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Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-V

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va -- vabijbwa

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  • va = affirmative, so, yeah, yep, yes, yup
  • vaa = affirmative, determinate, positive
  • vaa ix = positive effect
  • vaa ixun = positive effect
  • vaa sag = positive number
  • vaa xiun = positive result
  • vaaa = vaaa
  • vaafea = tolerant
  • vaafean = tolerance
  • vaafen = toleration
  • vaafer = to tolerate
  • vaafwa = tolerated
  • vaafyafwa = tolerable
  • vaafyofwa = intolerable
  • vaan = positiveness
  • vaas = something positive
  • vaay = determinately, positively
  • vab = grass
  • vababtaymas = grass roof
  • vabagsen = plant growth
  • vabam = barn, grange
  • vabaya = grass-filled, grassy
  • vabayan = grassiness
  • vabdem = grassplot, grassy park
  • vabdeym bik = lawn care
  • vabdeym ekun = lawn game
  • vabdeym gon = piece of turf
  • vabdeym = grounds, lawn
  • vabdeymut = lawn gardener
  • vabem = pasture, prairie
  • vabema = pastoral, rural
  • vabemay = rurally
  • vabemtel = pasturage
  • vabemtyal = picnic
  • vabemtyalen = picnicking
  • vabemtyaler = to picnic
  • vabemtyalut = picnicker
  • vabeym = meadow
  • vabglal = hassock
  • vabgoblar = scythe
  • vabgoblawa = mowed, mown
  • vabgoblen = mowing
  • vabgobler = to mow
  • vabgoblir = lawn mower, lawnmower, mower
  • vabgobliren = mowing
  • vabgoblirer = to operate a lawn mow
  • vabgoblirut = lawn mower operator
  • vabgoblirwa = mowed
  • vabgoblut = mower
  • vabib = product
  • vabibiar = rake
  • vabibiaren = raking
  • vabibiarer = to rake
  • vabibiarut = raker
  • vabibiarwa = raked
  • vabiblawa = gleaned, harvested, reaped
  • vabiblen = gleaning, harvesting, reaping
  • vabiblen job = harvest time, vintage
  • vabiblenjib = harvest season, vintage
  • vabibler = to glean, to harvest, to reap
  • vabibleyn = harvest, produce
  • vabibleyn yuxut = harvest hand
  • vabibleynamur = harvest moon
  • vabiblun = crop yield
  • vabiblunyan = production
  • vabiblur = reaper
  • vabiblut = gleaner, harvester, reaper, vintager
  • vabiea = accepting
  • vabien = acceptance, acceptation, espousal
  • vabien yovan = apologizing
  • vabier did = to field a question
  • vabier fyid = to take advice
  • vabier = to abide by, to accept, to espouse, to uptake
  • vabier yovan av = to apologize
  • vabij = bud, germ, seed
  • vabija = germinal, seminal
  • vabijar = seeder
  • vabijben = germinating, germination, seeding, semination, sowing
  • vabijber = to germinate, to seed, to sow
  • vabijbwa = germinated, seeded, sown

vabijea -- vabyena

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  • vabijea = budding, germinating
  • vabijen = budding, germination, seeding, sprouting
  • vabijer = to bud, to germinate, to pullulate, to seed, to sprout
  • vabijes = seedlet
  • vabijika = seed-filled
  • vabijmeem = seedbed
  • vabijnapxen = gemmation
  • vabijnyeb = seedcase
  • vabijoya = seedless
  • vabijuen = insemination
  • vabijuer = to inseminate
  • vabijuka = seedless
  • vabijun = sprout
  • vabijuwa = inseminated
  • vabijya = sprouted
  • vabijyem = pod
  • vabijzyegar = seeder
  • vabika = grass-filled, grassy
  • vabikan = grassiness
  • vabiut = accepter, acceptor
  • vabiwa = accepted
  • vabiwa ujdun = forgone conclusion
  • vabiwer bu ha dovyabtyen = to get accepted to the bar, pass the bar
  • vabiyaf = ability to accept, tolerance
  • vabiyafa = able to accept, tolerant
  • vabiyafan = acceptability, tolerance
  • vabiyafwa = acceptable, decent, palatable, tolerable
  • vabiyafwan = acceptability, acceptableness, decency, tolerability
  • vabiyafway = acceptably, decently, tolerably
  • vabiyea = latitudinarian, resigned
  • vabiyeay = resignedly
  • vabiyika = docile, pigheaded, stubborn
  • vabiyikan = docility, pigheadedness, stubbornness
  • vabiyikat = bonehead
  • vabiyikay = docilely, pigheadedly, stubbornly
  • vabiyof = intolerance, unreceptiveness
  • vabiyofa = intolerant, unreceptive
  • vabiyofan = intolerance, unreceptiveness
  • vabiyofwa = indecent, intolerable, unacceptable
  • vabiyofwan = indecency, intolerability, unacceptability
  • vabiyofway = indecently, intolerably, unacceptably
  • vabiyuka = gullible, superstitious
  • vabiyukan = gullibility, superstition
  • vabiyukat = gullible person
  • vabiyukay = gullibly
  • vabmef = sod
  • vabmefben = sodding
  • vabmefber = to sod
  • vabmel = sward
  • vabmem = grassland, prairie
  • vabmeyb = tussock
  • vabmeybaya = tussocky
  • vabmeybika = tussocky
  • vabmeym = meadow
  • vabmoys = sod, turf
  • vabmoysa = turfy
  • vabmoysbwa = turfed
  • vabtaol = plant-based meat
  • vabteliea = grazing
  • vabtelien = grazing
  • vabtelier = to graze
  • vabteliut = grazer, herbivore
  • vabuea = assenting
  • vabuen = accession, approval, assent, assenting, conceding, concession, consent, grant, granting, yielding
  • vabuer dur = to agree to a demand, meet a demand, yield to a demand
  • vabuer = to accede to agree to assent, to concede, to consent, to grant, to yield
  • vabulk = phytochemical
  • vab-ulza = grass green
  • vabuun = concession
  • vabuwa = acceded to, assented, conceded, consented, granted, yielded
  • vabuzgoblar = sickle
  • vabyan = sheath
  • vabyanen = sheathing
  • vabyaner = to sheath
  • vabyanwa = sheathed
  • vabyem = yard
  • vabyema = country, rural
  • vabyemben = laying down turf
  • vabyember = to lay down turf
  • vabyena = grassy

vabyog -- vafayb

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  • vabyog = foam, froth, moss, mousse
  • vabyogaya = mossy
  • vabyogika = mossy
  • vabyoz = divot
  • vad = affirmation, assent, vow
  • vade mekum = vademecum
  • vadea = affirmative, affirming, assenting, avowing, vouching
  • vadeay = affirmatively
  • vadeb = authority, person in authority
  • vadeben = authorization
  • vadeber = to authorize
  • vadebutyan = authorities, those in charge
  • vadebwa = authorized
  • vadebyena = authoritarian, authoritative
  • vadebyenan = authoritarianism, authoritativeness
  • vadel = confirmation
  • vadelea = adjudging
  • vadelen = confirming
  • vadeler = to adjudge, to confirm
  • vadelwa = adjudged, confirmed
  • vadelyafwat = confirmand
  • vadelyea = confirmatory
  • vadelyofwa = unconfirmable
  • vaden = affirmation, approval, assent, assenting, vouching, vowing
  • vadenen = confirmation
  • vadener = to confirm
  • vadenwa = confirmed
  • vader = to affirm, to assent, to say yes, to vouch, to vow
  • vadien = claiming, postulation
  • vadier = to claim
  • vadiun = claim
  • vadiut = claimer
  • vadiwa = claimed, postulated
  • vadiwas = postulate
  • vadokebid = affirmative choice, yea, yes vote
  • vadokebider = to choose affirmatively
  • vadokebidwa = chosen affirmatively, voted in
  • vadoteuz = yes vote
  • vadoteuzea = voting yes
  • vadoteuzer = to vote yes
  • vadoteuzut = yes voter
  • vadoteuzwa = voted in
  • vadref = voucher
  • vadud = affirmative answer, aye, positive reply, yes answer
  • vaduder = to answer yes, to reply affirmatively
  • vadudwa = answered positively
  • vadudyafa = amenable
  • vadudyafan = amenability
  • vadudyafay = amenably
  • vaduen = responding affirmatively
  • vaduer = to respond affirmatively
  • vadut = vower
  • vaduun = proposal, proposition
  • vaduzar = trumpet
  • vaduzarut = trumpeter
  • vadwa = affirmed, assented
  • vadyundrawa = signed up
  • vadyundren = signing up, signup
  • vadyundrer = to enroll, to sign up
  • vaeben = agreement
  • vaeber = to agree
  • vaebon = agreement
  • vaebtexden = positive decision
  • vaebtexder = to decide yes
  • vaebtexdwa = decided
  • vaebtexdway = decidedly
  • vaebtexer = to decide yes
  • vaebwa = agreed
  • vaeyben = reconcilement, reconciliation
  • vaeyber = to reconcile
  • vaeybwa = reconciled
  • vaeybyafwa = reconcilable
  • vaeybyea = conciliatory
  • vaf = intent, intention
  • vafa = intent, resolute, strenuous
  • vafadyea = determinant
  • vafalza = claret
  • vafan = intentness, resoluteness, strenuousness
  • vafay = purposely, resolutely, strenuously
  • vafayb = grapevine, vine

vafaybem -- vafwan

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  • vafaybem = vineyard
  • vafaybut = vintner
  • vafayeb = blade of grass
  • vafayob = grape skin
  • vafazan = intentness
  • vafazay = intently
  • vafdea = determining
  • vafden = determination
  • vafea = intending, intentional, resolute, resolving
  • vafeeb = grapeseed
  • vafen = determination, intending, meaning, resolution, resolving
  • vafer = to determine, to intend, to mean, to resolve
  • vafeyb = grape
  • vafeyb grun = grape hook, grapnel, grappling hook
  • vafeyb gyimul = chapeau
  • vafeybiblen = grape harvest, grape picking, vintage
  • vafeybibler = to pick grapes
  • vafeybiblut = grape-picker
  • vafeybyan = bunch of grapes
  • vafeybyexun = viticulture
  • vafeybyexuna = viticultural
  • vafeybyexunut = viticulturalist
  • vafeyl = grape juice
  • vafil balar = wine press
  • vafil faosyeb = wine barrel
  • vafil gratilut = winebibber
  • vafil nunam = wine seller, wine store
  • vafil oybtim = wine cellar
  • vafil oymxar = wine cooler
  • vafil teuxen = wine tasting
  • vafil tilam = wine bar
  • vafil tilzyeb = wine glass, wineglass
  • vafil = vino, wine
  • vafil vizyeb = wine decanter
  • vafil yaoblir = wine elevator
  • vafil zyeb = wine bottle
  • vafil zyebag = wine magnum
  • vafila = wine-related
  • vafilam = enoteca, enotheque, wine bar
  • vafilbalar = winepress
  • vafildem = wineyard
  • vafilem = vinery
  • vafilif = love of wine, oenophilia
  • vafilifut = oenophile, wine-lover
  • vafiliva = tipsy
  • vafiljib = vintage
  • vafilnam = wine store
  • vafilnamut = vintner, wine merchant, wine seller
  • vafiltun = enology, oenology
  • vafiltuna = enological, oenological
  • vafiltunay = enologically, oenologically
  • vafiltut = enologist, oenologist, wine guru
  • vafiltyen = viniculture
  • vafiltyena = vinicultural
  • vafiltyenut = viniculturalist
  • vafiltyeut = wine connoisseur
  • vafiluarzyeb = wine beaker, wine flask, wine jug
  • vafiluarzyeyb = wine carafe
  • vafilut = vintner
  • vafil-volza = vinaceous
  • vafilxam = winery
  • vafilxea = wine-growing, wine-making, wine-producing
  • vafilxem = vineyard
  • vafilxen = viniculture, viticulture, wine production, wine-making
  • vafilxena = vinicultural, viticultural
  • vafilxut = vintner, viticulturalist, wine-grower, wine-maker, wine-producer, winegrower
  • vafilyebag = flagon, wine flagon
  • vafilyebog = flagonet, wine flask
  • vafilyena = winy
  • vafilyexun = viticulture, wine-growing
  • vafilyexuna = viticultural
  • vafilyexut = viticulturalist, wine-grower
  • vafilyigza = tartaric
  • vafilyujun = wine cork
  • vafilyuxeb = sommelier, wine steward
  • vaful-alz = tartar, tartare
  • vaful-alza = tartaric
  • vafun = intention, purpose
  • vafwa = intended, intentional, on purpose, resolved
  • vafwan = intentionality

vafwas -- vakembuwa

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  • vafwas = intention
  • vafway = intentionally
  • vafwer = to be meant
  • vafyalza = grape violet
  • vafyel = grape jam
  • vafyeyl = grape jelly
  • vafyia = valid
  • vafyian = validity, validness
  • vafyiaxea = validating
  • vafyiaxen = validating, validation
  • vafyiaxer = to validate
  • vafyiaxwa = validated
  • vafyiay = validly
  • vak beaxut = lifeguard
  • vak dibut = safety officer, security officer
  • vak dibutyan = security force
  • vak draz = security badge
  • vak gonem = safety zone, security zone
  • vak milkyupar = life buoy, life raft
  • vak mipar = lifeboat
  • vak nyif = lifeline
  • vak = safety, security
  • vak saryan = safety gear
  • vak tif = life vest
  • vak vensoni = safety conditions
  • vak yujar = safety lock
  • vak zetif = life vest, lifebelt, safety belt
  • vak zyuk = lifebuoy
  • vaka joibut = heir apparent
  • -vaka = -proof, -resistant, -safe, -tight
  • vaka = safe and sound, secure, sure
  • vakan = safeness, safety, security, surety
  • vakan siyn = safety sign
  • vakan zetif = safety belt
  • vakar = lifesaver
  • vakay = safely, securely, soundly
  • vakbeaxen = safeguarding, safekeeping
  • vakbeaxer = to safeguard
  • vakbeaxpen = patrolling
  • vakbeaxper = to patrol
  • vakbeaxpur = patrol car
  • vakbeaxputyan = patrol
  • vakbeaxut = patrolman, safekeeper, security guard
  • vakbeaxuyt = patrolwoman
  • vakbeaxwa = safeguarded
  • vakbexam = guardhouse
  • vakbexem = guard post, ward
  • vakbexen = guardianship, guarding
  • vakbexer = to guard, to preserve
  • vakbexim = ward
  • vakbexlawa = kept safe, safeguarded
  • vakbexlen = keeping safe, safeguarding
  • vakbexler = to keep safe, to safeguard
  • vakbexlus = safeguard
  • vakbexut = guard, guardian, warden
  • vakbexutan = guardianship, wardenship
  • vakbexutum = guard post
  • vakbexwa = guarded
  • vakden = assurance, certification, guaranteeing
  • vakder = to assure, to certify, to ensure, to guarantee, to insure
  • vakdib = constabulary
  • vakdibut = bobby, gendarme, law officer, security officer
  • vakdibutyan = constabulary, police
  • vakdibyena = constabulary
  • vakdras = certificate, guarantee, warrantee
  • vakdref = insurance policy
  • vakdren = insurance
  • vakdren nundetyan = insurance company
  • vakdrer = to insure
  • vakdrut = insurer
  • vakdun = safeword
  • vakdwa = assured, certified, guaranteed
  • vakem = haven, refuge, safe haven, safe place, sanctuary, secure location
  • vakember = to ensconce, to secure in place, to shelter
  • vakembien = seeking shelter, taking refuge
  • vakembier = to seek shelter, to take refuge
  • vakembiut = refugee
  • vakembuen = providing refuge, sheltering
  • vakembuer = to provide refuge, to provide shelter, to shelter
  • vakembuwa = sheltered

vakembwa -- vamakmis

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  • vakembwa = secured in place, sheltered
  • vakemoben = depriving of shelter
  • vakemober = to deprive of shelter
  • vakemobwa = deprived of shelter
  • vakemobwat = person deprived of shelter
  • vakempen = taking refuge, taking shelter
  • vakemper = to take refuge, to take shelter
  • vakemput = fugitive, refugee
  • vakien = seeking refuge, taking cover
  • vakier = to seek refuge, to take cover
  • vakiut = refugee
  • vakmas = safeguard
  • vakmuyv = linchpin, safety pin
  • vaknaad = guardrail
  • vaknas izbex = bailment
  • vaknasbeut = bailee
  • vaknasdref = bail bond
  • vaknasuen = bailing
  • vaknasuer = to bail
  • vaknasuut = bailor, bailsman
  • vaknasuyofwa = unbailable
  • vaknead = safety net
  • vakneaf = safety net
  • vaknyem = safe
  • vaknyem yijbut = safecracker
  • vaknyif = tether
  • vakojbiun = hock
  • vakovakyujobwa = unseal
  • vakposkum = pullout
  • vakser = to become safe, to become secure
  • vaksign = safety sign
  • vaksiyn = seal
  • vaktea = safe-conscious
  • vakteabar = goggles
  • vaktepan = confidence
  • vaktepay = confidently
  • vaktujar = padlock
  • vakuen = ensuring, keeping safe, rescuing, safeguarding, safekeeping, salvage, salvaging, salvation, saving, securing
  • vakuer = to ensure, to rescue, to safeguard, to salvage, to save, to secure
  • vakum = foxhole
  • vakun = safeguard
  • vakuut = rescuer, safekeeper, salvager, saver, savior, security provider
  • vakuutpur = rescue vehicle
  • vakuutyan = rescue squad
  • vakuwa = ensured, rescued, safeguarded, salvaged, saved, secured
  • vakuwat = rescued person
  • vakuyafwa = salvageable, savable
  • vakuyofwa = unrescuable, unsalvageable
  • vakuz = lifesaver
  • vakxen mimpar = salvage vessel
  • vakxen = rescuing, salvaging, salvation, saving, securing
  • vakxer = to make safe, to rescue, to salvage, to save, to secure
  • vakxut = rescuer, savior
  • vakxwa = rescued, salvaged, saved, secured
  • vakyuijar = safety valve
  • vakyujar = seal, sealer
  • vakyujaren = padlocking
  • vakyujarer = to padlock
  • vakyujarwa = padlocked
  • vakyujbea fyel = sealing wax
  • vakyujben = sealing
  • vakyujber = to seal
  • vakyujbus = sealer
  • vakyujbwa = sealed
  • vakyujlarwa = locked
  • vakyujlawa = locked
  • vakyujul = sealant
  • vakzetif = safety belt
  • valaduzar = sousaphone
  • valaduzarut = sousaphone player
  • valapot = pronghorn
  • valeduzar = clarion
  • valeduzaut = clarion player
  • validuzar = mellophone
  • validuzarut = mellophone player
  • valiyn = valine
  • valoduzar = flugelhorn
  • valoduzarut = flugelhorn player
  • valopot = serow
  • vamakmis = anode

vamakmisa -- vapotud

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  • vamakmisa = anodic
  • vamakmisaxer = to anodize
  • vamakmisaxwa = anodized
  • vamakmul = cation
  • vamakmul ebkyax = cation exchange
  • vamakmula = cationic
  • vamakmulxer = to cationize
  • vamul nyan = proton mass
  • vamul = proton
  • vamul sag = proton number
  • Van ha nuxbiut bikiu! = Caveat emptor!, Let the buyer beware!
  • van = let's, let..., may..., that, the fact that
  • Van poos su bay et! = Peace be with you!
  • Van Tot fyadu et! = God bless you!
  • Van Tot fyadwu! = Blessed be God!
  • Van Tot fyodu et! = God damn you!
  • Van Tot su ata teadut. = Let God be my witness.
  • Van yit ponsu be poos. = May they rest in peace.
  • Vao? = Right?, Yes or no?
  • vao- = yes-no
  • vao? = You speak Mirad, You're ready right?, right?
  • vaod = decision
  • vaodaler = to waffle
  • vaodalut = waffler
  • vaoden = deciding, decision
  • vaoder = to decide, to say yes or no
  • vaoder yevson = to decide a case
  • vaodid = yes-or-no question
  • vaodjod = crisis, critical time, decision point, turning point
  • vaodjoda = critical
  • vaodjwap = critical moment
  • vaodokebid = referendum
  • vaodokebidun = referendum
  • vaodud = verdict, yes-or-no answer, yes-or-no reply
  • vaodudea = vacillating
  • vaoduden = pronouncing a verdict, vacillating, vacillation
  • vaoduder = to vacillate
  • vaodut = decider, decision-maker
  • vaodutyanim = boardroom
  • vaodwa = decided
  • vaodyafwa = decidable
  • vaodyafwan = decidability
  • vaodyaya = having a hard time deciding, in a quandary
  • vaodyea = decisive
  • vaodyean = decisiveness
  • vaodyeay = decisively
  • vaodyika = having a hard time deciding, in a quandary
  • vaodyikan = dilemma, quandary
  • vaodyiker = to be in a quandary, to find it hard to decide
  • vaodyikwa = difficult to decide
  • vaodyofa = unable to decide, undecided
  • vaodyofa yaovdutyan = hung jury
  • vaodyofan = indecision
  • vaodyofwa = undecidable
  • vaokyaxen = redaction
  • vaokyaxer = to redact
  • vaokyaxut = redactor
  • vaoltosea = hesitant
  • vaoltosean = hesitancy
  • vaoltosen = hesitating, hesitation
  • vaoltoser = to hesitate
  • vaonaza = boolean
  • vaotexea = deliberating, vacillating
  • vaotexen = deliberation, vacillation
  • vaotexer = to deliberate, to vacillate
  • vaotexer yevson = to deliberate a case
  • vaotexwa = deliberated
  • vaotexyea = deliberative
  • vaotosa = ambivalent
  • vaotosan = ambivalence
  • vaotosay = ambivalently
  • vapadar = beeper
  • vapadea = beeping, piping
  • vapaden = beeping, piping
  • vapader = to beep, to pipe
  • vapat = nightingale
  • vapitud = elver
  • vapol = venison
  • vapot = deer
  • vapotud = fawn

vapoyt -- vatexuyean

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  • vapoyt = doe, hind
  • vapwot = stag
  • vapyel = escargot
  • vapyetayob = cochlea
  • vapyetayoba = cochineal, cochlear
  • vapyetigan = snail's pace
  • varentinjuba hayden = valentine
  • vasiyn = check mark
  • vasiyndrawa = checked yes
  • vasiyndren = checking off
  • vasiyndrer = to check
  • vatebbax = nod yes
  • vatebbaxen = nodding yes
  • vatebbaxer = to nod yes
  • vatebsiun = affirmative nod
  • vatebsiuner = to nod yes
  • vatepa = positive, upbeat
  • vatepan = positiveness
  • vatepat = positive person
  • vatepin = positivism
  • vatepina = positivist
  • vatepinut = positivist
  • vater = to be certain, to be sure, to know for sure
  • vates = intent, intention
  • vatesea = purporting
  • vatesen = intending, purporting
  • vateser = to intend, to purport
  • vatesut = purporter
  • vateswa = intended, intentional, purported
  • vateswan = intentionality
  • vatesway = expressly, intentionally, purportedly
  • vatesyofway = unbelievably
  • vateuyea = telling
  • vateuyeay = tellingly
  • vateuz = aye, yes vote
  • vateuzer = to say aye, to vote affirmatively, to vote yes
  • vateuzut = yes voter
  • vatex = belief, confidence, conviction, credence, credit, faith, trust
  • vatexaya = faithful, full of trust
  • vatexayan = faithfulness, full of trust
  • vatexdel = credo
  • vatexden = expression of belief
  • vatexder = to confide in, to express a belief in, to express belief, to express confidence
  • vatexdraf = credential, credentials
  • vatexdren = creed
  • vatexdun = credo
  • vatexdwa = confided
  • vatexdwat = confidant, confidante
  • vatexea = confident, trusting
  • vatexeay = trustingly
  • vatexen = believing, confidence, trusting
  • vatexer = to believe, to think so, to trust
  • vatexiea = reliant
  • vatexien = coming to believe, confiding in, reliance, relying, trust, trusting
  • vatexier = to become convinced, to become persuaded of, to come to believe, to confide in, to have confidence in, to have faith in, to rely on, to trust
  • vatexika = faithful, full of trust, trusty
  • vatexikan = faithfulness
  • vatexiyea = faithful, trusting
  • vatexnazea = credit-worthy
  • vatexnazean = credit-worthiness, creditworthiness
  • vatexnazer = to be creditable, to merit belief
  • vatexoker = to lose faith, to lose faith in, to lose trust
  • vatexokxer = to make lose faith
  • vatexoya = faithless
  • vatexoyan = faithlessness, unbelief
  • vatexuay = creditably
  • vatexuen = claiming, convincing, persuading, persuasion, pretending
  • vatexuer = to claim, to convince, to persuade, to pretend
  • vatexuka = faithless
  • vatexukan = faithlessness
  • vatexukay = faithlessly
  • vatexun = trust
  • vatexut = believer
  • vatexuut = claimant, convincer, persuader, pretender
  • vatexuwa = convinced, persuaded
  • vatexuwat = trustee
  • vatexuway = believably, credibly
  • vatexuyafwa = persuadable
  • vatexuyea = convincing, persuasive
  • vatexuyean = persuasiveness

vatexuyeay -- vayanikan

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  • vatexuyeay = convincingly, persuasively
  • vatexuyukwa = susceptible, susceptive
  • vatexuyukwan = susceptibility
  • vatexuzbea = betraying
  • vatexuzben = betrayal, betraying
  • vatexuzber = to betray
  • vatexuzbut = betrayer
  • vatexuzbwa = betrayed
  • vatexwa = believed, putative, trusted
  • vatexyafwa = believable, credible, creditable
  • vatexyafwan = believability, credence, credibility
  • vatexyafwaxen = discrediting
  • vatexyafway = believably, credibly
  • vatexyafxer = to enable to believe
  • vatexyea = confident, credulous, susceptive, trustful, trusting
  • vatexyean = confidence, credulity, credulousness, trustfulness
  • vatexyeay = confidently, credulously, trustfully
  • vatexyefwa = reliable, trustworthy
  • vatexyefwan = reliability, trustworthiness
  • vatexyefway = reliably
  • vatexyen = belief system, credo, creed
  • vatexyiga = hardline
  • vatexyigat = hardliner
  • vatexyika = not easily persuaded, ungullible
  • vatexyiker = to find it hard to believe
  • vatexyikwa = hard to believe, hard-to-believe
  • vatexyikwas = something hard to believe
  • vatexyof = incredulity
  • vatexyofa = incredulous, unable to believe
  • vatexyofay = incredulously
  • vatexyofer = to find it impossible to believe
  • vatexyofwa = impossible to believe, incredible, unbelievable
  • vatexyofwan = incredibility, unbelievability
  • vatexyofwas = something incredible, unbelievable thing
  • vatexyofwat = blackguard
  • vatexyofwaxer = to discredit
  • vatexyofwaxwa = discredited
  • vatexyofway = incredibly, unbelievably
  • vatexyuka = credulous, gullible, naîve, naïve, overly trusting
  • vatexyukan = credulousness, gullibility, naîveté, navete
  • vatexyukat = chump, credulous person, gullible person, naïve person
  • vatexyukay = credulously, gullibly
  • vatexyuker = to easily believe, to swallow easily
  • vatexyukwa = believable, credible, easily-believed
  • vatipa = positive-minded
  • vatipan = positive-minded, positive-mindedness, positivity
  • vatipat = positive person
  • vatob = yes-man
  • Vatom = Vatican City
  • Vatoma = Vatican
  • Vatomat = inhabitant of Vatican City
  • vatwaden = saying for sure
  • vatwader = to say for sure
  • vatwan = cinch
  • vatwaxer = to cinch
  • vaudevilla = vaudevillian
  • vaudeville = vaudeville
  • va-va = yes yes
  • vavoenujas = dipole
  • vavol = lettuce, salad
  • vavol yanmul abyel = salad dressing
  • vavol yanmul = greens, mixed salad greens
  • vavol yanmul telar = salad fork
  • vavol yanmulyeb = salad bowl
  • vavolaun = head of lettuce
  • vavolyeb = salad bowl
  • vay = actually, certainly, definitely, do, does, forsooth, indeed, of course, really, truly
  • vayafxen = stomaching, tolerating, toleration
  • vayafxer = to stomach, to tolerate
  • vayafxwa = tolerated
  • vayafxyea = tolerant
  • vayafxyean = tolerance
  • vayakea = assuming, presuming
  • vayaken = assumption, presuming, presumption
  • vayaker = to assume, to presume
  • vayakwa = assumed, presumable, presumed
  • vayakwa joibut = heir presumptive
  • vayakway = presumably
  • vayakyea = presumptuous
  • vayanikan = verity

vayavden -- veebibarika

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  • vayavden = acquittal, acquittance, acquitting, proving innocent
  • vayavder = to acquit, to prove innocent
  • vayavdwa = acquitted, proved innocent
  • vay...ay = both...and
  • vayb = herb
  • vayba = herbal
  • vaybam = herbarium
  • vaybbekut = herbalist
  • vaybtojbul = herbicide
  • vaybtojbula = herbicidal
  • vaybuea = acquiescent
  • vaybuea hus = accordingly
  • vaybuen = according, acquiescence
  • vaybuer = to acquiesce, to grant
  • vaybuwa = accorded, acquiesced
  • vaybyan = herbage
  • vayob = hull, husk
  • vayob oyebmoys = periderm
  • vayobaya = husky
  • vayobayan = huskiness
  • vayobika = husky
  • vayobikan = huskiness
  • vayobikay = huskily
  • vayobobar = huller
  • vayoboben = husking
  • vayobober = to huller, to unhusk
  • vayobobut = husker
  • vayobobwa = husked
  • vayovdea = convicting
  • vayovden = condemnation, conviction, proving guilty
  • vayovder = to condemn, to convict, to prove guilty
  • vayovdwa = condemned, convicted, proved guilty
  • vayovdwat = condemned person, convict
  • vayovdyafwa = condemnable
  • vayovdyea = condemnatory
  • v.b. = n/a, not applicable, not available
  • ve = maybe, perhaps
  • vea = possible, potential
  • vea yaovdut = venireman
  • vean = possibility, potential, potentiality
  • veaxen = making possible
  • veaxer = to make possible
  • veay = possibly, potentially
  • veb bi govob = ear of corn
  • veb = cob, ear, head, spike, tuft
  • vebika = tufted
  • veblevel = fructose
  • vebukuen = imperiling, threatening
  • vebukuer = to imperil, to threaten
  • vebukuyea = threatening
  • vebukuyeay = threateningly
  • vebukxut = sidewinder
  • vebyel = marmalade
  • vebyom = sorbet
  • ved = conjecture, guess, hint, hunch
  • veda = conjectural
  • veden = conjecturing, guessing
  • vedena = conjectural
  • veder = to conjecture, to say maybe, to throw out as a possibility
  • vedota = forbidding
  • vedotay = forbiddingly
  • vedud = inconclusive response
  • veduda = equivocal
  • vedudan = equivocalness
  • veduday = equivocally
  • veduder = to answer equivocally
  • veduen = responding inconclusively, saying maybe
  • veduer = to equivocate, to respond inconclusively, to say maybe
  • vedut = guesser
  • veduzar = trombone
  • veduzarut = trombonist
  • vedwa = conjectural, conjectured, guessed
  • vedway = conjecturally
  • veeb = seed
  • veebar = seeder
  • veebayob = bur
  • veeben = germination, seeding, semination, sowing
  • veeber = to seed, to sow
  • veebes = seedlet
  • veebibarika = pistillate

veebika -- vekan

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  • veebika = seed-filled
  • veebiluen = onanism
  • veebnyef = seedlep, seedlip
  • veebobar = seeder
  • veeboya = seedless
  • veebuen = fertilization, insemination
  • veebuer = to fertilize, to inseminate
  • veebuka = seedless
  • veebut = seedsman
  • veebuul = fertilizer
  • veebuulen = fertilizing
  • veebuwa = fertilized, inseminated
  • veebwa = seeded, sown
  • veebyeb = carpel, seedcase, seedpod
  • veebyel = semen
  • veebyelebar = IUD, contraceptive, intrauterine device
  • veebyeluen = insemination
  • veebyeluer = to inseminate
  • veebyeluut = inseminator
  • veebyeluwa = inseminated
  • veebyem = pod, seed vessel
  • veebyenan = granularity
  • veebzyeg = hilum
  • veel = legume
  • veela = leguminous
  • veeyb = grain, kern, kernel, pip, pippin
  • veeyba = granular
  • veeybam = granary
  • veeybamben = ensilage
  • veeyban = granularity
  • veeybayob = shuck
  • veeybayober = to shuck
  • veeybes = crumb, speck
  • veeybesaya = crumbly
  • veeybesika = crumbly
  • veeybesxer = to crumble
  • veeybmyek = grist
  • veeybmyekxar = gristmill
  • veeybnyef = grain sack
  • veeybnyexam = granary, silo
  • veeybog = granule, grit, particle
  • veeyboga = granular, gritty
  • veeybogan = granularity, grittiness
  • veeybogxar = crusher, grater
  • veeybogxen = crushing, granulating, granulation, grating
  • veeybogxer = to crush, to granulate, to grate
  • veeybogxun = grist, grit, particulate
  • veeybogxwa = crushed, granulated, grated
  • veeybogyena = crush-like, granular, gritty
  • veeybpexus = stigma
  • veeybtom = silo
  • veeybxam = granary
  • veeybxar = grater
  • veeybxen = graining, granulation, grating
  • veeybxer = to granulate
  • veeybxwa dref = grained paper
  • veeybxwa = grained
  • veeybyan = pollen
  • veeybyanuen = pollination
  • veeybyanuer = to pollinate
  • veeybyanuut = pollinator
  • veeybyanuwa = pollinated
  • veeybyem = anther
  • veeybyena = grainy, granular
  • veeybyenan = graininess
  • veeybyonxen = threshing
  • veeybyonxer = to thresh
  • veeybyonxir = thresher
  • veeybyonxur = combine
  • veeybyonxurexut = combine driver
  • vefa = vacillating, wavering
  • vefalza = raspberry red
  • vefayb = ivy plant, raspberry bush
  • vefeb = ivy
  • vefel = raspberry juice
  • vefen = wavering
  • vefeyb = raspberry
  • vek = gambit, risk, stake
  • veka = at risk, at stake
  • vekan = riskiness

vekaya -- venden

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  • vekaya = risky
  • vekayan = riskyness
  • vekdea = supposing
  • vekdea van = supposing that
  • vekden = allegation, betting, daring to say, risk saying, supposing, supposition, wagering
  • vekdena = suppositional
  • vekdenay = suppositionally
  • vekder = to allege, to bet, to dare say, to suppose, to wager
  • vekdiblut = croupier
  • vekdut = better, wagerer
  • vekdwa = alleged, bet, supposed, wagered
  • vekdway = allegedly, supposedly
  • vekekam = casino, gambling hall
  • vekekbien = bookmaking
  • vekekbiut = bookie, bookmaker
  • vekeken = betting, gambling
  • vekeker = to gamble, to place a bet
  • vekeksem = gambling table
  • vekekut = better, gambler, gamer
  • vekekwa = bet, gambled
  • vekekyena = dicey
  • vekekzyuk = roulette
  • vekien = risking, taking a risk, wagering
  • vekier ota tej = to risk one's life
  • vekier = to bet, to run the risk of, to take a risk, to wager
  • vekika = risky
  • vekikan = riskiness
  • vekikay = racily, riskily
  • vekiun = bet
  • vekiut = risk-taker, wagerer
  • vekiwa = wagered
  • vekiyea = edgy, risky
  • vekiyean = edginess, riskiness
  • vekiyifa = adventurous
  • vekiyufa = risk-averse
  • veksag = odds, statistic
  • veksaga = actuarial, statistical
  • veksagdut = actuary
  • veksagtun = actuarial science, actuaries
  • veksagtuna = actuarial, statistical
  • veksagtut = actuarial scientist, actuary
  • veksyagut = actuary
  • vektembwa = sheltered
  • vekten = surmising
  • vekter = to surmise
  • vektexea = supposing
  • vektexea van = supposing that
  • vektexen = supposing, supposition
  • vektexena = suppositional
  • vektexenay = suppositionally
  • vektexer = to suppose
  • vektexwa = supposed
  • vektexway = supposedly
  • vektun = probabilism
  • vektuna = probabilistic
  • vektwa = surmised
  • vekuen = placing a bet, putting at risk, staking
  • vekuer = to pose a risk, to put at risk, to stake, to threaten
  • vekuka = risk-free
  • vekuut = stakeholder
  • vekuwa = at stake, put at risk, staked
  • vekuyea = challenging, risky, threatening
  • vekuyfa = risk-averse
  • vemimules = muon neutrino
  • vemul = neutron
  • vemul pyuxrar = neutron bomb
  • ven = if, whether
  • ven va = if yes
  • ven vakuwa van = provided that
  • ven vay = if so
  • ven vo = if no
  • ven voy = else, if not, otherwise
  • vena = conditional, iffy
  • venan = condition, contingency, iffiness
  • venay = conditionally
  • venben = stipulating, stipulation
  • venber = to levy a condition, to set a condition, to stipulate
  • venbwa = stipulated
  • venbwa van = on the stipulation that, stipulated that
  • venden = stipulating, stipulation

vender -- vetexwa

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  • vender = to stipulate
  • vendwa = stipulated
  • venetia duz = barcarole
  • Venetia miparog = gondola
  • Venid = Venda
  • Venim = Venezuela
  • Venima = Venezuelan
  • Venimat = Venezuelan, inhabitant of Venezuela
  • venson = condition, contingency, proviso
  • vensona = conditional, contingent, provisory
  • vensona exmep = fallback
  • vensonan = conditionality
  • vensonay = conditionally
  • vensonuka = unconditioned
  • ventexea = questioning, wondering
  • ventexen = questioning, wondering, wonderment
  • ventexer = to question, to wonder
  • veon = contingency, odds, possibility, potential
  • veona = contingent, hypothetical, potential, subjunctive
  • veondea = hypothesizing
  • veondeay = hypothetically
  • veonden = hypothesizing, positing
  • veonder = to hazard, to hypothesize, to posit, to surmise
  • veondun = hypothesis
  • veondwa = hypothesized, posited, surmised
  • veondwas = hypothesis
  • veontexea = hypothesizing
  • veontexeay = hypothetically
  • veontexen = hypothesizing, positing
  • veontexena = hypothetical
  • veontexer = to hazard, to hypothesize, to posit, to surmise
  • veontexwa = hypothesized, posited, surmised
  • veontexwas = hypothesis
  • veotex = qualm, suspicion
  • veotexea = suspecting
  • veotexen = suspecting
  • veotexer = to have qualms, to suspect
  • veotexika = qualmish
  • veotexwa bi yufrin = suspected of terrorism
  • veotexwa = suspected
  • veotexwan = suspiciousness
  • veotexway = suspiciously
  • vepat = canary
  • vepat ilza = canary yellow
  • vepod = bellow, blare
  • vepoden = bellowing, blaring
  • vepoder = to bellow, to blare
  • vepot = reindeer
  • vepoteyub = antler
  • vepoteyubobwa = antlered
  • vepotud = reindeer calf
  • vepoyt = doe, reindeer cow
  • vepwot = reindeer bull, stag
  • vermicelli = vermicelli
  • vermouth = vermouth
  • vetebbaxen = shrugging
  • vetebbaxer = to nod "maybe so", to shrug
  • vetex = guess, hypothesis, supposition
  • vetexa = dubious, hypothetical, speculative, suppositional
  • vetexden = guessing, hypothesis, hypothesizing, speculating, speculation
  • vetexder = to guess, to hypothesize, to speculate
  • vetexdut = guesser, hypothesizer, speculator
  • vetexdwa = guessed, hypothesized, speculated
  • vetexdyea = hypothetical, speculative
  • vetexdyeay = hypothetically, speculatively
  • vetexea = guessing, hypothesizing, speculating, supposing
  • vetexeay = hypothetically
  • vetexen = guess, guessing, hypothesis, hypothesizing, reckoning, supposition
  • vetexena = hypothetical, speculative, suppositional
  • vetexer = to believe possible, to suppose
  • vetexin = skepticism
  • vetexina = skeptical
  • vetexinay = skeptically
  • vetexinut = skeptic
  • vetexut = guesser, reckoner
  • vetexuwa = fishy
  • vetexuway = fishily
  • vetexuyeay = apocryphally
  • vetexwa fin = sketchiness
  • vetexwa = guessed, hypothesized, reckoned, supposed

vetexyukay -- vibuka

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  • vetexyukay = gullibly, naîvely
  • vetexyukwan = fishiness
  • vevol = spinach
  • vevyaa = plausible
  • vevyaan = plausibility
  • vevyaay = plausibly
  • vevyatexer = to believe plausible
  • vex = option
  • vexaya = having options
  • vexea = facultative, optional
  • vexeay = optionally
  • vexoya = having no options
  • vey = maybe, might, perchance, perhaps, possibly, potentially
  • veyeb = germinated grain, malt
  • veyeba = malty
  • veyebaya = malty
  • veyebika = malty
  • veyebxer = to malt
  • veyebxwa = malted
  • veyebyena = malty
  • veyekea = aspiring
  • veyeken = aspiration, aspiring
  • veyekena = aspirational
  • veyeker = to aspire
  • veyekwa = aspired
  • vey...ey = either...or
  • veyov = possible guilt, suspected crime
  • veyovdea = accusatory
  • veyovdeay = accusingly
  • veyovden = accusal, accusation, indictment
  • veyovder = to accuse, to indict
  • veyovdut = accuser, indicter
  • veyovdwa = accused, indicted
  • veyovdwat = accused, indictee
  • veyovdyafwa = indictable
  • veyovdyofwa = nonchargeable
  • veyovtex = suspicion
  • veyovtexer = to consider possible guilt, to suspect
  • veyovtexuer = to arouse suspicion
  • veyovtexwa = suspect, suspected
  • veyovtexwan = suspiciousness
  • veyovtexwat = suspect
  • veyovtexway = suspiciously
  • vi- = bell-, eu-, fine-, pulchri-
  • via = beautiful, becoming, dreamy, fair, good-looking, handsome, lovely, nice-looking, personable, pert, pulchritudinous
  • via zan = shirtfront
  • viabsuav = sham
  • viaga = sumptuous
  • viagan = sumptuousness
  • viagay = sumptuously
  • viajyena = quaint
  • viajyenan = quaintness
  • viajyenay = quaintly
  • vian = beauty, good-looks, loveliness, pulchritude
  • vianaya = pulchritudinous
  • vianika = pulchritudinous
  • vianikay = beauteously
  • viaser = to become beautiful, to get better looking
  • viat = beautiful person, beauty, good-looking person, goodlooker
  • viaxea = beautifying
  • viaxen = beautification, embellishing, embellishment
  • viaxer = to beautify, to embellish
  • viaxun = embellishment
  • viaxut = beautifier
  • viaxwa = beautified, embellished
  • viay = beautifully, becomingly
  • viayt = beautiful girl, beautiful woman, belle, eyeopener
  • vib = rod, shaft, shank, stalk, stem
  • vibaibyan = tracery
  • vibaonab = pilaster
  • viben = adorning, adornment, bedecking, decorating, decoration, trimming
  • vibena = decorative
  • viber = to adorn, to bedeck, to decorate, to trim
  • vibiblyafwa = ready for harvesting
  • vibixpur = streamliner
  • vibog = flagellum
  • viboya = spartan, stemless
  • vibtilzyeb = goblet, stemmed glass
  • vibub = petiole
  • vibuka = spartan, stemless

vibun -- vifat

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  • vibun = adornment, garnish, garniture, trimming
  • vibunen = garnishing
  • vibuner = to garnish
  • vibunwa = garnished
  • vibunyan = decor, decorations
  • vibut = decorator
  • vibuun = gift
  • vibuwa = gifted
  • vibwa = adorned, bedecked, decorated, trimmed
  • vibwa nivar = stickpin
  • vibyan = halm, haulm
  • vice versa = vice versa
  • vice-versa = vice-versa
  • vid = compliment
  • vidalen = eloquent speaking, rhetoric, spouting
  • vidaler = to smooth-talk, to speak eloquently, to spout
  • vidalut = eloquent speaker, smooth-talker
  • vidalwa = eloquently stated, spouted
  • vidalyen = eloquence, rhetoric
  • vidalyena = eloquent
  • vidalyenay = eloquently
  • vidaz = ball
  • vidaz dren = ballet suite
  • vidaz tyopas = ballet step
  • vidaz tyoyaf = ballet slipper
  • vidaz tyoyf = tutu
  • vidazam = ballroom
  • vidazer = to ballroom dance
  • vidaztayf = ballgown
  • videa = complimenting, flattering
  • videlicet = videlicet, viz
  • viden = complimenting, flattering, flattery
  • vider = to compliment, to flatter, to smooth-talk
  • videuz = melody
  • videuza = melodic
  • videuzay = melodically
  • videuzaya = melodious
  • videuzayan = melodiousness
  • videuzika = melodious
  • videuzikan = melodiousness
  • videuzikay = melodiously
  • videuzun = melody
  • vidodalen = elocution
  • vidodalena = elocutionary
  • vidodalut = elocutionist
  • vidom = uptown
  • vidoma = gentrified, upscale
  • vidoom = posh district
  • vidotyan = the beautiful people, upper class
  • vidotyana = high-brow
  • vidras = work of literature
  • vidrastun = philology
  • vidrastuna = philological
  • vidrastunay = philologically
  • vidrastut = philologist
  • vidrasyan = belles lettres, literature
  • vidrasyana = literary
  • vidrasyanut = belletrist
  • vidrawa = written beautifully
  • vidren = calligraphic, calligraphy, penmanship
  • vidrer = to write beautifully
  • vidresiyn = dingbat
  • vidrut = calligrapher, calligraphist
  • vidun = euphemism
  • viduna = euphemistic
  • vidunay = euphemistically
  • vidunxer = to euphemize
  • vidut = flatterer
  • viduz = classical music
  • viduzifrut = longhair
  • viduzunyag = symphony
  • viduzunyaga = symphonic
  • vidwa = flattered
  • vidyea = complimentary
  • vidyeay = flatteringly
  • Viena taolufyeyg = Vienna sausage, weenie, weeny, wiener
  • vifa = elegant, fine-looking, refined
  • vifan = elegance, fineness
  • vifaosamyan = cabinetry, cabinetwork
  • vifat = person of elegance

vifay -- vipotayob

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  • vifay = elegantly
  • vifayb = red current bush
  • vifeyb = red current
  • vifeyl = red current juice
  • vifia = classy, dapper, smart, stylish, well-turned-out
  • vifian = classiness, dapperness, smartness, stylishness
  • vifiay = stylishly
  • vifunyan = finery
  • vigoblar = trimmer
  • vigoblawa = trimmed
  • vigoblen = trimming
  • vigobler fubyuzmays = to trim a hedge
  • vigobler = to trim
  • viiluarzyeb = decanter
  • vijab vafil = vintage wine
  • vijab = vintage year
  • vijub = feast, feastday
  • vijuba = festive
  • vijubag = festival
  • vijuban = festivity
  • vijuben = celebration, feasting, festivity
  • vijuber = to celebrate, to feast
  • vijubut = celebrant
  • vijubwa = celebrated, feasted
  • vikaea = admiring
  • vikaeay = admiringly
  • vikaxen = admiration
  • vikaxer = to admire
  • vikaxut = admirer
  • vikaxwa = admired
  • vikaxyefwa = admirable
  • vikaxyefwan = admirableness
  • vikaxyefway = admirably
  • vila = exquisite, gorgeous, magnificent
  • vilan = exquisiteness, gorgeousness, magnificence
  • vilay = exquisitely, gorgeously, magnificently
  • viltulem = brasserie
  • vilxirim = laundry room
  • vim = beautiful place, nice digs, paradise
  • vimanxea = resplendent
  • vimanxean = resplendence, resplendency
  • vimanxeay = resplendently
  • vimanxen = resplendence
  • vimeep = fashionable strip
  • vimeeput = boulevardier
  • vimegdeym = rockery
  • vimeima = bucolic
  • vimeimay = bucolically
  • vimugun = tole
  • vinapa = spiffy
  • vinef = embroidery, fancywork
  • vinef kugoblun = picot
  • vinoz = gem, gemstone
  • vinozam = gem shop
  • vinozamut = gem shop owner
  • vinoztun = gemmology, gemology
  • vinoztuna = gemological
  • vinoztut = gemologist
  • vinuz = gem
  • vinuzabwa = bejeweled
  • vinuzam = jewellery
  • vinuzamut = jeweller
  • vinuzmeg = gemstone
  • vinyov = cordon
  • viober = to strip of decorations, to ungarnish
  • viobwa = stripped of decorations, ungarnished
  • vioga = cute
  • viogan = cuteness
  • viogat = cute person, cutie-pie
  • viogay = cutely
  • vioyga = cutesy
  • vioygat = cutie-pie
  • vipat = lark
  • vipatayeb = panache
  • vipod = troat
  • vipof = chamoix
  • vipol = venison
  • vipot = roebuck
  • vipota = cervine
  • vipotayob = deerskin

vipotif -- viteisuer

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  • vipotif = faun
  • vipotud = fawn
  • vir = wonder
  • vira = marvelous, wonderful, wondrous
  • viraden = marveling
  • virader = to marvel
  • viran = marvelousness, wonderfulness, wondrousness
  • viray = marvelously, wonderfully, wondrously
  • viraya = amazing, marvelous, wondrous
  • virayan = marvelousness, wondrousness
  • Virginya = Virginia
  • virien = amazement, marveling
  • virier = to be amazed, to marvel
  • virika = amazing, marvelous, wondrous
  • virikan = marvelousness, wondrousness
  • virikay = wondrously
  • Virom = United States Virgin Islands, Virgin Islands of the United States
  • Viroma = American Virgin Islander, from United States Virgin Islands
  • Viromat = American Virgin Islander, inhabitant of United States Virgin Islands
  • viruer = to amaze, to awe, to dazzle
  • virun = awe, marvel, wonder
  • viruwa = amazed, awed, awestricken, awestruck, dazzled
  • viruyea = amazing, awe-inspiring, dazzling, marvelous
  • viruyean = amazingness, marvelousness
  • visaun = classic, model, standard
  • visauna beduzar = classical guitar
  • visauna beduzarut = classical guitarist
  • visauna = classic, classical
  • visauna duz = classical music
  • Visauna Gerocad = Classical Greek
  • visauna Latod = classical Latin
  • visaunay = classically
  • visaundyan = classicism
  • visauntun = classics
  • visauntut = classicist
  • visaunyena = classical
  • viseus = euphony
  • viseusa = euphonic, euphonious, melodic
  • viseusay = euphoniously, melodically
  • viseusea = nice-souding
  • viseuser = to sound beautiful, to sound nice
  • viseux = nice sound, pleasant sound
  • viseuxa = nice-sounding
  • visinuen = panoply
  • vison = object of beauty
  • visyana = aristocratic, high-brow
  • visyeen = fashion, high fashion, la mode
  • visyen = class, elegance, fashion, flair, high fashion, la mode, nattiness, vogue
  • visyena = chic, classy, dressy, elegant, fashionable, in vogue, natty, refined, smart, soigné, swank, swanky, trendy, voguish, à la mode
  • visyenan = dressiness, swankiness
  • visyenay = elegantly, fashionably, nattily, swankily
  • vit = a la-di-da, hoity-toity, one of the beautiful people
  • vitaba = buff
  • vitaf = dress suit
  • vitamag = palace
  • vitamaga = palatial
  • vitamagay = palatially
  • vitamagyontim = stateroom
  • vitamayg = villa
  • vitamaz = ch teau
  • vitap = beautiful physique, fine physical
  • vitapa = nicely-built
  • vitapat = hunk
  • vitapyekam = gym
  • vitapyeker = to seek a toned body
  • vitayd = nymph
  • vitaydet = nymphet
  • viteasa = picturesque, sightly
  • viteasan = picturesqueness
  • viteasay = picturesquely
  • viteaza = snazzy
  • viteazay = snazzily
  • vitebsinea = grinning
  • vitebsinen = grinning
  • vitebsiner = to grin, to put on a pretty face
  • viteis = fragrance, nice aroma, perfume, scent
  • viteisa = fragrant
  • viteisea = aromatic
  • viteiser = to smell fragrant
  • viteisuer = to perfume

viteizuwa -- viuni

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  • viteizuwa = perfumed
  • vitej = beautiful life, good life, high life of luxury, nice life
  • viteja = comfortable, cushy, luxurious
  • vitejbyeen = luxuriating
  • vitejbyeer = to luxuriate
  • vitejbyen = luxury
  • vitejbyena = luxurious
  • vitejbyenan = luxuriousness
  • vitejbyenay = luxuriously
  • vitejbyeut = one living the high life
  • vitejen = living the good life, luxuriating, luxuriation
  • vitejer = to live the good life, to luxuriate
  • vitejut = highboy
  • vitel = cuisine, fine food, haute cuisine
  • vitelifut = lover of good food
  • vitelin = epicurianism, gourmandise
  • vitelina = epicurean, epicurianist
  • vitelinut = epicure, gourmet
  • vitep = beautiful mind
  • vitepa dizapyex = lampoon
  • vitepa = witty
  • vitepan = wittiness
  • vitepay = wittily
  • vitepdrez = epigram
  • vitepdreza = epigrammatic
  • vitesay = fragrantly
  • viteus = good taste
  • viteusa = scrumptious
  • viteusay = scrumptiously
  • viteusea = savory, tasty
  • vitez = high culture
  • vitim = salon
  • vitipa = blithe, cheery, chipper, in a lovely mood, jaunty, winsome
  • vitof = caparison
  • vitofaber = to dress up
  • vitom = showplace
  • vitos = aesthetics, fine sense, fine sensibility, good sense, nice feeling, well-being
  • vitosa = aesthetic
  • vitosay = aesthetically
  • vitosin = aestheticism, aesthetics
  • vitostun = aesthetics
  • vitostuna = aesthetic, aesthetical, belletristic
  • vitostunay = aesthetically
  • vitostut = aesthete
  • vitul = fine cuisine
  • vitula = gastronomic
  • vitulay = gastronomically
  • vitultun = gastronomics, gastronomist, gastronomy
  • vitultuna = gastronomic, gastronomical
  • vitultut = gastronome, gourmand
  • vituyadren = calligraphy
  • vituyadrena = calligraphic
  • vituyadrut = calligrapher
  • vituz = art, fine art
  • vituza = of fine art
  • vituzaya = artful, artistic
  • vituzi = beaux arts
  • vituzika = artful, artistic
  • vituzun = artwork, objet d'art, piece of art
  • vituzut = artist, fine artist
  • vituzyan = beaux arts, fine arts
  • vituzyanam = fine arts museum
  • vituzyanibiam = fine arts museum
  • vituzyaniblut = fine arts collector
  • vituzyena = artistic, finely crafted
  • vityen = art, fine technique
  • vityentun = fine arts
  • vityentuna = artistic
  • vityentunan = artistry
  • vityentut = artist
  • vityod = beautiful people, gentry
  • vityodxen = gentrification
  • vityodxer = to gentrify
  • vityodxwa = gentrified
  • vityof = dress slacks
  • vityun = ideal
  • viun = adornment, decoration, ornament
  • viuna = decorative, ornamental
  • viunay = ornamentally
  • viuni = decorations

viunika -- viza

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  • viunika = decorative, ornate
  • viunikan = decorativeness, ornateness
  • viunikay = decoratively, ornately
  • viunuka = austere
  • viunukan = austerity
  • viunukay = austerely
  • viunxen = adorning, adornment, decorating, decoration, ornamenting
  • viunxer = to adorn, to decorate
  • viunxut = decorator
  • viunxwa = adorned, decorated, ornamented
  • viunxyea = decorative
  • viunxyean = decorativeness
  • viunxyeay = decoratively
  • viunyan = decor, decorations, finery, ornamentation
  • viutyixpurer = to chauffeur
  • viutyixpurexut = chauffeur
  • viutyixpurwa = chauffeured
  • vivisyena = chichi
  • vivol = sorrel
  • viwan = handsomeness
  • viwat = handsome person
  • viway = handsomely
  • vixalzul = rouge
  • vixel = ceremony
  • vixela = ceremonial, solemn
  • vixelan = solemnity
  • vixelay = ceremonially, solemnly
  • vixeleb = toastmaster
  • vixelen = solemnification
  • vixeler = to solemnify
  • vixeleyb = toastmistress
  • vixelwa = solemnified
  • vixelyena = ceremonial
  • vixelyenan = ceremoniousness
  • vixelyenay = ceremoniously
  • vixen = beautification
  • vixer = to beautify, to smarten
  • vixiswaz teil = vichyssoise
  • vixkunad = matte
  • vixkunadxen = matting
  • vixkunadxwa = matted
  • vixul = cosmetic, make-up, makeup
  • vixula = cosmetic
  • vixulabar = cosmetic applicator
  • vixulaben = makeup application
  • vixulaber = to apply makeup
  • vixulabut = makeup artist
  • vixulabwa = made up
  • vixulam = beauty shop
  • vixulay = cosmetically
  • vixulober = to remove makeup
  • vixultun = cosmetology
  • vixultuna = cosmetological
  • vixultut = cosmetologist, makeup artist
  • vixulut = beautician, cosmetician, makeup artist
  • vixut = beautician
  • vixutam = beautician shop
  • vixwa = beautified
  • viya = attractive, mignon, pretty
  • viyan = attractiveness, prettiness
  • viyat = pretty person
  • viyaxen = prettification
  • viyaxer = to prettify
  • viyay = attractively
  • viyayt = pretty girl, pretty woman
  • viyb = furbelow
  • viyenen = luxuriation
  • viyepmes = portal
  • viyexun = chef d'oeuvre, masterpiece
  • viyfa = chic
  • viyfan = chicness
  • viyfay = chicly
  • viyla = superb
  • viylay = superbly
  • viyozmeg = cabochon
  • viysun = piece of finery
  • viyuzkunad = decorative frame
  • viyuznof = stole
  • viz = luxury
  • viza = deluxe, ritzy

vizir -- vlatwa

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  • vizir = vizier, vizir
  • vizofyuj = lappet
  • viztej = life of luxury
  • vizyan = luxury
  • vizyeb = vase
  • vizyebag = decorative urn
  • vizyen = luxurious manner
  • vizyena = luxurious
  • vizyener = to luxuriate
  • vla = absolutely yes, amen, so true
  • vlaa = assured, sure
  • vlaan = absoluteness, assurance
  • vlaay = assuredly
  • vladea = certifying
  • vladen = asserting, assertion, asseveration, assurance, assuring, certification, certifying, claim, claiming, guarantee
  • vlader = to assert, to asseverate, to certify, to claim, to guarantee, to pretend
  • vladras = certificate, guarantee, warrant
  • vladrea = certifying
  • vladref = certificate, claim, warrantee, warranty, writ of guarantee
  • vladrefuer = to issue a warrant, to serve a warrant
  • vladrefuut = warrant issuing officer
  • vladren = certifying, guaranty, warranting
  • vladrer = to certify, to guarantee in writing, to warrant
  • vladreun = guarantee, warrantee, warranty
  • vladrut = guarantor, warranter, warrantor
  • vladryafwa = certifiable, warrantable
  • vladryafway = certifiably
  • vladryofwa = impossible to guarantee, unwarrantable
  • vladun = assertion, claim
  • vladut = certifier, claimant
  • vladwa = asserted, certificated, certified, claimed, guaranteed, warranted
  • vladway = assuredly
  • vladyea = assertive, assuring
  • vladyean = assertiveness
  • vladyeay = assertively, assuringly
  • vlaeaxwa tojfon = probate
  • vlakaxen = determination
  • vlakaxer = to determine
  • vlakaxin = determinism
  • vlakaxina = deterministic
  • vlakaxinay = deterministically
  • vlakaxwa = determinate, determined
  • vlakaxway = determinately, determinedly
  • vlakaxyafwa = determinable
  • vlakaxyofwa = indeterminable
  • vlanas = bail
  • vlatea = certain, resolute, sure
  • vlatean = certainty, certitude, resoluteness, sureness, surety
  • vlateay = certainly, for sure, resolutely, surely
  • vlaten = resolution, resolving
  • vlatepa = certain, confident, sure, surefooted
  • vlatepan = certainty, confidence, conviction, sureness
  • vlater = to be certain, to know for sure, to resolve
  • vlatex = conviction, trust
  • vlatexakea = gaining trust
  • vlatexaken = gaining trust
  • vlatexaker = to gain trust
  • vlatexea = trusting
  • vlatexen = conviction, trust
  • vlatexer = to be convinced, to feel certain, to think certain, to trust
  • vlatexien = becoming convinced, coming to trust
  • vlatexier = to become convinced, to come to trust
  • vlatexokea = losing trust
  • vlatexoken = losing trust
  • vlatexoker = to lose trust
  • vlatexwa = trusted
  • vlatexwat = trustee
  • vlatexwatan = trusteeship
  • vlatexyefwa = trustworthy
  • vlatexyefwan = trustworthiness
  • vlatexyofwa = untrustworthy
  • vlatexyofwan = untrustworthiness
  • vlatien = ascertainment
  • vlatier = to ascertain
  • vlatiwa = ascertained
  • vlatiyafwa = ascertainable
  • vlatuen = ensuring
  • vlatuer = to ensure
  • vlatuwa = ensured
  • vlatwa = certain, known for sure, resolved, stalwart, sure-fire, surefire

vlatwan -- vobemog

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  • vlatwan = certainty, sureness, surety
  • vlatwas = sure thing
  • vlatway = certainly, for sure, of course, stalwartly, surely
  • Vlatway! = Of course!
  • vlatyopa = surefooted
  • vlax nundetyan = insurance company
  • vlaxdras = insurance policy
  • vlaxen = insurance, making sure
  • vlaxer = to insure, to make sure
  • Vlaxu van ha mes su yujlawa. = Make sure the door is locked.
  • vlaxwa = insured
  • vlay = absolutely
  • vlay voy = certainly not
  • vle = probably so
  • vlea = likely, probable
  • vlean = likelihood, odds, probability
  • vleantun = probabalistics
  • vleantunay = probabilistically
  • vleanuin = probability theory
  • vleay = likely, probably
  • vled = bet
  • vleden = betting
  • vleder = to bet
  • vledwa = bet
  • vley = likely, probably
  • vlia = deluxe, luxurious
  • vlian = luxuriousness
  • vlianien = luxuriating, luxuriation
  • vlianier = to luxuriate
  • vlias = luxury
  • vliay = luxuriously
  • vlo = absolutely no, case closed, certainly not, impossible, most assuredly no
  • vloa = doubtful
  • vloden = ruling out
  • vloder = to rule out
  • vlodwa = ruled out
  • vlotex = doubt
  • vlotexay = doubtfully
  • vlotexaya = doubtful
  • vlotexayan = doubtfulness
  • vlotexden = expressing doubt
  • vlotexder = to deem impossible
  • vlotexdwa = deemed impossible
  • vlotexea = doubtful
  • vlotexen = deeming impossible
  • vlotexer = to consider impossible
  • vlotexika = doubtful
  • vlotexikan = doubtfulness
  • vlotexikay = doubtfully
  • vlotexoya = doubtless
  • vlotexoyan = doubtlessness
  • vlotexuka = doubtless
  • vlotexukan = doubtlessness
  • vlotexukay = doubtlessly
  • vlotexut = doubter
  • vlotexuyea = doubt-provoking
  • vlotexwa = doubted
  • vlotexyafwa = doubtable
  • vloy = absolutely not, certainly not, most assuredly not
  • vo = nay, no, nope
  • vo- = non-
  • voa ix = brunt, negative effect
  • voa lonapan = negentropy
  • voa makmis = cathode
  • voa = negative
  • voa sag = negative number
  • voa xiun = negative result
  • voan = negativeness, negativity
  • voas = something negative
  • voatexen = deliberating
  • voaxea = negating
  • voaxen = negating, negation
  • voaxer = to negate
  • voaxwa = negated
  • voay = negatively
  • vob = crop, plant
  • vobam = greenhouse, plantation house
  • vobbikam = nursery, plant care facility
  • vobem = cropland, farmland, plantation
  • vobemog = meadow, smallholding

vobemogbexut -- vodoteuzuea

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  • vobemogbexut = smallholder
  • voben = planting
  • vober = to plant
  • vobgyia = lush
  • vobgyian = lushness
  • vobgyiay = lushly
  • vobib = funicle
  • vobiblawa = gathered, harvested, picked, reaped
  • vobiblen = crop, gathering crops, harvest, harvesting, ingathering, picking, reaping
  • vobibler = to gather crops, to harvest, to pick, to reap
  • vobiblun = crop, harvest, pick, reap
  • vobiblun jeb = crop season, harvest season
  • vobiblunyan = crops
  • vobiblur = crop picker, harvester, mower, reaper
  • vobiblut = cropper, harvester, harvestman, picker, reaper
  • vobiblyafwa = harvestable
  • vobien = abnegation, denial, exception, refusal, refusing, rejecting, rejection, scorn, scorning
  • vobier gel futeisa = to disrelish
  • vobier nasdref = to bounce a check
  • vobier = to abnegate, to decline, to deny, to disclaim, to dismiss, to refuse, to reject, to scorn
  • vobier updien = to decline an invitation
  • vobijum = ovum
  • vobijumog = ovule
  • vobijyem = ovary
  • vobil level = barley sugar
  • vob-ilza = xanthic
  • vobilzayeb = xanthophyll
  • vobilzid = xanthid
  • vobilzin = xanthin, xanthine
  • vobilzon = xanthone
  • vobiun = disclaimer
  • vobiut = denier, rejector, scorner
  • vobiwa = abnegated, declined, denied, disclaimed, dismissed, refused, rejected, scorned
  • vobiwa nasdref = bad check, bounced check
  • vobiwas = refuse
  • vobiwer bu ha dovyabtyen = to fail the bar
  • vobiyafwa = deniable
  • vobiyea = dismissive, scornful
  • vobiyeay = dismissively, scornfully
  • vobmel = cultivatable soil, glebe
  • vobsanxar = espalier
  • vobsanxer = to espalier
  • vobteil = vegetable soup
  • vobublen = yield of crops
  • vobuen = denial, denying
  • vobuer besafdren = to deny a visa
  • vobuer dur = to refuse a demand
  • vobuer = to deny, to refuse
  • vobur = potato planter
  • vobut = cropper, planter
  • vobuwa = denied
  • vobvazul = chlorophyll
  • vobvazum = chloroplast
  • vobwa = planted
  • vobyan = crops, plant life
  • vobyel = mucilage
  • vobyexem = plantation
  • vobzyeb = terrarium
  • vocogkaxen = nitpicking
  • vocogkaxer = to nitpick
  • vocogkaxut = nitpicker
  • vod = blackball, denial, nay, scorn
  • vodebden = prohibition
  • vodebder = to prohibit
  • vodebdwa = prohibited
  • vodel = denial
  • vodelen = denying
  • vodeler = to deny, to disproof
  • vodelwa = denied
  • vodelyofwa = irrefragable
  • voden = declination, denial, disapprobation, scorning
  • vodenen = denial
  • vodener = to deny
  • vodenwa = denied
  • voder = to deny, to disaffirm, to say no, to scorn
  • vodokebid = nay, no vote
  • vodokebider = to vote no
  • vodokebidut = naysayer, no voter
  • vodokebidwa = voted down
  • vodoteuzuea = voting no

vodoteuzuer -- voldeym

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  • vodoteuzuer = to vote no
  • vodoteuzuut = no voter
  • vodoteuzuwa = voted down
  • vodud = nay, negative answer, negative reply, no answer
  • voduden = nay-saying
  • vodudut = nay-sayer, naysayer
  • voduen = answering no, responding negatively
  • voduer = to answer no, to respond negatively
  • vodut = scorner
  • voduun = negative response
  • voduzar = horn
  • voduzareser = to toot
  • voduzaresut = tooter
  • voduzarut = horn player, hornblower
  • vodwa = denied, scorned
  • vodyea = scornful
  • vodyeay = scornfully
  • vodyofwa = undeniable
  • vodyofwan = undeniability
  • vodyofway = undeniably
  • voebovat = xanthate
  • voebtexden = negative decision
  • voebtexder = to decide no, to decide not
  • voebtexer = to decide no, to decide not
  • vof = disinclination
  • vofa = disinclined, reluctant, unwilling
  • vofan = reluctance, reluctancy, unwillingness
  • vofay = reluctantly, unwillingly
  • vofea = involuntary
  • vofean = involuntariness
  • vofeay = involuntarily
  • vofer = to be reluctant, to be unwilling
  • vofwa = unwanted
  • vofxer = to disincline
  • vofxwa = disinclined
  • vok = danger, hazard, jeopardy, peril, threat
  • vok gonem = danger zone
  • voka = dangerous, hazardous, perilous, threatening
  • vokan = dangerousness, hazardousness, perilousness
  • vokay = hazardously, treacherously
  • vokaya = danger-filled, dangerous, perilous, treacherous
  • vokayan = dangerousness, perilousness, treacherousness
  • vokden = threat, warning
  • vokder = to threaten, to warn
  • vokdwa = threatened, warned
  • vokdyea = threatening
  • vokem = danger zone
  • vokien = risking
  • vokier = to risk, to take a risk
  • vokika = danger-filled, dangerous, perilous, treacherous
  • vokikan = dangerousness, perilousness, treacherousness
  • vokikay = dangerously, perilously, treacherously
  • vokiwa = risked
  • vokiyea = risky
  • vokjwadar = alarm
  • vokman = hazard light, warning light
  • vokser = to become a danger
  • voksiun = danger sign
  • voktuea siyn = warning sign
  • voktuer = to warn
  • voktuun = warning
  • voktuut = warner
  • voktuwa = warned
  • vokuen = endangerment, imperiling, jeopardizing
  • vokuer = to compromise, to endanger, to imperil, to jeopardize
  • vokuka = danger-free
  • vokum = deathtrap
  • vokun = hazard
  • vokunika = hazardous
  • vokuwa = compromised, endangered, imperiled, jeopardized
  • vokxea = endangering, imperling, jeopardizing
  • vokxen = creating a hazard, endangerment
  • vokxer = to create a hazard, to endanger, to imperil, to jeopardize
  • vokxwa = endangered, imperiled, jeopardized
  • vokxyea = dangerous, hazardous, perilous
  • vokyifliut = daredevil
  • vokyifliyea = foolhardy
  • vol = vegetable, veggie
  • vola = vegetal
  • voldeym = vegetable garden

volem -- volznaid

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  • volem = market garden
  • volemut = market gardener, truck farmer
  • volgoblar = mandoline
  • Volid = Volapük
  • Volidaler = to speak Volapük
  • Volidalut = Volapük speaker
  • Volider = to say in Volapük
  • volin = vegetarianism
  • volina = vegetarian
  • volinut = vegan, vegetarian
  • volyanmul abyel = salad dressing
  • volyanmul = salad
  • volz- = chrom-
  • volz = color, hue
  • volz nabyan = range of colors
  • volz nyadras = colormap
  • volz sagmus = colormap
  • volza = chromatic, color-related, colored, hued, in color
  • volzaben = application of color, coloring, staining
  • volzaber = to add color, to stain
  • volzabwa = colored, stained
  • volzan = chromaticity, tonality
  • volzaxen = colorization
  • volzaxer = to colorize
  • volzaxwa = colorized
  • volzay = chromatically
  • volzaya = colorful, in color
  • volzayan = colorfulness
  • volzazandar = fader
  • volzben = colorization
  • volzber = to apply color, to apply paint, to color, to colorize, to paint
  • volzbut = colorer, painter
  • volzbwa = colored, colorized
  • volzdrar = chromatogram, color pencil
  • volzdras = chromatograph
  • volzdren = chromatography
  • volzdrer = to color, to draw color
  • volzdril = colored ink color
  • volzdrilar = colored ink pen
  • volzdriler = to ink
  • volzdrilun = colored ink pen drawing
  • volzdrilwa = inked
  • volzdrun = color drawing
  • volzeva = neutral in color
  • volzfaobdras = chromoxylograph
  • volzfaobdren = chromoxylography
  • volzika = colorful
  • volzikan = colorfulness
  • volzikay = colorfully
  • volzikxen = saturation
  • volzikxer = to saturate
  • volzikxwa = saturated
  • volzil = paint
  • volzil tayefar = paint brush
  • volzilar = paint brush, paintbrush
  • volzilarer = to paint, to use a paint brush on
  • volzilben = painting
  • volzilber = to apply paint
  • volzilbun = painting, picture
  • volzilbut = painter
  • volzilbuyt = paintress
  • volzilbwa = painted
  • volzilmekuar = spray paint gun
  • volzilmekuen = spraypainting
  • volzilmekuer = to spraypaint
  • volzilmekuut = spraypainter
  • volzilmekuwa = spraypainted
  • volzilnyeb = paintbox
  • volziloben = stripping of paint
  • volzilober = to strip of paint
  • volzilobwa = stripped of paint
  • volzkyaxen = changing color
  • volzkyaxer = to change color
  • volzkyaxwa = changed in color
  • volzkyoa = colorfast
  • volzkyoan = colorfastness
  • volzmansintyen = chromophotography
  • volznabyan = array of colors, color spectrum, rainbow
  • volznagar = colorimeter
  • volznaid = smear, streak

volznaidaya -- vosmelyex

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  • volznaidaya = brindled, smeary
  • volznaider = to bedaub, to besmear, to smear, to streak
  • volznaidika = brindled, smeary
  • volznaidwa = bedaubed, smeared, streaked
  • volznaidyan = brindle
  • volznod = freckle, spot
  • volznodaya = freckly
  • volznodika = freckly
  • volznodxwa = freckled, spotted
  • volznogyan = chromatic scale
  • volznogyana = chromatic
  • volznogyanay = chromatically
  • volzober = to erase the color, to remove the color
  • volzok = fade, loss of color
  • volzokea = fading
  • volzoken = fading
  • volzoker = to fade, to lose color
  • volzokya = faded
  • volzoya = achromatic, bland, blank, colorless, washed out
  • volzoyan = blandness, blankness, colorlessness, pallor
  • volztabog = chromosome
  • volztaboga = chromosomal
  • volzteatyofa = colorblind
  • volzteatyofan = colorblindness
  • volzuka = achromatic, bland, blank, colorless, washed out
  • volzukan = blandness, blankness, colorlessness, pallor
  • volzukay = blandly, colorlessly
  • volzvaka = color-safe
  • volzyan = range of colors, spectrum
  • volzyana = spectral
  • volzyanmul = color blend, color mix
  • volzyanxuul = tempera
  • volzyanxuulsiz = tempera
  • volzyeldrar = crayon
  • volzyeldrun = crayon drawing
  • volzyen = shade, tint
  • volzzyefmis = stained glass window
  • vomakmul = anion
  • vomakmula = anionic
  • vomul = electron
  • vomul gwogteaxar = electron microscope
  • vomula = electronic
  • vomula gwogteaxar = electron microscope
  • von = don't, let not
  • von... = don't...., may...not...
  • Von et yifu! = Don't you dare!
  • Von ovunxu ha zyenod. = Don't block the intersection.
  • Von vyofu ha tayd bi eta yubat. = Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife.
  • Von yepu! = Do not enter!, No admittance!
  • voon = dead end, non-issue
  • voonden = ruling out
  • voonder = to rule out
  • voondwa = ruled out
  • vopot = cervid
  • vos = bloom, blossom, flower
  • vosa = floral
  • vosaonad = raceme
  • vosaser = to effloresce
  • vosaxen = efflorescence
  • vosaxyea = efflorescent
  • vosaya = florid, flowery
  • vosayan = floweriness
  • vosayeb = petal
  • vosayob = sepal
  • vosben = decking out with flowers
  • vosber = to deck out with flowers
  • vosbwa = decked out with flowers
  • vosdeym = flower garden
  • vosea = abloom, florescent
  • vosean = florescence
  • vosgin = finial
  • vosib = receptacle
  • vosij = bud
  • vosijea = budding, inflorescent
  • vosijen = budding
  • vosijer = to bud
  • vosika = florid, flowery
  • vosikan = floweriness
  • vosin = matte
  • vosmelyex = floriculture

vosmuf -- vovaden

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  • vosmuf = maypole
  • vosnam = florist shop
  • vosnamut = florist
  • vosnyan = bouquet, umbel
  • vosoben = defloration
  • vosog = bloom, floret, floweret
  • vosoya = flowerless
  • vossyebkoxar = cachepot
  • vostebuz = wreath
  • vostebuzober = to unwreathe
  • vostebuzuer = to wreathe
  • vostebuzuwa = wreathed
  • vosuea = blooming, blossoming, flourishing, flowering
  • vosuen = blooming, blossoming, flourishing, flowering
  • vosuer = to bloom, to blossom, to flourish, to flower
  • vosuka = flowerless
  • vosut = florist, flower arranger
  • vosuwa = bloomed, blossomed, flourished, flowered
  • vosviun = fleuron
  • vosyan = flora
  • vosyeb = flower pot, flowerpot, vase
  • vosyel = attar
  • vosyem = flower bed, flowerbed
  • vosyena = florid
  • vosyenan = floridness
  • vosyenay = floridly
  • vosyexun = horticulture
  • vosyexuna = horticultural
  • vosyexunut = horticulturalist, horticulturist
  • vosyijen = inflorescence
  • vosyob = peduncle
  • votebbax = negative nod of the head
  • votebbaxen = nodding no
  • votebbaxer = to nod no
  • votebsiun = negative nod, negative sign
  • votebsiuner = to nod no
  • votepa = negative-minded
  • votepin = negativism
  • votepina = negativistic
  • votepinut = negativist
  • votepyena = negatively-disposed
  • voteud = disclaimer
  • voteuder = to disclaim
  • voteudwa = disclaimed
  • voteuz = nay, no vote
  • voteuzer = to vote down, to vote no
  • voteuzut = no voter
  • voteuzwa = voted down
  • votex = diffidence, doubt, misgiving
  • votexaya = full of doubt
  • votexden = doubting, dubitation, expression of doubt
  • votexder = to doubt, to express a disbelief in
  • votexea = circumspect, diffident, discounting, doubtful, incredulous
  • votexeay = diffidently, doubtfully
  • votexen = discounting, doubting
  • votexer = to discount, to doubt, to think not
  • votexer tuin = to discount a theory, doubt a theory
  • votexier = to come to disbelieve, to come to doubt
  • votexika = full of doubt
  • votexuen = convincing otherwise, dissuasion, engender doubt
  • votexuer = to convince otherwise, to dissuade, to engender disbelief, to get to doubt, to lead one to doubt, to make doubt
  • votexuwa = convinced otherwise, dubious, unconvinced
  • votexuyea = dissuasive
  • votexuyean = dissuasiveness
  • votexwa = discounted, dubious
  • votexyafwa = dubious, dubitable
  • votexyafwan = dubiousness, dubitability
  • votexyafway = dubiously, dubitably
  • votexyea = dubious
  • votexyean = dubiousness
  • votexyofwa = impossible to doubt, indubitable
  • votexyofway = indubitably
  • votipa = cynical, negative-minded
  • votipan = negative-mindedness, negativism
  • votipat = cynic, naysayer
  • votipay = cynically
  • votipin = cynicism
  • votuwa = dubious
  • votuwan = dubiousness
  • vovaden = contesting

vovader -- vriyex

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  • vovader = to contest
  • vovadut = contestant contester
  • vovadwa = contested
  • vovadyafwa = contestable
  • vovadyofwa = incontestable
  • vo-vo = no no
  • voxea = negating
  • voxen = negating, negation
  • voxer = to negate
  • voxut = negator
  • voxwa = negated
  • voy beyafwe = n/a, not available
  • voy byuxer = to fall short of
  • voy exea = not running, out of service
  • voy eybser = to have no interest in, to have no involvement with
  • voy ga jwo vyel = by, no later than, not later than
  • voy ga jwoy vyel = no later than
  • voy ga vyel = mere, merely
  • voy gaj = not yet
  • voy gajob = no longer
  • voy gon bi ha dalson = beside the point
  • voy gra oma = parky
  • voy hyegla = not at all
  • voy jo = by, not after
  • Voy kyitese. = It doesn't matter.
  • voy = not
  • Voy sagwe. = It doesn't count.
  • Voy se kyison. = It doesn't much matter!, It is no big deal., It is no problem.
  • Voy tepoboxe at. = It doesn't bother me.
  • Voy tepoboxe at ven... = I don't care if...
  • voy van = not that
  • voy ven = not if
  • Voy vyese et. = It is none of your business
  • voy yebiea = not including
  • voyafxwa = rejected, vetoed
  • voyafyea = intolerant
  • voyafyean = intolerance
  • voyafyeay = intolerantly
  • voyaker = to expect not
  • voylz = coloration, hint of color, hue, shade, taint, tincture, tinge, tint
  • voylza = hued
  • voylzaben = dying, tainting, tinging, tinting
  • voylzaber = to taint, to tinge, to tint
  • voylzabwa = tainted, tinged, tinted
  • voylzbwa = shaded, tinted
  • voylzen = dying, tinting
  • voylzer = to tint
  • voylzil = dye, pigment, tint
  • voylzilben = dyeing, dying, pigmentation, tinting
  • voylzilber = to dye, to pigment, to tint
  • voylzilbut = dyer
  • voylzilbwa = dyed, pigmented, tinted
  • voylzilen = dying, pigmentation, tinting
  • voylziler = to pigment, to tint
  • voylzilwa = pigmented, tinted
  • voylzul = dyestuff
  • voylzwa = tinted
  • voy...oy = neither...nor
  • vraa = evident, indubitable
  • vraan = evidence
  • vraana = evidential
  • vraay = evidently, undoubtedly
  • vrata = absolutely certain
  • vratan = absolute certainty
  • vratwan = absolute certainty, absolutely certain
  • vraxer = to make evident
  • vraxwa = evidenced
  • vray = actually, as a matter of fact, evidently, in fact
  • vria = glamorous, luxurious, splendid, splendrous
  • vrian = glamor, luxury, splendor
  • vrianxen = glamorization
  • vrianxer = to glamorize
  • vriaser = to luxuriate, to wallow
  • vriay = glamorously, luxuriously, splendidly
  • vridez = pageant
  • vridezyan = pageantry
  • vrisinuen = pomp
  • vrisinuun = pageant
  • vrisinuunyan = pageantry, pomp and circumstance
  • vriyex = masterpiece

vrua -- vudyun

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  • vrua = monstrous
  • vruay = monstrously
  • vrus = monstrosity
  • vrut = monster
  • vrutyena = monster-like, monstrous
  • vu = the letter v
  • vua = blighted, comely, homely, ugly, ungainly, unlovely, unseemly
  • vua yovbyokam = bughouse
  • vuaduzaren = bugling
  • vuan = blight, comeliness, homeliness, ugliness, ungainliness, unseemliness
  • vuas = something ugly
  • vuaser = to become ugly, to turn ugly
  • vuat = homely person, ugly person, ugly-duckling
  • vuaxen = uglification
  • vuaxer = to make ugly, to uglify
  • vuaxwa = uglified
  • vub = antenna, blade, outgrowth, sprig, sprit, strand, twig
  • vuber = to sprig
  • vubi = antennae
  • Vubidalut = Venda speaker
  • Vubider = to say in Venda
  • vubsum = nest
  • vubsumea = nesting
  • vubsumer = to nest
  • vubsumxer = to make a nest
  • vubwa = sprigged
  • vubyena = uncouth, underbred
  • vubyenan = uncouthness
  • vubyenay = uncouthly
  • vubyenayt = trollop
  • Vucatom = Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Vucatoma = from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Vucatomat = inhabitant of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • vud = insult, scorn
  • vudea = denigrating, deprecating, insulting, vilifying
  • vuden = denigrating, denigration, deprecating, deprecation, disparagement, insulting, mudslinging, put-down, putdown, scorning, smearing, vilification, vilifying
  • vuder = to call ugly, to denigrate, to deprecate, to disparage, to insult, to malign, to scorn, to smear, to vilify
  • vudeyay = insultingly
  • vudizeub = smirk
  • vudizeuben = smirking
  • vudizeuber = to smirk
  • vudizeubyea = smirky
  • vudizeuden = ridiculing
  • vudizeuder = to ridicule
  • vudizeudier = to make fun of
  • vudizeudwa = ridiculed
  • vudizeudyefwa = ridiculous
  • vudizeudyefwan = ridiculousness
  • vudizeudyefway = ridiculously
  • vudomgon = ghetto
  • vudomgonxer = to ghettoize
  • vudoom = shabby district, slum
  • vudoomat = slum dog
  • vudoomeb = slumlord
  • vudoomer = to slum around
  • vudoomut = slummer
  • vudoomyena = slummy
  • vudota = low-brow, lowbrow
  • vudotat = low-brow, lowbrow
  • vudotyan = filthy class, scum
  • vudotyana = base, degenerate, scummy
  • vudotyanan = degeneracy
  • vudotyanat = degenerate person
  • vudu = voodoo
  • vuduin = voodooism
  • vuduina = voodooist
  • vuduinut = hoodoo, voodooist, witch doctor
  • vudun = dirty word, obscenity, ugly word, vile expression, vulgarity
  • vuduna = crude, obscene, scatological, scurrilous, vulgar
  • vudunan = scurrility, scurrilousness
  • vudunay = scurrilously
  • vudut = mudslinger, scorner
  • vuduxut = hoodoo
  • vuduzar = saxophone
  • vuduzarut = saxophonist
  • vudwa = denigrated, deprecated, insulted, maligned, scorned, smeared, vilified
  • vudwam fuzdwa = disparaged
  • vudyea = denigrating, deprecatory, disparaging, scornful, scornfully
  • vudyeay = disparagingly
  • vudyun = caconym

vuemules -- vusan

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  • vuemules = electron neutrino
  • vufa = coarse, crass, crude, scurrilous, vulgar
  • vufan = coarseness, crudeness, crudity, scurrility, scurrilousness, vulgarity
  • vufat = crude person, peasant, vulgar person
  • vufatyan = peasantry, vulgar masses
  • vufay = crassly, crudely, scurrilously
  • vuftoyb = fishwife
  • vufua = vile
  • Vugebam = British Virgin Islands
  • Vugebama = from British Virgin Islands
  • Vugebamat = inhabitant of British Virgin Islands
  • vugiseux = stridor
  • Vuinimider = to say in Vietnamese
  • Vuinimidreyen = Vietnamese script
  • vujagayt = crone
  • vujagtom = flea pit, fleapit
  • vujagtoyb = hag
  • vujagtoybyena = haggish
  • vukaxea = reviling
  • vukaxen = revilement, reviling, revulsion
  • vukaxer = to revile
  • vukaxwa = reviled
  • vukaxyea = revulsive
  • Vulisod = Vlaams, West Flemish
  • Vulisoda = in Vlaams, in West Flemish
  • Vulisodaler = to speak Vlaams, to speak West Flemish
  • Vulisodalut = speaker of Vlaams, speaker of West Flemish
  • Vulisoder = to say in Vlaams, to say in West Flemish
  • vulk = V, vanadium
  • vulob = awn, barb, bristle, dart, hawthorn, nettle, prick, prickle, prong, spine, splint, spur, stickle, thistle, thorn
  • vulob ifek = darts
  • vulobaya = nettlesome, spinose, spiny, thorny
  • vulobayan = spinosity, thorniness
  • vulobdopar = blowgun, blowpipe
  • vulobfaof = dartboard
  • vulobika fayb = bramble
  • vulobika faybyan = briar
  • vulobika = nettlesome, spinose, spiny, thorny
  • vulobikan = spinosity, thorniness
  • vulobnum = cnidoblast, cnidocyte
  • vulobpuxen = darting, darts
  • vulobpuxut = darter
  • vulobtebuz = crown of thorns
  • vulobuen = nettling, pricking, stinging
  • vulobuer = to nettle, to prick, to sting
  • vulobuwa = nettled, pricked, stung
  • vulobuyea = nettlesome, prickly, stinging
  • vulobuyean = nettlesomeness, prickliness
  • vulobxwa mugnif = barbed wire
  • vulobyan = thorn patch
  • vulobyena = bristly, prickly, spiny, thorny
  • vuloxea = urticate
  • vuloxen = needling, pricking, prickling, sticking, stinging, vexing
  • vuloxer = to needle, to pin, to prick, to prickle, to stick, to sting, to vex
  • vuloxun = prick, sting
  • vuloxwa = needled, pricked, prickled, stung, vexed
  • vuloxyazaxwa = urticate
  • vuloxyea = nettlesome, prickly
  • vuloxyean = prickliness
  • vum = shit hole, slum
  • vunak = unit of voltage
  • Vunidaler = to speak Venda
  • Vunimid = Vietnamese
  • Vunimida = Viet
  • Vunimidaler = to speak Vietnamese
  • Vunimidalut = Vietnamese speaker of Vietnamese
  • Vunimider = to say in Vietnamese
  • Vunimim = Vietnam
  • Vunimima = Viet, Vietnamese
  • Vunimimat = Vietnamese, inhabitant of Vietnam
  • vunxer = to blot
  • vuoyebagxun = excrescency
  • vupat = blackbird
  • vupof = chamois
  • vupot = chamois
  • vura = hideous
  • vuran = hideousness
  • vuray = hideously
  • vus = eye sore, scumming
  • vusan = chevron, shim, v shape, wedge

vusana -- vutyanxen

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  • vusana = cuneiform, grotesque
  • vusanan = grotesqueness
  • vusanay = grotesquely
  • vusandreyen = cuneiform
  • vusanmel = gulch
  • vusanser = to wedge
  • vusanxen = wedging
  • vusanxer = to wedge
  • vusanxwa = wedged
  • vusauna = base, degenerate
  • vusaunan = degeneracy
  • vusaunsea = degenerative
  • vusaunser = to degenerate
  • vusaunxwa = degenerate
  • vusaunxwat = degenerate
  • vuseusea = cacophonous, ugly-sounding
  • vuseuser = to grate on the ears, to sound ugly
  • vuseux = cacophony, noise, ugly sound
  • vuseuxa = cacophonous, noisy
  • vusyana = vulgar
  • vusyanan = vulgarity
  • vusyen = bad form, bad style, inelegance, poor form
  • vusyena = dowdy, in bad form, inelegant, rough-hewn, unfashionable, unstylish, vulgar
  • vusyenan = dowdiness, vulgarity
  • vusyenay = dowdily, vulgarly
  • vusyendun = expletive, vulgar word, vulgarity
  • vusyenxen = vulgarization
  • vusyenxer = to vulgarize
  • vusyenxut = vulgarizer
  • vusyenxwa = vulgarized
  • vut = cad, commoner, grunt, misfit, ugly creature, vulgar person, wretch
  • vutam = dump, flophouse, hovel, pigpen, pigsty
  • vutamog = dump, ramshackle, shanty
  • vutamoyg = hovel
  • vutap = ugly physique
  • vuteas = eye-sore, eyesore, ugly sight
  • vutebsin = grimace, sneer, ugly mug
  • vutebsiner = to grimace, to sneer
  • vuteisa = mephitic
  • vuteisea = putrid, stinky
  • vuteiser = to smell foul, to stink
  • vuteisobul = deodorant
  • vuteixen = putrefaction, stinking up
  • vuteixer = to stink up
  • vuteixwa = putrefied, stunk up
  • vutej = hard life, mean existence
  • vutejer = to hardly get back, to live a mean existence, to rough it
  • vutel = commoner's food, grub
  • vutepa = wretched
  • vutepan = wretchedness
  • vutepat = wretch
  • vutilam = dive, hole-in-the-wall bar
  • vutilamoyg = doggery
  • vutipa = crotchety, frumpy, grouchy, grouty, in a foul mood, mean-spirited, surly
  • vutipan = mean-spiritedness, meanness
  • vutipat = frump, mean person
  • vutipatyena = frumpish
  • vutipay = mean-spiritedly, meanly
  • vutob = troll
  • vutobag = ogre
  • vutobagyena = ogreish
  • vutof = frump
  • vutofa = frumpish, frumpy
  • vutofat = frump
  • Vutom = Vanuatu
  • Vutoma = Vanuatuan
  • Vutomat = Vanuatan, inhabitant of Vanuatu
  • vutomules = tau neutrino
  • vutoybag = ogress
  • vutuz = junk art, trash art
  • vutwobog = gnome
  • vutwoboga = gnomic
  • vutwobogyena = gnomish
  • vutyan = hoi polloi, vulgar masses
  • vutyana = scurrilous, vulgar
  • vutyanan = scurrility, scurrilousness, vulgarity
  • vutyanat = vulgarian
  • vutyanay = scurrilously, vulgarly
  • vutyanun = vulgarism
  • vutyanxen = vulgarization

vutyanxer -- vyabeaxwa

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  • vutyanxer = to vulgarize
  • vutyanxut = vulgarizer
  • vutyanxwa = vulgarized
  • vutyena = caddish, wretched
  • vutyenan = caddishness, wretchedness
  • vutyenay = caddishly, wretchedly
  • vutyod = commoners, rabble, scum, unwashed masses, vulgus
  • vutyoda = unwashed, vulgar
  • vutyodat = commoner, scumbag
  • vuutob = dandy
  • vuutobxer = to dandify
  • vuutobxwa = dandified
  • vuvibunyan = frippery
  • vuvol = dandelion, mustard greens
  • vuxen = defacement
  • vuxer = to deface, to make ugly
  • vuxwa = defaced, scroungy
  • vuxyenyea = mopish
  • vuya = gross, loathsome, scroungy, scurrilous, unsightly, vile, vulgar
  • vuyan = loathsomeness, scrounginess, scurrility, scurrilousness, unsightliness, vileness, vulgarity
  • vuyat = vile person, villain
  • vuyatan = villainy
  • vuyateaten = repulsion
  • vuyateater = to be repulsed, to consider vile
  • vuyateatut = reviler
  • vuyatyena = villainous
  • vuyaxea = vilifying
  • vuyaxen = vilification, vilifying, vulgarization
  • vuyaxer = to vilify, to vulgarize
  • vuyaxut = vulgarizer
  • vuyaxwa = vilified, vulgarized
  • vuyay = loathsomely, scurrilously, vilely, vulgarly
  • vuyb = withe
  • vuybyena = withy
  • vuyexunxut = myrmidon
  • vuyixyean = scurrility
  • vuyteasea = frowsy, frowzy
  • vuyteasean = frowziness
  • vuyteaseay = frowzily
  • vuzuvubok = chicken pox, chickenpox
  • vvoa zam = false front
  • vya dyezam = bughouse
  • vya- = justi-, ortho-, recti-, true-
  • vyaa = actual, genuine, true, undissembled, veritable
  • vyaab bi tapyexen = calisthenic
  • vyaab tuen = monition
  • vyaama = virtual
  • vyaamay = virtually
  • vyaan = genuineness, veracity, verity
  • vyaas = truism
  • vyaaxa = sincere
  • vyaaxan = sincerity
  • vyaaxay = sincerely
  • vyaaxlea = appropriately acting, behaving
  • vyaaxlean = appropriateness
  • vyaaxleay = appropriately
  • vyaaxlen = acting appropriately, behaving
  • vyaaxlena = appropriate
  • vyaaxler = to act appropriately, to behave
  • vyaay = for sooth, forsooth, genuinely, indeed, really, truly, veraciously, verily, veritably
  • vyab = canon, gauge, guideline, regulation, rule, standard
  • vyaba = canonical, regular, regulatory, staid, standard
  • vyaba jubdindrefut = columnist
  • vyaba mep = routine
  • vyaban = regularity, staidness
  • vyabar = controller, guide, standard
  • vyabarseym = dashboard
  • vyabaxen = regularizing, regulatization
  • vyabaxer = to regularize
  • vyabaxwa = regularized
  • vyabay = canonically, regularly, staidly
  • vyabdun = lemma
  • vyabduni = lemmata
  • vyabdunxen = lemmatization
  • vyabdunxer = to lemmatize
  • vyabea = directing, guiding, regulating
  • vyabeaxen = examination, inspection
  • vyabeaxer = to examine, to inspect
  • vyabeaxut = examiner, inspector
  • vyabeaxwa = examined, inspected

vyaben -- vyaden

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  • vyaben = controlling, direction, guiding, regulating, ruling
  • vyabena = regulative
  • vyaber = to control, to direct, to guide, to regulate, to right
  • vyabi = regulations
  • vyabien = postulation
  • vyabier = to postulate
  • vyabiwa = postulated
  • vyabofwa = roguish
  • vyabofwan = roguery, roguishness
  • vyabofway = roguishly
  • vyabpixlawa = arrested, under arrest
  • vyabpixlawat = person under arrest
  • vyabpixlea = arresting
  • vyabpixlen = arresting
  • vyabpixler = to arrest
  • vyabpixlun = arrest
  • vyabpixlut = arresting officer
  • vyabsea = becoming regular
  • vyabser = to become regular, to straighten up
  • vyabuka = unruly
  • vyabukan = unruliness
  • vyabukay = unrulily
  • vyabus = regulator
  • vyabut = guide, regulator
  • vyabwa = controlled, directed, guided, regulated, ruled
  • vyabxel = protocol, routine
  • vyabxela = routine
  • vyabxelay = routinely
  • vyabyan = body of rules, regulations, set of guidelines, set of rules
  • vyabyea = controlling
  • vyabyen = discipline, order, policy, rectitude
  • vyabyena = disciplinary, orderly
  • vyabyendras = policy
  • vyabyendrasbexut = policyholder
  • vyabyenien = following discipline
  • vyabyenier = to follow discipline
  • vyabyeniut = follower
  • vyabyeniutyan = order of disciples
  • vyabyenuen = disciplining
  • vyabyenuer = to discipline, to dispense discipline, to impose discipline
  • vyabyenuut = disciplinarian
  • vyabyenuwa = disciplined
  • vyabyig = stricture
  • vyabyiga = stern, strict
  • vyabyigan = sternness, strictness
  • vyabyigay = sternly, strictly
  • vyabyigser = to get strict
  • vyabyigxen = making strict
  • vyabyigxer = to make strict
  • vyabyigxwa = made strict
  • vyabyima = authentic
  • vyabyiman = authenticity
  • vyabyimay = authentically
  • vyabyimxen = authentication
  • vyabyimxer = to authenticate
  • vyabyimxwa = authenticated
  • vyabyofa = renegade, unruly
  • vyabyofutaxler = to ruffian
  • vyabyofwa = obstreperous, out of control, out of hand, rogue, unbridled, uncontrollable
  • vyabyofwan = obstreperousness, uncontrollability
  • vyabyofwat = rogue, ruffian
  • vyabyofwatyena = ruffianly
  • vyabyofway = obstreperously, out of hand, uncontrollably
  • vyabyuga = lax
  • vyabyugan = laxness
  • vyabyugay = loosely
  • vyabyugser = to become lax
  • vyabyugxen = loosening
  • vyabyugxer = to loosen
  • vyabyuva = uptight
  • vyad = candor, frank statement, oath, plain talk, truth
  • vyaday = squarely
  • vyadea = avowed, candid, frank, honest, sincere, straightforward, upfront
  • vyadean = candidness, frankness, honesty, sincerity, straightforwardness, truthfulness
  • vyadeay = avowedly, candidly, frankly, honestly, sincerely, straightforwardly
  • vyadel = theorem
  • vyadela = theoretic, theoretical
  • vyadelay = theoretically
  • vyadelut = theoretician
  • vyaden = avowal, avowing, sincerity

vyader -- vyakxambesut

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  • vyader = to avouch, to avow, to be candid, to be frank, to be honest, to tell the truth
  • vyadin = non-fiction, true story
  • vyadrar = dicta-phone, dictaphone, dictation device
  • vyadrawa = dictated
  • vyadreden dyes = spelling manual
  • vyadreden ebek = spelling bee
  • vyadren = dictation
  • vyadrer = to dictate
  • vyadut = frank person, honest person
  • vyaduwa teadut = deponent
  • vyaduzar = bugle
  • vyaduzarut = bugler
  • vyaduznega = in tune, on-pitch
  • vyaduznegxer = to tune
  • vyaduznegxwa = tuned
  • vyadwa = avowed
  • vyadyean = probity
  • vyadyen = diction
  • vyadyun = actual name, real name
  • vyafa = precise
  • vyafan bi jwobir = clockwork precision
  • vyafan = preciseness, precision
  • vyafay = precisely
  • vyafsan = fitness
  • vyafsansea = fitting
  • vyafsanser = to fit, to match
  • vyafsanxen = fitting
  • vyafsanxer = to fit, to match
  • vyafsanxut = fitter
  • vyafsanxwa = fitted
  • vyaftexwa = incisive
  • vyaftexwan = incisiveness
  • vyaftexway = incisively
  • vyafxen = precisioning
  • vyafxer = to precision
  • vyafxwa = precisioned
  • vyaifea = devoted
  • vyaifon = truelove
  • vyaifwat = truelove
  • vyajayex = logistics
  • vyajayexa = logistical
  • vyajayexay = logistically
  • vyaka = correct
  • vyaka dud = right answer
  • vyaka mep = right way
  • vyaka tyun = right idea
  • vyakadea = attesting
  • vyakaden = attestation, attesting
  • vyakader = to attest
  • vyakadwa = attested
  • vyakan = correctness
  • vyakaxlyen = correct behavior
  • vyakay = aright, correctly
  • vyakdred = orthography
  • vyakdreda = orthographic
  • vyakdreday = orthographically
  • vyakdreden = orthography
  • vyakdredena = orthographic
  • vyakdredwa = correctly spelled, orthographic
  • vyakeuxden = correct pronunciation
  • vyakex = investigation, research
  • vyakexam = research institute
  • vyakexen = investigating, investigation, researching
  • vyakexer = to investigate, to research
  • vyakexim = research lab
  • vyakexut = investigator, researcher
  • vyakexwa = investigated, researched
  • vyaknapxwa = correctly ordered
  • vyakseuxder = to pronounce correctly
  • vyakseuxdwa = correctly pronounced
  • vyaktuwa = correctly informed
  • vyakxam ansantof = prison uniform
  • vyakxam beaxut = prison guard
  • vyakxam = correctional facility, penitentiary, prison
  • vyakxam dem = prison yard
  • vyakxam tem = prison block, prison ward
  • vyakxam tum = prison cell
  • vyakxamben = imprisoning, imprisonment
  • vyakxamber = to imprison
  • vyakxambesut = inmate

vyakxambwa -- vyamin

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  • vyakxambwa = imprisoned
  • vyakxameb = prison warden
  • vyakxampen = going to prison
  • vyakxamper = to go to jail, to go to prison
  • vyakxampir = prison escape
  • vyakxampirer = to escape from prison
  • vyakxampirut = prison escapee
  • vyakxamuber = to send to prison
  • vyakxamut = jailbird, prisoner
  • vyakxen = correction, disciplining
  • vyakxen drayef = proof sheet
  • vyakxena = correctional
  • vyakxer = to correct, to discipline
  • vyakxun = correction
  • vyakxut = disciplinarian
  • vyakxwa = corrected, disciplined
  • vyakxwatyan = prison population
  • vyakxyafa = corrigible
  • vyakxyafwa = correctable
  • vyakxyafwan = corrigibility
  • vyakxyea = corrective
  • vyakxyofwa = incorrigible, uncorrectable
  • vyakxyofwan = incorrigibility
  • vyakxyofway = incorrigibly
  • vyakyoxen = definition, specification
  • vyakyoxena = definitional
  • vyakyoxer = to define, to specify
  • vyakyoxwa = defined, definite, specific, specified
  • vyakyoxwan = definiteness
  • vyakyoxway = categorically, definitely
  • vyala = authentic, proper, righteous, seemly, upright
  • vyalan = authenticity, propriety, rectitude, righteousness, seemliness
  • vyalaxen = cleanup, straightening up
  • vyalaxer = to clean up, to make proper again, to straighten up
  • vyalay = authentically, properly, righteously, rightly
  • vyaleax nod = checkpoint
  • vyaleax nyandras = checklist
  • vyaleaxem = checkpoint
  • vyaleaxen = check, examination, examining, inspection
  • vyaleaxer = to check, to examine, to inspect
  • vyaleaxut = checker, examiner, inspector
  • vyaleaxutan = editorship, inspectorship
  • vyaleaxutyan = inspectorate
  • vyaleaxwa = checked, examined, inspected
  • vyaleaxwat = examinee
  • vyalma = objective
  • vyalman = objectivity
  • vyalmay = objectively
  • vyalxen = authentication
  • vyalxer = to authenticate
  • vyalxwa = authenticated
  • vyam = fact, real thing
  • vyama = actual, genuine, real, true-to-life, verisimilar, verisimilitude
  • vyama naz = real value, true value
  • vyaman = actuality, reality, realness
  • vyamas = actuality, fact, real thing, something real, substance
  • vyamasyan = actualities, body of facts, news
  • vyamay = actually, in reality
  • vyambeasean = verisimilitude
  • vyamdabtun = realpolitik
  • vyamdez = dramatic theater
  • vyamdeza = dramatic, theatrical
  • vyamdezam = playhouse, theater
  • vyamdezaxen = dramatization
  • vyamdezaxer = to dramatize
  • vyamdezaxwa = dramatized
  • vyamdezer = to act out, to play-act, to playact
  • vyamdezput = playgoer
  • vyamdezun = drama
  • vyamdezut = actor, dramatist, player
  • vyamdezuyt = female actor
  • vyamdin = drama, factual story, non-fiction, nonfiction, true story, true-to-life story
  • vyamep = direction, heading, right way, vector
  • vyamepa = direct, in the right direction, straight
  • vyamepen = going the right way
  • vyameper = to go the right way
  • vyameyp = true path
  • vyameypa = on the right path
  • vyamgela = analog, analogue
  • vyamin = naturalism

vyaminut -- vyandidwat

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  • vyaminut = naturalist
  • vyamir = real world, real-world
  • vyamira = real-world
  • vyamol = essence, true nature
  • vyamsa = substantial, substantive, tenuous
  • vyamsadea = substantiating
  • vyamsaden = substantiation
  • vyamsader = to substantiate
  • vyamsadwa = substantiated
  • vyamsan = indicative, substantiality, tenuousness
  • vyamsay = substantively, tenuously
  • vyamsen = actualization, coming true, realization
  • vyamser = to be actualized, to be realized, to come about, to come true
  • vyamteasea = real-looking, seemingly real, verisimilar
  • vyamteaser = to ring true, to seem real, to seem true
  • vyamteatyofa = blind to reality, superstitious
  • vyamteatyofan = blindness to reality, superstition
  • vyamtex = flam
  • vyamvodut = reality denier
  • vyamvsden = substantiating
  • vyamxea = instantiating, realizing
  • vyamxen = actualization, instantiating, instantiation, making come true, making real, realization, realizing
  • vyamxer = to actualize, to instantiate, to make come true, to make real, to realize
  • vyamxwa = actualized, instantiated, realized
  • vyamxyafwa = actualizable, realizable
  • vyamxyafwan = realizability
  • vyamxyofwa = impossible to realize, unrealizable
  • vyamxyofwan = impossibility to realize, unrealizability
  • vyan = fact, lowdown, sooth, truth, verity
  • vyan naz = truth value
  • vyana = truth-related
  • vyanaba = fit, just so, lined-up
  • vyanaban = fitness
  • vyanabay = fittingly
  • vyanabsea = condign
  • vyanabser = to fit, to get adjusted
  • vyanabwa = properly aligned
  • vyanabxen = calibration, tuning
  • vyanabxer ha seuxnid = to adjust the volume
  • vyanabxer = to calibrate, to tune, to tweak
  • vyanabxwa = attuned, calibrated, fitted, tuned
  • vyanad = guideline
  • vyanadser = to align oneself, to be guided
  • vyanadxea = aligning, guiding
  • vyanadxen = aligning, alignment, guidance
  • vyanadxer = to align, to guide
  • vyanadxut = guide
  • vyanadxwa = aligned, guided
  • vyanag = true measure
  • vyanaga = right-sized, the right size
  • vyanagwa = properly measured
  • vyanagxer = to rightsize
  • vyanagxwa = right-sized
  • vyanap = order, proper arrangement, proper order, right order
  • vyanapa = appropriate, in the right order, properly arranged, rightly arrayed, seemly
  • vyanapan = appropriateness, proper arrangement, seemliness
  • vyanapay = appropriately
  • vyanapser = to adjust, to get adjusted, to get in the right order
  • vyanapxen = adjusting, ordering correctly, proper arrangement, putting in the right order
  • vyanapxer = to adjust, to arrange correctly, to put in the right order
  • vyanapxeyn = adjustment
  • vyanapxut = adjuster, adjustor
  • vyanapxwa = adjusted, properly arranged, properly ordered
  • vyanapxyafwa = adjustable
  • vyanaya = truthful, veritable
  • vyanayan = truthfulness
  • vyanbol = evidence
  • vyanbola = evidential
  • vyandea = certifying
  • vyandean = untruthfulness
  • vyanden = averment, avowing, certifying, telling the truth, testifying
  • vyander = to aver, to avow, to certify, to speak honestly, to tell the truth, to testify
  • vyandid = inquest, inquiry
  • vyandidea = inquiring
  • vyandiden = inquisition
  • vyandidena = inquisitional, inquisitorial
  • vyandider = to inquire, to question
  • vyandidut = inquirer, inquisitor
  • vyandidwa = inquired
  • vyandidwat = person being interrogated

vyandidyea -- vyaodinut

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  • vyandidyea = inquisitive
  • vyandidyean = inquisitiveness
  • vyandidyeay = inquisitively
  • vyandir = precept
  • vyandreuzun = aphorism
  • vyandreuzuna = aphoristic
  • vyandreuzunay = aphoristically
  • vyanduder = to oppugn
  • vyandun = dictum, proverb, saying, truism
  • vyanduna = proverbial
  • vyandunay = proverbially
  • vyandunxen = proverbialization
  • vyandunxer = to proverbialize
  • vyandunxwa = proverbialized
  • vyandut = truth-teller, witness
  • vyandwa = averred, certified, proclaimed to be true
  • vyandwas = affidavit, testimony
  • vyandyan = motto
  • vyanegdwas = aphorism, catchword, dictum, maxim, saw, saying
  • vyanika = truthful, veritable
  • vyanikan = truthfulness
  • vyanikay = truthfully, veritably
  • vyanizon = guideline
  • vyankaxen = truth-finding
  • vyankaxwas = the truth uncovered
  • vyankaxyofwa = undetectable
  • vyankesea = investigating
  • vyankex = investigation, quest for truth, search for truth
  • vyankexdib = bureau of investigation
  • vyankexdibut = investigative officer
  • vyankexen = investigating, investigation, truth-seeking, vetting
  • vyankexena = investigatory
  • vyankexer = to investigate, to vet
  • vyankexut = detective, investigator, truth-digger
  • vyankexutyan = investigative committee
  • vyankexwa = investigated, vetted
  • vyankexyea = investigative
  • vyankox = cover-up, coverup
  • vyankoxen = dissimulation, obfuscation, tergiversation
  • vyankoxena = obfuscatory
  • vyankoxer = to cover up, to cover up the truth, to dissimulate, to obfuscate, to tergiversate
  • vyankoxut = dissimulator
  • vyankoxwa = covered up, dissimulated
  • vyantin = canon, doctrine, dogma
  • vyantina = canonical, doctrinaire, dogmatic
  • vyantinay = canonically, dogmatically
  • vyantinder = to spout dogma
  • vyantix = research
  • vyantix tut = research scientist
  • vyantixam = research facility, research firm, research institute
  • vyantixem = research site
  • vyantixen = researching
  • vyantixer ha xwasi = to research the facts
  • vyantixer = to research
  • vyantixim = research lab, research laboratory
  • vyantixut = researcher
  • vyantixutyan = research team
  • vyantixwa = researched
  • vyantixway = determinately
  • vyantixyuxut = research assistant
  • vyantiyofwa = indeterminable, indeterminate
  • vyantiyofwan = indeterminacy, nondeterminacy
  • vyantiyofway = indeterminably
  • vyanuka = devoid of truth, untruthful
  • vyanukan = untruthfulness
  • vyanukay = untruthfully
  • vyanyekena = tentative
  • vyanyekenan = tentativeness
  • vyanyekenay = tentatively
  • vyanyekut = truth-digger, truth-seeker
  • vyao? = n'est-ce pas?, true or false?
  • vyaodid = proposition
  • vyaodida = propositional
  • vyaodiday = propositionally
  • vyaodiden = propositioning
  • vyaodider = to proposition
  • vyaodidwa = propositioned
  • vyaodin = mystery story
  • vyaodinag = mystery novel
  • vyaodinut = myth-teller

vyaodinyena -- vyatden

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  • vyaodinyena = mysterious
  • vyaodiyn = mystery tale
  • vyaomir = dream world
  • vyaon = oxymoron
  • vyaontixen = determination
  • vyaontixer = to determine
  • vyaontixwa = determinate, determined
  • vyaontixyafwa = determinable
  • vyaontixyafwan = determinacy
  • vyaos = mystery
  • vyaoson = mystery
  • vyaosona = mysterious
  • vyaosonan = mysteriousness
  • vyaosonay = mysteriously
  • vyaotea = discerning, insightful
  • vyaotean = acumen, discernment, insight
  • vyaoteat = insightful person
  • vyaoteay = discerningly
  • vyaoter = to be wise, to discern, to know right from wrong
  • vyaotexuen = mystification
  • vyaotexuer = to mystify
  • vyaotexuwa = mystified
  • vyaotexuyea = mystifying
  • vyaotos = conscience, sense for what's right or wrong
  • vyaotosaya = conscientious
  • vyaotosayan = conscientiousness
  • vyaotosika = conscientious
  • vyaotosikan = conscientiousness
  • vyaotosikay = conscientiously
  • vyaotwa = discerned
  • vyaotyaf = conscience, discernment, the ability to know right from wrong
  • vyaotyafuka = miscreant
  • vyaotyafukat = miscreant
  • vyaotyafwa = discernible
  • vyaotyafwan = discernibility
  • vyaotyafway = discernibly
  • vyaoyek dyes = bluebook
  • vyaoyek = exam, examination, test, trial
  • vyaoyeken = examining, testing, trying
  • vyaoyeker = to examine, to test out
  • vyaoyekim = test lab
  • vyaoyekut = examiner
  • vyaoyekwa = examined, tested, tried
  • vyaoyekwat = examinee
  • vyaoyekyafwa = testable
  • vyaoyekyafwan = testability
  • vyaoyekyefwa = test-worthy
  • vyapat = finch
  • vyapea = going the right way
  • vyapen = going the right way
  • vyaper = to go the right way
  • vyapeza = beige
  • vyapitan = ingenuousness, true-heartedness
  • vyapod = snort
  • vyapoden = snorting
  • vyapoder = to snort
  • vyapot = antelope
  • vyapoyt = doe
  • vyapwot = buck, bull, ram
  • vyasan = original
  • vyasaun = archetype, genuine article, original specimen
  • vyasauna = archetypal, archetypical, genuine, original
  • vyasaunas = genuine article
  • vyasaunay = genuinely
  • vyasma = brick-and-mortar, concrete
  • vyasman = concreteness
  • vyasmaxen = concretization
  • vyasmaxer = to concretize
  • vyasmay = concretely
  • vyasyena = pukka
  • vyasyob = bedrock, foundation, true base
  • vyata = fair, impartial, just
  • vyataja = genuine, true-born
  • vyatajan = genuineness
  • vyatajas = genuine article
  • vyatajat = true child
  • vyatajay = genuinely
  • vyatan = impartiality, justice, justness, rectitude, rightness
  • vyatay = impartially, justly, rightly
  • vyatden = justification

vyatden vyatxen -- vyatuer

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  • vyatden vyatxen = justifying
  • vyatder = to justify
  • vyatdut = justifier
  • vyatdwa = justified
  • vyatea jdin = true life story
  • vyatea = sagacious, sapient
  • vyatean = sagacity, sapience
  • vyateasea = probable
  • vyateasean = probability
  • vyateaser = to be probable, to seem true
  • vyateay = sagaciously, sagely
  • vyatej = actual life, real life, real-life
  • vyateja = actual, real life, real-life, true life, true to life, true-to-life
  • vyatejdin = autobiography, biopic, true-to-life story
  • vyatep = seat of reason
  • vyatepa = rational, right-minded, wise
  • vyatepan = rationality, wisdom, wise man
  • vyatepat = rational person, wise person
  • vyatepay = rationally, wisely
  • vyatepser = to be reasonable, to wise up
  • vyatepxen = rationalization, tempering
  • vyatepxer = to rationalize, to temper, to wizen
  • vyatepxwa = tempered, wizened
  • vyatepyena = rational
  • vyatepyenay = rationally
  • vyatepzem = seat of reason
  • vyater = to be wise, to know to be true, to possess insight, to see through things
  • vyates = rationale
  • vyatesa = rational
  • vyatesten = proper understanding
  • vyatester = to understand properly
  • vyatestwa = properly understood
  • vyatex = logic, rational thought, rationale, reason
  • vyatexa = rational
  • vyatexan = rationality
  • vyatexay = rationally
  • vyatexea = rational
  • vyatexen = ratiocination, rationalization, rationalizing, reasoning
  • vyatexer = to ratiocinate, to rationalize, to reason, to reckon, to think logically
  • vyatexin = rationalism
  • vyatexina = rationalistic
  • vyatexinut = rationalist
  • vyatextun = logic, study of logic
  • vyatextuna = logical
  • vyatextut = logician, master of logic
  • vyatexut = logical person
  • vyatexwa = cogent, logical, rational, rationalized, reasonable, reasoned
  • vyatexwan = cogency, logicality, reasonableness
  • vyatexwas = tenet
  • vyatexway = cogently, logically, reasonably
  • vyatexyaf = ability to reason, faculty of reason
  • vyatin = dogma, orthodoxy
  • vyatina = dogmatic, orthodox
  • Vyatina = Orthodox
  • vyatip = faith, fealty, loyalty, trust
  • vyatipa = faithful, ingenuious, loyal, sincere, true-heated, true-minded, trusting, trusty, underhanded
  • vyatipan = faithfulness, loyalty, sincerity, true-mindedness, trustiness, underhandedness
  • vyatipay = faithfully, sincerely, underhandedly
  • vyatipier = to gain the trust of
  • vyatipin = loyalism
  • vyatipina = loyalist
  • vyatipinut = loyalist
  • vyatipuer = to be loyal to be true in spirit to have faith in, to trust
  • vyatipuwa = trusted
  • vyatis = wisdom
  • vyatisaya = full of wisdom
  • vyatisika = full of wisdom
  • vyatisya = wise
  • vyatisyan = wisdom
  • vyatisyat = wise man, wise person
  • vyatsana av dopa yuxlen = fit for military service
  • vyatsanser = to adjust, to fit
  • vyatsanxen = adjusting
  • vyatsanxer = to adjust, to fit
  • vyatsanxeyn = adjustment
  • vyatsanxut = adjuster, adjustor
  • vyatsanxwa = adjusted
  • vyatsanxyafwa = adjustable
  • vyatuen = counseling, imparting wisdom
  • vyatuer = to counsel, to impart wisdom

vyatut -- vyayekena

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  • vyatut = sage
  • vyatuun = counsel
  • vyatuut = counseler, counselor, straight-teller
  • vyatuwa = counseled, sagacious, well-advised, wise
  • vyatuwan = sagacity, wisdom
  • vyatuwat = sage, wise man, wise person
  • vyatuway = sagaciously, wisely
  • vyatux = orthodoxy
  • vyatuxen = indoctrination
  • vyatuxer = to indoctrinate
  • vyatuxwa = indoctrinated
  • vyatxen = adjusting, justification, rectification
  • vyatxer = to adjust, to justify, to rectify
  • vyatxeyn = adjustment
  • vyatxus = rectifier
  • vyatxut = adjustor, justifier, rectifier
  • vyatxwa = adjusted, justified, rectified
  • vyatxyafwa = rectifiable
  • vyatyepa = wise
  • vyatyepan = wisdom
  • vyatyepat = sage, wise person
  • vyava = accurate, exact, precise, strict
  • vyava golus = aliquot
  • vyavan = accuracy, accurateness, exactitude, exactness, preciseness, precision
  • vyavas = detail
  • vyavasa = detailed
  • vyavay = accurately, exactly, just, precisely, strictly
  • vyavdea = determining
  • vyavden = determination
  • vyavder = to determine
  • vyavol = fresh herb
  • vyavser = to become exact
  • vyavun = detail
  • vyavuni = particulars
  • vyavunika = detailed
  • vyavunuka = undetailed
  • vyavxen = detailing
  • vyavxer = to detail
  • vyavxwa = detailed
  • vyavyeken = auditing, check, checking, controlling, verification, verifying
  • vyavyeker = to audit, to check, to control, to verify
  • vyavyekut = auditor, checker, controller, inspector, verifier
  • vyavyekwa = audited, checked, controlled, verified
  • vyavyekyafwa = checkable, controllable, verifiable
  • vyavyekyafwan = controllability, verifiability
  • vyavyekyafway = controllably, verifiably
  • vyavyekyofwa = uncheckable, uncontrollable, unverifiable
  • vyax = rectitude, right-doing
  • vyaxea = upstanding
  • vyaxelyen = punctilio
  • vyaxelyena = punctiliously
  • vyaxelyenan = punctiliousness
  • vyaxen = doing right, righting
  • vyaxer = to do right
  • vyaxwa = propped
  • vyaxyen = decorum, properness, propriety
  • vyaxyena = decorous, proper
  • vyaxyenan = decorousness
  • vyaxyenay = decorously
  • vyaxyener = to act properly
  • vyayab = regime, system
  • vyayaba = systematical, systemic
  • vyayabay = systematically, systemically
  • vyayaboya = systemless
  • vyayabuka = systemless
  • vyayabxea = systematizing
  • vyayabxen = calibrating, systematization, systematizing
  • vyayabxer = to systematize
  • vyayabxwa = systematized
  • vyayabyena = systematic
  • vyayay = genuinely
  • vyayek pep = test drive
  • vyayek = probe, proof, validation
  • vyayek xwadrun = audit report, test report
  • vyayeka = empiric, empirical
  • vyayekay = empirically
  • vyayekea = empirical, probatory, validating
  • vyayekem = proving ground, testing ground
  • vyayeken = probation, probing, proving, testing, validating, validation
  • vyayekena = empirical, probationary

vyayeker ha ovson -- vyegelea

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  • vyayeker ha ovson = to prove the contrary
  • vyayeker ha vyan bi = to prove the truth of
  • vyayeker heta yavan = to prove someone innocent
  • vyayeker heta yovan = to prove someone guilty
  • vyayeker ota avdalnod = to prove one's point
  • vyayeker = to investigate, to probe, to prove, to seek the truth, to validate, to verify
  • vyayeker yevson = to prove a case
  • vyayeker yiz vetex = to prove beyond a doubt
  • vyayekin = empiricism
  • vyayekina = empirical
  • vyayekinut = empiricist
  • vyayeksag = checksum
  • vyayeksagen = checksumming
  • vyayeksagwa = checksummed
  • vyayekut = investigator, probator, prover, tester
  • vyayekwa = investigated, probed, proved, proven, validated, verified
  • vyayekyafwa = empirical, provability, provable, verifiable
  • vyayekyafway = provably, verifiably
  • vyayekyea = probative
  • vyayekyofwa = impossible to prove, unprovable, unverifiable
  • vyayekyofwan = unprovability
  • vyayma = effective
  • vyayman = effectiveness
  • vyaymay = effectively
  • vyaymxen = enactment
  • vyaymxer = to enact, to make effective
  • vyaymxwa = enacted, made effective
  • vyayuv = allegiance, fidelity, loyalty, true bond
  • vyayuva = faithful, loyal, obeisant, staunch
  • vyayuva joput = minion
  • vyayuvan = allegiance, fidelity, loyalty, staunchness
  • vyayuvat = liege, loyal person
  • vyayuvay = loyally, staunchly
  • vyayuvdel = statement of loyalty
  • vyayuvina = loyalist
  • vyayuvinut = loyalist
  • vyayuvovaxlawa = betrayed
  • vyayuvovaxlen = betrayal, treachery
  • vyayuvovaxler = to betray
  • vyayuvsea = obedient
  • vyayuvsen = allegience, obedience
  • vyayuvser = to be loyal, to obey, to show allegiance
  • vyayuvsyea = slavish
  • vyayuvsyean = slavishness
  • vyayuvsyeay = slavishly
  • vyayuvyen = obeisance
  • vyayuxlea = faithful, loyal
  • vyayuxlean = faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, loyalty
  • vyayuxleay = faithfully, loyally
  • vyayuxler = to be faithful, to be loyal, to serve faithfully
  • vyayuxlut = faithful servant, henchman, loyal person, true servant
  • vyazmul = hornblende
  • vyea bu = relative to
  • vyea = related, relative, relevant
  • vyean = relativeness, relativity, relevance, relevancy
  • vyeantuin = theory of relativity
  • vyeay = relatively, relevantly
  • vyedaler = to talk about
  • vyedam = relay station, reporting station
  • vyeden = relating, relaying, reporting
  • vyeder fyedin = to relate a myth
  • vyeder = to relate, to relay, to report, to tell about
  • vyedras = correspondence, piece of correspondence, piece of mail, report
  • vyedrasnyef = mailbox
  • vyedrasyan = correspondence, mail
  • vyedrasyanam = post office
  • vyedrea = corresponding
  • vyedreay = correspondingly
  • vyedren = correspondence, corresponding, mail, post
  • vyedrer = to correspond, to mail
  • vyedrut = correspondent
  • Vyedu at... = Tell me about...
  • vyedut = relater, relayer
  • vyeduzar = French horn
  • vyeduzarut = French horn player
  • vyedwa = related, relayed
  • vyeebxut = maltster
  • vyegedun = analogy
  • vyegeduna = analogous
  • vyegelea = concordant, matching

vyegelean -- vyesagwa

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  • vyegelean = concordance, matching
  • vyegeler = to agree, to concord, to corroborate, to match, to tally
  • vyegelwa = concorded, matched, tallied
  • vyegesan = analog, analogon, analogue
  • vyegesana = analogous
  • vyegesanan = analogousness
  • vyegesanay = analogously
  • vyegesanxer = to analogize
  • vyegesea = corresponding
  • vyegeseay = correspondingly
  • vyegesen = analogy, correspondence, corresponding
  • vyegeser = to compare, to correspond
  • vyegex = comparison
  • vyegexea = comparative, comparing
  • vyegexeay = comparatively
  • vyegexen = comparison
  • vyegexer = to compare
  • vyegexun = analogy, comparison
  • vyegexus = comparator
  • vyegexwa bay = compared to, compared with, in comparison with, than
  • vyegexwa = compared
  • vyegexwas = comparand
  • vyegexyafwa = comparable
  • vyegexyafwan = comparability
  • vyegexyafway = comparably
  • vyegexyofwa = incomparable
  • vyegexyofwan = incomparability
  • vyegexyofway = incomparably
  • vyegla = relatively
  • vyegon = proportion, quota
  • vyegona = proportional, proportionate
  • vyegonan = proportionality
  • vyegonay = proportionally, proportionately
  • vyegonbuen = rationing
  • vyegonbuer = to ration
  • vyegonbuun = ration
  • vyegonbuwa = rationed
  • vyegonuen = apportioning, apportionment, proportioning
  • vyegonuer = to apportion, to proportion
  • vyegonuwa = apportioned, proportioned
  • vyein = relativism
  • vyeina = relativistic
  • vyeinay = relativistically
  • vyekexena = investigatorial
  • vyel = about, as for, compared to, concerning, having to do with, in re, insofar as, involving, on, relating to, relative to, than, with respect to
  • vyelea = about, concerning, pertaining to, pertinent, regarding, relevant
  • vyelea hus = by the way, à propos that
  • vyelean = pertinence, pertinency, relevance
  • vyeleay = pertinently
  • vyeler = to be about, to have to do with, to pertain
  • vyelier = to be concerned with, to have relevance to
  • vyeluea = concerning
  • vyeluwa = concerned
  • vyelwa = pertained
  • vyemepen = commutation, commuting
  • vyemeper = to commute
  • vyemeput = commuter
  • vyen = rapport, relation, relationship
  • vyena = relational
  • vyenaga = commensurate
  • vyenagay = commensurately
  • vyenagyafwa = commensurable
  • vyenay = relationally
  • vyenaz = coefficient
  • vyenden = correspondence, relating, reporting
  • vyender = to correspond, to relate, to report
  • vyendun = report
  • vyendut = correspondent, reporter
  • vyentosea = feeling concerned, relating
  • vyentosen = feeling a relationship with, feeling concerned, relating
  • vyentoser = to feel a relationship, to feel concerned, to relate to
  • vyepat = lyrebird
  • vyepot = gazelle
  • vyesag = proportion, rate, rating, ratio
  • vyesaga = proportional, proportionate
  • vyesagay = proportionately, ratio-wise
  • vyesagen = rating
  • vyesager = to rate
  • vyesagut = rater
  • vyesagwa = rated

vyesea bu -- vyidroer

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  • vyesea bu = concerning, regarding, relating to, relative to
  • vyesea = relative
  • vyesen = concern, relating to, relation
  • vyeseon = circumstance
  • vyeseona = circumstantial
  • vyeseonay = circumstantially
  • vyeseoni = circumstances
  • vyeser = to be about, to be related, to concern, to relate to
  • vyeson = concern, issue, shebang, subject, theme, topic
  • vyesona = relevant, salient, thematic, thematical, topical
  • vyesonan = salience, topicality
  • vyesonay = saliently, thematically, topically
  • vyesyina = subjective
  • vyesyinan = subjectivity
  • vyesyinay = subjectively
  • vyesyinxen = subjectification
  • vyesyinxer = to subjectify
  • vyesyuna = objective
  • vyesyunan = objectivity
  • vyesyunay = objectively
  • vyesyunxen = objectification
  • vyesyunxer = to objectify
  • vyesyunxwa = objectified
  • vyet = cognate, family member, kin, related person, relative
  • vyeta = akin, cognate
  • vyetan = kinship
  • vyetepa = subjective
  • vyetepan = subjectivity
  • vyetepay = subjectively
  • vyetepin = subjectivism
  • vyetepina = subjectivistic
  • vyetepinut = subjectivist
  • vyetepxen = subjectification
  • vyetepxer = to subjectify
  • vyetepxwa = subjectified
  • vyetexen = consideration, considering, pondering, weighing
  • vyetexer = to consider, to ponder, to weigh
  • vyetexut = ponderer
  • vyetexwa = considered, pondered, weighed
  • vyetexyefwa = considerable
  • vyetyan = circle of relatives, family, kindred, kinfolk, set of relatives
  • vyevol = salad greens
  • vyexen = concerning, correlation, relating, relation
  • vyexer = to concern, to correlate, to relate to
  • vyexwa = akin, concerned, correlated, germane, related
  • vyexwa bu = concerned with, correlated to, related to
  • vyexwa tob = concerned person
  • vyexwan = relatedness
  • vyexyea = correlative
  • vyia = clean, neat, spick
  • Vyia Juab = Clean Monday
  • vyiabaxrar = scourer
  • vyiabaxrawa = scoured
  • vyiabaxren = scouring
  • vyiabaxrer = to scour
  • vyiabaxrut = scourer
  • vyian = cleanliness, cleanness, neatness
  • vyiapaxen = wiping clean
  • vyiapaxer = to wipe clean
  • vyiapaxlawa = swiped clean
  • vyiapaxler = to sweep away, to swipe clean
  • vyiapaxrar = brush, mop, swab
  • vyiapaxraren = brushing, mopping, swabbing
  • vyiapaxrarer = to brush clean, to mop, to swab
  • vyiapaxrarut = mopper, swabber
  • vyiapaxrarwa = brushed, mopped, swabber
  • vyiapaxrawa = scrubbed clean, swabbed
  • vyiapaxren = clean brushing, clean scrubbing, swabbing
  • vyiapaxrer = to rub clean, to scrub clean, to swab
  • vyiapaxwa = wiped clean
  • vyiay = cleanly, neatly
  • vyida = clear, explicit, lucent, manifest, plain
  • vyidan = clarity, clearness, explicitness, plainness
  • vyiday = clearly, explicitly, manifestly, patently, plainly
  • vyidea = declaring
  • vyiden = declaration, declaring
  • vyidena = declarative
  • vyider = to declare, to make clear
  • vyidroen = expurgation
  • vyidroer = to expurgate

vyidrowa -- vyiovpyosut

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  • vyidrowa = expurgated
  • vyidroyea = expurgatory
  • vyidseuxa = orotund
  • vyidsuxan = orotundity
  • vyidteata = clear-sighted
  • vyidteatan = clear-sightedness
  • vyidtepa = clear-headed, clear-minded, clearheaded, lucid
  • vyidtepan = clarity of mind, clear-mindedness, lucidity, lucidness
  • vyidtepay = lucidly
  • vyidut = declarer
  • vyiduzar = cornet
  • vyiduzarut = cornet player
  • vyidwa = declared, determinate
  • vyidwas = declaration
  • vyidway = determinately
  • vyidxea = clarifying
  • vyidxen = clarification, clarifying, clearing up
  • vyidxena = explanatory
  • vyidxer bekul = to drive a point home
  • vyidxer = to clarify, to clear
  • vyidxwa = clarified, cleared up
  • vyidxyea = clarificational
  • vyifa = clear, net
  • vyifa mep = fairway
  • vyifa nix = net earnings, net income
  • vyifa nixak = net profit
  • vyifan = clarity, clearness
  • vyifay = clearly
  • vyifem = clear area, cleared zone, clearing
  • vyifnixea = netting
  • vyifnixen = netting
  • vyifnixer = to net
  • vyifnixwa = netted
  • vyifteata = clear-sighted
  • vyiftepa = clear-headed, clear-minded
  • vyifxar = screed
  • vyifxer ha mal = to clear the air
  • vyifxer ha mes = to clear the table
  • vyifxer ha tep = to clear the mind
  • vyifxer ha teyobuf = to cough
  • vyifxer ha zateyob = to clear the throat
  • vyifxer mep = to clear a way
  • vyifxer meyp = to clear a path
  • vyifxer ota dyun = to clear one's name
  • vyifxer ota vyaotos = to clear one's conscience
  • vyifxer = to clear, to unclog
  • vyifxwa = cleared
  • vyifxyofwa = unclearable
  • vyigoblawa = cleanly cut
  • vyigoblen = cutting cleanly
  • vyigobler = to cut cleanly
  • vyika = neat, pristine, sheer, tidy
  • vyikan = clarity, neatness, pristineness, tidiness
  • vyikay = clearly, neatly, pristinely, tidily
  • vyikser = to clear up, to neaten, to tidy up
  • vyikxen = clearing up, neatening up, straightening up, tidying up
  • vyikxer = to clear up, to neaten up, to tidy up
  • vyikxwa = cleared up, neatened, tidied up
  • vyil = bath water
  • vyilsom = wash basin, washbasin
  • vyilx nyef = laundry basket
  • vyilxen = cleansing, lavage, purification, washing
  • vyilxen faof = washboard
  • vyilxen huimpsem = washstand
  • vyilxen mugyebag = washtub
  • vyilxer ha tolaryan = to wash the dishes
  • vyilxer = to cleanse, to give a washing to launder, to purify, to wash
  • vyilxim = lavatory, washroom
  • vyilxir = washing machine
  • vyilxiram = laundry
  • vyilxof = wash cloth, washcloth, washrag
  • vyilxus = purifier
  • vyilxut = purifier, washer
  • vyilxuyt = washerwoman, washwoman
  • vyilxwa = cleansed, laundered, purified, washed
  • vyilxwasyan = items waiting to be laundered, laundry
  • vyilxyafwa = washable
  • vyilxyem = washtub
  • vyimep = clearway
  • vyiovpyosut = straphanger

vyiovuka -- vyizat

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  • vyiovuka = strapless
  • vyipaden = chattering
  • vyipader = to chatter
  • vyipoden = bellowing
  • vyipoder = to bellow
  • vyipot = moose
  • vyira = absolute, pure
  • vyiran = purity
  • vyiratyena = puritanical
  • vyirin = puritanism
  • Vyirina Gerocad = Katharevousa, Puristic Greek
  • vyirina = puristic, puritanical
  • vyirinat = puritan
  • vyirpotagxwa = pure-bred
  • vyirtadnadxwa = pure-bred
  • vyirtiibila = pure-blooded
  • vyirxen = purification
  • vyirxer = to purify
  • vyirxwa = purified
  • vyisansiyn = hallmark, plate mark
  • vyisaxar = strainer
  • vyisaxen = sublimation
  • vyisaxer = to sublimate
  • vyisaxwa = sublimated
  • vyiser = to clean up, to get clean
  • vyistejbwa = thoroughbred
  • vyistejbwat = thoroughbred
  • vyisyuxun = toiletry
  • vyitayegoblawa = clean-shaved, clean-shaven
  • vyiteasaxen = clearing
  • vyiteasaxwa = cleared
  • vyiteaten = clarity
  • vyitepan = clear-headedness
  • vyityapeyt = gilt
  • vyixar = broom, sweeper
  • vyixaren = brooming, sweeping
  • vyixarer = to sweep
  • vyixarmuf = broomstick
  • vyixarut = sweeper
  • vyixarwa = swept
  • vyixarwem = swept area
  • vyixea = abstergent
  • vyixen = cleaning, cleansing
  • vyixen nof = clearning cloth
  • vyixen zeyn = cleaning agent
  • vyixer = to clean, to cleanse, to neaten
  • vyixil = cleaner, cleaning fluid
  • vyixul = cleanser, detergent
  • vyixut = cleaning person
  • vyixuxer ha pur = to get the car washed
  • vyixuyt = cleaning woman
  • vyixwa = cleaned, cleansed, neatened
  • vyixyel abilov = soap suds
  • vyixyel malzyuyn = soap bubble
  • vyixyel myek = soap powder
  • vyixyel obexun = soap scum
  • vyixyel = soap
  • vyixyel syeb = soap dish
  • vyixyelaya = soapy
  • vyixyelayan = soapiness
  • vyixyelben = cleansing, soaping
  • vyixyelber = to apply soap to cleanse, to soap
  • vyixyelbwa = cleansed, soaped
  • vyixyeldyaz = soap opera
  • vyixyelika = soapy
  • vyixyelikan = soapiness
  • vyixyeloben = rinsing
  • vyixyelober = to rinse off
  • vyixyelobwa = rinsed
  • vyixyelsaxut = soaper
  • vyixyelxen = saponification
  • vyiza = pure, virgin
  • vyiza seux = pure tone
  • vyizan = chasteness, chastity, pureness, purety, purity, virginity
  • vyizan zetif = chastity belt
  • vyizanober = to deflower, to take away one's virginity
  • vyizanoker = to be deflowered, to lose one's virginity
  • vyizanokxer = to defile
  • vyizanokya = defiled, tainted
  • vyizat = chaste man, virgin man

vyizatin -- vyobiun

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  • vyizatin = puritanism
  • vyizatina = puritanic, puritanical, puritanistic
  • vyizatinay = puritanically
  • vyizatinut = puritan, puritanist
  • vyizatyena = virginal
  • vyizaxar = purifier
  • vyizaxea = purifying
  • vyizaxem = purgatory
  • vyizaxen = purge, purging, purification, purifying
  • vyizaxena = purgatorial
  • vyizaxer = to purge, to purify
  • vyizaxul = purger
  • vyizaxus = purger, purifier
  • vyizaxut = purger, purifier
  • vyizaxwa = purged, purified
  • vyizaxyea = purgative, purifying
  • vyizay = chastely, purely
  • vyizayt = chaste woman, female virgin woman
  • vyizin = purism
  • vyizina = puristic
  • vyizinut = purist
  • vyiztajnadxwa = purebred
  • vyizwat = male virgin
  • vyo- = mis-, para-, wrong-
  • vyoa = fake, false, sham, spurious, untrue
  • vyoa mep = wrong way
  • vyoa vyegedun = false analogy
  • vyoa vyegexun = disanalogy, false analogy
  • vyoabdrawa = mislabeled
  • vyoabdren = mislabeling
  • vyoabdrer = to mislabel
  • vyoaben = misapplication
  • vyoaber = to misapply
  • vyoabwa = misapplied
  • vyoafyasunifuyt = idolatress
  • vyoamez = rhinestone
  • vyoan = falsity, spuriousness
  • vyoas = something untrue, something wrong
  • vyoaten = discernment
  • vyoaulk = tinsel
  • vyoavembien = misrepresentation
  • vyoavembier = to misrepresent
  • vyoavembiwa = misrepresented
  • vyoaxer = to pervert
  • vyoaxlea = perverse
  • vyoaxlean = perversity
  • vyoaxlen = masquerade, masquerading, perversion
  • vyoaxler = to act improperly, to behave wrongly
  • vyoaxlut = masquerader, pervert
  • vyoaxlutyena = perverted
  • vyoaxlyea = perversive
  • vyoaxlyean = perverseness
  • vyoaxlyey = perversely
  • vyoay = spuriously, untruly
  • vyob = tuber
  • vyobek = mistreatment
  • vyobeken = abuse, abusing, maltreatment, mistreating, mistreatment
  • vyobeker = to abuse, to maltreat, to mistreat
  • vyobekul = placebo
  • vyobekut = abuser, charlatan, mistreater, quack, salver
  • vyobekutan = charlatanism, charlatanry, quackery
  • vyobekwa = abused, maltreated, mistreated
  • vyobekwat = mistreated person
  • vyoben = mislaying, misplacement, misplacing
  • vyober = to mislay, to misplace
  • vyobexwaxen = misappropriation
  • vyobexwaxer = to misappropriate
  • vyobexwaxwa = misappropriated
  • vyobien = defalcation, misappropriation, robbery, robbing, stealing, theft, thievery, thieving
  • vyobier = to defalcate, to misappropriate, to reave, to rob, to steal, to thieve
  • vyobilen = embezzlement, fraud, misappropriation, swindling
  • vyobiler = to defraud, to embezzle, to misappropriate, to swindle
  • vyobilut = embezzler, fraudster, swindler
  • vyobilwa = defrauded, embezzled, misappropriated, swindled
  • vyobilyea = fraudulent
  • vyobirer = to commit theft, to shanghai
  • vyobirun = loot, stolen item
  • vyobirwa = looted, stolen
  • vyobirwas = loot, stolen item
  • vyobiun = hold-up, holdup, stolen good

vyobiunyan -- vyoduer

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  • vyobiunyan = stolen goods
  • vyobiut = robber, stealer, thief
  • vyobiwa = misappropriated, robbed, stolen
  • vyobiyea = thievish
  • vyoboyx = heist
  • vyoboyxen = larceny, robbery, robbing, theft
  • vyoboyxer = to rob
  • vyoboyxut = larcenist, robber
  • vyobunx = miss
  • vyobunxer = to miss
  • vyobwa = mislaid, misplaced
  • vyobyen = artifice, ruse, trick
  • vyobyena = disingenuous, tuberose
  • vyobyenay = disingenuously
  • vyobyima = counterfeit, unauthentic
  • vyobyiman = unauthenticity
  • vyobyimaxen = counterfeiting
  • vyobyimaxer = to counterfeit
  • vyobyimaxut = counterfeiter
  • vyobyimaxwa = counterfeited
  • vyobyun = decoy
  • vyobyunxen = aiming wrong, missing
  • vyobyunxer = to aim wrong, to decoy
  • vyobyunxwa = aimed wrong, missed
  • vyocuka = inerrant
  • vyod = falsehood
  • vyodab = misrule
  • vyodaban = misgovernment
  • vyodaben = misgoverning
  • vyodaber = to misgovern
  • vyodabwa = misgoverned
  • vyodal = bullshit
  • vyodalek = sophism
  • vyodaleka = sophistic, sophistical
  • vyodalekut = sophist
  • vyodaler = to misspeak, to palter
  • vyodalut = bullshitter
  • vyodat = fake friend, false friend, pseudo-friend
  • vyodatan = misalliance
  • vyoddin = cock-and-bull story, whopper
  • vyodefkyox = pathological lying addiction
  • vyodefkyoxwa = addicted to lying
  • vyodelea = disproving
  • vyodelen = disproving, misstatement, misstating
  • vyodeler = to disprove, to misstate
  • vyodelm = misstatement
  • vyodelwa = disproved, misstated
  • vyodelyafwa = disprovable
  • vyodez = charade
  • vyodezer = to charade
  • vyodin = calumny, canard, fabrication, fake news, false narrative, false story, lie, tall story, tall tale
  • vyodinen = lying
  • vyodiner = to lie
  • vyodiyben = mismanagement
  • vyodiyber = to mismanage
  • vyodiybwa = mismanaged
  • vyodlokoxir = lie detector, polygraph
  • vyodlokoxira = polygraphic
  • vyododer = to falsely report
  • vyododinuere = misreport
  • vyododinuwa = misreported
  • vyododwa = falsely reported
  • vyodoyaovyek = mistrial
  • vyodred = misspelling, spelling error
  • vyodreder = to misspell, to spell wrong
  • vyodredwa = misspelled, wrongly spelled
  • vyodredwas = misspelling, spelling error
  • vyodrefxen = forgery
  • vyodrefxut = forger
  • vyodreunyeben = misfiling
  • vyodreunyeber = to misfile
  • vyodreunyebwa = misfiled
  • vyodriren = mistyping
  • vyodrirer = to mistype
  • vyodrirun = miskeying
  • vyodrirwa = mistyped
  • vyodrurer = to misprint
  • vyodrurun = misprint
  • vyodrurwa = misprinted
  • vyoduer = to miscue

vyodut -- vyofyaa

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  • vyodut = shammer, stringer
  • vyoduzar = tuba
  • vyoduzarut = tuba player
  • vyoduznega = off-pitch, out of tune, pitchy
  • vyoduznegser = to get out of tune
  • vyodwa = forsworn, repudiated
  • vyodyea = mendacious
  • vyodyean = mendacity
  • vyodyeay = mendaciously
  • vyodyeen = misreading
  • vyodyeer = to misread
  • vyodyewa = misread
  • vyodyuen = miscall
  • vyodyuer = to miscall
  • vyodyun = anonym, fake name, false name, misnomer
  • vyodyunien = taking a fake name
  • vyodyunier = to take a fake name
  • vyodyunuen = assigning a fake name
  • vyodyunuer = to assign a fake name, to misname
  • vyodyunuwa = assigned a fake name
  • vyodyuun = miscall
  • vyoebtestien = misinterpretation
  • vyoebtestier = to misinterpret
  • vyoebtestuen = mistranslation
  • vyoebtestuer = to mistranslate
  • vyoebtestuwa = misinterpreted, mistranslated
  • vyoebtuien = miscommunication
  • vyoebtuier = to mis-communicate
  • vyoebtuiwa = mis-communicated
  • vyoek = deception, hoax, humbug, misplay, ruse, trick
  • vyoekdea = pretending
  • vyoekden = claiming deceptively, feigning, pretending, pretense, pretension
  • vyoekder = to bluff, to claim deceptively, to feign, to pretend
  • vyoekdut = bluffer, pretender
  • vyoekdwa = claimed deceptively, feigned
  • vyoekdyea = pretentious
  • vyoekdyean = pretentiousness
  • vyoekdyeat = pseud
  • vyoekdyeay = pretentiously
  • vyoeken = chicanery, deception, trickery
  • vyoeker = to chicane, to deceive, to fool, to hoax, to misplay, to trick
  • vyoekpas = feint
  • vyoekpyexer = to feint
  • vyoekut = deceiver, hoaxer, trickster
  • vyoekwa = deceived, fooled, hoaxed, tricked
  • vyoekwat = fool
  • vyoekyea = deceptive
  • vyoekyean = deceptiveness
  • vyoekyeay = deceptively
  • vyoemben = misplacement, misplacing
  • vyoember = to lose, to misplace
  • vyoembwa = lost, misplaced, mispositioned
  • vyoemtuundrawa = misaddressed
  • vyoemtuundren = misaddressing
  • vyoemtuundrer = to misaddress
  • vyoextuundrer = to misprogram
  • vyofea = coveting
  • vyofen = coveting
  • vyofer = to covet
  • vyofiden = false praise, sycophancy
  • vyofider = to falsely praise
  • vyofidut = brownnoser, courtier, sycophant, toady
  • vyofidyea = smarmy, sycophantic
  • vyofin = hoke, hokum
  • vyofindezen = hypocrisy, patchery
  • vyofindezut = hypocrite
  • vyofindezyea = hypocritical
  • vyofindezyean = hypocritically
  • vyofinuer = to hoke
  • vyofinuwa = hokey
  • vyofiz = fake honor
  • vyofud = calumny, defamation, libel, slander
  • vyofuden = aspersion, calumniation, defaming, mudslinging, slandering
  • vyofuder = to calumniate, to defame, to falsely malign, to libel, to slander
  • vyofudut = calumniator, slanderer
  • vyofudwa = calumniated, defamed, slandered
  • vyofudyea = calumnious, defamatory, slanderous
  • vyofut = coveter
  • vyofwa = coveted
  • vyofyaa = falsely pious, holier than thou, pious, sanctimonious, smarmy

vyofyaan -- vyokdelyafwan

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  • vyofyaan = piousness, sanctimoniousness
  • vyofyaay = piously, sanctimoniously
  • vyofyaifrea = idolatrous
  • vyofyaifren = idolatry
  • vyofyaifrut = idolater
  • vyofyaifruyt = idolatress
  • vyofyasun = false image, idol
  • vyofyasunif = idolatry
  • vyofyasunifut = idolater
  • vyofyaxina = miscreant, sanctimonious
  • vyofyaxinan = sanctimoniousness, sanctimony
  • vyofyaxinut = miscreant
  • vyofyea = covetous
  • vyofyean = covetousness
  • vyofyeay = covetously
  • vyofyinder = to value wrongly
  • vyogeden = misquotation, misquoting
  • vyogeder = to misquote
  • vyogedwa = misquoted
  • vyogeldrawa = plagiarized
  • vyogeldren = plagiarism
  • vyogeldrer = to plagiarize
  • vyogeldrut = plagiarist, plagiarizer
  • vyogelfinsea = mismatching
  • vyogelfinser = to mismatch
  • vyogelfinsun = mismatch
  • vyogelfinxwa = mismatched
  • vyogelsinxen = travesty
  • vyogelxen = plagiarism, plagiary
  • vyogelxer = to plagiarize
  • vyogelxun = plagiarism
  • vyogelxwa = plagiarized
  • vyogetxen = misidentification
  • vyogetxer = to misidentify
  • vyogetxwa = misidentified
  • vyogolen = misdivision
  • vyogoler = to misdivide
  • vyogolwa = misdivided
  • vyogonuen = misapportionment
  • vyogonuer = to misapportion
  • vyogonuwa = misapportioned
  • vyoibler = to wangle
  • vyoiblut = wangler
  • vyoifuen = tantalization
  • vyoifuer = to tantalize
  • vyoifuut = tantalizer
  • vyoifuyea = tantalizing, tantalizingly
  • vyoizben = directing wrongly, distortion, leading astray, misdirection, misguidance, misleading, perversion
  • vyoizber = to misdirect, to misguide, to mislead, to pervert, to steer wrong
  • vyoizbwa = misdirected, misguided, misled, steered wrong
  • vyoizbwat = pervert
  • vyoizonxwa = oriented the wrong way
  • vyojeba = unseasonable
  • vyojebay = unseasonably
  • vyojobdrawa = mistimed
  • vyojobdrer = to mistime
  • vyok = erratum, error, fault, lapse, mistake
  • vyoka dud = wrong answer
  • vyoka = erroneous, false, faulty, incorrect, mistaken, wrong
  • vyoka mep = wrong way
  • vyoka tyun = wrong idea
  • vyokan = erroneousness, falseness, falsity, incorrectness, wrongness
  • vyokas = falsity
  • vyokaxen = falsification
  • vyokaxer = to falsify
  • vyokaxlea = misbehaved, misbehaving
  • vyokaxlen = misbehaving
  • vyokaxler = to misbehave
  • vyokaxlyen = misbehavior, wrong behavior
  • vyokaxwa = falsified
  • vyokay = erroneously, falsely, incorrectly, mistakenly, wrongly
  • vyokdel = refutation
  • vyokdelea = refuting
  • vyokdelen = refutation, refuting
  • vyokdeler = to refute
  • vyokdelun = refutation
  • vyokdelut = refuter
  • vyokdelwa = refuted
  • vyokdelyafwa = refutable
  • vyokdelyafwan = refutability

vyokdelyofwa -- vyomepen

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  • vyokdelyofwa = irrefutable
  • vyokdelyofwan = irrefutability, irrefutably
  • vyokebuen = misdeal
  • vyokebuer = to misdeal
  • vyokebuwa = misdealt
  • vyoker av = to mistake for
  • vyoker = to make a mistake
  • vyoki = errata
  • vyokika = fault-ridden, faulty, mistake-filled
  • vyokkaden = admitting error
  • vyokkader = to admit error, to disabuse
  • vyokoben = proofreading
  • vyokober = to proofread
  • vyokobut = proofreader
  • vyokobwa = proofread
  • vyokox = disguise
  • vyokoxen = disguising
  • vyokoxwa = disguised
  • vyokoya = faultless
  • vyokoyan = faultlessness
  • vyoktepa = mistaken, wrong-headed, wrongheaded
  • vyoktepan = wrongheadedness
  • vyoktepay = mistakenly, wrongheadedly, wrongheadedness
  • vyoktexea = mistaken, wrong-thinking, wrongheaded
  • vyoktuea = misleading
  • vyoktuen = misleading
  • vyoktuer = to mislead
  • vyoktuun = disinformation
  • vyoktuwa = misled
  • vyokuka = faultless
  • vyokukan = faultlessness
  • vyokukay = faultlessly
  • vyokun = falsie
  • vyokxea = falsifying, mistaking
  • vyokxen = falsification, falsifying, mistaking
  • vyokxer = to err, to make a mistake
  • vyokxut = error-maker
  • vyokxwa = erred, mistaken
  • vyokxway = mistakenly
  • vyokxyafwa = mistakable
  • vyokxyafway = mistakably
  • vyokxyofwa = unmistakable
  • vyokxyofway = unmistakably
  • vyokyea = error-prone
  • vyola = counterfeit, fake, inauthentic
  • vyoleken = cheating
  • vyoleker = to cheat
  • vyolekut = cheat
  • vyolobeut = robber
  • vyolobexen = robbery, robbing
  • vyolobexer = to rob
  • vyolobexwa = robbed
  • vyolxen = counterfeiting, fakery
  • vyolxer = to counterfeit, to fake
  • vyolxut = counterfeiter, faker
  • vyolxwa = counterfeited, faked
  • vyolxyea = fallacious
  • vyolxyean = fallaciousness
  • vyolxyeay = fallaciously
  • vyom = fantasy, fiction, irreality
  • vyoma = fake, fantastic, fictional, made-up, phantom, unreal
  • vyoman = irreality
  • vyomdez = fictional drama
  • vyomdezen = play-acting, playacting
  • vyomdezun = fictional play
  • vyomdezut = fictional play actor
  • vyomdin = fantasy, fiction, fictional story
  • vyomdina = fantastic, fictional, fictitious
  • vyomdinay = fictionally, fictitiously
  • vyomdinxen = fictionalization
  • vyomdinxer = to fictionalize
  • vyomdinxwa = fictionalized
  • vyomdinyena = fictive
  • vyomdyes = book of fiction
  • vyomeaz = terrazzo
  • vyomem = fantasyland, neverland
  • vyomep = deviation, wrong way
  • vyomepa = amiss, deviant, mis-routed, oriented the wrong way
  • vyomepea = deviant, erring, going the wrong way
  • vyomepen = deviating

vyomeper -- vyonden

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  • vyomeper = to deviate, to err, to go the wrong way
  • vyomepsagdrawa = misaddressed
  • vyomepsagdren = misaddressing
  • vyomepsagdrer = to misaddress
  • vyomepxen = misrouting
  • vyomepxer = to misroute
  • vyomepxwa = misrouted
  • vyomin = realism
  • vyomina = realist
  • vyominut = realist
  • vyomir = fantasy world of pretend
  • vyomira = fantastic, fantastical
  • vyomira sankyasut = changeling
  • vyomiray = fantastically
  • vyomirpen = escapism
  • vyomirpena = escapist
  • vyompyot = chimaera
  • vyomsan = subjunctive
  • vyomsin = illusion, mirage, optical illusion
  • vyomsina = illusional
  • vyomsiner = to have illusions
  • vyomsinien = getting illusions
  • vyomsinier = to get illusions
  • vyomsinuen = giving the illusion
  • vyomsinuer = to give the illusion
  • vyomsun = artifice
  • vyomteas = phantasm
  • vyomteasa = phantasmal
  • vyomteasyan = phantasmagoria
  • vyomteasyana = phantasmagorical
  • vyomteatea = having illusions, illusional, seeing things
  • vyomteaten = be illusional, having illusions, seeing things
  • vyomteater = to be illusional, to have illusion, to see things
  • vyomtex = chimaera
  • vyomtexen = fantasizing, woolgathering
  • vyomtexer = to fantasize
  • vyomtexwa = fantasized
  • vyomvatex = superstition
  • vyomvatexut = superstitious person
  • vyomvatexyea = superstitious
  • vyomvatexyean = superstitiousness
  • vyomvatexyeay = superstitiously
  • vyomxer = to counterfeit, to fake, to make up
  • vyomxwa = counterfeit, faked, made up
  • vyomyena = realistic
  • vyomyenay = realistically
  • vyon = fault, wrong
  • vyona = at fault, wrong, wrongful
  • vyonaaben = misfiling
  • vyonaaber = to misfile, to wrongly classify
  • vyonaabwa = misfiled, wrongly classified
  • vyonaba = misaligned, off-base, unfit, unfitting
  • vyonaban = maladjustment, misalignment, unfitness
  • vyonadben = maladjustment
  • vyonadber = to maladjust
  • vyonadbwa = maladjusted
  • vyonadxen = maladjustment, misalignment
  • vyonadxer = to maladjust, to misalign
  • vyonadxwa = maladjusted, misaligned
  • vyonaga = improperly measured, the wrong size
  • vyonap = bumble, jumble, mess
  • vyonapa = confused, deranged, jumbled up, messy, mixed up
  • vyonapdun = anagram
  • vyonapser = to become disarrayed, to get messed up, to get out of order
  • vyonapxen = confusion, derangement, jumbling, mix-up
  • vyonapxer = to confuse, to flummox, to garble, to jumble, to mess up, to missort, to mix up
  • vyonapxwa = confused, deranged, garbled, jumbled, messed up, mixed up
  • vyonapyena = hugger-mugger
  • vyonaz = goldbrick
  • vyonaza = meretricious
  • vyonazan = meretriciousness
  • vyonazay = meretriciously
  • vyonazbuer = to goldbrick
  • vyonazbuut = goldbricker
  • vyonazden = faulty evaluation, wrong evaluation
  • vyonazder = to misvalue
  • vyonazdwa = misvalued, wrongly valued
  • vyonazuer = to misvalue, to value wrongly
  • vyonazuwa = misvalued
  • vyonden = lying, prevarication

vyonder -- vyosan

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  • vyonder = to lie, to prevaricate
  • vyondun = lie
  • vyondut = liar, prevaricator
  • vyonixbuut = huckster
  • vyonkaden = admission of fault
  • vyonkader = to admit fault
  • vyonoben = exculpation, excusing, forgiving, pardoning
  • vyonober = to exculpate, to excuse, to forgive, to pardon
  • vyonobwa = exculpated, excused, forgiven, pardoned
  • vyonog = minor fault, misstep
  • vyonogper = to misstep
  • vyonoxer = to misspend
  • vyonoxuen = extorting, extortion
  • vyonoxuer = to extort
  • vyonoxuut = extorter, extortionist
  • vyonoxuwa = extorted
  • vyonoxuyea = extortionate, extortive
  • vyonoxuyeay = extortionately
  • vyonoxwa = misspent
  • vyons = failure
  • vyonsea = failing
  • vyonser = to fail
  • vyonsyakwa = apt to fail
  • vyonsyea = prone to failure
  • vyonuen = blaming, finding fault with, imparting blame
  • vyonuer = to blame, to find fault with, to impart blame
  • vyonundyunuen = misbranding
  • vyonundyunuer = to misbrand
  • vyonundyunuwa = misbranded
  • vyonunuut = mountebank
  • vyonuwa = blamed
  • vyonuwat = patsy
  • vyonuyafwa = blameable
  • vyonxea = wrongful
  • vyonxen = failing, offense, wrong-doing, wrongdoing, wronging
  • vyonxer het = to do wrong to somebody, offend someone
  • vyonxer = to disrupt, to do wrong, to fail, to offend, to wrong
  • vyonxut = offender, person at fault, wrong-doer, wrongdoer
  • vyonxwa = failed, wronged
  • vyonxwat = wronged party, wronged person
  • vyonxyea = wrongfully
  • vyonxyean = wrongfulness
  • vyoojvaden = tantalization
  • vyoojvader = to tantalize
  • vyoojvadut = tantalizer
  • vyoojvadyea = tantalizing
  • vyoojvadyeay = tantalizingly
  • vyoojvatex = false hope
  • vyop = blunder, error, flub, misstep, slip
  • vyopa = wrong
  • vyopan = balk
  • vyopas = foozle
  • vyopat = robin
  • vyopea = aberrant, blundering, errant, faltering, on the wrong path, wrong
  • vyopeay = falteringly
  • vyopen = aberration, blundering, bumbling, erring, faltering, going wrong, making a mistake
  • vyoper = to blunder, to bumble, to err, to falter, to flub, to go wrong, to misstep, to slip
  • vyopot = llama
  • vyopuxen = missing
  • vyopuxrawa = misfired
  • vyopuxren = misfiring
  • vyopuxrer = to misfire
  • vyopuxwa = missed
  • vyopyafa = fallible
  • vyopyafan = fallibility, fallibleness
  • vyopyafay = fallibly
  • vyopyea = aberrational
  • vyopyexer = to miscue
  • vyopyoxen = fumbling
  • vyopyoxer = to fumble
  • vyopyoxwa = fumbled
  • vyos = blooper, failure, flub, goof, kink, something wrong
  • vyosa = artificial
  • vyosag = bloomer
  • vyosagxen = misnumbering
  • vyosagxer = to misnumber
  • vyosagxwa = misnumbered
  • vyosagzyiuner = to misdial
  • vyosagzyiunwa = misdialed
  • vyosan = artificiality

vyosanxea -- vyotepsinxea

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  • vyosanxea = distorting
  • vyosanxen = distorting, distortion, mis-shaping
  • vyosanxer = to distort
  • vyosanxut = distortionist
  • vyosanxwa = distorted
  • vyosaun = counterfeit, dummy, fake, phony, sham
  • vyosauna = counterfeit, fake, phony
  • vyosauna nasdrev = counterfeit note, fake bill
  • vyosaunan = phoniness
  • vyosaunxut = shammer
  • vyosaxea = fabricating
  • vyosaxen = fabricating, fabrication, fakery
  • vyosaxer = to fabricate, to fake, to make up, to wangle
  • vyosaxut = fabricator, wangler
  • vyosaxwa = fabricated, faked, faux, made-up
  • vyosaxwa teupibi = false teeth
  • vyosben = making a mistake
  • vyoser = to flub
  • vyoseuxden = mispronunciation, pronouncing wrongly
  • vyoseuxder = to mispronounce, to pronounce wrongly
  • vyoseuxdun = mispronunciation, pronunciation error
  • vyoseuxdwa = mispronounced, wrongly pronounced
  • vyosij = false start
  • vyoskyaxen = emendation
  • vyoskyaxer = to emend
  • vyosod = lisp
  • vyosoden = lisping
  • vyosoder = to lisp
  • vyosodut = lisper
  • vyosul = crap, tripe
  • vyosya = errant, failed, peccant
  • vyosyaagen = miscalculation
  • vyosyaager = to miscalculate
  • vyosyag = miscount
  • vyosyagen = miscount
  • vyosyager = to miscount
  • vyosyagwa = miscounted
  • vyosyen = aritifice, artifice
  • vyosyofa = infallible
  • vyosyofay = infallibly
  • vyotajben = miscarriage
  • vyotajber = to miscarry
  • vyotajbwa = misbegotten, miscarried
  • vyotayeb = peruke
  • vyotayebika = bewigged
  • vyotayebun = hairpiece, toupe, toupee, wig
  • vyotayof = leathercloth
  • vyotayof tyoyof = leatherboard
  • vyotea = illusory
  • vyotean = illusion
  • vyoteas = affectation, illusion, mirage, trompe-l'oeil
  • vyoteasa = illusory, make-believe
  • vyoteatien = delusion, misperception
  • vyoteatier = to be deluded, to misperceive
  • vyoteatiwa = misperceived
  • vyoteatuea = delusive, misleading
  • vyoteatuen = delusion, feigning, misdirection
  • vyoteatuer = to delude, to feign, to mislead
  • vyoteatuwa = deluded, feigned, misled
  • vyoteatuyea = delusive
  • vyoteatuyeay = delusively
  • vyoteaxyea = geegaw
  • vyoteaz = fake miracle, razzmatazz
  • vyoteazexwa = misfocused
  • vyoteazut = charlatan
  • vyoteeten = mishearing
  • vyoteeter = to mishear
  • vyoteetwa = misheard
  • vyotepa = fallacious, fool-hardy, foolhardy, foolish, hare-brained, harebrained, unwise
  • vyotepan = fallaciousness, folly, foolishness
  • vyotepat = cockamamie, fool
  • vyotepay = foolishly
  • vyotepsin = hallucination, illusion
  • vyotepsina = hallucinatory, illusory
  • vyotepsinen = hallucination
  • vyotepsiner = to hallucinate
  • vyotepsinier = to imagine wrongly
  • vyotepsinuer = to give the illusion
  • vyotepsinwa = hallucinatory, illusory
  • vyotepsinxea = hallucinogenic

vyotepsinxul -- vyotuyaxen

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  • vyotepsinxul = hallucinogen
  • vyotesden = wrong explanation
  • vyotesder = to explain wrongly
  • vyotesdwa = wrongly explained
  • vyotesten = misapprehension, miscomprehension, misconstruing, misunderstanding
  • vyotester = to misapprehend, to miscomprehend, to misconstrue, to misunderstand
  • vyotestien = misconstruing, receiving the wrong meaning, wrong inference, wrongly interring
  • vyotestier = to infer wrongly, to misconstrue, to receive the wrong meaning, to wrongly infer
  • vyotestiwa = misconstrued, wrongly inferred
  • vyotestuen = false implication, misleading, wrongly implying
  • vyotestuer = to falsely imply, to give the wrong impression to mislead, to wrongly imply, to wrongly insinuate
  • vyotestun = misunderstanding
  • vyotestuwa = falsely implied, misled, wrongly implied, wrongly insinuated
  • vyotestwa = misapprehended, miscomprehended, misconstrued, misunderstood
  • vyotesyob = pretext
  • vyotesyoben = offering as a pretext
  • vyotesyober = to offer as a pretext
  • vyotex = delusion, fallacy, false reasoning, illogic
  • vyotexa = delusional, fallacious, irrational
  • vyotexbiren = inveigling
  • vyotexbirer = to inveigle
  • vyotexbirut = inveigler
  • vyotexea = deluded, delusional, foolish, illogical, irrational, wrong-thinking
  • vyotexeay = delusionally, foolishly, illogically, irrationally
  • vyotexek = jape
  • vyotexeken = performing tricks
  • vyotexeker = to do tricks
  • vyotexekun = illusionist act
  • vyotexekut = illusionist, trickster
  • vyotexen = foolishness, misguided thinking
  • vyotexer = to be deluded, to be illogical, to be irrational, to err, to think wrongly
  • vyotexier = to deceive oneself, to get the wrong idea
  • vyotexuea pan = baulk
  • vyotexuen = bafflement, chicanery, deceit, deception, deluding, delusion, duping, fooling, gulling, hoax, hoodwinking, scamming, sham, sharping, trick, trickery, tricking
  • vyotexuer = to baffle, to befool, to chicane, to deceive, to delude, to dupe, to fool, to gag, to gull, to hoax, to hoodwink, to hornswoggle, to jive, to scam, to trick
  • vyotexuut = deceiver, deluder, duper, hoaxer, humbug, illusionist, scammer, shammer, sharker, sharper, trickster
  • vyotexuwa = baffled, deceived, deluded, duped, fooled, foolish, gulled, hoaxed, hoodwinked, scammed, tricked
  • vyotexuwa twad = cuckold
  • vyotexuwat = fool
  • vyotexuway = foolishly
  • vyotexuyaf = wile
  • vyotexuyafan = wiliness
  • vyotexuyafwa = gullible
  • vyotexuyafwan = gullibility
  • vyotexuyafwat = goober, gullible person, schlemiel
  • vyotexuyea = baffling, deceitful, deceptive, trickish
  • vyotexuyean = deceitfulness, deceptiveness
  • vyotexuyeay = deceitfully, deceptively
  • vyotexwa = hare-brained, harebrained
  • vyotexyobwa = offered as a pretext
  • vyotexyukwat = lamebrain
  • vyotien = misapprehension, misconstruing
  • vyotier = to misapprehend, to misconstrue
  • vyotipa = hypocritical, unfaithful
  • vyotipan = hypocrisy, unfaithfulness
  • vyotipat = hypocrit
  • vyotipay = hypocritically
  • vyotiwa = misapprehended, misconstrued
  • vyotob = dummy
  • vyotot = false god, idol
  • vyototifren = idolatry
  • vyototifrut = idolater
  • vyototifruyt = idolatress
  • vyototifryea = idolatrous
  • vyototsin = idol
  • vyotriyofwa = unmistakable
  • vyotriyofway = unmistakably
  • vyotuea did = trick question
  • vyotuen = bilking, deception, duping, fooling, fraud, hoodwinking, misinformation, misinforming, skulduggery
  • vyotuer = to bilk, to blench, to con, to deceive, to dupe, to fool, to hoodwink, to misguide, to misinform, to string along
  • vyotuun = deceit, deception, false tip, misguidance, misinformation
  • vyotuut = bilker, con-artist, conman, deceiver, fraud
  • vyotuwa = bilked, conned, deceived, duped, fooled, hoodwinked, misguided, misinformed
  • vyotuwasi = foolery
  • vyotuwat = fool
  • vyotuyabyuxen = groping
  • vyotuyabyuxer = to grope
  • vyotuyabyuxut = groper
  • vyotuyaf = sophistry
  • vyotuyaxen = mishandling

vyotuyaxer -- vyoyevden

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  • vyotuyaxer = to mishandle
  • vyotuyaxwa = mishandled
  • vyotuyea = deceitful, deceptive, weaselly
  • vyotuyean = deceitfulness, deceptiveness
  • vyotuyeay = deceitfully, deceptively
  • vyotuyofwa = foolproof
  • vyotuyuka = easily deceived, fool-hardy
  • vyotuyukwa = foolhardy, gullible
  • vyotuyukwan = foolhardiness, gullibility
  • vyotuyukwat = foolhardy person, foolhardy soul, gullible person
  • vyotuyukway = foolhardily, gullibly
  • vyotyopen = stumbling, tripping
  • vyotyoper = to stumble, to trip
  • vyotyun = wrong idea
  • vyotyunxen = misconception
  • vyotyunxer = to misconceive
  • vyotyunxwa = misconceived
  • vyotyuyabyuxwa = groped
  • vyoux = alibi, pretext
  • vyouxder = to claim as a pretext, to claim as an alibi
  • vyouyben = misaddressing
  • vyouyber = to misaddress
  • vyouybwa = misaddressed
  • vyovatexer = to misbelieve
  • vyovatexut = misbeliever
  • vyovayovdwa = wrongly convicted
  • vyovia = tawdry
  • vyovian = tawdriness
  • vyoviay = tawdrily
  • vyovidea = flattering
  • vyovideay = flatteringly
  • vyoviden = flattering, flattery
  • vyovider = to flatter
  • vyovidut = flatterer
  • vyovidwa = flattered
  • vyovixer = to sugarcoat
  • vyovixwa = sugarcoated
  • vyovol = okra
  • vyovyedelen = miscommunication
  • vyovyedeler = to mis-communicate
  • vyovyedelwa = mis-communicated
  • vyovyender = to misreport
  • vyox = failure, mischief, misdeed, offense, violation, wrong
  • vyoxen = doing wrong, erring, mischief, misdoing, violation, wrong-doing, wrongdoing, wronging
  • vyoxer het = to wrong someone
  • vyoxer = to act inappropriately, to do wrong, to fail, to flub, to misdo, to offend, to violate
  • vyoxeyea = mischievous
  • vyoxeyean = mischievousness
  • vyoxeyeay = mischievously
  • vyoxlawa = doctored, tampered, trafficked
  • vyoxlen = doctoring, tampering, trafficking
  • vyoxler = to doctor, to tamper, to traffic
  • vyoxlut = tamperer, trafficker
  • vyoxuen = subornation
  • vyoxuer = to suborn
  • vyoxun = misdeed
  • vyoxut = misdoer, offender, violator, wrong-doer, wrongdoer
  • vyoxuuntixen = misdiagnosis
  • vyoxuuntixer = to misdiagnose
  • vyoxwa = misdone, offended, violated, wronged
  • vyoxwad = alibi, excuse, false report, pretext
  • vyoxwaden = false reporting, pretext
  • vyoxwader = to falsely report, to offer as an excuse
  • vyoxwadwa = falsely reported, offered as an excuse
  • vyoxwat = wronged person
  • vyoxyen = impropriety, raunchiness
  • vyoxyena = improper, inappropriate, indecorous, raunchy
  • vyoxyenan = inappropriateness
  • vyoxyenay = inappropriately, indecorously, raunchily
  • vyoxyendun = malapropism
  • vyoxyener = to act improperly
  • vyoxyofan = infallibility
  • vyoxyukwat = twerp
  • vyoyabdeuzwut = falsetto
  • vyoyabdeuzwuta = falsetto
  • vyoyb = tubercle
  • vyoyeken = debunking, proving false
  • vyoyeker = to debunk, to prove false
  • vyoyekwa = debunked, proved false
  • vyoyevden = misjudging, misjudgment

vyoyevder -- vyudinay

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  • vyoyevder = to misjudge
  • vyoyevdwa = misjudged
  • vyoyfisyena = prissy
  • vyoyfisyenan = prissiness
  • vyoyfisyenay = prissily
  • vyoyix = abuse, misuse
  • vyoyixen = misusage, misusing
  • vyoyixer = to abuse, to misuse
  • vyoyixut = abuser, misuser
  • vyoyixwa = abused, misused
  • vyoyizper dopari = to run guns
  • vyoyizper uipen siunar = to run a traffic signal
  • vyoyk = faux pas, flaw
  • vyoyka = flawed
  • vyoykoya = flawless
  • vyoykoyan = flawlessness
  • vyoykuka = flawless
  • vyoykukan = flawlessness
  • vyoykukay = flawlessly
  • vyoynapa = prim
  • vyoynden = fibbing
  • vyoynder = to fib
  • vyoyndun = fib
  • vyoyndut = fibber, fibster
  • vyoyovden = misaccusation
  • vyoyovder = to wrongly accuse
  • vyoyovdut = framer
  • vyoyovdwa = wrongly accused
  • vyoyp = booboo
  • vyoys = booboo, gaff
  • vyoytipika = maudlin
  • vyoyuf = bug-a-boo, bugaboo
  • vyoyufa = paranoid
  • vyoyufan = paranoia
  • vyoyufat = paranoiac
  • vyoyuva = disloyal, traitorous
  • vyoyuvan = disloyalty, traitorousness
  • vyoyuvat = traitor
  • vyoyuvay = disloyally, traitorously
  • vyoyuvsuyt = traitoress
  • vyoyux = perfidy
  • vyoyuxay = perfidiously
  • vyoyuxen = defection
  • vyoyuxer = to defect
  • vyoyuxlawa = betrayed
  • vyoyuxlea = betraying, disloyal, seditious, treasonous, unfaithful
  • vyoyuxlean = disloyalty, unfaithfulness
  • vyoyuxleay = disloyally, unfaithfully
  • vyoyuxlen = betrayal, betraying, sedition, treachery, treason
  • vyoyuxlena = treasonable
  • vyoyuxler = to be disloyal, to be unfaithful, to betray
  • vyoyuxlut = betrayer, disloyal person, traitor, turncoat
  • vyoyuxluyt = traitoress
  • vyoyuxlyea = traitorous, treacherous
  • vyoyuxlyean = traitorousness, treacherousness
  • vyoyuxlyeay = traitorously, treacherously
  • vyoyuxut = defector
  • vyoyviza = prim
  • vyoyvizan = primness
  • vyoyvizay = primly
  • vyoza = fanciful, fancy
  • vyozan = fancifulness, fanciness
  • vyozay = fancifully, fancily
  • vyozilen dyes = coloring book
  • vyozyepen = invading, trespassing
  • vyozyeper = to invade, to trespass
  • vyozyeput = invader, trespasser
  • vyua bokam = bughouse
  • vyua = dirty, filthy, grotty, grubby, grungy
  • vyua nas = dirty money
  • vyua poptam = bughouse
  • vyuan = dirtiness, filthiness, grubbiness, grunge
  • vyuay = filthily
  • vyuber = to imbrue
  • vyudalen = besmirching, talking dirty
  • vyudaler = to besmirch, to talk dirty
  • vyudalwa = besmirched
  • vyudin = porn, porno, smut
  • vyudina = pornographic, smutty
  • vyudinay = pornographically

vyudinut -- vyunoyan

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  • vyudinut = pornographer
  • vyudinyan = pornography
  • vyudun = curse word, dirty word, foul word, four-letter word
  • vyuduzar = euphonium
  • vyuduzarut = euphonium player
  • vyudxea = confusing, muddling
  • vyudxen = confusion, muddling
  • vyudxer = to confuse, to muddle
  • vyudxwa = confused, muddled
  • vyufa = cloudy, muddled, muddy, nebulous, opaque
  • vyufan = cloudiness, muddiness, nebulousness, opacity, opaqueness
  • vyufay = nebulously, opaquely
  • vyufser = to get cloudy, to get muddy, to grow muddled
  • vyufxen = clouding, confusion, muddling, muddying
  • vyufxer = to cloud, to confuse, to muddle, to muddy
  • vyufxwa = clouded, confused, muddied, muddled
  • vyufxwer = to boggle
  • vyuka = foul, scummy, sleazy, slimy, slutty
  • vyukan = foulness, sleaziness
  • vyukat = scumbag
  • vyukay = foully
  • vyukayt = slut
  • vyukaytyena = sluttish
  • vyukxea = fouling
  • vyukxen = fouling up
  • vyukxer = to foul up
  • vyukxwa = fouled up
  • vyul = crud, dirt, dreg, dregs, grime, muck, mud, slime, sludge, soil, waste
  • vyulayan = cruddiness, dirtiness, griminess, muddiness, sliminess
  • vyulika = cruddy, dirty, grimy, mucky, muddy, slimy, sludgy, soiled
  • vyulikan = cruddiness, dirtiness, griminess, muddiness, sliminess
  • vyulnyan = dunghill, midden
  • vyuloben = cleansing
  • vyulober = to cleanse
  • vyulobul = cleanser
  • vyulobwa = cleansed
  • vyulogrun = virus
  • vyulogruna = virulent
  • vyulxer = to grime, to slime
  • vyulxwa = grimed, slimed
  • vyulyena = slimy, sludgy
  • vyulzyeg = cesspit, cesspool
  • vyum = cesspool, dregs, dumps, dung-heap, dunghill, pits, shit hole, sty
  • vyumalok = effluvium
  • vyumbeser = to sty
  • vyumeil = gook
  • vyumoan = dinginess
  • vyumul = contaminant, impurity
  • vyumuluka = contaminant-free, sterile
  • vyumulukan = sterility
  • vyumulukxar = sterilizer
  • vyumulukxea amyeb = autoclave
  • vyumulukxea = sterilizing
  • vyumulukxen = sterilization, sterilizing
  • vyumulukxer bey amyeb = to autoclave
  • vyumulukxer = to sterilize
  • vyumulukxwa = sterilized
  • vyumulxen = contamination
  • vyumulxer = to contaminate
  • vyumulxwa = contaminated
  • vyun = blemish, blot, blotch, dirty spot, macula, smudge, spot, stain
  • vyuna = smudged, stained
  • vyunayan = griminess, smudginess, spottiness
  • vyunben = smudging, staining
  • vyunber = to smudge, to stain
  • vyunbwa = smudged, stained
  • vyunika = blotchy, fleabag, punctate, smudgy, spotted, spotty, stain-filled
  • vyunikan = griminess, smudginess, spottiness
  • vyunobea = disinfecting, stain-removing
  • vyunoben = disinfection, stain removal
  • vyunober = to disinfect, to get rid of a spot, to remove stains, to shingle
  • vyunobul = disinfectant, stain-removal
  • vyunobus = spot-remover
  • vyunobwa = disinfected, shingled
  • vyunod = fleck
  • vyunodxen = flecking
  • vyunodxer = to fleck
  • vyunodxwa = flecked
  • vyunoya = blemish-free, feculent, immaculate, spotless, stain-free, stainless, unblemished, unsoiled, unspotted, untarnished
  • vyunoyan = immaculateness, spotlessness, stainlessness

vyunser -- vyuzan

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  • vyunser = to get spotted, to get stained, to get sullied, to get tarnished
  • vyunuka = blemish-free, feculent, immaculate, spotless, stain-free, stainless, unblemished, unsoiled, unspotted, untarnished
  • vyunuka tobijien = immaculate conception
  • vyunukan = immaculateness, spotlessness, stainlessness
  • vyunukay = immaculately, spotlessly
  • vyunukoy = spotlessly immaculately
  • vyunvaka = stainless
  • vyunxen = blemishing, dirtying, smudging, soiling, spotting, staining, sullying, tarnishing
  • vyunxer = to bemire, to blemish, to dirty, to smudge, to soil, to stain, to sully, to tarnish
  • vyunxunaya = splotchy
  • vyunxunika = splotchy
  • vyunxwa = blemished, blotched, dirtied, smudged, soiled, spotted, stained, sullied, tarnished
  • vyunxyofwa = nontarnishable
  • vyupot = impala
  • vyupotayob = buckskin, doeskin, suede
  • vyus = dirt, filth, grime, ordure, scum, sleaze, soil, something dirty
  • vyusa = septic
  • vyusa syebag = septic tank
  • vyusaya = dirt-filled, dirty, filthy, grimy, scummy, scuzzy, sleazy, soily
  • vyusayan = dirtiness, filthiness, griminess, scumminess, sleaziness, soiliness
  • vyusben = infecting, infection, soiling
  • vyusber = to get dirt on, to infect, to soil
  • vyusbwa = infected
  • vyusea = becoming filthy, getting dirty, getting soiled
  • vyuser = to be soiled, to be sullied, to get dirty, to get filthy
  • vyusik = dirt pile, dirt-fill
  • vyusika = dirt-filled, dirty, filthy, grimy, scummy, scuzzy, sleazy, soily
  • vyusikan = dirtiness, filthiness, griminess, scumminess, sleaziness, soiliness
  • vyusikat = sleaze bag, sleazebag
  • vyusikay = dirtily, filthily, sleazily
  • vyusin = smut
  • vyusiyn = smirch
  • vyusoben = purification, purifying, stain removal
  • vyusober = to purify, to remove stains
  • vyusobil = cleaning fluid, dirt-remover, stain-remover
  • vyusobul = stain-remover
  • vyusobwa = immaculate, purified, stain-free
  • vyut = dirt bag, foul individual, sleaze bag, sleazebag
  • vyuteasa = slovenly
  • vyuteasan = slovenliness
  • vyuteis = nasty smell
  • vyuteisea = nasty smelling, odiferous
  • vyutepa = dirty-minded, foul-minded, smutty
  • vyutepan = dirty-minded, foul-minded, smuttiness
  • vyutepat = foul-minded person
  • vyuteuba = foul-mouthed, foulmouthed, profane, ribald
  • vyuteuban = ribaldry
  • vyuteubat = foul-mouthed person, ribald
  • vyutiibilbok = septicaemia, septicemia
  • vyutiibilboka = septicemic
  • vyutobet = ragamuffin
  • vyutwob = sloven
  • vyuxea = polluting
  • vyuxen = besmirching, defilement, defiling, dirtying, polluting, pollution, soiling, sullying
  • vyuxer = to begrime, to besmirch, to defile, to dirty, to get dirty, to moil, to pollute, to smirch, to soil, to sully
  • vyuxun = moil
  • vyuxus = pollutant
  • vyuxut = polluter
  • vyuxwa = besmirched, defiled, dirtied, polluted, soiled, sullied
  • vyuya = blear, bleary, flyblown, foul, nasty
  • vyuyan = bleariness, nastiness
  • vyuyat = nasty person
  • vyuyay = blearily, nastily
  • vyuyel = gunk
  • vyuyelyena = gunky
  • vyuyteaba = bleary-eyed
  • vyuza = seamy, sordid, squalid
  • vyuzan = sordidness, squalidness, squalor