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Ada Programming/Delimiters/+

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Ada. Time-tested, safe and secure.
Ada. Time-tested, safe and secure.


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Standard Operations

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Arithmetic Addition

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The "+" operator is defined as arithmetic addition for all numeric types.

function "+" (Left, Right : T) return T;

Plus sign

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The "+" operator is defined as arithmetic plus sign for all numeric types.

function "+" (Right : T) return T;
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A : constant Float   := +5.0;  -- A is now 5.0
B : constant Integer := +5;    -- B is also 5

Common Non-Standard Operations

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Type Conversion

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The operator plus sign is often used to create a type conversion operator:

function "+" (Left : T1) return T2;

See also

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Ada 95 Reference Manual

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Ada 2005 Reference Manual

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Ada Operators
and and then > + abs &
or or else >= - mod
xor = < * rem in
not /= <= ** / not in