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Abstract Algebra/Group Theory/Subgroup/Intersection of Subgroups is a Subgroup

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Let H1, H2, ... Hn be subgroups of Group G with operation

with is a subgroup of Group G


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1. H1 is subgroup of G
2. H2 is subgroup of G
3. 1. and 2.

with is a Group

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4. Choose
5. closure of H1
6. closure of H2
7. 5. and 6.


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8. is associative on G. Group G's operation is
9. 3.
10. is associative on 8. and 9.


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11. and Subgroup H1 and H2 inherit identity from G
12. eG is identity of G,
13. and 9.
14. has identity eG definition of identity


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15. Choose
16. , , and
17. gH1−1 in H1, and gH2−1 in H2. G, H1, and H2 are groups
19. G and H1 shares identity e
20. gH1−1 is inverse of g in G 19. and definition of inverse
21. Let gG−1 be inverse of g has in G
22. gG−1 = gH1−1 inverse is unique
22. gG−1 = gH2−1 similar to 21.
24. g has inverse g−1 in