Trends and Innovations for K-12 Ed Tech Leaders/Part II: Difference between revisions

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[ Mindfulness and Technology]<br>
[ Mindfulness and Technology]<br>

== References ==
== References ==
# Jump up↑ y, J. V. (2018). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (4th ed.). New York: Pearson.
# ↑ <sup>Jump up to:'''''a'''''</sup> <sup>'''''b'''''</sup> Smay, D., & Walker, C. (2015). Makerspaces: A creative approach to education. ''Teacher Librarian, 42''(4), 39-43. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>
# ↑ <sup>Jump up to:'''''a'''''</sup> <sup>'''''b'''''</sup> <sup>'''''c'''''</sup> Kurti, R. S., Kurti, D., & Fleming, L. (2014). Practical implementation of an educational makerspace. ''Teacher Librarian, 42''(2), 20-24. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>
# Jump up↑ Okpala, H. N. (2016). Making a makerspace case for academic libraries in nigeria.''New Library World, 117''(9), 568-586. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>
# Jump up↑ Kurti, S. (2015). Ordinary educators exploring the extraordinary makerspace blast off! ''Teacher Librarian, 42''(3), 54-55. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>
# ↑ <sup>Jump up to:'''''a'''''</sup> <sup>'''''b'''''</sup> Kurti, R. S., Kurti, D., & Fleming, L. (2014). The environment and tools of great educational makerspaces. ''Teacher Librarian, 42''(1), 8-12. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>
# ↑ <sup>Jump up to:'''''a'''''</sup> <sup>'''''b'''''</sup> Oliver, K. M. (2016). Professional development considerations for makerspace leaders, part two: Addressing "how?". ''TechTrends, 60''(3), 211-217. <nowiki></nowiki>
# Jump up↑ Monte, L. D., Elam, J., & Fyfe, P. (2016). Remaking teaching: Prototyping new technologies for the classroom. ''NCSU Libraries''. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>
# Jump up↑ Miller, R. H. (2016). Prototype classroom focuses on student engagement. ''WSU Insider''. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>
# Jump up↑ Taylor, D. (2016). Prototype classroom combines technology and new techniques. ''''. Retrieved from Monte, L. D., Elam, J., & Fyfe, P. (2016). Remaking teaching: Prototyping new technologies for the classroom. ''NCSU Libraries''. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>
# Jump up↑
# Jump up↑ Reed, D. (2011). ''A balanced introduction to computer science''. Pearson.
# Jump up↑ Schneider, G. M., & Gersting, J. L. (2013). ''Invitation to computer science''. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
# Jump up↑ Iwona Miliszewska , Gayle Barker, Fiona Henderson, Ewa Sztendur Journal of Information Technology Education: Research Volume 5, 2006, p. 107-120 <nowiki></nowiki>

= Infographics =

== What are infographics? ==
Infographics are not new. Data visualizations have existed for centuries. Infographics (short for information graphics) are visual representations that merge text, images, data and graphic design. Krum (2014) says an infographic is “a larger graphic design that combines data visualizations, illustrations, text, and images together into a format that tells a complete story” (p. 6). They are most often created and published digitally though many can also be found in print mediums such as newspapers and magazines. What is innovative about contemporary infographics is just how common and accessible they have become create, share and view digitally.

== Why are Infographics a Current Trend? ==
We live in a world where information is cheap, potentially unlimited and readily available but meaning is often expensive, complicated and ellusive. Infographics have become an important part of digital and visual literacy because they are increasingly chosen as a means of presenting content in a visually due to their power encapsulating many details into one clear and precise visual (Dunlap & Lowenthal, in press).

The power of infographics to present concepts at a glance, and the fact they work best for presenting information to novices is what makes them particularly valuable as learning tools in educational situations (Dunlap & Lowenthal, in press). This ability to quickly get information across at a glance with graphics and data has also led to infographics frequently being used to spread false, incorrect or misrepresented information quickly (McCready, 2017).

The rise of easy to use online infographic creation services such as Easelly, Canva, Piktochart, and Visme amongst others has undoubtedly led to more users creating and sharing infographics which has in turn contributed to their ubiquity online (Carlson, 2017).

== Implementation of Infographics in a K-12 Setting ==
* Implementation will be individualized to each subject and grade level though the basic design principles will remain consistent.
* Technology, software and/or a browser with an internet connection is required to create infographics.
* Educationally infographics “may be used as job aids, advance organizers, mind maps, content summaries, and study tools” (Dunlap & Lowenthal, in press, p. 4).
* Infographics should be viewed and created to develop digital and visual literacy (Farrell, n.d.).
* Completed infographics can be printed or viewed digitally.

== Key Issues with Infographics ==

=== Benefits of Infographics ===
* Infographics allow creators to combine different modes of still visual content into engaging, informationally dense representations.
* “People learn and remember more efficiently and effectively through the use of text and visuals than through text alone” (Dunlap & Lowenthal, in press, p. 1).
* When “visuals are used effectively, they serve to help people understand abstract, complicated, and complex information, especially when people are unfamiliar with the concept and do not have a pre-existing mental model to assist with the comprehension of new information” (Dunlap & Lowenthal, in press, p. 2).

=== Potential obstacles with Infographics ===
* There is little research supporting their use in education
* Research is beginning to emerge about what makes a “good” infographic but as yet there is no consensus about what criteria, how much or how these criteria should adapt for different needs.
* Infographics can be time consuming to create.
* They are much more challenging to create, share and view without access to technology.
* The Terms of Service for many infographic services do not permit those under 13 years of age to sign-up for their service.
* As with any online service that holds data about its users; privacy and local regulations may limit which services can be used and how they can be used.

== Related Research for Infographics ==
Abilock, D., & Williams, C. (2014). Recipe for an infographic. ''Knowledge Quest'', 43(2), 46-55.

Carlson, A. (2017, June 21). 32 stats & facts that prove infographics aren't dead. Retrieved March 3, 2018, from <nowiki></nowiki>

Dunlap, J. C., & Lowenthal, P. R. (in press). Getting graphic about infographics: Design lessons learned from popular infographics. ''Journal of Visual Literacy''. Retrieved from: <nowiki></nowiki>

Elena Gallagher, S., O'Dulain, M., O'Mahony, N., Kehoe, C., McCarthy, F., & Morgan, G. (2017). Instructor-provided summary infographics to support online learning. ''Educational Media International, 54''(2), 129-147.

Farrell, T. (n.d.). Integrating Visual Literacy Skills into PK-12 Education by Teresa Farrell. Retrieved February 23, 2018, from <nowiki></nowiki>

Krum, R. (2014). ''Cool infographics: Effective communication with data visualization and design''. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.

McCready, R. (2017, August 10). How writers use misleading graphs to manipulate you. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>

Nuhoglu Kibar, P., & Akkoyunlu, B. (2017). Fostering and assessing infographic design for learning: The development of infographic design criteria. ''Journal of Visual Literacy, 36''(1), 20-40.

Sudakov, I., Bellsky, T., Usenyuk, S., & Polyakova, V. V. (2016). Infographics and mathematics: A mechanism for effective learning in the classroom. ''Primus, 26''(2), 158-167.

Tufte, E. R. (2001). ''The visual display of quantitative information'' (2nd ed.). Cheshire, CT: Graphic Press.

== Recommended Resources for Infographics ==
* Infographic creation services:,,,
* [ 7 Common types of infographics]
* [ Infographic: Citizenship in the digital age]

== '''Chapter 13-Using Technology in Professional Development from the Return on Investment Perspective''' ==
'''13.1 What is Technology Guided Professional Development?'''

In a global economy, with ever changing technologies teachers need to prepare themselves and their students to have ingenuity and creativity to meet the needs of the 21<sup>st</sup> century. The trend of technology guided professional development, integrating new technologies such as online courses, online tutorials, and personal learning networks (PLNs), is consistently growing in popularity. Teachers are able to access resources from around the world to assist with their PD. The fact that PD is so easily accessible and adaptable also allows for it to be personalized to the individual needs of the teacher as well as the needs of the district.

'''13.2 Why Is Using Technology in Educator PD A Current Trend? What Are the Effects on Return On Investment (ROI)?'''

Professional development (PD) is an integral part of teacher effectiveness in education.  New policies, technologies, professional growth plans and changing educational avenues are requiring teachers and school leaders to embrace new technologies and have the willingness to change to meet the diverse needs of the education sector in order to prepare students for their future. School districts analyze PD and the impact is has on the teachers and students in the classroom through evaluation of return on investment (ROI).  With the seemingly decreasing budgets for educational organizations and the increase of new technologies it is very important that educational leaders evaluate ROI carefully as to not waste district funds for PD. Using technology in educator PD has allowed districts to cut costs associated with traditional forms of PD, such as travel expenses, including mileage, hotels, and food purchases, as well as additional money for substitutes during these times. Technology allows for educators to save time, by creating flexibility for teachers to learn at their own pace and decide what meets their personal goals or the goals of the school for the focus of their PD. The key to success for all professional development is simplistic goals, proper support, adequate time to implement and observe ROI and monitor implementation and feedback

'''13.3 Implementation of Technology Guided PD from the ROI Perspective'''

Technology has given the opportunity to and even inspired educators to teach one another on their own time through edcamps, communicate via social media platforms, and work together through online collaboratives. One way ROI is measured is through teacher effectiveness, by analyzing data such as student achievement on standardized tests, performance-based observations, value-added modeling, and student growth percentiles. Technology guided PD allows teachers in rural areas or poorer districts the ability to participate in beneficial PD from their computer, which they would not have otherwise been able to attend. This increases the amount of teachers that can gain effectiveness through online PD.

'''13.4 Key Issues with Technology Guided PD from the ROI Perspective'''

Technology integration is an investment in the change of a school's culture to adopt and revere technology, not just and investment of time and money. The key challenges faced are the unwillingness to change or try to techniques from veteran teachers, or the resources to support the initiatives of the teacher or the school. Many teachers are not willing to try new technologies in the classroom if they do not feel confident with the application, if there is a lack of support for the use of the technology, or if they did not choose it themselves. Technology guided PD can be measure through increased teacher productivity, improved differentiation of instruction, impact on instructional practices, and influence on student learning, observable through classroom walk-through(s), student reflections, examples of student work, and growth on behalf of the student and educator. If not done correctly, costs of implementation of technology could be more costly and the ROI could be negative.  For this reason, planning and preparation of technology needs to be thorough to avoid a technology failure. To achieve a positive ROI on technology PD a district must start out by only implementing technology in large investments, rather than trying to implement every new thing that pops up.

'''13.5 Related Research for Technology Guided PD from the ROI Perspective'''

Hanover Research.  (2014). ''Professional development for technology integration''.  Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>.

Heick, T.  (2018). How rapid technology change impacts your teaching.  ''Teach Thought.'' Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>.

Graham, K.  (2015). Measuring return on investment for technology.  ''Idealware.''  Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>.

Hanover Research. (2014). ''Professional development for technology integration''. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>.

Logan, L.  (n.d.). 5 ways tech has changed professional development.  ''Amplify.'' Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>.

Mazella, N.  (2011). What are we learning about technology integration and professional development?  ''Educator’s Voice.''  Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>.

Metiri Group. (2010). Professional development: Ensuring a return on your investment.  ''INTEL''. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>.

Peterson, T.  (2016). Technology starts with professional development and training.  ''EdTech Focus on K-12''.  Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>.

Rogoff, L.  (2015). Technology and professional development: Trends, challenges and empowerment.  ''Teachstone.'' Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>.

Sabzian, F. & Gilakjani, A. P.  (2013). Teachers’ attitudes about computer technology training, professional development, integration, experience, anxiety, and literacy in English language teaching and learning.  ''International Journal of Applied Science and Technology.''  Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>.

The U.S. Department of Education.  ''Reimagining the role of technology in education: 2017 national education technology plan update''.  Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki>.

'''13.6 Recommended Resources for Technology Guided PD'''







== Public School Virtual Academy ==

=== Description and Need of a Virtual Academy ===
<big>Over the last decade, parents and students seeking a more flexible and individualized educational experience have increasingly turned to virtual public charter schools, the newest trend in an age old U.S. debate about school choice (Bausell, 2016).  These cyber charter schools or cyber schools have made a huge impact on the amount of money that public school districts are paying out for tuition each school year.  Since the 2007-2008 school year, charter school enrollment has increased by 65,000 students across the state of Pennsylvania.  Tuition payments from school districts to charter schools have increased by $865 million, which is an increase of 139.3% (PSBA, 2015).  An innovative trend that has started across the country is the development of public school virtual academies.  Public school districts are building their own in-house cyber school program or academies.  A virtual academy gives a school district the ability to offer a flexible virtual method of instruction to the students who have left the traditional school setting. This is a growing trend in many school districts and is also being supported by the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators. “A reasonable solution would be to permit local school districts to run their own cyber charters under local control, allow students from those districts to choose between local schools, local cyber school or a blend, and cap existing for-profit cyber charters so that local districts can keep some of their badly-needed resources in the community” (Baugh et al, 2017, p. 8).  In order for public school districts to gain some of their lost money back, they need to change their train of thought.  School districts need to plan and build virtual academies in hopes to gain some of their lost students back into the district.  Along with these students comes hundreds of thousands of dollars. This simple trend or change will allow school districts to bolster their yearly budgets with a new found way to help their financial struggles.</big>

=== Planning Phase and Various Models of a Virtual Academy ===
<big>A virtual academy has flexibility and meets the needs of each individual school district. Some examples of current models are transition programs or an alternative setting that focus on the students who are transient in a school district.  This method is used for students who have an outlying circumstance that causes them to be removed from the traditional school setting.  Some examples include: drug and alcohol treatment, concussion or traumatic brain injury, students who participate in demanding sports schedules, residential therapy, etc.  This program is designed for short amounts of time but in some cases lend itself as a place where students experience success.   The programming, instructors, and curriculum are provided by a third party vendor, ex. <nowiki></nowiki> .</big>

<big>The second phase that is utilized by most school districts is an in-house virtual academy where students come into the public school but are still offered the non-traditional learning environment that is given to the student(s) virtually.  There are various ways that a school district can accommodate these students.  The school district can buy a site license for student seats in the virtual environment. The content and instruction is provided by an outsourced accredited educator.  The more cost effective method is to purchase a learning management system (LMS) or framework where district employees provide the content and instruction. This is the best practice due to the fact of the student receiving the same content and instruction as other age specific peers in that specific community.</big>

<big>The third model or cyber café is a method used for enrichment purposes.  A Cyber cafe is usually setup in a library or media center, students are assigned a time slot versus taking a traditional class.  Courses are offered through this type of venue are courses that are not offered through the regular curriculum.  An example would be:  A student wants to study Mandarin Chinese and in the past had no option. Today students from around the world are able to participate in this type of class from a virtual gateway.  Mandarin Chinese  No matter what the need is for a specific student, a public school’s virtual academy should have an option for that student. This allows students who have left their home schools to return to an educational environment that was productive to them outside of the traditional school setting.</big>

<big>The cyber café model also helps the students who are not seeking enrichment but in fact the opposite.  Students who have fallen behind and need to make up courses or go through a credit recovery program.  This is offered by the same companies who provide regular curriculum.  Credit recovery is a condensed eight week course that is taking virtually.  The eight weeks are crammed with the most important content.  If a student is successful completing this type of course(s), it is possible for a student to graduate high school on time if that fell behind.</big>

=== Curriculum that is offered through a Virtual Academy ===
<big>Each school district will have a different plan of attack when they develop their curriculum and delivery mode of the content.  There are a few options that are available and these options can also be modified to develop a hybrid model.  The best part about this new innovation is the built in flexibility and ability to meet the needs of many different types of students.</big>

<big>1.  The first model that can be utilized by a virtual academy is a fully accredited and purchased curriculum.  A school district has the option to pay for their curriculum, instruction, and learning management system all from one vendor. The content is accredited and is standards-based to comply with each state’s educational policy for curriculum. According to Molnar et al. (2017) “many believe that online curriculum can be tailored to individual students more effectively than curriculum in traditional classrooms, giving it the potential to promote greater student achievement than can be realized in traditional brick-and-mortar schools” (p. 3).  Some companies, Educere , actually ask a school district for their current course of study so that they can offer a curricular solution that is closely related to the public school’s curriculum.</big>

<big>2.  A second model is a hybrid model that allows a virtual academy to use their teacher’s and their teacher’s content to build courses in their virtual academy.  A framework or LMS still needs to be purchased and developed in order for the content to be loaded into the virtual environment.  Two main companies that offer this solution are Blackboard and Canvas.  After that framework is established a school district will need to build its course offerings.  These courses are developed by the school district teachers and these teachers also are responsible for checking in with their students. Teachers also can offer tutoring sessions or office hours to help support these students.  The students could meet face to face or virtually with a conferencing program.  Ideally this model may be the best solution, since the content and instruction is being delivered from teachers who are employed through the same school district.</big>

3.  Virtual Academy Curriculum Solutions

·        <nowiki></nowiki>  - A very flexible and economical solution

·        <nowiki></nowiki>  - Top leading provider of online learning curriculum

·        <nowiki></nowiki>  - offers curriculum with an easy interface and huge course selection

·        <nowiki></nowiki>  - Overall selection for any E-Learning needs, based out of Pittsburg

·        <nowiki></nowiki>  - Harrisburg, PA – Largest academy in PA but offers its curriculum out to public schools

·       <nowiki></nowiki> - Large company, curriculum, piece of educational market worldwide.

=== Legal Aspects of a Virtual Academy (PA Code and Education Association) ===
<big>School choice is the issue in debate and where charter and cyber charter schools were developed.  The first charter schools were introduced as a way to offer low performing school district students the option to leave and attend a charter school with the possibility of improving the educational environment and their overall success.  On September 1<sup>st</sup>, 2006 the Cyber Charter School law was established, 24 P.S. §17-1741-A,.  Cyber Charter Schools were introduced through a Basic Education Circular on this day (, n.d.).  Over the past couple of years there has been a lot of scrutiny of these cyber schools because of their low performance ability to meet student needs.  According to Bausell (2016) “dysfunctional schools, huge student attrition rates, dismal test scores, overworked teachers, and reports of an abounding cheating culture” are some of the reasons why students are returning from cyber charter schools (p. 110).  Due to these reasons and the fact that public schools were losing millions of dollars a year to cyber schools is why public schools have developed their own virtual academies.  These programs are under the same Pennsylvania school code as are their traditional brick and mortar class offerings.  As long as these courses meet the PA common core standards, are taught by a certified content area teacher, and are fulfilling credit requirements, as do the traditional students, then the virtual academy is in compliance. There may be a sticking point between the school board of directors and the education association if the virtual academy course work is outsourced to another company.  If the program is first offered to current teachers and any teachers who may need to be hired to run the virtual academy then the program would not face any political discrepancies.</big>

=== How to invite a student back to their home school district’s virtual academy ===
·        <big>Send letters to all current cyber school students inviting them to an open house presentation about the new Virtual Academy.</big>

<big>·        Invite small groups of parents and students to meet individually at a coffee shop or local diner.</big>

<big>·        Develop a Cyber Boot Camp – program that introduces students to their new equipment and how to navigate the learning management system.  This can be teacher or student led.</big>

<big>·        Notify students that they will be receiving a diploma from the school district even if they are participating in the virtual academy.</big>

<big>·        All students will be able to participate in extra-curricular activities and sporting events.</big>

<big>·        In-house virtual academies offer flexible learning environments to fit individual student needs.</big>

=== Recommended Resources ===
<big>Baugh, D., Gilliland, B., Estep, & DiRocco, M. (2017). Charter School Reform: Recommendations for Policy Makers. ''Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators White Paper, 1-20''</big>

<big>Bausell, S. B. (2016). From the editorial board: Virtual charter schools: Where did all the children go? ''The High School Journal, 99''(2), 109-112. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki></big>

<big>Molnar, A., Miron, G., Gulosino, C., Shank, C., Davidson, C., Barbour, M.K., Huerta, L., Shafter, S.R., Rice, J.K., & Nitkin, D. (2017). Virtual Schools Report 2017. National Education Policy Center. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki></big>

<big> (n.d.). Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki></big>

<big>PSBA (2015). Charter School Revenues, Expenditures and Transparency. Retrieved from <nowiki></nowiki></big>

<big>Rocking the Virtual Chinese Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2018, from <nowiki></nowiki></big>

Revision as of 12:10, 3 April 2018


The Wikibook is titled Trends and Innovations for K-12 Ed Tech Leaders Part II, as a continuation of the above linked wikibook titled Trends and Innovations for K-12 Ed Tech Leaders. Both wikibooks are under review and all chapters will be reorganized by topic relevance and educational settings. This wikibook now has a mixture of topics from both K-12 and higher education. In this transition period (Spring 2018), please use this page and post your chapters here.

For your convenience, the original introduction is pasted below: The Wikibook is titled Trends and Innovations for K-12 Ed Tech Leaders. Technology changes so fast that it is difficult for anyone who cares about education to keep up with the important changes, trends, and innovations. The book focuses on trends and innovations that are important for K-12 educational technology leaders. Under the guidance of the course instructor, doctoral students have been working on this wikibook as one of the final course projects.

  • I. Description of Trend
  • II. Rationale: Why do you think the chosen trends and/or innovations are important for educational technology leaders?
  • III. Implementation in K-12 settings (cases or major initiatives, successful stories, lessons learned…) or in Higher Education settings
  • IV. Issues: What are the key issues around the identified trends and/or innovations? (already existing or potential drawbacks)
  • V. Related Research: What research evidence have you found regarding the trends and/or innovations you are focusing on. (bulleted lists of research studies done on the trend)
  • VI. Recommended resources (blogs, webpages, twitter hashtags, infographics)

Please check out the policies and guidelines for Wikibooks, especially lines about copyrights. Make sure the content you post on this page does not involve any copyright violation, and even if it is your own content, make sure it is something that you can and are willing to share through an OER format.

Spring 2018 Chapter Topics

HA1 Chapters 1-12

  • jcrills48--Virtual Academies
  • Debo9009--
  • sjcriv1423--Integrating Computer Science into the Curriculum
  • Susannefae--Flipped Classroom for Foreign Language Learning
  • Sweetmis31--Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) as Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
  • xman1x1--Modern History of Women in STEM OR Prototype Classrooms Modeled on the Workplace??
  • dentondoom--
  • Chefamanda71--
  • AB--Altbrown - Robotics in the Classroom
  • AK--Need username
  • KW--Need username
  • MH--Need username

HA2 Chapters 13-20

  • Tyrmac--Assistive Technologies (for Students with Special Needs)
  • Hillarychwiecko--Competency-Based Learning OR Digital Badges in K-12 Education?
  • JKHED643--Mindful Use of Technology in K-12 Education
  • JH--Big Data and Analytics (or one of the two) in K-12 Education
  • RF--Infographics?
  • Melba5--Virtual Dissection Platforms
  • ED643CKM--Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in K-12 or in Higher Education

Sample Chapter 1

This is a sample chapter I am posting for the purpose of sharing the format and how your chapter looks like after it is posted. I also wanted to share that not all chapters posted on the Book I page are perfect so please do not be limited by what you see in the existing chapters and feel free to develop what you would like to have by the six required section headings posted under Introduction. Another suggestion is you may want to start posting now and experience how editing the page can be done anytime and by anyone. All edits should show up under the Edit History tab, unless what you have edited is only a minor edit and if that is the case, remember to check "This is a minor edit."

" are very effective learning tools." [1]

Sample Chapter 2

This is another sample chapter of spring 2018, which is used as a placeholder for whoever posts the first on this page. simply post under this and I will remove example language.

Online Schooling Chapter 3

Online Schooling

I.Online Schooling Trend Online education has been a growing educational platform since the 1990’s in what Glatthorn, Boschee, and Whitehead (2016) referred to as the Technological Construction era. Online schooling goes by many different names. Some examples are virtual education, e-learning, distance learning, and cyber school. Implementing technology in the traditional classroom was important in the 21st-century (Glatthorn et al. 2016). There were many issues occurring in the traditional classrooms that parents were concerned with which caused growth in the online school movement. Some reasons for choosing online education are to avoid bullying, school shootings, physical distance, flexibility, and disabilities (Ilgaz & Gulbahar, 2017; Glatthorn et al. 2016). There were 15 independent cyber charter schools in Pennsylvania according to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) and many school districts have created online options for students living in their districts (PDE, 2017). There are many online platforms available for meeting places for leaders and participators to collaborate live from their own individual locations. Blackboard Collaborate will be used as an example for this chapter. II. Rationale The growth of distance learning speaks to why educational leaders must start paying more attention to online learning. Funding of programs and training are important factors for leaders to consider. The growth of virtual public charter schools mentioned above uses tax money to operate just like the the traditional brick and mortar public schools. Therefore, it is important for educational leaders to ensure the best options for schooling is made available to each student. Ultimately student growth and doing what is best for each student is the priority regardless of the school setting. Teachers and leaders need to learn the technology platforms and ins and outs of online learning so they can help students reach their fullest potential. Leaders in technology have many reasons to find a user friendly online classroom that meets their needs to instruct students. Most online platforms can be used at any age level and allow for both collaboration and independent work. Learning and applying the basic features are not difficult for leaders to use and learn. Typically the leader is known as the moderator and can effectively teach content of any subject matter. The moderator can facilitate discussion easily. III. Implementation Blackboard Collaborate Example Having a virtual classroom where students and teachers can meet and discuss course content is needed for online schooling. As stated above, more and more schools are using the virtual platform for courses from elementary school to higher education. There are many virtual platforms to meet and collaborate with classmates and teachers. Blackboard Collaborate is an online classroom where teachers can present class content and interact with students. Students can raise their hand, move and draw material on the white board, answer questions with poling tools, type in the chat box, talk on a microphone and use a webcam. Teachers can give and take away any tools, share documents and content with participants, create private or small group breakout rooms, set timers, publish or share poling responses and record sessions. The educational leader can also share websites live, create a PowerPoint of subject matter to teach and record for self reflection or for viewers who may have missed the session. Blackboard allows for the moderator to assess learning in many different ways. The leader can assess both private or small group breakout rooms for mastery. The moderator can use private or public poling tools as well. The facilitator can asses learning by hearing answers on the microphone, seeing them typed in a public or private chat box, and watch students work live on the board. There is also a quiz feature that can be used to have participators complete to show mastery of content. Participants have different modes of sharing their thoughts and ideas and participating in class discussion. This benefits the leader and participants for many reasons. By writing directly on the board, typing in the chat box or talking on the microphone learning can be shared and mastery of content can be shown. This variety also allows for participants who may be having technical difficulties to still participate and engage in the lesson and discussion. Blackboard Collaborate allows for many opportunities for engagement and learning. IV. Issues

        There are certain aspects to distance learning that are drawbacks compared to being face to face with students. Firstly, the younger students can't learn everything on line. There are certain things like holding a pencil and writing on paper that are beneficial for students. Although there are technology tools that make it as authentic as possible like the bamboo pen, there is still something missing compared to actually holding the pencil and writing. Another example is how to hold a book and turn the pages. If you haven't taught kindergarten or pre-K you may have never thought about how important that is. Teaching a child the right way to hold a book and turn the pages is important. You can show a child how to do that online but you can't actually do that virtually. The older students have more they can do online and less drawbacks. 
        Online education often comes with additional independence. It is important for the learner to acknowledge this.  Time management is another important skill needed for online schooling. While this skill is a wonderful asset to many distance learners, if it is not possessed, online learning may not be a success.  It is important for online learners to have self-discipline and a drive to succeed.

V. Related Research VI. Recommended Sources

Chapter 5: K-12 Blended Learning Models

I. Defining Blended Learning as a Trend in K-12 Education

As Horning (2014) notes, “blended learning combines the very best of traditional classroom teaching and ‘blends it’ with online learning opportunities for students” (p. 2). Online learning experiences can personalize learning for each student providing the learner with some control over time, place, and/or pace (Horning, 2014). When defining blended learning, Horn and Greenberg (2014) include the distinction that blended learning is a formal education program with students learning, at least in part, through online learning with some element of student control over place, path, and/or pace. In noting what constituted a high-quality blended learning programs, Horn and Greenberg (2014) believe the program must include the following four characteristics: personalized, mastery-based, high expectations, student ownership. There are several models of blended learning as well as sub-models within models. Some of these models, such as Station Rotation, can be incorporated by a single teacher within the existing structure of the traditional school. Other models, such as the Flex model, requires the entire schools to be completely restructured and looks very little like the structures and schedules which dominate most schools today. Each of these models will be further defined and explored while offering some exemplars demonstrating the implementation of these models. For an excellent brief overview of what is blended learning, please watch the following video (2:33) from the Clayton Christensen Institute (n.d.):

II. Rationale for K-12 Blended Learning Models

Technologies have transformed the world around us; from financial transactions to shopping and staying connected with friends are activities that are vastly different from a decade ago (Horning, 2014). Much of our world has evolved and changed. However, in spite of great efforts of educational leaders, our school systems remain much the same as they were twenty years ago (Horning, 2014). Certainly, chalkboards have been replaced with interactive white boards and students have access to the internet’s seemingly limitless information (Horning, 2014). Nevertheless, this technology-rich environment is simply a layer over an antiquated system (Horning, 2014). Today’s schools are still based predominately on the 19th-century factory model in a one-size-fits-none approach to educating each student (Horn & Greenberg, 2014; Horning, 2014). Blended learning is a promising instructional approach and the key to empowering educators in reimaging teaching, learning, and our school structures by offering new 21st-century models in education (Horning, 2014).

III. The Successful Implementation of Four K-12 Blended Learning Models

There are four primary models of blended learning in the K-12 environment today. Each of these models will be defined as well as provide an exemplar of the models’ implementation within a K-12 schools.

The Station Rotation Model

As defined by The Blended Universe (n.d.), the Station Rotation Model enables students to rotate through stations with a fixed school schedule. To be considered a blended learning station rotation model, at least one of the stations must be an online learning station (The Blended Universe, n.d.). The other strations might include activities such as small-group or full-call instruction, group projects, individual tutoring, or paper-based assignments and activities (Horn & Greenberg, 2014). In the Station Rotation Model, students will rotate through all of the learning stations (Horn & Geenberg, 2014). Since elementary school teachers have used learning centers or stations in traditioinal instructional approaches, the Station Rotation Model is commonly found at the elementary or primary academic levels (The Blended Universe, n.d.). An exemplar model of this blended learning model is KIPP LA which has the Station Rotation Model at the core of the school’s instructional approach. The Kahn Academy (2014) provides an excellent overview in the following video, Redesigning the school day at KIPP LA using a Station Rotation bonita:

The Flex Model

The Flex Model provides students with a high degree of control over their schedules and their individual learning (The Blended Universe, n.d.). Students move on flexible or fluid schedules among various learning activities according to their personal learning needs (The Blended Universe, n.d.). At the core of instruction, is online learning as students work through the course curriculum and content (The Blended Universe, n.d.). At times, the online learning might even direct students to offline learning experiences (Horn & Greenberg, 2014). Teachers are the guide on the side as a facilitator of learning providing support and instruction on an as-needed basis (The Blended Universe, n.d.). These activities can include small-group instruction, group projects, and/or individual tutoring (Horn & Greenberg, 2014). Some implementations Flex models have substantial face-to-face support for students which others have minimal (Horn & Greenberg, 2014). An exemplar school which has implemented this blended learning model is the Summit Public Schools as documented by Khan Academy (2014):

The A La Carte Model

Similar to the Station Rotation model, the A La Carte model can be implemented within the structures of a traditional school structure and schedule. A La Carte enables students to take an online course with a qualified teacher in addition to other scheduled face-to-face courses within the school (The Blended Universe, n.d.). This blended learning model provides an excellent opportunity for diversifying a students’ course offerings, especially electives and Advance Placement courses, within a high school program (The Blended Universe, n.d.). According to Nguyen (2015), this model was formerly referred to as a self-blend model in that it does not provide a whole-school experience. Rather, the model provides online learning at home and at school in addition to offline learning in more traditional classrooms settings (Nguyen, 2015). The exemplar school implementing this blended learning model is the Quakertown Community School District (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2013):

The Enriched Virtual Model

The final blended learning model for review is the Enriched Virtual model. This model provides an alternative to a full-time online school experience by allowing the students to complete the majority of the coursework online outside the school, such as in the home environment. Unlike the A La Carte and other models, the Enriched Virtual model does not require daily attendance within the school building week (The Blended Universe, n.d.). Some programs in the Enriched Virtual model may only require sporadic attendance for students like twice a week (The Blended Universe, n.d.). Once exemplar school to highlight using the Enriched Virtual blended model of learning is the Ivy Academy which is part of the Downingtown Area School District:

IV. Issues and Challenges

In our age of unprecedented access to information, blended learning offers revolutionary instructional approaches in reimagining public education with new models of teaching and learning in 21st-century schools. With formal education program and personalized instruction giving students control over the time, place, and/or pace of learning. Blended learning, complete with all the various models, is fundamentally in direct contrast to today’s predominate model of schools where students have very little choice in a one-size-fits none educational approach (Horn & Greenberg, 2014). In the 19th century factory model, student move through the system based on age over ability or mastery of skills and concepts. However, Blended learning offers the opportunity for a more personalized instructional approach in education to ensure the level of instruction meets the needs of the individual students. Additionally, blended learning models offers differentiated learning experiences including group work, individualized instruction, and online learning which all provide experiences and skills necessary for students to be college and career ready (Horning, 2014).

Although the higher education programs incorporate online learning, the majority of high school graduates in New York State will experience this learning modality for the first time in their first year of higher education (Horning, 2014). Through its advocacy and research, the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) is the leading organization supporting K-12 blended and online learning initiatives. In a recent report, iNACOL compiled notable online learning statistics nationwide, as well as key online policy trends and state funding models for online learning (Watson, Murin, Vashaw, Gemin, & Rapp, 2011). With great disappointment, New York State is not mentioned in the report as a clear indicator the State lags behind the rest of the country in offering online learning opportunities for K-12 students. Online learning is not an educational trend but a national movement in education (Horning, 2014). In 2013, at least 24 states and Washington DC have fully blended schools providing online learning opportunities for students (Watson, et al., 2011). By the end of 2013, four states have online learning as a high school graduation requirement, while at least two other states are working to have similar policies in place in 2014 (Watson, et al., 2011).

Students cannot truly be college and career ready if they do not experience any online learning opportunities before graduation (Horning, 2014). As educational leaders, there is a clear urgency to ensure all students have blended learning opportunities whiling ensuring they are colleague and career ready upon high school graduation (Horning, 2014). In blended learning, students also are provided the experiences of time management, individual control over learning, and an opportunity to pursue learning interests. All educational leaders must keep pushing the conversations until all students in public education have opportunities to experience blended learning models redefining schools in the 21st century.

Alliance for Excellent Education. (2013). Digital learning day 2013: Quakertown community school district. Retrieved from

Blended Learning Universe (n.d.). Blended learning models. Retrieved from

Burk, K. (2015). Downingtown ivy academy survey of blended students. Retrieved from

Clayton Christensen Institute (n.d.). What is blended learning. Retrieved from

Horn, M., & Greenberg, B. (2014). The case for blended learning. Retrieved from

Horn, M., & Greenberg, B. (2014). The station rotation model. Retrieved from

Horn, M., & Greenberg, B. (2014). The flex model. Retrieved from

Horning, M. (2014). Preparing New York State educators for online learning – through online learning. The Councilgram, 3(6), 1–3.

International Association for K-12 Online Learning. (2013). Fast facts about online learning. Retrieved from

Khan Academy. (2014). Redesigning the school day at KIPP LA using a station rotation model bonita. Retrieved from

Khan Academy. (2014). Redesigning the school day at Summit Public Schools using a flex model bonita. Retrieved from

Nguyen., V. (2015). A la carte model. Retrieved from

Watson, J., Murin, A., Vashaw, L., Gemin, B., & Rapp, C. (2011). Keeping pace with K-12 online learning: An annual review of policy and practice. Retrieved from

Blended Learning Universe -

Clayton Christensen Institute -


Kahn Academy Blended Learning Series –

The Learning Accelerator - or -

Active Learning Classroom

What is Active Learning Classroom?

Active Learning Classroom (ALC) is a “student-centered, technology-rich learning environment” typically consisting of tables interfaced for technology, a projection and display system, and wall-mounted erasable writing surfaces (University of Minnesota, n.d.). ALC have been designed to “maximize active, collaborative learning and multimodal teaching, in contrast with traditional lecture-style classrooms” (Yale University, n.d.). ALC is effectively synonymous with a “flexible”, “smart”, “maker-space”, “prototype”, or “sandbox” classroom. ALC is ideal for project-based learning (PBL) activities.

Why is Active Learning Classroom a trend?

ALCs are purposefully designed to encourage active learning among students. Active learning had no singular definition until Bonwell and Eison (1991) proposed that it "involves students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing" (p. 19). Active learning made thinking visible for teachers and students (Medina, 2017). The idea of active learning has become so noteworthy that the Obama Administration recognized October 25, 2016 as Active Learning Day with an emphasis on STEM education.

ALCs have been considered a trend in higher education because a need for course and classroom redesign resulted from traditional lecturing giving way to learning through collaboration and coaching (Kim, 2018). ALCs have been shown to produce less positional discrimination for students than traditional classroom layouts that tend to motivate only high achieving students to succeed (Park and Choi, 2014). A metanalysis of undergraduate STEM education showed that active learning was more effective at increasing student performance than traditional lecturing (Freeman, Eddy, McDonough, Smith, Okoroafor, Jordt, and Wenderoth, 2013).

If collaboration and information sharing proliferate across all levels of education and adoption of PBL increases, it should be anticipated that ALC will become more common in the K-12 setting. Therefore K-12 can look to higher education for guidance on best practices for ALC. Technology trends such as 1:1 computing, BYOD, e-books, and online course management systems continue to be introduced and adopted in K-12 making the technology component of ALC more available to students. Presently there are an increasing number of K-12 schools engaged in reconfiguring classroom layouts to be consistent with ALC.

Implementation of Active Learning Classroom in the K-12 Setting

ALC generically model the layout and function of a present-day startup company. University of Minnesota was an early innovator of the ALC in United States higher education. Some institutions incorporate aesthetic and individualistic elements into the design of ALC (for example, UC Berkeley or Mosaic Initiative at Indiana University). Institutions in other countries are also adopting ALC including McGill University (Canada) and Istituto Istruzione Superiore Luca Pacioli Crema (Italy).

Components of a typical ALC

  • Technology
    • Visual and audio projection system including large, centralized display screen(s), multiple smaller displays screens, cameras, microphones, and technology control panels
    • Computers
    • Tablets
    • Cell phones
    • Tools needed to accomplish specific learning objectives (VR, robotics, software, simulators, etc.)
    • Wireless or wired information technology network
    • Numerous accessible electrical outlets
  • Configurable, comfortable furniture and storage solutions
  • Areas for vertical and horizontal non-digital collaboration such as fixed or mobile whiteboards and tables or obstruction-free floorspace

K-12 Examples

In K-12 the consistency in ALC design is mostly to create a learning space that promotes flexibility, collaboration, and discovery. The inclusion of technology in K-12 ALC is highly dependent on educational needs and resources. Some examples of K-12 ALC are:

Key issues with Active Learning Classroom

Careful implementation of ALC considers all aspects of concept, planning, design, construction, use, and maintenance:

  • Risk of regression to passivity: ALC can be created by constructing a new classroom or renovating an existing classroom; the quality and performance of the product is dependent on the available resources and how the ALC is used by the teacher and students
  • Obsolescence and Economics: Technology must remain current and of sufficient quantity
  • Holistic in nature: Incidental, unintended, and unforeseen impacts to the physical classroom space can be caused when upgrades are necessary which may add to life-cycle costs; for example, wireless and mobile devices are easier and less disruptive to replace but don’t usually have the processing power and storage capacity that stationary devices have
  • Social inclusion: Choices and variety are a necessity or certain students can become distracted or isolated if constraints are imposed by the ALC
  • Cultural shock: K-12 students may become accustomed to a particular classroom environment and then need to adapt to differences in higher education if the implementation of ALC is inconsistent at different levels of education


Bonwell, C., & Eison, J. (1991). Active learning: Creating excitement in the classroom. ERIC Clearinghouse Products. Retrieved from

Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences of the United States of America. 111(23), 8410-8415. Retrieved from

Handelsman, J., & Brown, Q. (2016, October 25). Active learning day in America. Retrieved from

Kim, J., (2018, January 3). An alternative list of 7 trends for 2018. Retrieved from

Medina, M. S. (2017). Making students’ thinking visible during active learning. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 81(3), 3-41A,41B,41C. Retrieved from

Park, E. L., & Choi, B. K. (2014). Transformation of classroom spaces: Traditional versus active learning classroom in colleges. Higher Education, 68(5), 749-771. Retrieved from

University of Minnesota. (n.d.). Active learning classrooms. Retrieved from

Yale University. (n.d.). Active learning classrooms. Retrieved from

Frydenberg, M. (2013). Creating a collaborative learning community in the CIS sandbox. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 10(1), 49-62. Retrieved from

Gwo-Dong, C., Chi-Kuo, C., Nurkhamid, & Liu, T. (2012). When a classroom is not just a classroom: Building digital playgrounds in the classroom. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(1) Retrieved from

Evidence Based Practice

What is Evidence-Based Practice?

Evidence based practice (EBP) “requires the integration of the best research evidence with our clinical expertise and our patient’s unique values and circumstances” (Straus, Richardson, Glasziou, & Haynes, 2005, p. 1). This is contrary to methods where decisions are made solely on the fact that it has been done in the past. An evidence-based approach encourages you to examine the facts from reliable research before moving forward. It allows the clinician to base decisions on proof.

In health care fields, the term is often also referred to as evidence-based medicine (EBM). Both EBP and EBM involves “formulating clinical questions, finding evidence in the medical literature that addresses the questions, critically appraising the evidence, and applying the evidence to specific patients” (Reiser, 2017, p. 170).

Why is Evidence-Based Practice a Current Trend?

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is quickly becoming the standard in various health care fields. It is important for students to understand what EBP is, why it is important, and how to apply it in real-world situations. Applying this method to a curriculum helps students to become better at consulting current information sources with the purpose of keeping current in actual practice (Reiser, 2017).

Thanks to advances in technology, medical clinicians now have access to a wealth of information from recent research studies. The research field has made incredible discoveries in the past few decades that have illuminated new understandings in medical knowledge. Most importantly, students can now access databases more easily than in the past. EBP is all about evaluating the current information. The first step in EBP is becoming familiar with the best sources for the latest research. With a strong understanding of research, one can engage in EBP by utilizing various technologies, especially medical databases, to stay current.

Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in Educational Settings

It is important for educational technology leaders to promote the use of evidence-based practice as a form of problem-based learning (PBL). According to Davis (2009), “PBL, developed in the field of medicine, is an instructional method in which carefully crafted open-ended problems are introduced at the beginning of the instructional cycle and are used to provide the context and motivation for the learning that follows” (p. 217). Instead of teaching information, the students engage in self-directed learning through analyzing real-world problems (Davis, 2009). Instructors need to be flexible and must be able to guide the students through the facts, laws, principles, theories, etc. that are pertinent to the problem (Davis, 2009).

There are three modes of teaching EBP as suggested by Straus, Richardson, Glasziou, & Haynes (2005, p. 200):

(1) Role-Modeling EBP:

  • Learners see evidence as part of good patient care.
  • Teaching by example: “actions speak louder than words”.
  • Learners see us use judgement in integrating evidence into decisions.

(2) Teaching Clinical Medicine with Evidence:

  • Learners see evidence as part of good clinical learning.
  • Teaching by weaving: evidence is taught along with other knowledge.
  • Learners see us use judgement in integrating evidence with other knowledge.

(3) Teaching Specific EBP Skills:

  • Learners learn how to understand evidence and use it wisely.
  • Teaching by coaching: learners get explicitly coached as they develop.
  • Learners see us use judgement as we carry out the five steps with them (asking, searching, appraising, applying, and evaluating).

Whichever mode is use, “it is important that higher institutions always strive for the most effective approach to teaching students the knowledge and skills required for EBP, so that commencing clinical practice they can confidently incorporate research evidence into their clinical decision-making” (Kyriakoulis, et. al., 2016, p. 34).

Key Issues Surrounding Evidence-Based Practice

Individual professionals need to be informed, motivated and perhaps trained to incorporate the latest evidence into their daily work. The largest barrier to EBP, according to Baig, Sayedalamin, Almouteri, Algarni, and Allam (2016), is that “knowledge and practice are not up to the mark” (p. 53). The transfer of evidence into practice is often restricted. This is often due to the business of practices, lack of resources, and/or lack of time to search and read the literature (Baig, Sayedalamin, Almouteri, Algarni, & Allam, 2016). Other barriers exist to include: individual characteristics, organizational structure, the nature of research information, and the healthcare environment (Malik, McKenna, & Plummer, 2016).

Ultimately, professionals need to put in the extra effort to decrease the widening gap between best practice and actual clinical care. Malik, McKenna, and Plummer (2016) note that a recurrent theme in the literature is that “EBP is perceived as a huge task” and practitioners “are reluctant to embrace it when there is lack of support from the organization or available mentoring” (p. 545).


Davis, B. G. (2009). Tools for teaching. Second ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-bass.

Baig, M., Sayedalamin, Z., Almouteri, O., Algarni, M., & Allam, H. (2016). Perceptions, perceived barriers and practices of physicians towards evidence-based medicine. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 32(1), 49–54.

Kyriakoulis, K., Patelarou, A., Laliotis, A., Wan, A. C., Matalliotakis, M., Tsiou, C., & Patelarou, E. (2016). Educational strategies for teaching evidence-based practice to undergraduate health students: systematic review. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 13, 34.

Malik, G., McKenna, L., & Plummer, V. (2016). Facilitators and barriers to evidence-based practice: perceptions of nurse educators, clinical coaches and nurse specialists from a descriptive study. Contemporary Nurse, 52(5), 544–554.

Reiser, R. A., & Dempsey, J. V. (2017). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology. New York: Pearson.

Straus, S. E., Richardson, W. S., Glasziou, P., & Haynes, R. B. (2005). Evidence-based medicine: How to practice and teach EBM. Third ed. New York, NY: Elsevier.

VanLunen, B. L., Hankemeier, D. A., Welch, C.E. (2015). Evidence-guided practice: A framework for clinical decision making in athletic training. Thorofare, NJ: Slack.

Mobile Robotic Telepresence

I. What is Mobile Robotic Telepresence

Mobile Robotic Telepresence (MRT), sometimes known simply as Telepresence, in the classroom is the use of robotics to allow students to be present in their classroom via technology when they are unable to be there in person. This is most commonly used for students who are not able to attend school for health reasons, although other uses may include distance to school or the ability to take a class that is not offered in their home school. In general, the student controls a robot equipped with a camera, a screen, and microphones to navigate the school in much the same way as their peers. They have the ability to attend class as well as to be present for the social interactions of a typical day.

II. Why is Mobile Robotic Telepresence a current trend?

As technology improves, Telepresence is becoming more feasible as a solution for students who are not able to be present in their classroom. The student can control the MRT robot from wherever they are, including their home, doctor’s office, or hospital. The MRT robot can generally be controlled with a computer, tablet, and sometimes even a smartphone. The advent of easier and smaller methods of controlling the robot improves the ability of younger children or people with disability to use them. Similarly, the robots themselves are becoming more reliable and easier to fit into the day to day life in the classroom. As MRT becomes easier to use, schools may become more open to students using it for reasons of distance, to attend classes not offered in their home school, or for other reasons beyond illness. In any case, the use for students who are otherwise unable to attend school due to illness is one that is becoming more and more popular.

III. Implementation of Mobile Robotic Telepresence in the K-12 environment

Numerous schools are allowing students with chronic illnesses to utilize MRT to attend school with their peers. Here are a few examples from around the country:

IV. Key Issues of Mobile Robotic Telepresence

  • Cost of MRT system – while costs are going down, the equipment and related technology costs approximately $6000 (Bloss, 2011)
  • Buy-in from all stakeholders – in particular, the school has to be willing to participate in the program, the teacher has to be willing to have the device in the classroom, and the parents have to be able to provide in-home supervision for the student (Newheart, Warschauer, & Sender, 2016)
  • Security concerns of utilizing the internet connected device between the home and school, including the idea of a camera being on in the classroom all day
  • Connectivity concerns – if there is an internet outage the student cannot attend school. Inadequate broadband may hinder the student from fully utilizing this technology, leading to concerns surrounding attendance policies and ability to compete coursework.
  • Acceptance of robot in the classroom as a stand in for the student. Research indicates there are both positive and negatives to this issue. Some students embrace the use of this technology in their classrooms, but in some cases children using it were bullied in social situations like lunch (Newheart, Warschauer, & Sender, 2016)
  • Social interactions via the MRT (lunch, special classes, etc.) provide beneficial opportunities for students who are relatively isolated to interact with their peers.
  • Students are able to keep up their coursework and social relationships during a time that could otherwise be quite isolating. Being sick does not leave them struggling to catch up on their school work.

Beeman, R. Y. & Henderson, C. J. (2012). Video-conferencing technology brings a homebound middle grades student to the classroom. Middle School Journal, 43(5), 26-33. Accessed from:

Bloss, R. (2011). High school student goes to class robotically. Industrial Robot: An International Journal 38(5), 465-468. doi: 10.1108/01439911111154027.

Maor, D. & Mitchem, K. J. (2015). Can technologies make a difference for hospitalized youth: Findings from research. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 31, 690-705. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12112.

Meyer. B. (2015). Learning through telepresence with iPads: placing schools in local/global communities. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 12(4), 270-284. doi: 10.1108/ISTE-09-2015-0027.

Newhart, V. A., Warschauer, M., & Sender, L. S. (2016). Virtual inclusion via telepresence robots in the classroom: An exploratory case study. The International Journal of Technologies in Learning, 23(4). Accessed from:

Soares, N., Kay, J. C., & Craven, G. (2017). Mobile robotic telepresence solutions for the education of hospitalized children. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 14(1e). Accessed from:

Flipping the Language Learning Classroom

The flipped classroom is a current trend in technology application in academia that is gaining momentum. The most basic structure of a flipped classroom is using a learning management system to deliver instruction and content outside of class, so that time together between educator and learner can be maximized by engaging in activities that practice skills and support construction of knowledge. Originating at the university level, its application has become increasingly popular at the K-12 level (Muldrow, 2013). While there is also growing interest and research into the use of a flipped classroom approach in language learning, there are unique aspects of the discipline that warrant further consideration before promoting the approach (Basal, 2015; Soliman, 2016).

9.1 Description of the Trend

Flipped instruction is an approach to learning where instruction occurs outside of the classroom and practice is done face-to-face, flipping the traditional structure of classroom-delivered instruction with afterschool practice, usually in the form of homework (Reiser & Dempsey, 2018). In general, it involves the digital delivery of content through lectures and presentations to students, so material can be viewed on their own time (Kahn, 2011). Basic follow-up communication can occur digitally as well as via email, discussion boards, or other electronic means. When students return to class, time with the instructor and peers is spent in application, practice, and assessment of already-taught skills.

In a flipped language classroom, content is also delivered electronically. Lessons can include grammatical rules, pronunciation, and culture. Beyond videos, there exist also a growing number of applications that design exercises that permit more individualized progression based on the fluency level and skill strength of a student in the target language. Presentation materials might come from professional outlets, teacher creations, or even student productions (Engin, 2014). In a language learning classroom, time in the classroom can be used for constructing meaning, solving problems, and maximizing discussion opportunities in the target language (Evseeva & Solozhenko, 2015). Regardless of the materials used or the application of class time, flipping a classroom creates a shift in the teacher-student transaction from one of directed learning to supported investigation (Al-Harbi & Alshumaimeri, 2016).

9.2 Rationale

Flipping a classroom can afford several advantages for language learning. Content is available on student-time, so students can view, review, and move through material at their own pace (Soliman, 2016). This is especially helpful for remediation or for students who miss classroom time. Basic-level tasks can also be presented in advance, so students have time to practice concepts in a low-risk environment before entering the public space of a classroom and being asked to perform in front of peers (Muldrow, 2013). This creates a point-of-need system of delivery whereby students can exercise a degree of control over and ownership of the learning process (Cunningham, 2016). For language learning, students may be more willing to grow their own level of language acquisition beyond the curriculum if the means of learning are at their disposal.

Activities outside of the classroom do not have to and should not be unidirectional. Learning management systems can provide students production opportunities that extend beyond the textbook or the class time slot. Follow-up practice and feedback can occur digitally in the form of online discussions, chats, videos, and forums. There are benefits to providing students opportunities to develop writing and speaking skills in digital environments that may be more like environments where they could engage the target language beyond an educational environment.

9.3 Implementation in a K-12 Setting

One of the more critical aspects of flipping a classroom in a K-12 setting is the preparation not only of the teacher but of the students as well (Muldrow, 2013). Flipped learning must be modeled and practiced (Moran & Young, 2015). Students must have before, during, and after activities that build continuity, motivation, and accountability, both in behavior and performance (Cunningham, 2016; Soliman, 2016). It also helps to integrate regular reflection to check the pulse of comfort with the structure, degree to technological fluency, and effectiveness of the process, affectively and cognitively. Not all students are comfortable with online learning environment and not all are willing to admit lack of knowledge using technology. Educators must be savvy in designing reflections that sort the differences between content and context challenges. Additionally, teachers must be attuned to concerns over screen time, especially for younger students (Cunningham, 2016). Judicious use of technology can balance time spent in front of a digital device and activities that engage face-to-face interaction.
Implementation of a flipped classroom strategy in a K-12 environment can shift the learning process, so that students become “protagonists” in their own learning journey (Chilingaryan & Avereva, 2016). Providing students with learning choices can help them develop higher order thinking and behavioral skills necessary to be successful beyond school. At all levels, students can learn age-appropriate investigation skills combined with collaborative strategies to develop creative approaches to issues and potential solutions to real-world problems (Acedo, 2018). Instead of telling students what to think, flipped classrooms afford strategies to develop a thinking process that builds both confidence and motivation, both essential to successful student-centered learning.

It should be noted that more often, schools that implement flipped classroom approaches use computers or depend on students having access to hardware at home. One study suggests that it might be more effective to have students use mobile devices, such as tablets or smartphones (Obari & Lambacher, 2015). Many students have smartphones and often possess a degree of comfort in their use. Tablets tend to offer fewer distraction, as it is more difficult to open multiple windows on a tablet than on a computer. Again, when deciding on the device, schools need to take into consideration access to necessary programs or internet service, availability of hardware, and technical support for their students within the district and at home.

9.4 Issues

Beyond concerns that affect flipped classroom instruction, there are issues related to foreign language instruction that differ from other content areas in that learning a language requires the acquisition of functional level vocabulary, not just specialized words, in order to carry out focus tasks (Lyddon, 2015). The level of communication skills in a classroom can vary significantly, especially at the early levels of instruction. Added to this, differing cognitive abilities more frequently share the same instructional space, as language classes are less likely to be leveled for ability the way that other core content subjects often are (Evans, 2012). Additionally, languages are generally treated as electives by high schools but considered necessary for college acceptance or employment consideration (Friedman, 2015). This creates mixed signals regarding the value of language learning, which can affect students’ levels of interest and investment in the content (Snow, 2017). The result is the existence of some of the largest academic and cognitive territory to be traversed in a single classroom setting. It is essential that the teacher design instruction that reaches all language, cognitive, and interest levels.
Flipping the classroom would seem at first glance to provide an ideal solution to address differentiation of style, ability, and prior knowledge (Chilingaryan & Avereva, 2016). However, because language is about communication and development of linguistic skills that heretofore may not have existed or are present only in limited form, constant feedback and direction are necessary. Consideration of distance between instructor and students is a far more critical matter when the immediacy of interaction is part of the learning process (Basal, 2015). Online learning requires a high degree of motivation on the part of the student. This is compounded by the degree of motivation language learning requires (Suo & Hou, 2017). Teachers must build a library of media that provides variety with a high degree of interest. There also must be activities that hold students accountable for completing the work and which motivate them by seeing success in the feedback such activities can provide (Chilingaryan & Avereva, 2016).

The pedagogical shift required of teachers who elect to flip a classroom includes a need for a high degree of both content and technical knowledge. Teachers must consider their student population, administrative support, and time investment (Moran & Young, 2015). There exists a developmental curve in designing and constructing adequate material and activities, both online and in the classroom. Educators must be careful not simply to recreate the traditional classroom structure in an online environment. Effective flipping means that the online activities frontload, review, extend, and support the in-class activities that engage, enliven, practice, and reinforce what was viewed or presented since the last class meeting. Flipping a classroom should do more than move the location of information; it should transform the learning process.

Acedo, M. (2018, Mar. 2). 10 Pros and Cons of a Flipped Classroom. TeachThought.

Retrieved from

Al-Harbi, S. S. & Alshumaimeri, Y. A. (2016). The flipped classroom impact on grammar class on EFL Saudi secondary school students’ performances and attitudes. English Language Teaching 9(10), 60-80. doi: 10.5539/elt.v9n10p60

Basal, A. (2015). The implementation of a flipped classroom in foreign language teaching. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 16(4), 28-37. Retrieved from

Chilingaryan, K. & Avereva, E. (2016). Methodology of flipped classroom as a learning technology in foreign language teaching. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 237, 1500-1504. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2017.02.236

Cunningham, U. (2016). Language pedagogy and non-transience in the flipped classroom. Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning 20(1), 44-58. Retrieved from

Engin, M. (2014). Extending the flipped classroom model: Developing second language writing skills through student-created digital videos. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 14(5), 12-26. doi: 10.14434/josotlv14i5.12829

Evans, E. J. (2012, Spring). Managing the foreign language classroom: Reflections from the preservice field and beyond (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from

Evseeva, A. & Solozhenko, A. (2015). Use of flipped classroom technology in language Learning. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 206, 205-209. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.10.006

Friedman, A. (2015, May 10). America’s lacking language skills. The Atlantic. Retrieved from

Kahn, S. (2011). Let’s use video to reinvent education. [Video file]. TED. Retrieved from

Lyddon, P. A. (2015). The flipped side of flipped language teaching. In F. Helm, L. Bradley, M. Guarda, & S. Thouësny (Eds.), Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy (pp. 381-385). Dublin: doi: 10.14705/rpnet.2015.000362

Moran, C. M. & Young, C. A. (2015). Questions to consider before flipping. The Phi Delta Kappan 97(2), 42-46. Retrieved from

Muldrow, K. (2013, Nov.). A new approach to language instruction – Flipping the classroom. The Language Educator. Retrieved from

Obari, H. & Lambacher, S. (2015). Successful EFL teaching using mobile technologies in a flipped classroom. In F. Helm, L. Bradley, M. Guarda, & S. Thouësny (Eds.), Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy (pp. 422-428). Dublin: doi: 10.14705/rpnet.2015.000371

Reiser, R. A. & Dempsey, J. V. (2018). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (4th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

Snow, C. (2017, Aug. 1). The true failure of foreign language instruction. The Conversation. Retrieved from

Soliman, N. A. (2016). Teaching English for academic purposes via the flipped learning approach. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 232, 122-129. Retrieved from

Suo, J. & Hou, X. (2017). A study on the motivational strategies in college English flipped classroom. English Language Teaching 10(5), 62-67. doi: 10.5539/elt.v10n5p62

• BBCMundo – A real-world site completely in Spanish
• Educreations – Open educational resource to share and find videos.
• Edukatina – Open educational resource of Spanish videos and exercises.
• – An entire website dedicated to flipped learning instruction.
• Knewton Infographics Flipped Classroom.
• Namanthis – Open education resource of Spanish videos.
• World of Education – Open education resource of materials.
• YouTubeEDU – An extension of YouTube dedicated to education.

Prototype and Makerspace Classrooms

What is a Prototype/Makerspace Classroom?

A prototype classroom is a type of learning environment which encourages learners to focus on engagement. In these environments, teachers hope to increase student achievement by increasing student involvement in various activities that drive instruction.[2][3]

Why are Prototype/Makerspace Classrooms a Trend in Technology?

Prototype classrooms are currently a trend in technology and education because of how they are revolutionizing the way a classroom looks and how information is learned. These classrooms give students the ability to explore different strategies and methods while strengthening critical thinking and collaboration – key components on which the standards of STEM seek to increase. [2][4][5]

Benefits in the Classroom

Prototype classrooms offer a variety of benefits for the educational setting when implemented correctly. In addition to promoting the standards of STEM, students have an open space to collaborate and work together while learning in different and unique ways to which they are previously accustomed. [3][6][7]

  • Makerspace rooms[8]
  • Addresses several standards of STEM
  • Promotes collaboration
  • Promotes inquiry[9]
  • Extends learning
  • Incorporates different learning modalities into curriculum

Key Considerations with Implementation

While Prototype Classrooms have several advantages, there are several considerations that a school should take into account before rushing to incorporate this on a mainstream level. While the list is not exhaustive, districts that focus their efforts on addressing them should expect to see more efficient and effective implementation. [3][6][7]

  • Resources are expensive and required for successful integration
  • Traditional classroom layouts might not be conducive to this learning environment
  • Effective training is necessary for educators to understand how and why this works
  • A revolutionary way of teaching requires support and therefore it is necessary to establish trust and an open line of communication with all stakeholders so everyone understands the benefits[10]
  • Educators need to revolutionize their way of instruction, which can be challenging at any level
  • Time for planning and collaboration between educators
  • Considerations on how these rooms may affect IEPs
  • Proper and continual support for educators


1. Reiser, R. A., & Dempsey, J. V. (2018). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (4th ed.). New York: Pearson.

2. Smay, D., & Walker, C. (2015). Makerspaces: A creative approach to education. Teacher Librarian, 42(4), 39-43. Retrieved from

3. Kurti, R. S., Kurti, D., & Fleming, L. (2014). Practical implementation of an educational makerspace. Teacher Librarian, 42(2), 20-24. Retrieved from

4. Okpala, H. N. (2016). Making a makerspace case for academic libraries in nigeria.New Library World, 117(9), 568-586. Retrieved from

5. Kurti, S. (2015). Ordinary educators exploring the extraordinary makerspace blast off! Teacher Librarian, 42(3), 54-55. Retrieved from

6. Kurti, R. S., Kurti, D., & Fleming, L. (2014). The environment and tools of great educational makerspaces. Teacher Librarian, 42(1), 8-12. Retrieved from

7. Oliver, K. M. (2016). Professional development considerations for makerspace leaders, part two: Addressing "how?". TechTrends, 60(3), 211-217.

8. Monte, L. D., Elam, J., & Fyfe, P. (2016). Remaking teaching: Prototyping new technologies for the classroom. NCSU Libraries. Retrieved from

9. Miller, R. H. (2016). Prototype classroom focuses on student engagement. WSU Insider. Retrieved from

10. Taylor, D. (2016). Prototype classroom combines technology and new techniques. Retrieved from Monte, L. D., Elam, J., & Fyfe, P. (2016). Remaking teaching: Prototyping new technologies for the classroom. NCSU Libraries. Retrieved from

What is Digital Citizenship?

Digital Citizenship focuses on preparing “students to safely navigate the digital world and take advantage of the wealth of information that defines life online” (Tan, 2011, p.30). A Common Sense Media White Paper (2011) explained digital citizenship involves using technology competently, which includes creating, researching and communicating with the tools afforded to the consumer. Individuals need to learn how to make safe and appropriate choices while interacting online.

Why is Digital Citizenship a Current Trend in Education?

Educators have now incorporated digital citizenship into the curriculum to ensure students have an understanding of the digital world. The one that many schools defer to is digital communication due to the trend of social media. Social media is often used as a topic of discussion when teaching the responsibilities of digital citizenship. Social media has been an ongoing trend for some time; and it will continue due to the social media applications that continue to be developed each day. Vanessa Monterosa (2015) mentions that according to Lenhart et al. (2010), over 90 percent of teenagers use social media daily. Snap chat, Instagram, and Facebook are some of the most common social media applications used by teenagers. By teaching students how to make well informed decisions in the digital world, they will have more positive outcomes.

Due to the extensive implementation of technology in schools; students need to have an understanding of what it means to use technology correctly. Vanessa Monterosa (2015) states, “By harnessing social media as a tool for teaching and learning, we help students develop a positive digital footprint and engage in positive practices online. This also has implications for college and career success” (p.31). Due to the high percentage of students using social media platforms, it is necessary for teachers and administrators to have an understanding of social media themselves.

Incorporating knowledge of digital communication in social media platforms can help prevent many obstacles from occurring. Cyber bullying has been an ongoing issue across the nation and taking the initiative to teach students about digital communication will help pave the way to defer that from occurring. Too often, students lack the understanding of who can view their content online. Once information is put out on the internet, it is impossible to erase permanently. Monterosa (2015) explains that research has shown many students have lost their jobs or have been denied from colleges due to the information they have put on social media. This strengthens the rationale for educating students early on of the repercussions of negative digital communication.

Implementation of Digital Citizenship in K-12 Settings:

Three Stages of Implementing Digital Citizenship: Godfrey (2016) includes the three stages of implementing digital literacy in the classroom which was proposed by Ribble (2015):

Stage One: Ask the students to reflect on their technology use at both school and home. Have the students determine if they use it appropriately. Stage Two: This involves guided practice to ensure the students understand the guidelines to assist them in determining what is appropriate in technology. Stage Three: The teachers need to model and demonstrate appropriate digital citizenship habits in their own lives and in front of students.

Digital Citizenship Week: Monterosa (2015) explained that in March 2013, the Los Angeles Unified School District had a “Digital Citizenship Week.” They partnered up with Common Sense Education which focuses on technology education. This week proved to be successful because it involved having students engaged in various activities to teach them how to be safe online.

Digital Portfolio: Boyd (2014) mentions teachers can teach students how to create a portfolio of their school projects which can help foster an understanding of a positive digital footprint.

Diverse Team for Social Media Standards: Monterosa (2015) states that by creating a diverse team of students and teachers that create standards and guidelines for social media will help others make appropriate decisions online outside of school.

Key Issues

There are nine elements of digital citizenship; all of which can be defined as “norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use” (Tan, 2011, p.31). These include, “digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital rights and responsibilities, digital health and wellness, and digital security” (Tan, 2011, p.30).

Digital Access: This involves a full participation in the digital society (Ribble, 2015)

Digital Commerce: This involves the buying and selling of items online (Ribble, 2015)

Digital Communication: This involves the basics of technology and its use (Ribble, 2015)

Digital Literacy: This incorporates the basic use of technology (Ribble, 2015)

Digital Etiquette: This includes following the electronic standards of conduct (Ribble, 2015)

Digital Law: It is the electronic responsibility of actions and deeds (Ribble, 2015)

Digital Rights and Responsibilities: This provides the freedoms for the digital world (Ribble, 2015)

Digital Health and Wellness: This involves the physical and psychological well-being of the individual on the digital platform (Ribble, 2015)

Digital Security: This includes the electronic precautions to ensure the safety of digital citizens (Ribble, 2015)

Media Literacy:

What Students Need to Know:

Cyber Crime:

Digital Citizenship Games:

Digital Citizenship Scope and Sequence:

Digital Citizenship Skills:

Godfrey, R. V. (2016). Digital citizenship: Paving the way for family and consumer sciences. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 108(2), 18-22. Retrieved from

ISMAN, A., & GUNGOREN, O. C. A. N. A. N. (2014). Digital citizenship. TOJET : The

        Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 13(1) Retrieved from

Monterosa, V. (2015). DEVELOPING DIGITAL CITIZENS. Leadership, 44(3), 30-32.

         Retrieved from

Ribble, M. (2015). Nine elements all students should know. In Digital citizenship in schools (3rd

         ed.), pp. 24-–54. Arlington, VA: International Society for Technology in Education.

Tan, T. (2011). Educating digital citizens. Leadership, 41(1), 30-32. Retrieved from

Computers Science in K-12 Curriculum

What is computer science?

Computer science focus on the theory of computation applications. The understanding of “why” behind computer programs. Computer science uses algorithms and advance mathematics to manipulate and create information.[11]

Why is computer science a current trend?

The drive for computer science is due to workforce development and economics. Students in computers science will benefit in the industry, national, and workforce, therefore, schools must raise skills and find ways to teach curriculum to students.[12] This allows students to set career and future college goals. By offering computer science classes throughout K-12 education empowers students to increase their understanding of the requirements to continue their education in computer science. This will minimize the need for computer scientists in the future.

Implementation of Computer Science in K-12 Setting

As education more towards implanting computer science in classrooms new lessons and curriculum arise[13].

  • As education more towards implanting computer science in classrooms new lessons and curriculum arise.
  • Education of computer science principals would close the gender gap and culture gap in computer science careers
  • Students will be empowered by managing their achievement and course work in the subject of computer science.
  • There are many free resources for teachers to implement computer science principles and for school districts to adopt computer science classes.
  • Decisions on what material to use to implement computer science, such as:, Codecademy, College Board, Project Lead the Way, etc. Once a decision is made, teachers can decide and organize curriculum or lessons.
  • For computer science integration to work all administration, teachers, and students need work together.
  • Professional development would be required for all teachers and building administrators involved.
  • Course work and applications are immediately engaging for students from K-12.
  • Computational thinking can be taught without computers.

Key Issues with implementation of computer science in a K-12 setting

Several issues to be aware of when considering computer science integration[14]:

  • Lack of computer science material or curriculum for students with disabilities.
  • Assessment of computational thinking and computer science knowledge through “game-like” resources
  • Availability of computers and Internet access.
  • Availability of teachers with prior knowledge or interest.
  • Technological support within the school
  • Time for implementation and/or professional development.
  • Lack of interest in students.
  • Lack of parent support

Mindful Use Of Technology

What Is Mindful Use Of Technology

There are two components to consider when creating a definition; technology and mindfulness. According to Collins Dictionary (n.d), technology “refers to methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes” (para. 1). According to Aaron (2017),

Mindfulness is, in its simplest form, an awareness and total acceptance of the present moment without judgment. This can be an awareness and acceptance of our thoughts, feelings, actions, emotions, sensations or intentions. What are our thoughts right now? What are we feeling? How are we feeling? See it, feel it, sense it but then accept it, allow it, don’t judge it (para. 21).

Based on these definitions, mindful use of technology is a technology trend that encourages the individual who is using a technological device to become aware of their present moment. It is awareness of thoughts, feelings, actions, emotions, and sensations. It is the intentional use of the technology. The purpose of being mindful of the use of technology is to not allow oneself to become lost in the technological device but to remain consciously aware.

Why Is The Mindful Use Of Technology A Trend?

There is a need for teachers to consider the mindful use of technology in their classrooms as a part of their professional obligation to support student learning through the use of technology. A first step is understanding, through education, and a next step is to implement supports that can be used to empower students to be mindful when they are engaged with technology. Rushkoff (2012) sums up this critical issue facing educators.

First, and probably most important, it's because the classroom is the one place where we are supposed to notice things. When we teach literature, we don't just teach the content on the page - we teach the historical context of the writer, the choice of medium and ways in which the medium was used. No book is just a story.
Likewise, no program is just a tool, no website is just information and no social platform is a neutral meeting place. To use any of these unconsciously in the real world is bad enough; to use them unconsciously and thus uncritically in the classroom is even worse.
So the first requirement to using any technology in the classroom is for us to be prepared to talk about it, assess its influence over our interactions and evaluate its role in an ongoing way.
Second, it's our role as educators to judge whether a given piece of technology is really going to enhance our ability to educate. Will it help us engage with our students, or help them engage with each other and the subject more meaningfully? I know that sounds like an easy one, until we consider the very real classrooms I've visited where the very opposite has been true (par. 5-8).

Implementation Of Mindful Use Of Technology In A K-12 Setting

The first step in implementing the mindful use of technology is educating students so that they have an understanding of what mindfulness use of technology is. It is important that students are informed on how not being mindful with technology can be harmful by distracting and undermining learning. Then students need to be empowered with resources that can support their mindful use of technology. This learning can then be used to create classroom norms to which all stakeholders hold each other accountable.


Students should be educated on the mindful use of technology. Through research and engaging classroom lessons that use technology, teachers can assign authentic learning activities that are specifically intended to help students understand the pitfalls of using technology without being mindful and the benefits that can be gleaned from using technology with mindfulness.


One of the best approaches teachers can use to supporting their students use of technology is to put guidelines in place on the use of technology and when and how it should be used to support learning. This should be done collaboratively with the students so that they have understanding and ownership. Tech leaders, as an example, put strict limits on the technology use for their own children. Steiner Waldorf Schools do not allow students to use technology in the classroom before the age of 12. Many technology company employees send their children to these schools in both the United Kingdom and California (Flemming, 2015). The American Academy of Pediatrics (2013) discourages any screen time for a student under two years of age and recommends no more than 2 hours a day of entertainment screen time for children. It also recommends that approaches to technology should involve a team approach that encourages using technology, when it is not already in place, such as to promote student learning through online education programs for students.Teams should include students, teachers, parents, administrators and Technology Coordinators (when there is one).

Henrique’s (as cited in Stokes, 2015) strategies for mindful use of technology can be adapted to teaching objectives for classrooms.

  • Reclaiming mindfulness by increasing the focus on your intended learning goals and set limits for when you will disengage and then re-engage with technology to meet these goals
  • Old habits of being easily distracted by links, videos and connected topics that are interesting but take you off of your intended learning goals should be broken
  • Replace old habits with new habits by ensuring you have gained all that you can learn from a technology tool (game, application, Website, video etc.), document the learning, bookmark the resource if applicable, determine the intentional next step before re-engaging in the use of technology

Ducksworth (2017) offers six practices that can be adapted and taught as a guide for students to use technology mindfully.

  • Center on why you are going to use the chosen technology
  • Examine your beliefs around how much time you will need and re-evaluate once that time has passed
  • Set a learning intention as a result of using the technology.
  • Create a personal learning vision or goal and determine how your technology interface will help you meet it
  • Introduce movement breaks into your technology time
  • Feel gratitude for the gift of learning that the technology brings.

Educators can introduce their students to the numerous applications that have been created to promote and maintain mindfulness when using technology. Some of these can be found in the section on recommended resources for mindful use of technology.

Key Issues With Mindful Use Of Technology

Technology is an integral part of the life of a student and will increasingly be integrated into all aspects of daily activities, including learning. Used with mindfulness, it can enhance the learning possibilities. When used without mindfulness, it can distract a student’s learning potential and possibly even derail learning through disruptive habits. There are both positive aspects and obstacles that need to be tackled in the mindful use of technology.


There is mounting evidence that technology, used mindfully, can enhance the learning experiences in a classroom setting. Tablets and computers and the applications they run offer a learning experience that is inherently highly interactive. This creates a challenge to a child’s cognitive load, creating an optimal opportunity for learning (McEwend & Dubé, 2015, p. 9). Even smartphones, when used mindfully, have been shown to increase learning potential in young adults. This is because the technology encourages students to initiate in learning activities significantly faster than if they had been using a traditional pen and paper approach. Those who use smartphones mindfully have the ability to have higher levels of task engagement, are able to overcome external distractions and prevent disengagement that could be encountered because of the length of the learning session (Sarhandi, Bajnaid & Elyas, 2017).


There is growing evidence that technology, if not used thoughtfully, is actually a distraction to learning. As an example, when laptop computers are used in the classroom, if not implemented intentionally and considerately, they can increase off-task behaviors instead of increased student engagement (Donavan, Green & Hartley, 2010).

Dopamine Labs, named after the molecule in our brains that creates desire and pleasure, is a company that writes computer code for applications. Companies are creating applications that are intended to distract users from being purposeful and are intended to prevent the mindful use of technology and their applications. Companies want to hold a person’s attention for as long as possible and then when a distraction breaks that attention, they want to create a desire to reengage with the technology. It creates an experience that students can become lost in (Cooper, 2018). When a person checks their phone, it is like gambling or pulling the lever on a slot machine. Sometimes you get a reward, a text or social media response, and sometimes you do not. The intention is to hijack your attention and create the formation of a habit. This design component can be built into almost any technological device (Harris as cited in Cooper, 2017).

Aaron, R. (2017, January). How a more mindful approach to your mobile devices could save your life and your relationships [Blog post]. The Coffeelicious. Retrieved from

American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Communication and Media. (2013). Policy Statement: Children, Adolescent, and the Media. Pediatrics. Retrieved from

Cooper, A. (2017, April). “What is brain hacking”? tech insiders on why you should care. Retrieved from

Donovan, L., Green, T., Hartley, K. (2010). An examination of one-to-one computing in the middle school: does increased access bring about increased student engagement?. Journal of Educational Computing Research Vol 42, Issue 4, pp. 423 – 441 First Published May 19, 2010 https://doi

Ducksworth, H. (2017, December 15). Mindful Mondays week 7: Mindful use of technology [Blog post]. Meetingsnet. Retrieved from

Flemming, A. (2015, May 23). Screen time v play time: what tech leaders won't let their own kids do. The Guardian. Retrieved from time-v-play-time-what-tech-leaders-wont-let-their-own-kids-do

McEwen, R. N., & Dubé, A. K. (2015). Engaging or distracting: children's tablet computer use in education. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 18(4), 9-23.

Rushkoff, D. (2012, December 11). Computers in the classroom: a mindful lens on technology. Edutopia. Retrieved from

Sarhandi, P. A., Bajnaid, A., & Elyas, T. (2017). Impact of smartphone based activities on efl students' engagement. English Language Teaching, 10(6), 103-117.

Stokes, N. (2015). How to balance technology with mindfulness [Blog post]. Techliscious. Retrieved from

Technology. (n.d). Collins Dictionary. Retrieved from

Internet Service Providers Offering Mindful Use of Technology Tools for Parents

Plum Village: Mindfulness Practice Centre, Mindfulness Software

Spire Health Tag

Posture Improving Technology

What Is the Internet Doing to Our Brains?

Simon Sinek

Seven Week Guide to Mindful Use of Technology

Seven Ways to Take Control of Your Tech Habits

Technology and Mindfulness

The Mindful Use of Technology

Mindful Technology Use

Mindfulness and Technology


  1. Jump up↑ y, J. V. (2018). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (4th ed.). New York: Pearson.
  2. Jump up to:a b Smay, D., & Walker, C. (2015). Makerspaces: A creative approach to education. Teacher Librarian, 42(4), 39-43. Retrieved from
  3. Jump up to:a b c Kurti, R. S., Kurti, D., & Fleming, L. (2014). Practical implementation of an educational makerspace. Teacher Librarian, 42(2), 20-24. Retrieved from
  4. Jump up↑ Okpala, H. N. (2016). Making a makerspace case for academic libraries in nigeria.New Library World, 117(9), 568-586. Retrieved from
  5. Jump up↑ Kurti, S. (2015). Ordinary educators exploring the extraordinary makerspace blast off! Teacher Librarian, 42(3), 54-55. Retrieved from
  6. Jump up to:a b Kurti, R. S., Kurti, D., & Fleming, L. (2014). The environment and tools of great educational makerspaces. Teacher Librarian, 42(1), 8-12. Retrieved from
  7. Jump up to:a b Oliver, K. M. (2016). Professional development considerations for makerspace leaders, part two: Addressing "how?". TechTrends, 60(3), 211-217.
  8. Jump up↑ Monte, L. D., Elam, J., & Fyfe, P. (2016). Remaking teaching: Prototyping new technologies for the classroom. NCSU Libraries. Retrieved from
  9. Jump up↑ Miller, R. H. (2016). Prototype classroom focuses on student engagement. WSU Insider. Retrieved from
  10. Jump up↑ Taylor, D. (2016). Prototype classroom combines technology and new techniques. Retrieved from Monte, L. D., Elam, J., & Fyfe, P. (2016). Remaking teaching: Prototyping new technologies for the classroom. NCSU Libraries. Retrieved from
  11. Jump up↑
  12. Jump up↑ Reed, D. (2011). A balanced introduction to computer science. Pearson.
  13. Jump up↑ Schneider, G. M., & Gersting, J. L. (2013). Invitation to computer science. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
  14. Jump up↑ Iwona Miliszewska , Gayle Barker, Fiona Henderson, Ewa Sztendur Journal of Information Technology Education: Research Volume 5, 2006, p. 107-120


What are infographics?

Infographics are not new. Data visualizations have existed for centuries. Infographics (short for information graphics) are visual representations that merge text, images, data and graphic design. Krum (2014) says an infographic is “a larger graphic design that combines data visualizations, illustrations, text, and images together into a format that tells a complete story” (p. 6). They are most often created and published digitally though many can also be found in print mediums such as newspapers and magazines. What is innovative about contemporary infographics is just how common and accessible they have become create, share and view digitally.

Why are Infographics a Current Trend?

We live in a world where information is cheap, potentially unlimited and readily available but meaning is often expensive, complicated and ellusive. Infographics have become an important part of digital and visual literacy because they are increasingly chosen as a means of presenting content in a visually due to their power encapsulating many details into one clear and precise visual (Dunlap & Lowenthal, in press).

The power of infographics to present concepts at a glance, and the fact they work best for presenting information to novices is what makes them particularly valuable as learning tools in educational situations (Dunlap & Lowenthal, in press). This ability to quickly get information across at a glance with graphics and data has also led to infographics frequently being used to spread false, incorrect or misrepresented information quickly (McCready, 2017).

The rise of easy to use online infographic creation services such as Easelly, Canva, Piktochart, and Visme amongst others has undoubtedly led to more users creating and sharing infographics which has in turn contributed to their ubiquity online (Carlson, 2017).

Implementation of Infographics in a K-12 Setting

  • Implementation will be individualized to each subject and grade level though the basic design principles will remain consistent.
  • Technology, software and/or a browser with an internet connection is required to create infographics.
  • Educationally infographics “may be used as job aids, advance organizers, mind maps, content summaries, and study tools” (Dunlap & Lowenthal, in press, p. 4).
  • Infographics should be viewed and created to develop digital and visual literacy (Farrell, n.d.).
  • Completed infographics can be printed or viewed digitally.

Key Issues with Infographics

Benefits of Infographics

  • Infographics allow creators to combine different modes of still visual content into engaging, informationally dense representations.
  • “People learn and remember more efficiently and effectively through the use of text and visuals than through text alone” (Dunlap & Lowenthal, in press, p. 1).
  • When “visuals are used effectively, they serve to help people understand abstract, complicated, and complex information, especially when people are unfamiliar with the concept and do not have a pre-existing mental model to assist with the comprehension of new information” (Dunlap & Lowenthal, in press, p. 2).

Potential obstacles with Infographics

  • There is little research supporting their use in education
  • Research is beginning to emerge about what makes a “good” infographic but as yet there is no consensus about what criteria, how much or how these criteria should adapt for different needs.
  • Infographics can be time consuming to create.
  • They are much more challenging to create, share and view without access to technology.
  • The Terms of Service for many infographic services do not permit those under 13 years of age to sign-up for their service.
  • As with any online service that holds data about its users; privacy and local regulations may limit which services can be used and how they can be used.

Abilock, D., & Williams, C. (2014). Recipe for an infographic. Knowledge Quest, 43(2), 46-55.

Carlson, A. (2017, June 21). 32 stats & facts that prove infographics aren't dead. Retrieved March 3, 2018, from

Dunlap, J. C., & Lowenthal, P. R. (in press). Getting graphic about infographics: Design lessons learned from popular infographics. Journal of Visual Literacy. Retrieved from:

Elena Gallagher, S., O'Dulain, M., O'Mahony, N., Kehoe, C., McCarthy, F., & Morgan, G. (2017). Instructor-provided summary infographics to support online learning. Educational Media International, 54(2), 129-147.

Farrell, T. (n.d.). Integrating Visual Literacy Skills into PK-12 Education by Teresa Farrell. Retrieved February 23, 2018, from

Krum, R. (2014). Cool infographics: Effective communication with data visualization and design. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.

McCready, R. (2017, August 10). How writers use misleading graphs to manipulate you. Retrieved from

Nuhoglu Kibar, P., & Akkoyunlu, B. (2017). Fostering and assessing infographic design for learning: The development of infographic design criteria. Journal of Visual Literacy, 36(1), 20-40.

Sudakov, I., Bellsky, T., Usenyuk, S., & Polyakova, V. V. (2016). Infographics and mathematics: A mechanism for effective learning in the classroom. Primus, 26(2), 158-167.

Tufte, E. R. (2001). The visual display of quantitative information (2nd ed.). Cheshire, CT: Graphic Press.

Chapter 13-Using Technology in Professional Development from the Return on Investment Perspective

13.1 What is Technology Guided Professional Development?

In a global economy, with ever changing technologies teachers need to prepare themselves and their students to have ingenuity and creativity to meet the needs of the 21st century. The trend of technology guided professional development, integrating new technologies such as online courses, online tutorials, and personal learning networks (PLNs), is consistently growing in popularity. Teachers are able to access resources from around the world to assist with their PD. The fact that PD is so easily accessible and adaptable also allows for it to be personalized to the individual needs of the teacher as well as the needs of the district.

13.2 Why Is Using Technology in Educator PD A Current Trend? What Are the Effects on Return On Investment (ROI)?

Professional development (PD) is an integral part of teacher effectiveness in education.  New policies, technologies, professional growth plans and changing educational avenues are requiring teachers and school leaders to embrace new technologies and have the willingness to change to meet the diverse needs of the education sector in order to prepare students for their future. School districts analyze PD and the impact is has on the teachers and students in the classroom through evaluation of return on investment (ROI).  With the seemingly decreasing budgets for educational organizations and the increase of new technologies it is very important that educational leaders evaluate ROI carefully as to not waste district funds for PD. Using technology in educator PD has allowed districts to cut costs associated with traditional forms of PD, such as travel expenses, including mileage, hotels, and food purchases, as well as additional money for substitutes during these times. Technology allows for educators to save time, by creating flexibility for teachers to learn at their own pace and decide what meets their personal goals or the goals of the school for the focus of their PD. The key to success for all professional development is simplistic goals, proper support, adequate time to implement and observe ROI and monitor implementation and feedback

13.3 Implementation of Technology Guided PD from the ROI Perspective

Technology has given the opportunity to and even inspired educators to teach one another on their own time through edcamps, communicate via social media platforms, and work together through online collaboratives. One way ROI is measured is through teacher effectiveness, by analyzing data such as student achievement on standardized tests, performance-based observations, value-added modeling, and student growth percentiles. Technology guided PD allows teachers in rural areas or poorer districts the ability to participate in beneficial PD from their computer, which they would not have otherwise been able to attend. This increases the amount of teachers that can gain effectiveness through online PD.

13.4 Key Issues with Technology Guided PD from the ROI Perspective

Technology integration is an investment in the change of a school's culture to adopt and revere technology, not just and investment of time and money. The key challenges faced are the unwillingness to change or try to techniques from veteran teachers, or the resources to support the initiatives of the teacher or the school. Many teachers are not willing to try new technologies in the classroom if they do not feel confident with the application, if there is a lack of support for the use of the technology, or if they did not choose it themselves. Technology guided PD can be measure through increased teacher productivity, improved differentiation of instruction, impact on instructional practices, and influence on student learning, observable through classroom walk-through(s), student reflections, examples of student work, and growth on behalf of the student and educator. If not done correctly, costs of implementation of technology could be more costly and the ROI could be negative.  For this reason, planning and preparation of technology needs to be thorough to avoid a technology failure. To achieve a positive ROI on technology PD a district must start out by only implementing technology in large investments, rather than trying to implement every new thing that pops up.

13.5 Related Research for Technology Guided PD from the ROI Perspective

Hanover Research.  (2014). Professional development for technology integration.  Retrieved from

Heick, T.  (2018). How rapid technology change impacts your teaching.  Teach Thought. Retrieved from

Graham, K.  (2015). Measuring return on investment for technology.  Idealware.  Retrieved from

Hanover Research. (2014). Professional development for technology integration. Retrieved from

Logan, L.  (n.d.). 5 ways tech has changed professional development.  Amplify. Retrieved from

Mazella, N.  (2011). What are we learning about technology integration and professional development?  Educator’s Voice.  Retrieved from

Metiri Group. (2010). Professional development: Ensuring a return on your investment.  INTEL. Retrieved from

Peterson, T.  (2016). Technology starts with professional development and training.  EdTech Focus on K-12.  Retrieved from

Rogoff, L.  (2015). Technology and professional development: Trends, challenges and empowerment.  Teachstone. Retrieved from

Sabzian, F. & Gilakjani, A. P.  (2013). Teachers’ attitudes about computer technology training, professional development, integration, experience, anxiety, and literacy in English language teaching and learning.  International Journal of Applied Science and Technology.  Retrieved from

The U.S. Department of Education.  Reimagining the role of technology in education: 2017 national education technology plan update.  Retrieved from

13.6 Recommended Resources for Technology Guided PD

Public School Virtual Academy

Description and Need of a Virtual Academy

Over the last decade, parents and students seeking a more flexible and individualized educational experience have increasingly turned to virtual public charter schools, the newest trend in an age old U.S. debate about school choice (Bausell, 2016).  These cyber charter schools or cyber schools have made a huge impact on the amount of money that public school districts are paying out for tuition each school year.  Since the 2007-2008 school year, charter school enrollment has increased by 65,000 students across the state of Pennsylvania.  Tuition payments from school districts to charter schools have increased by $865 million, which is an increase of 139.3% (PSBA, 2015).  An innovative trend that has started across the country is the development of public school virtual academies.  Public school districts are building their own in-house cyber school program or academies.  A virtual academy gives a school district the ability to offer a flexible virtual method of instruction to the students who have left the traditional school setting. This is a growing trend in many school districts and is also being supported by the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators. “A reasonable solution would be to permit local school districts to run their own cyber charters under local control, allow students from those districts to choose between local schools, local cyber school or a blend, and cap existing for-profit cyber charters so that local districts can keep some of their badly-needed resources in the community” (Baugh et al, 2017, p. 8).  In order for public school districts to gain some of their lost money back, they need to change their train of thought.  School districts need to plan and build virtual academies in hopes to gain some of their lost students back into the district.  Along with these students comes hundreds of thousands of dollars. This simple trend or change will allow school districts to bolster their yearly budgets with a new found way to help their financial struggles.

Planning Phase and Various Models of a Virtual Academy

A virtual academy has flexibility and meets the needs of each individual school district. Some examples of current models are transition programs or an alternative setting that focus on the students who are transient in a school district.  This method is used for students who have an outlying circumstance that causes them to be removed from the traditional school setting.  Some examples include: drug and alcohol treatment, concussion or traumatic brain injury, students who participate in demanding sports schedules, residential therapy, etc.  This program is designed for short amounts of time but in some cases lend itself as a place where students experience success.   The programming, instructors, and curriculum are provided by a third party vendor, ex. .

The second phase that is utilized by most school districts is an in-house virtual academy where students come into the public school but are still offered the non-traditional learning environment that is given to the student(s) virtually.  There are various ways that a school district can accommodate these students.  The school district can buy a site license for student seats in the virtual environment. The content and instruction is provided by an outsourced accredited educator.  The more cost effective method is to purchase a learning management system (LMS) or framework where district employees provide the content and instruction. This is the best practice due to the fact of the student receiving the same content and instruction as other age specific peers in that specific community.

The third model or cyber café is a method used for enrichment purposes.  A Cyber cafe is usually setup in a library or media center, students are assigned a time slot versus taking a traditional class.  Courses are offered through this type of venue are courses that are not offered through the regular curriculum.  An example would be:  A student wants to study Mandarin Chinese and in the past had no option. Today students from around the world are able to participate in this type of class from a virtual gateway.  Mandarin Chinese  No matter what the need is for a specific student, a public school’s virtual academy should have an option for that student. This allows students who have left their home schools to return to an educational environment that was productive to them outside of the traditional school setting.

The cyber café model also helps the students who are not seeking enrichment but in fact the opposite.  Students who have fallen behind and need to make up courses or go through a credit recovery program.  This is offered by the same companies who provide regular curriculum.  Credit recovery is a condensed eight week course that is taking virtually.  The eight weeks are crammed with the most important content.  If a student is successful completing this type of course(s), it is possible for a student to graduate high school on time if that fell behind.

Curriculum that is offered through a Virtual Academy

Each school district will have a different plan of attack when they develop their curriculum and delivery mode of the content.  There are a few options that are available and these options can also be modified to develop a hybrid model.  The best part about this new innovation is the built in flexibility and ability to meet the needs of many different types of students.

1.  The first model that can be utilized by a virtual academy is a fully accredited and purchased curriculum.  A school district has the option to pay for their curriculum, instruction, and learning management system all from one vendor. The content is accredited and is standards-based to comply with each state’s educational policy for curriculum. According to Molnar et al. (2017) “many believe that online curriculum can be tailored to individual students more effectively than curriculum in traditional classrooms, giving it the potential to promote greater student achievement than can be realized in traditional brick-and-mortar schools” (p. 3).  Some companies, Educere , actually ask a school district for their current course of study so that they can offer a curricular solution that is closely related to the public school’s curriculum.

2.  A second model is a hybrid model that allows a virtual academy to use their teacher’s and their teacher’s content to build courses in their virtual academy.  A framework or LMS still needs to be purchased and developed in order for the content to be loaded into the virtual environment.  Two main companies that offer this solution are Blackboard and Canvas.  After that framework is established a school district will need to build its course offerings.  These courses are developed by the school district teachers and these teachers also are responsible for checking in with their students. Teachers also can offer tutoring sessions or office hours to help support these students.  The students could meet face to face or virtually with a conferencing program.  Ideally this model may be the best solution, since the content and instruction is being delivered from teachers who are employed through the same school district.

3.  Virtual Academy Curriculum Solutions

·  - A very flexible and economical solution

·  - Top leading provider of online learning curriculum

·  - offers curriculum with an easy interface and huge course selection

·  - Overall selection for any E-Learning needs, based out of Pittsburg

·  - Harrisburg, PA – Largest academy in PA but offers its curriculum out to public schools

· - Large company, curriculum, piece of educational market worldwide.

School choice is the issue in debate and where charter and cyber charter schools were developed.  The first charter schools were introduced as a way to offer low performing school district students the option to leave and attend a charter school with the possibility of improving the educational environment and their overall success.  On September 1st, 2006 the Cyber Charter School law was established, 24 P.S. §17-1741-A,.  Cyber Charter Schools were introduced through a Basic Education Circular on this day (, n.d.).  Over the past couple of years there has been a lot of scrutiny of these cyber schools because of their low performance ability to meet student needs.  According to Bausell (2016) “dysfunctional schools, huge student attrition rates, dismal test scores, overworked teachers, and reports of an abounding cheating culture” are some of the reasons why students are returning from cyber charter schools (p. 110).  Due to these reasons and the fact that public schools were losing millions of dollars a year to cyber schools is why public schools have developed their own virtual academies.  These programs are under the same Pennsylvania school code as are their traditional brick and mortar class offerings.  As long as these courses meet the PA common core standards, are taught by a certified content area teacher, and are fulfilling credit requirements, as do the traditional students, then the virtual academy is in compliance. There may be a sticking point between the school board of directors and the education association if the virtual academy course work is outsourced to another company.  If the program is first offered to current teachers and any teachers who may need to be hired to run the virtual academy then the program would not face any political discrepancies.

How to invite a student back to their home school district’s virtual academy

·        Send letters to all current cyber school students inviting them to an open house presentation about the new Virtual Academy.

·        Invite small groups of parents and students to meet individually at a coffee shop or local diner.

·        Develop a Cyber Boot Camp – program that introduces students to their new equipment and how to navigate the learning management system.  This can be teacher or student led.

·        Notify students that they will be receiving a diploma from the school district even if they are participating in the virtual academy.

·        All students will be able to participate in extra-curricular activities and sporting events.

·        In-house virtual academies offer flexible learning environments to fit individual student needs.

Baugh, D., Gilliland, B., Estep, & DiRocco, M. (2017). Charter School Reform: Recommendations for Policy Makers. Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators White Paper, 1-20

Bausell, S. B. (2016). From the editorial board: Virtual charter schools: Where did all the children go? The High School Journal, 99(2), 109-112. Retrieved from

Molnar, A., Miron, G., Gulosino, C., Shank, C., Davidson, C., Barbour, M.K., Huerta, L., Shafter, S.R., Rice, J.K., & Nitkin, D. (2017). Virtual Schools Report 2017. National Education Policy Center. Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from

PSBA (2015). Charter School Revenues, Expenditures and Transparency. Retrieved from

Rocking the Virtual Chinese Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2018, from

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