Teaching Social Studies in Virtual Space/Cultural Anthropology/Cultural Imperialism/g4

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Cultural Imperialism & Global Perspective[1]

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Directions: Divide the work up between your group members and remember to cite your sources.

1) What is globalization? How does globalization effect culture?
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2) Does U.S. cultural imperialism exist, and, if yes, in what ways?
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3) If no, are we simply witnessing the development of a "global" culture that currently happens to be largely influenced by the United States?
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4) Or, will increased nationalism maintain separate and distinct cultures, with no one culture being dominant?
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  1. Weisner, M., et al. (2002). McDomination: The Americanization of global popular culture. In Discovering the Global Past: A Look at the Evidence. Vol. II: Since 1400. Second Edition. Boston: Houghtin Mifflin Co.