Chip's Challenge/Level Pack 2/Levels 41-60

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Chip's Challenge:

General hints | Levels 1-20 | Levels 21-40 | Levels 41-60 | Levels 61-80 | Levels 81-100 | Levels 101-120 | Levels 121-140 | Levels 141-149 | Passwords

Level Pack 2:

Levels 1-20 | Levels 21-40 | Levels 41-60 | Levels 61-80 | Levels 81-100 | Levels 101-120 | Levels 121-140 | Levels 141-149 | Passwords

This is a continuation of the walkthrough for Level Pack 2 of Chip's Challenge. Levels 41 (Ladder Needs A Wash) through 60 (Internal Clock) will be discussed on this page.

Level 41:Ladder Needs A Wash

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Run up three "rungs" and get the rung chips. Go LUL and run up. Continue 4RD2RU2R and climb down to the second-last rung on the left. Pick it up and go DLD and to the bottom. Finish the last two rungs and go to the exit at the lower right. Your salary is $206.

Level 42:Hmmm!

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Go left and up through the walls. Go to the top left corner and get the green key. Push the block underneath the water and return to the start. Let the fireball out and return to the top. Push the trap button, go to the row of toggle doors, and wait for the first one to open. Get the blue key and return to the bottom. Repeat this process. This time, hit the first clone button, and then get the yellow key. Release another fireball and wait for it to pass. Go bck into the corridor. Although you can open the door and get away from the fireball, wait until it hits the green door. Then open it. Go back to the top. Hit the trap button, wait 3 moves, and hit it again. Wait for the fireball and get the first yellow key. Clone a bug and wait for the next wall to open. Get the second key. Go back to the start, pass the yellow doors, and exit. Hmmm....about 246 seconds.

Level 43:Ray of Light

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Simple. Run right, down, and left, avoiding the blocks. Push the toggle button past the ice and continue, going down, left and up. Turn right into the teleport. Step right again, then up for a chip. Pass the next block and get the other chip. Make sure to press the tank button. Reverse course to the start and exit. 19 seconds are your ray of light this level.

Level 44:Fun House Rink

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Go 2L at the start, then hold up. Get the suction boot and backtrack. Go through the other socket and hold up. Go left at the second force floor for fire boots. Return to the suction boot square, then go up past the fire for flippers. Go back to the second socket and go down. Swim right and you will arrive at ice skates. Skate left to the exit. 205 fun seconds.

Level 45:Breaking the Rules

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Go right and up. Wait for the *second* ball to pass left, then go right to first base. Run up to second and left to third. Beat the ball and run down for home! Chip 138, Balls 0.

Level 46:Hurry Up, Chip!

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Follow the path to the bomb and trap. Pass the trap (it is open at that moment) and continue. At the cross intersection, turn right and get the single chip above you. Go over to the bouncing ball. Step one left so that the paramecium can pass. Then pass the ball and run up. Step on the first dirt and get the fire boots. Run past both fireball cloners and stop at the intersection. Go from here: 3D2RU9R3D2LU2L3D4R3D6L5U2L4D2L and down to the gravel. Take the third pathway to the bottom. Hit the tank button and RUN to the exit. It doesn't matter if there is a glider behind you, you still get your 40 seconds.

Level 47:Tele-Rooms

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No, just standing there will not get you into the exit; you must step (down) off and then get back. Step left from out of the teleport and get the top two chips. Now, go to the right, past the hint, and get the chips in a clockwise circle. Return to the last room and get the lower chips. Teleport up and get the next four chips. Teleport up again, but leave the chips. Go right and get the fire boot from the blobs. Return and get the chips in a clockwise circle. Teleport again and repeat. Exit to the left. You should have all the chips. Get all the yellow keys form the sliding balls and exit south. Go into the fire to the left of the second tele-room and swap for the flippers at the end of the path. Pass the chip socket and go to the glider room. Get the lower row of keys and key your way to the blue key. Getting the remaining keys, pass the second chip socket and the remaining yellow doors to get the red key. Get the suction boots above you and pass the red and blue doors. Go back to the second tele-room and port UDU. The exit is above you. 270 tele-seconds. :-)

Level 48:And Then There Were...Four?

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Simple level. Run right to the hint and pause. Reveal the fire boots (to the right of the second thin wall) and pause. Step off and on the fire boot, collecting it, and go to the top right. Take the east path and follow the winding fire. Pass up and left. At the 3-way intersection, go up. Turn left, and left again. Keep to the right the rest of the way. You arrive at the exit with 125 seconds left.

Level 49:Just A Minute!!

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If it looks impossible....think again. Step down and push left. Cross the teleport and push the right block into the "pie". Take the top block and push it into the lower water above. Do the same for the other. The trick: Push the last block into the teleport. You slide over. Step up and you arrive in a new area just like the last! Repeat the process to get the second chip. I wouldn't advise trying to get another chip....:-) Now go to the top of the area and exit. Just as the level is halved, so is your minute halved. You score 30 seconds.

Level 50:Smorgasbord

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First, stay in even step. Wait for the teeth to move 2U and follow the path to the right. Beat the ball and push the center block, followed by the left and right blocks, into the water. Get the chip and slide down to get the boots. Swim down to a chip. Pass the thief and make your way to the ice skates at the end of the thin wall maze. Get the green key, flippers, blue key, fire boots, red key, toggle button, suction boots, yellow key, and finally the chip, in order. Pass the thief above you and get the chip. Go through the thin walls and push the block left to get flippers. Pass the teleports and get a chip. Get the ice skates, wait a move, and go DR3DRDR2D to the chip. Move LULULUL3DLRL3UL3DL. From here, repeat this pattern: U wait U wait U wait2 D wait D wait D wait2. Continue until you reach the water, where you just wait for the teeth to fall in. Get the chip and wait for the tank. Continue and get five more chips and a flipper (in the middle). Backtrack to the water and get the last chip. Go back to the center and exit. An assortment of 428 different seconds is available.

Level 51:The Lake In Winter

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You MUST know where to go here or else you won't beat it. Run down to the ice entrance and go: RDR chip LUR2U chip R2DL chip R2ULD2RULD chip 2U2RULURDL chip R2D chip UR chip L2ULDRDLDRURDRU2LU chip D2RDLULDLULDRD2L3DL chip URD chip U2R exit. You wintered 395 seconds.

Level 52:Oracle I

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Go to the top and push the blocks right into 3 towers of 2 each. Push the block below you into the water. Take the first tower into the water, then take the next one from the bottom up. Take the lower block from the third tower and move the block below you to the left. Push the last tower block left and the other block into the water. Get the other block from the top. Now, repeat the same pattern of movement with the two blocks to your right. Go to the top right corner and use the center block. Move the lone block below here 3L and use the other block in the upper right corner. Move to the right and push the block U. Take the center block to just under it and move the other block into position. Bring the top block out of the column of three out to the top and use the (already positioned) block below you. Repeat the same pattern with the last two blocks on the right side. Go back to the top and turn left. Now, use the last three blocks one at a time to reach the exit. The oracle says 313.

Level 53:Security Breach

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Very simple once you know the trick. Don't pick up either chip; instead, go to the right of the center and get the lower block. Push it onto the trap button and then pick up both chips. Go to the bottom and pass the socket and balls to the exit. Easy 58-second burglary.

Level 54:Killer Rooms

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Run up and hit the first dirt made. Get the chips and make two more ice squares. Clone two blocks at once, step on the first dirt, and then hit the second. Repeat. You now exit the south end. Get the left row of chips and boots, and get the chip and four keys to the left. Run up and get the six chips in the middle but not on the top row. Pick up the chips past the bees, then the ten chips in the fire, then the five chips at the start. Beat the teeth and run right. Pass the walker and push the two blocks into the water to get the fire boots. Go back to the thieves, then go left. Get all four keys and the remaining 12 chips. Run right, catching the ice and force floor on the way, and open all the doors to reach the exit. Not a "killer" level; you get a modest 302 seconds.

Level 55:Dangers of Fire and Beasts

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Go to the teeth area below you. Get all the chips on the right, but only touch the lowest button. This clones a block which hits a toggle button. The other hit a clone button that clones teeth. Run back up and get the chips. Go to where the fireballs were and get the chips in a circle. Now run left to the sliding gliders and get the chips and fire boots. Go past the trap and go to the ice section. Get the key and two western chips. Push this block up and take it to the blue door. Open the door and go to the bottom. Get the three chips by the trap button and retreat. Push the block onto the button and get the rest of the chips on the way back. Pass the trap and go back to the ice area. Get the last two chips and block. Push the block over the trap and into the water at the left. You are taken to the lower left part of the room. Get the last five chips and run over the force floors to the top. Pass the chip socket and hit the clone button. If you timed it right, both blocks should stop the gliders, quelling the dangers, and allowing you to collect the 77 seconds in the exit to the left.

Level 56:Planet of the Teeth

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Another simple level, that is busted up. Run right and get the chip. Go to the bottom and get ONLY the chips. Go right through the teleport and *immediately* step down. You override the force floor and get the chip. Go through the teleport again. Get the chip to the left of the exit, and then go in. The teeth are defeated and you collect 236 seconds.

Level 57:Quad-Boot

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Difficult to go for because of the boosting. The start exits are fake, so ignore them. Step down and then up. Go right through the port and make ice. Do the same going down. Now, go right of the start to get a block. Push it right to get the fire boot. Get the second block. IMPORTANT: Hit the toggle button twice. Now take the block and push it down. Get the flippers. Go left through the port and swim to the ice skates. Teleport and step up to override the force floor. (You don't need the suction boots.) Pass the ice corner and thief. At the next thief, run left until you see a toggle door and fireballs. Pass the fireballs and toggle wall to settle in the exit. Whew! 266 seconds.

Level 58:Reversi

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Run in the directions advertised: DRU button DRUL button RDLD. Circle around and turn right into the zigzag. Press the button and jog left. Sharply turn up and zigzag again to a button. Move through and turn right. Follow the path to another button. Zigzag again and turn left. Step down to a button. Follow all the way up to a button and down to a button. Continue up and follow the winding path below you to the exit. Your time was reversed to 301.

Level 59:Lot of Danger

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This is one of the more difficult levels, but each attempt at the floors takes less than a second. Step down and wait for the floor to go down. Exit the teleport and get the chip. Move right and wait for the floor to go right. Get the second chip and step up. Wait for the floor to go left and exit the teleport. Go up twice more through the teleports and get the third chip. Finally, step on the floor to the left and hold to the left. You should zip to the fourth chip. Open the blue wall to the left and push the button. RUN up to the force floor path. At the minimum, you should have 398.6 on the clock when you push the button. Follow the floors and ice down to a paramecium and four keys. Get the keys and ice skates and open the blue door. Ride the floors to a circling walker and fire boots. Ignore the fire boot; circle to the other side. Get the suction boots and chips below you. Follow the remaining chips to a flipper. Move up and get the two chips to the left. Continue to the left and get the two chips below you. Run up and get the other chip and the blue key. Stroll to the right where you see two chips. Get the one on top and run down to get two more. Move right and get two more chips. Finally, pick up the one in the corner. Dash up to the gravel strip. If you step on the gravel before the clock hits 360 or an even number of moves away, you should be in even step. Otherwise, you should be in odd step. If you are not, wait one move before continuing. Run up and beat the teeth over the gravel. Get all the chips you need from the slab on the left, but DON'T TOUCH THE UPPER LEFT CHIP...the ball will hit you. Skate up to the doors and exit. You fought off a lot of danger, so you get a lot of seconds: 352 of them.

Level 60:Internal Clock

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Run right. Get the yellow key to the right. Follow the fireball to the op of the level. Open the door and push the block right one space. Go around it and move to the right. Travel down to get the suction boots. Wait for the fireball, then exit the corridor. Jump just in front of the second fireball and run to the left. U-turn and pass over the force floor to the fire boots. Wait for the fireballs and backtrack. Push the block down and 2L12D. Turn right and pass the fire to get the blue key. Go back to the start and get the green key. Travel up, past the chips, and turn right. Go through the green door and get the eight chips in the maze. Travel above you and pass the chip socket to the ice skates. Go all the way left and down. Skate to the red key. Retrieve the block and push it right to the red doors. Open the right red door and retreive the block. Step on the gravel, circle around the block (opening the three top sockets) and push the block into the water. You are free to exit. Your internal clock registers your time of 566.