Chip's Challenge/Levels 61-80

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Chip's Challenge:

General hints | Levels 1-20 | Levels 21-40 | Levels 41-60 | Levels 61-80 | Levels 81-100 | Levels 101-120 | Levels 121-140 | Levels 141-149 | Passwords

Level Pack 2:

Levels 1-20 | Levels 21-40 | Levels 41-60 | Levels 61-80 | Levels 81-100 | Levels 101-120 | Levels 121-140 | Levels 141-149 | Passwords

This is a continuation of the walkthrough for Chip's Challenge. Levels 61 (RINK) through 80 (VANISHING ACT) will be discussed on this page.

Level 61:RINK

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A trick to this level is noting that if you watch Chip, and the blocks directly to the north, south, east or west, you will be able to eliminate which blocks you have not tested. You need only systematically eliminate which blocks are walkable and which are not to search for the chips. If you see a bunch of fake walls, find a way to get to them. The exit is in the center. here's directions: U R U 2D L D L 2R 2U R 2U 2R U 2R U D R 2D 2U R U R L 2D 2R L D L R U 2R 3D 2L 2D 2L 2D U L U 2L D L D R 2D L D R D 4R U D 2L D 2U D 3R 2U L U L U L U 2L 2R 2U 2L D L 2D L D U L 2U R U 2R U 2D R D R D R 2D 3L 2D L 2U 2L D U 4R 2U L U 2D R

Level 62:SLO MO

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This level consists of a checkerboard pattern of open and closed toggle walls. These toggle approximately once every second. It is broken up by a number of clear corridors which permit rapid travel. There are a number of teeth near the south of the board as well as several blobs scattered around the board. The exit square is on the right of the board. To complete the level, travel upwards, using corridors when possible, then all the way to the right of the board to the exit square for 282 seconds.


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Go all the way north and press the button. Push the block closest to you into the water to the east. Repeat twice. Don't worry about the other blocks south of you. Once you've gotten both of the chips, slide on the forcefield south to each of the other chips. If you miss any of them, just ride the forcefield back up and try again.

After you've done that, get off in the south section. Go around and quickly get the chip, pressing the button. Hurry back over the button and to the exit. You score 477 for not missing anything.

Level 64:SPOOKS

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As long as you are not afraid of the teeth, they will not spook you. Follow this route: R D R 2L wait 4L 4D 2L D U L U L U L R 6U R U 7R 5U D 8L 4U 5R 4U 6L D L D L D 5L 3U 8D 3R 4D 3L 3R D R 2D R D 5L 6D 5R 3D 3R D 5R U 2R U 2R L 4U 4R D 4R 3U 3L 10U R 3U R U L U L U L U wait 6R D 2R 4D L 3D 2L 8D 4R 13D 3L U L 2U 4L 3D 21L D exit. You have revealed the ghostly 547 seconds.


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The #1 rule on this level: Do not push a block directly toward a chip. All other blocks are fine, including the blocks you are forced onto. Follow this route through the canals, getting chips where indicated: 2D chip U (chips on sides) U L D two chips U L 2R chip L (chip on the top) L D U chip D 2R two chips L chip D chip. Return to the start and go: R D (one chip on each side) D (2 chips on the right) D three chips 3U R three chips D L chip L chip 2R D 2L chip R chip R D (one on top and three on bottom) L (chips at top and bottom) L 2U two chips D (two on right and one on left) D two chips L chip D chip D 2U two chips D (two on right and one on left) D R 3U chip D chip D chip D R chip 2R exit. You score 395 seconds.

Level 66:VICTIM

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Again, you will need to be fast on this one. You must use your greater speed and their stupidity to your advantage. First, quickly go south into the teleport. Immediately head back up into the teleport, getting the chip on the right, and step over the green button. Get one chip to your southwest, and head west through the toggled wall to the chips. From here, go down, getting the chips in front of the teeth, and go northeast, collecting the four chips, then south east, collecting five chips. Head west again. Head north and go through the eastern chip socket and head to the exit. You score 292 for avoiding being victimized.


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Another mazehunt to search for chips. When I say "backtrack" I mean go back to the last intersection visited. Route: 2R (A) 4U (B) 2R 8U 2R 2D 2R 2U 2R 2D 3R backtrack 5R 6D 3L 2U R backtrack backtrack 2R 4U 4R 4D 5R backtrack 2L 4D 7R. Go back to B. 2U 2L (C) 4D 4L 4D 2R 2U backtrack 6L 8D 6R 2U backtrack 2L 8D backtrack 2L 6U 2R backtrack 4U 2R 4U 6L 10D 2R 6D. Go back to C. 4L 2U 6R 2U 2L 2U 2R backtrack 4U 12L 14D (D) 2R 6D 2R 2D 2L 2D 4R 2D 4L 3D 2R U 2R D backtrack 2U 2R 2D backtrack 2U 2R 2U 4R 2D 2R 2U 6D 4U 4L 4D backtrack 6D 4L 6R 2L 2D 2L D 2L U backtrack D 2R U 2R D 2R U. Go back to D. 15D. Go back to C and then back to B and A. There should be 7 chips left. 2D 2R 4U 2R 2D 2R backtrack 2R (E) 2D 4L 4R 2D 9R 2D L 2D R 2D L backtrack 2D 6R 4D 2L 2U 6L 4D 2L 4U backtrack backtrack 2D 3R 3D 2L U 2L D 2L U 2L D L backtrack 2U 2L 2U 2R. Go back to E. 4R 2U 5R 2D L 2D R backtrack 2R 2D 4L EXIT. If done correctly, this route should score 518.


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Go across the gravel south over the red button. Continue to spiral in, getting the chips. Do not worry about the paramecia - he should not bother you very much and you can drown him anyway. Go back across the gravel, through the east green keyhole, and all the way to the west of that area. Push the last block north one and go through the fake wall next to it. Push the third block up, and push the second block left until above the second chip. Take the first block next to the second block. Push the third block above up one, and push the two blocks into the water above the chips. Push the fifth block up, and push the fourth block left to between the "holes" in the water. Go to the top and push the third block north. Push the second block one space west, and push the third block all the way west. Use the blocks to get the chips in this fashion:

[_|_|_|_|_] W - Wall
[_|_|_|_|_] # - chip
[X|~|X|~|X] ~ - Water
[X|~|X|~|X] X - where you put the blocks

For speed, push the far left block down, and get the next, pushing it down to the water. Push the other block left. For the rest of the blocks, push the blocks directly north of the chips straight south. Then push all of the remaining blocks over left one. Get the first chip, and push the next block down to the right, where you get another. The paramecia is about drowned by now. Get the original third block from the start, and push it all the way to the left for the chip. Push all the rest of the blocks down and get their respective chips.

Once you've gotten all of those chips, go back, past the finish, to the glider area. Get the first chip, and get in when there is a gap of two spaces between the gliders. Skip the first pair of chips. Quickly run and get the chips around the outside, counter-clockwise, dodging gliders as you go. Once you complete the ring, get the chip at the top and the two at the left. Go out and exit. If you kept your nerve, you get 489.


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First, go northeast past the pink ball. After one of the next balls bounces, follow it and get off before it hits you. The point north of them is a safe spot. Wait for the next three balls to bounce, then go past them. The following spots are safe spots:

[W|W|W|W|W|W|W] X - safe spot
[X|O|X|W|_|_|_] O - ball
[_|_|_|_|_|O|_] W - wall

Go now to the area with the paramecia. When there is a gap, run north past them and turn right (if you need to, jump aside at the safe point). Wait for the pink balls to bounce, then follow them to the blue keyhole. When they come back up, jump in ahead of them and run all the way south. You will reach a second group of pink balls. Wait for them to bounce, then follow them all the way north to the second safe spot. Let them go back south as you get out of there to the east.

When coming south on the side, get on the side, wait for the ball to bounce, then go south two. If there is a wall, go to the other side. Get the red key on the way and when you get to the end, get the blue key. Go back north the same way you came. Go south, stopping at the same spot, past the four pink balls. Go north with the second group of four pink balls to the blue keyhole. Get the yellow and blue keys and go back south. Go in the eastern yellow keyhole and get the second yellow key. Dodge the paramecia and the ball, go through the keyholes and exit. Every refinement in dodging is a step closer to 229.


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This level is a series of tests in speed, endurance, thinking ahead, etc.

Teeth, Bug, Fireball, Glider: Run down the path over the brown button and keep going until you get to the next brown button. Press it and quickly run over the toggle wall and onto the green button (before the fireball gets through. Run down and push the block in to create some dirt. Walk over the dirt toward the next brown button.

Paramecia, Paramecia, Teeth: First, run over the button and push the block. The brown button does nothing, due to the lack of a controller. Go around, avoiding the teeth monster with speed, and get the yellow key.

Pink Ball, Teeth, Walker, Blob: Follow the ball and get off near the blue button (pressing it doesn't do anything significant). To get past the walker, run fast to the right. Go over the keyhole and north toward the tank. You will hopefully not get hit by the blob.

Tank, Blocks, Fireball: Press the blue button twice. Go on to the east over the second blue button. Push the first block north and jump aside. Do the same for the second and third blocks. After you get out of the way of the fourth block, push it west into the water. Do the same for the fifth block. Go north and press the brown button. A fireball will come out; get to the safe spot in the south of that. Wait for the fireball to go north, then go across the button (it shouldn't do anything) and on the path through the water.

Bug, Bugs, Keyhole: When the bug isn't near, walk across the dirt to the south. The bug will die in the water, so get the key. When you push the block onto the button, quickly run to the gravel. Go across the dirt through the keyhole and exit. You are not exactly halfway through the puzzle, but another 136 seconds still count toward your total.


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Push the block into the water and get the key. Go through the left keyhole (it doesn't matter, but this explanation will apply if you go in on the left side). Follow the movement pattern below.

[#|_|B|_|_|_|_]  [#|_|B|_|_|_|_]  [#|_|B|_|_|_|_]  [#|_|B|_|_|_|_]
[_|W|W|_|W|W|_]  [_|W|W|_|W|W|_]  [_|W|W|_|W|W|_]  [_|W|W|_|W|W|_]
[_|W|#|B|#|W|_]  [_|W|_|_|_|W|_]  [_|W|_|_|_|W|_]  [_|W|_|_|_|W|_]
[_|_|B|_|B|_|_]  [_|B|_|_|_|B|_]  [_|B|_|_|_|B|_]  [_|B|_|B|_|B|_]
[_|W|#|_|#|W|_]  [_|W|_|B|_|W|_]  [_|W|_|_|B|W|_]  [_|W|_|_|B|W|_]
[_|W|W|B|W|W|_]  [_|W|W|B|W|W|_]  [_|W|W|B|W|W|_]  [_|W|W|_|W|W|_]
[_|?|_|_|_|_|_]  [_|?|_|_|_|_|_]  [_|?|_|_|_|_|_]  [_|?|_|_|_|_|_]
Push the first block over and get all of the chips. Push the middle
block into a corner and the south block north two.
[#|_|B|_|_|_|_]  [#|_|B|_|_|_|B]  [#|_|B|_|_|_|_]  [#|_|B|_|_|_|B]
[_|W|W|_|W|W|_]  [_|W|W|_|W|W|_]  [_|W|W|_|W|W|_]  [_|W|W|_|W|W|_]
[_|W|_|_|_|W|_]  [_|W|_|_|_|W|_]  [_|W|_|_|_|W|_]  [_|W|_|_|_|W|_]
[_|B|_|B|_|_|B]  [_|B|_|B|_|_|_]  [_|B|_|_|_|_|B]  [_|B|_|_|_|_|_]
[_|W|_|_|B|W|_]  [_|W|_|_|B|W|_]  [_|W|_|_|B|W|_]  [_|W|_|_|B|W|_]
[_|W|W|_|W|W|_]  [_|W|W|_|W|W|_]  [_|W|W|_|W|W|_]  [_|W|W|_|W|W|_]
[_|?|_|_|_|_|_]  [_|?|_|_|_|_|_]  [_|?|_|_|_|_|_]  [_|?|_|_|_|_|_]
Push the east block out and into the water. Do the same for the middle block.

Get the red key and repeat the steps mirror image on the right side. Get the green key, the four chips around the fire, and the blue key. Go to the left side and through the blue keyhole. Get the chip and yellow key, push the lower block to the center, and push the north block out and into the water. Do the same on the right side. Get the four chips and the red key. Finish off the left side by pushing the block in the center in the water, going through the red keyhole, getting the key and pushing the block from the west, to the north and into the water. Repeat all of this on the right side. You should have enough blocks to get to the green keyhole, getting the chips on the way. Go through one of the red keyholes and be quick in getting the blue key, while trying to avoid the walker. Go straight south and exit. You have built a corridor to 355 seconds.


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Whenever you cross a pair of tanks, do it right after they switch sides. They switch in a continuing pattern of 3, 2, 1, and 1 times. Cross in the line next to the first tank. Get all of the chips you encounter. The exit is in the center of the spiral.

Level 73:MORTON

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Basic directions: You must work through the maze, gathering chips and avoiding the lone teeth ("Morton") which starts in the center of the maze. To gather the chips near the center of the maze, you need to lure the teeth out of the center while you double back and gather the chips.

Detailed instructions: Move Chip this way;

  • 4L2U3R2U5R2D5R2U2RU [Pick up chip];
  • R2U3L [pick up chip];
  • reverse course back to starting point;
  • 12LU [pick up chip];
  • L5U2R3DR [pick up chip];
  • L10U [this is point #1];
  • 2L8U2R5UR2U2LD [pick up chip];
  • U2R3D [pick up chip];
  • U4R2U3R2DR2D6LD [pick up chip];
  • reverse course to point #1;
  • U2R2U2R6UR [pick up chip];
  • U3R2DLD [pick up chip];
  • U11RD [pick up chip];
  • R5D2L5D3LU [the teeth should be coming toward you];
  • hurry D3R and wait for the teeth;
  • when he starts coming, go U;
  • as the teeth comes right to the wall, pick up the chip;
  • wait one move;
  • step down. You should be ahead of the teeth. Run 2L3UR, drawing the teeth with you;
  • as the teeth moves SW of you, step 4U5L4DR to get a corner chip;
  • step L3URU3RDR4D (you should have beaten the teeth out, he will not bother you now);
  • finish the level thus: L2D3R8UL [pick up chip];
  • R3D2R4D [this is point #3]
  • 2D2L2DL [pick up chip];
  • D3L2D5L2U3LU [pick up chip];
  • L5U2R4UR [pick up chip];
  • L7DR [pick up chip];
  • L3U2L3D2L4DR [pick up chip];
  • L2U2L4DR [pick up chip];
  • reverse course to point #3;
  • 2R2U2R [this is point #4];
  • 7U2L2UL [pick up chip];
  • R2D2RD2R4U2LUL [pick up chip];
  • 3U2RD [pick up chip];
  • U2L2D5L2U3L2DL2D2R2D3RD [pick up chip];
  • reverse course to point #4;
  • 2R4D2L6D2R3DL [pick up chip];
  • R3U2L2DL [pick up chip];
  • D2L2D9L [exit].

You score 485 seconds for avoiding being mortonized.


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Walk over the red button and on the ice to the left. Walk on the trap and when the ball gets there, go north. Get the chip at the bottom. Go on the forcefield and you come to some paramecia obsessively going around in circles. Jump on the upper right corner and go left after three squares. You should be safely led to the chip (after the second up floor).

Go north and you come to an area with tanks and pink balls. From the gravel, push one of the blocks to the east and into the water just west of the chip. Prepare the second (put it by the opening) and go to get the chip at the left past the balls. When you get the chip, push the second block into the water, get the chip, run back and go up to the exit. You score up 359 seconds.

Level 75:STEAM

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Move like this: U D 5L U 2L D 3L 2U L 2U R U 2R D 2R 2U R U 2R 3U R 3U 3L 3U 4L 2U 6L D 4L D 3L 11D L R 5D L to get the fire boot and the flipper. Go straight to the exit in the NW corner. You score 479 seconds.

Level 76:FOUR PLEX

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Go east through two teleports. You should end up in the NE corner. Go east through the fake wall, south to the bottom, west through the first fake wall, and north on the ice to get the red key. Go back the way you came and into the teleport. Go south through the fake and recessed walls and red keyhole. Go through the teleport three times and get the yellow key. Go back through the teleport three times and over the recessed walls and forcefield. Continue east and south.

You will come to a ball machine and a red button that you must cross over. Do so and "steal" the chips from the other two balls, while going all the way back north and one space west after taking the first. Go on the southern forcefields and when you push the block, jump south. Push this block south and east (you will have to go into the bug's area) in preparation for pushing into a bomb. Go back to the ball machine via the area with the bug and some ice.

You will see a pink ball coming out at an interval. They should not bother you, but you must run fast! Go again on the southern forcefield and this time, jump to the north. Push that block down, and push the first block into a bomb. Prepare the second block by putting it in the same position. Go back to the ball machine and follow the second ball. Go on the northern forcefield and jump south and repeat the whole thing a third time, the next time going on the northern forcefield and jumping north. The fourth time, do not prepare the last block.

You should have cleared out all but one of the bombs now. Use the last block to blow up the last bomb. Traverse the forcefield and head toward the glider machine. Make sure the toggle door is closed first! Clone and release two gliders. Get out of the way of the second, open the toggle wall for the trapped glider (because it needs to be closed and a glider will hit the button once), and release it with the above button ("first" button). Switch the toggle wall with the above switch and go down to get the chip at the bottom. Repeat the double cloning and path; but this time, hit both toggle buttons above the first button and continue the path all the way to the top, where you pick up another chip. Return to the first trap button, making sure the door is open; a glider will blow up another bomb. All three chips on the left are now available.

The next part is a recessed wall path, just like the level CELLBLOCKED, only smaller. Go north and get that chip and go back south along the water. When you get to the next section, go directly for the NE chip, then get the other chip and continue. Get the next three chips in east-to-west order. Follow the south wall all the way to the chip in the corner, then go back east, getting the two other chips on the way.

Getting the blue and yellow keys is a classic problem for this game. Push the first and the third blocks in and the second blocks south. Get only ONE chip (on the left) and the keys (if you get both, you will be stopped by the paramecia and bug later), and go to the western area, through the yellow keyhole. Steal the fire boot from the paramecia (he's traveling along the wall) and go over the fire in the east to get the red key. Go back to the western area and get the yellow key. Return to the east, steal the flipper, go over the water, get the last chip, go through the chip socket, over the ice, east, south and west into the finish. You score 104 "plex points" x 4 plex = 416 seconds. :-)

Note: This level is one of the most involved, diverse, and complicated in the whole game. If you liked this level, others similar are TOSSED SALAD, NUTS AND BOLTS, NIGHTMARE, and ELEMENTARY.


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This level is incredibly simple. Go northwest around the red button. Get into the bug line when there is a gap and go around getting all of the chips. The exit is to the northwest of the bugs. Score: 481.


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Go VERY FAST D R 2U R 2U L D R U R 6D 5L 2U R D 2L 2U R U L D 2R 3U 2L U. On the outside, push through the wall in the west. Go into the teleport in the SW corner, get the yellow key, and go back from the south. You have gotten all of the chips; get the red key. Go south into the teleport. Go straight south through the yellow and red keyholes and exit. If you have the utmost boosting skill, you can score 480 on this level.


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Go straight south and get the chips on the south and east sides. Go into the teleport from the east. Open the dirt on the left side of the top of the fireball area. Keep going and get the chips on the west side and the south side. Reenter the teleport from the south. Keep going north and get the chips on the north side. Get the chips on the east side; this time, you don't need to avoid the dirt. Go back through the east side.

The last quadrant is the most difficult. The fireballs are following you, but they will just go in the circle. First, cross the fireballs' path and get the chips on the north side. Return to the NW corner. Run down across the dirt and get the west chips. Run straight right towards the exit. Do not let the fireballs burn away your 220 score.

If you go DUDU the fourth up will get you back to this starting screen. If you follow this path and get the chips on the 1st and 2nd screen before the 3rd screen, you can avoid having the fireballs getting near you till the very last moment and beat it with the maximum score.


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All of the tiles are invisible walls. Be warned: The dirt disappears, leaving you without a backtracking guide. Here is a map of the level:

[X| | | | |I| | | | | |I| |I| | | | | | | | | |I| | | |I| | | |X]
[X| |I|I| |I| |I|I|I| | | |I| |I|I|I|I| |I|I| |I|#|I| |I| |I| |X]
[X| |#|I| |I| | | |I| |I|I|I| |I| | | | |I| | |I|I|I| |I| |I| |X]
[X| |I|I| |I|I|I| |I| | | | | |#| |I|I|I|I| | | | | | |I| |I| |X]
[X| | |I| | | | | |I| |I|I|I|I|I| |I| | | | |I|I|I|I| |I| |I| |X]
[X|I| |I|I|I| |I|I|I| | | | | | | |I|I|I|I|I|I| | | | |I| |I| |X]
[X| | | |I| | | | |I|I|I|I|I| |I| | | | | | |I| |I|I|I|I| |I| |X]
[X| |I| | | |I| |I|#|I| | | | |I|I|I|I|I|I| | | | | | | | |I| |X]
[X| |I|I|I|I|I| |I| |I| |I|I|I| | | | | | | |I| |I| |I| | |I| |X]
[X| | | | | | | | | |I| | |#|I| |I| |I| |I|I|I| |I| |I|I|I|I| |X]
[X|I|I|I|#|I| |I| | |I|I|I|I| | |I| |I| | | | | |I| | | |I|#| |X]
[X| | |I|I|I| | |I| | | | | |I|I|I| |I|I|I| |I| |I|I|I| |I|I| |X]
[X| | | | | |I|#| |I|I| |I| | | | | | | |I| |I| | | | | | | | |X]
[X| |I|I|I| | |I| | | |I| | |I| |X|X|X| |I| | | |I|#|I|I|I|I|I|X]
[X| | | | |I| | |I| |I| | |I|I| |X|B| | | | |I| |I|I|I| | | | |X]
[X|I|I|I| | |I| |I| | | |I| |I| |X|X|X| |I| |I| | | | |I|I|I| |X]
[X|#| |I|I| |I| |I|I|I|I| | | | | | | | |I| |I|I|I|I| |I| |I| |X]
[X|I| | | | |I| | | | | |I| |I|I|I| |I|I|I| | | | |I| | | |I| |X]
[X|I| |I|I|I|I| |I|I|I| | | |I| | | | | | |I|I|I| |I|I|I|I|I| |X]
[X| | | |I|#|I| | | |I|I|I|I|I| |I|I|I|I| | | | | | |I| | | | |X]
[X| |I| | | |I|I|I| | | | | |I| | | | |I|I|I|I|I|I|I|I| |I|I|I|X]
[X| |I| |I| | | | | |I|I|I| |I| |I|I| | | | |I| | | |I| |I| |#|X]
[X| |I| |I|I|I|I|I|I|I| | | |I| | | |I|I|I| |I| |I| |I| |I| |I|X]
[X| |I| | | | |I| | | | |I|I|I| |I| |I|#|I| |I| |I| |I| |I| |I|X]
[X| |I|I|I|I| | | |I|I|I|I| | | |I| | | |I| |I| |I| | | | | | |X]
[X| | | | |I|I|I| | |I|#|I| |I|I|I|I|I| |I| |I| |I|I|I|I|X|X|X|X]
[X| |I| |I|I| |I|I| | | |I| |I| | | |I| | | |I| | | | | |X|E|S|X]
[X| |I|#| | | | | | |I| | | |I| |I| |I|I|I|I|I|I|I|I|I| |X|X| |X]
[X| |I|I|I|I|I| |I| |I|I|I|I|I| |I| | | | |#|I| |I| | | |I|I| |X]
[X| | | | | | | |I| | | | | | | |I| | |#| | | | | | |I| | | | |X]
X = wall, I = invisible wall, # = chip, E = exit, S = chip socket, B = starting position

Get a sense of the paths and you can score up to 733 seconds. It's magic!