Internal Medicine/Dyspnea

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Dyspnea, colloquially known as "shortness of breath," is a multifaceted symptom that is characterized by breathing discomfort. It encompasses a spectrum of qualitatively distinct sensations and varies in intensity. This subjective experience is influenced by physiological, psychological, social, and environmental factors, often leading to secondary physiological and behavioral responses. It's essential to note that dyspnea is a symptom exclusively perceived and self-reported by the individual experiencing it, setting it apart from objective clinical signs such as tachypnea, accessory muscle use, or intercostal retraction, which can be quantified and reported by healthcare professionals.

The prevalence of dyspnea is notably high, and its impact on healthcare systems is substantial:

  • Approximately 50% of inpatients and 25% of ambulatory patients experience dyspnea during their medical encounters.
  • In the broader community, the prevalence ranges from 9% to 13%, with a significant increase to as high as 37% among adults aged 70 years or older.
  • Dyspnea ranks among the leading causes of emergency room visits, contributing to several million visits annually.
  • Its importance extends beyond sheer prevalence; dyspnea has emerged as a predictive marker in numerous chronic conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart diseases, and various lung disorders.

MECHANISMS[edit | edit source]

Dyspnea is a complex phenomenon arising from diverse contributory respiratory sensations. To comprehend its mechanisms, one must consider the intricate interplay of physiological factors:

  • Afferent signals originating from peripheral chemoreceptors in the carotid body and aortic arch, as well as central chemoreceptors in the medulla, play a pivotal role. These receptors are sensitive to changes in oxygen levels (hypoxemia), carbon dioxide levels (hypercapnia), and acid-base balance (acidemia), potentially resulting in a sensation described as "air hunger."
  • Mechanoreceptors distributed throughout the upper airways, lungs (comprising stretch receptors, irritant receptors, and J receptors), and chest wall (including muscle spindles and tendon organs) can become activated in response to increased workloads within the respiratory system. This activation is associated with symptoms such as chest tightness, commonly observed in conditions like asthma or COPD, or reduced lung and chest wall compliance, as seen in pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Other afferent signals, stemming from pulmonary vascular receptors responding to changes in pulmonary artery pressure and skeletal muscle (referred to as metaboreceptors), contribute to the overall sensory experience of dyspnea.

In parallel, efferent signals originate from the central nervous system (CNS), specifically the motor cortex and brainstem, transmitting commands to the respiratory muscles. These efferent signals, accompanied by corollary discharge to the sensory cortex, underlie sensations of respiratory effort or "work of breathing." Additionally, fear or anxiety can exacerbate dyspnea by amplifying the underlying physiological disturbance, particularly during episodes of heightened respiratory rate or disordered breathing patterns.

ASSESSING DYSPNEA[edit | edit source]

Accurate assessment of dyspnea represents a significant challenge due to its multidimensional nature. There are multiple relevant domains to consider, including sensory-perceptual experience, affective distress, and symptom impact or burden. Although various tools have been developed for formal dyspnea assessment, consensus opinion leans toward tailoring the assessment to the context most relevant and beneficial for patient management. Furthermore, the specific domains being measured should be adequately described.

One example of a dyspnea assessment tool is the Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale. This scale, included in the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines, rates dyspnea on a scale from 0 to 4 based on the patient's self-reported level of breathlessness during different activities, helping to assess symptom/impact burden, particularly in COPD.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS[edit | edit source]

Dyspnea can manifest as a persistent symptom, lasting longer than one month, and can arise from a wide array of underlying conditions. Among the most common contributors are pulmonary and cardiac conditions, which together account for up to 85% of cases. However, it's crucial to recognize that up to one-third of patients may have multifactorial reasons underlying their dyspnea, making the diagnostic process challenging.

Here are some examples of conditions that underlie dyspnea, along with potential mechanisms and presenting symptoms:

  • Pulmonary System Causes: These encompass diseases of the airways (e.g., asthma and COPD), diseases of the lung parenchyma (e.g., interstitial lung diseases), chest wall disorders (e.g., kyphoscoliosis and neuromuscular weakness), and pulmonary vascular disorders (e.g., pulmonary hypertension). The associated symptoms may include chest tightness, tachypnea, increased work of breathing, air hunger, and an inability to take deep breaths.
  • Cardiovascular System Causes: Dyspnea can also result from conditions affecting the heart, such as coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, pericardial diseases (e.g., constrictive pericarditis and cardiac tamponade), or pulmonary vascular disorders like chronic thromboembolic disease. Symptoms may manifest as chest tightness, air hunger, or even left atrial myxoma, which leads to platypnea (dyspnea in an upright position relieved by lying down).
  • Other Causes: Dyspnea may originate from various factors, including anemia (reducing oxygen-carrying capacity), deconditioning (leading to increased perception of effort), and psychogenic factors (such as anxiety or panic disorders). These causes further emphasize the complexity of dyspnea evaluation.

The differential diagnosis process should be approached methodically, often necessitating a graded series of evaluations and investigations beginning with a thorough patient history and physical examination.

APPROACH TO THE PATIENT[edit | edit source]

The approach to a patient presenting with dyspnea depends on whether they have a known underlying condition or not. The primary objectives during evaluation are to determine whether the known condition has progressed or if a new etiology has emerged as the cause of dyspnea. For patients with known predisposing conditions, the evaluation seeks to assess disease progression. In contrast, for patients without a prior known potential cause of dyspnea, the initial evaluation focuses on identifying an underlying etiology, as this can significantly influence treatment decisions.

The evaluation process can be summarized as follows:

  • History and Physical Examination: An initial history and physical examination remain fundamental to the evaluation of dyspnea. It is essential to inquire about the patient's own description of the discomfort, its characteristics, and how it affects them. The physical examination should look for vital signs, including temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate, which may provide clues about the underlying etiology. Signs of increased work of breathing, such as supraclavicular retractions or use of accessory muscles, should be assessed. Other findings, such as anemia, cyanosis, or clubbing of the digits, may offer further diagnostic insights.
  • Diagnostic Testing: Based on the initial evaluation, diagnostic testing may be indicated to pinpoint the cause of dyspnea. This can include chest X-rays, spirometry, electrocardiograms, basic metabolic panels, and complete blood counts. Advanced tests like echocardiography, lung function testing, and CT angiography may be considered in specific cases.
  • Further Testing and Referral: In cases where the cause of dyspnea remains elusive, further testing and subspecialty referral to experts in pulmonology, cardiology, neurology, sleep medicine, or specialized dyspnea clinics may be necessary. As many as two-thirds of patients may require diagnostic testing beyond the initial clinical presentation.


Distinguishing between cardiovascular and respiratory factors contributing to dyspnea is crucial for targeted and effective treatment. This differentiation can be achieved through a cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET). CPET involves incremental symptom-limited exercise, often using cycling or treadmill protocols, while measuring key parameters such as ventilation, pulmonary gas exchange, heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen consumption.

CPET results can provide critical insights:

  • If a patient reaches their predicted maximal ventilation during exercise, experiences increased dead space, or develops hypoxemia, it suggests that the respiratory system is primarily responsible for the exercise limitation.
  • Conversely, if the heart rate exceeds 85% of the predicted maximum, the anaerobic threshold is reached early, blood pressure becomes excessively high or drops during exercise, the O2 pulse (a measure of stroke volume) decreases, or there are ischemic changes on the electrocardiogram, it suggests an abnormality of the cardiovascular system as the main contributor to dyspnea during exercise.

Additionally, CPET can also help identify peripheral extraction deficits or underlying metabolic/neuromuscular diseases that might be driving dyspnea.

TREATMENT[edit | edit source]

Treatment of dyspnea primarily aims to correct underlying conditions or contributing factors, if possible. It is essential to address potentially reversible causes through targeted interventions. Given the multifactorial nature of dyspnea, multiple interventions may be necessary to address various aspects of the symptom.

Here are some key components of dyspnea management:

  • Correction of Underlying Conditions: The foremost goal is to treat the underlying conditions responsible for dyspnea. Effective management of conditions such as COPD, heart failure, interstitial lung disease, or pulmonary embolism can lead to significant symptom relief.
  • Supplemental Oxygen: For patients with resting oxygen saturation levels of 88% or lower or those experiencing significant desaturation during activity or sleep, supplemental oxygen can be beneficial. It helps improve oxygen delivery to tissues and alleviate dyspnea.
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Programs focusing on pulmonary rehabilitation, including exercise training, education, and psychosocial support, have demonstrated positive effects on dyspnea, exercise capacity, and hospitalization rates. Some community-based programs, such as yoga and Tai Chi, can also be beneficial.
  • Opioids: In cases where dyspnea remains challenging to manage, opioids can be considered. They primarily reduce the sensation of air hunger, likely by suppressing respiratory drive and influencing cortical activity. However, opioid use should be carefully evaluated for each patient, considering the risk-benefit profile.
  • Anxiolytics: While anxiolytics have been explored for dyspnea management, their benefits have not consistently demonstrated across studies. Their use should be individualized, and potential side effects considered.
  • Emerging Approaches: Ongoing research is exploring innovative approaches to dyspnea management. Inhaled furosemide, for example, is under investigation and may alter afferent sensory information related to dyspnea.

Dyspnea remains a complex and challenging symptom, often necessitating a multidisciplinary approach to achieve optimal management. A deeper understanding of its mechanisms, accurate assessment, and targeted treatment strategies are crucial for improving the quality of life for individuals living with dyspnea.


Chronic breathlessness syndrome (CBS) represents a distinct entity within the realm of dyspnea. It is characterized by persistent breathlessness that endures despite optimal treatment of the underlying pathophysiology. Recognizing CBS is crucial as it necessitates a specific approach to symptom management.

Here are key aspects of managing CBS:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: When dealing with CBS, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive evaluation to identify any reversible contributing factors. This includes reviewing the patient's medical history, reevaluating underlying conditions, and reassessing the current treatment regimen.
  • Multidisciplinary Care: Given the complexity of CBS, a multidisciplinary approach is often necessary. This may involve collaboration between pulmonologists, cardiologists, palliative care specialists, and mental health professionals to address both physical and psychological aspects of the condition.
  • Symptom-Focused Interventions: Symptom management in CBS is centered on improving the patient's quality of life. This may involve pharmacological interventions, such as opioids or anxiolytics, to alleviate breathlessness and anxiety. However, these treatments should be carefully tailored to the individual patient and closely monitored for efficacy and side effects.
  • Psychosocial Support: CBS can have a profound impact on a patient's mental well-being. Providing psychosocial support, including counseling and therapy, can help patients cope with the distress associated with chronic breathlessness.
  • Patient Education: Educating patients and their caregivers about CBS, its course, and available management options is essential. Empowering patients with knowledge can lead to better self-management and improved overall outcomes.


Despite substantial progress in understanding dyspnea, there are ongoing research efforts aimed at advancing our knowledge and refining treatment strategies. Several areas of research and future directions include:

  • Neurobiology of Dyspnea: Further exploration of the neurobiological mechanisms underpinning dyspnea, including sensory and motor pathways, can provide valuable insights into potential therapeutic targets.
  • Precision Medicine: Advancements in genomics and personalized medicine may allow for tailored approaches to dyspnea management, accounting for genetic predispositions and individual variations in treatment responses.
  • Non-Pharmacological Interventions: Investigating the efficacy of non-pharmacological interventions, such as neuromodulation techniques or respiratory muscle training, can offer additional options for symptom relief.
  • Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring: Leveraging telemedicine and remote monitoring technologies can enhance the management of dyspnea, allowing for real-time assessment and intervention, particularly in chronic conditions.
  • Patient-Reported Outcomes: Incorporating patient-reported outcomes and preferences into dyspnea management can lead to more patient-centered care and improved treatment adherence.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Fostering collaboration among various medical specialties and researchers is crucial for a holistic understanding of dyspnea and the development of comprehensive management strategies.

In conclusion, dyspnea remains a multifaceted symptom with a profound impact on individuals' lives. It necessitates a holistic approach that considers its underlying mechanisms, accurate assessment, and tailored interventions. With ongoing research and a commitment to patient-centered care, there is hope for improved dyspnea management and enhanced quality of life for those affected by this challenging symptom.