

Make a craft and share it with someone.

A themed craft that is also cute enough to give to an adult (parent or otherwise) would be ideal for this requirement. Teaching Idea: Sewing Fun Materials:  Paper plates; Hole punch; Yarn, 10-ply or larger; Safety scissors; Crayons or markers; Bread and Fish Pattern (see diagram in Activity Book or Pinterest)


Ahead of time: Each basket is made of two paper plates. For each Little Lamb, start by cutting one of the paper plates in half. Lay the halved paper plate on top of the whole paper plate and punch holes along the outer rim of the half paper plate and the paper plate behind it. Later the children will thread yarn through the holes to weave the plates together and create a basket. Cut the yarn into lengths that will be long enough to weave through the holes in the paper plate. The length of the yarn will vary depending on what size paper plates you use. Tie a knot in one end of the yarn. Show the children a completed project. Give each child one whole plate and one half plate with pre-punched holes and one piece of yarn. With the help of an adult, have the children weave the yarn through the holes to attach the half paper plate to the whole paper plate. Have an adult tie a knot at the end of the yarn when they have finished weaving. Next, give each child the two fishes and five loaves template to color, cut out, and place in their baskets.[1]


  1. a b c Gooch, Jennifer A. Little Lamb Leader’s Guide with 23 Themed Meeting Plans. 3rd ed. Lincoln, Neb.: AdventSource, 2007, 2015. Print.