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User talk:Whiteknight
User:Whiteknight/Book Foundry
User:Whiteknight/All Books
User:Whiteknight/New Book Guide
User:Whiteknight/Book Creator
User:Andrew Whitworth
Whiteknight Discussion Book Foundry All Books New Book Guide Book Creator Images About Me
Due to a severe shortage of time, I am no longer able to be an active member of the Wikibooks project. Please see my page for more details about my absense. I will continue to monitor my talk page for correspondence and will try to reply quickly when possible.

Like-Minded Organizations

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There are a number of like-minded organizations in this world that share similar aims with English Wikibooks. Here, I am going to maintain a list of such organizations that I've discovered, in hopes of establishing and maintaining long-term working relationships with them. The more synergy and collaboration that Wikibooks can foster with these groups, the more we all win. Add items to this list using the User:Whiteknight/Friend template.

Contact: No
Open Knowledge Foundation
Contact: Yes (Jonathan Gray)
Textbook Revolution
Contact: No
FLOSS Manuals
Contact: Yes (Adam Hyde)
Global Textbook Project
Contact: No

Open Education Groups

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These are organizations that are not directly related to open-content textbooks, but which might be interesting for our use. Most of these sites need to be mined for information, we need to get into direct contact with people who operate them, and we need to form partnerships with them. Some of these could probably be listed as "friends" above.

Useful pages

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These pages might be useful to us in promoting Wikibooks or for other purposes.

Other Pages for Wikibookians

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These pages, be they groups on social networking sites, blogs, or other websites, are dedicated to Wikibooks.