History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Wireless Weekly/Issues/1922 09 08

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scan of Australasian Radio World - Vol. 01 No. 04 - August 1936 has been utilised to create the partial content for this page and can be downloaded at this link to further extend the content and enable further text correction of this issue: ARW 1936 08

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been entered here and text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

P.01 - Front Page[edit | edit source]

The Hundred per cent. Australian Radio Journal.


A Journal Devoted to the Interests of Wireless Enthusiasts both Amateur and Professional

Vol. 1 — No. 6; SYDNEY, SEPTEMBER 8th, 1922. Price — Threepence.

Cover Photo: Picture of young woman sitting at a receiver on a small table; Photo Caption: Beauty listens to a wonder concert

Advertisement: Wireless Electric Company, Beach Street, Coogee, N.S.W. We Specialise in Complete Radio Receiving Sets and all Parts. Write or Phone for Particulars. PHONE 368 & 369 RANDWICK.

Tags: Nil

P.02[edit | edit source]

Electricity House Ad[edit | edit source]

ELECTRICITY HOUSE 387 GEORGE STREET (OP. STRAND). TEL. 2961 CITY FOR ALL RADIO SUPPLIES. We cater specially for the amateur. Expert advice given free. All and any Gear made to order. Large Stocks always on hand. Complete Outfits fs'osn £5. HONEYCOMB COILS, from 6s. 6d. CONDENSOR PLATES, from Is. 6d. doz» Knobs, Dials, Rheostats, Switch Arms, Ebonite and Bakelite Panels, Cabinets, etc. Switch Points, 2£d each. Polished English Ebonite Dials, 3s 9d each. All Crystals, 6d and Is. Crystal Cups, Is 3d each. Our Rotary Switch Arms are a decent job at 4s 6d. Sliders (for Tuning Coils), Is 9d. Terminals, 6d each. Get your name down for a Catalogue. Price 6d. Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Editorial - A talk with "Wireless Weekly"[edit | edit source]


We publish elsewhere in this issue the outline of an ambitious experiment, namely, the reception of signals sent out by Californian amateurs, by Australian experimenters. Members of the Victorian Division of the Wireless Institute of Australia, who originated the scheme, and are carrying it out, are to be congratulated. Through official restrictions, amateurs in this country have become mainly listeners, and have carried on experimenting, principally with circuits and apparatus for the reception of commercial signals. Of course, there are one or two exceptions, Mr. Maclurcan, for instance. This sort of thing, no doubt, has its value, but much better could be done. The Victorians have shown the way, and it is up to everybody to follow and support them. Mr. H. K. Love, chairman of the special committee appointed to conduct the tests, states that he has received the assurance of the support of the South Australian Division of the Institute, but at the time of writing, had had no reply from New South Wales. Assuming that no reply has been sent from Sydney, we venture to say that the question of co-operating with the Victorians should be seriously gone into, and every effort to assist them should be made. It is a big proposition, and there will be plenty of work to be done. There is no doubt that American amateurs look upon their Australian brothers in a patronising sort of way, as far as work is concerned, and, as they have heard of the restrictions here, nobody can blame them. But we have the brains in Australia, and men capable of turning out and handling the necessary apparatus, so the chance to show what we can do should be made the most of. There should be no insane inter-state jealousy in the matter. It is up to all radio organisations throughout Australia to work with the originators, for the reputation of experimenters is at stake.

In Canada[edit | edit source]


Wireless is booming in Canada. Hundreds of receiving sets are in use in such places as Montreal, Toronto, and Winnipeg, by amateurs. Business concerns, specially in lumber operations, have been working over wide stretches of forest, using the wireless telephone with excellent results. In the reporting of forest fires the radiophone has proved invaluable, and lumber companies are installing powerful apparatus connecting their offices with portable sets placed in the woods. The steamship Leviathan, when she starts again in the transatlantic service next year, says a London contemporary, will have wireless telephone in every stateroom. The plans for the reconditioning of the huge liner call for the finest wireless equipment ever put on a passenger vessel.

P.03[edit | edit source]

Miss F. V. Wallace Ad[edit | edit source]

AMATEURS! Let us show you how to make your own set, and economise. We stock all Parts and will give you every assistance. We Specialise in all Loose Coupler Parts Country and Interstate amateurs, take advantage of our Same Day Service. Miss F. V. WALLACE, Electrical Engineer, 18 Royal Arcade (opp Q.V. Buildings), George Street, Sydney.

Trans-Pacific Tests[edit | edit source]


It has remained for the Victorian Division of the Wireless Institute of Australia to make one of the biggest forward steps taken in Radio since the science came to this country. The members intend, with the co-operation of Californian amateurs, to make trans-Pacific tests. The details are contained in a letter to "Wireless Weekly" from Mr. H. K. Love, Chairman of the Committee appointed to supervise the tests. He says: "About six months ago I got into touch with the Californian Radio Clubs re testing the possibility of receiving their 1 K.W. C.W. stations here in Australia. This I consider would be an experiment of value to our institute, and to the Radio science in general. "This proposal was taken up by the reorganized Victorian Division, and I was appointed at the head of a special committee, known as the Trans-Pacific Test Committee. "This committee has been re-divided into sub-committees, one of management and one technical, to advise all who will assist in this experiment. "I have received a very favorable reply from America, and the thing is well in hand now. I have received the assurance of help and co-operation from the South Austra-lian Division, but so far have not received a reply from New South Wales. "We hope if everything goes well to begin the test in December of this year, and extend them for six

months. Mr. Maclurcan could help by sending out celebration waves on 250-300 metres. I am writing to him in regard to this matter. "The American people will send on a power limit of 1 K.W. C.W., wave length of 250-300 metres "I think most of us know the American waves get here —who will, be the first to find them ? "

Novel Frame Aerial[edit | edit source]


A rather novel for the frame aerial given by the wireless contributor of the Pall Mall Gazette is to insert four pegs in each of the corners of a door and wind the wire round these. As the door can be swung through aarc of about 180 deg. this permits the adjustment of the aerials to the most suitable position.

Directional Wireless[edit | edit source]

Directional wireless is perhaps the most immediate aim of experimenters. Already some small advance has been made in this direction, and one New York inventor actually claims to have succeeded in limiting transmission to one selected receiving station. A Good Circuit For 3 Honeycom[?] Couls.

Don't Meddle[edit | edit source]

Don't meddle with the electric light mains when erecting your receiver. You will only blow a fuse, and perhaps treat yourself to an unpleasant shock.

In Adelaide[edit | edit source]

IN ADELAIDE. An Adelaide newspaper, referring to the reception of Melbourne music by an amateur in the South Australian city, said recently: "For some time local amateurs have been picking up these entertainments, and it is felt that IE arrangements could be made for a broadcasting station to be installed in Adelaide it would lead to the greatest public interest being taken in the marvels of wireless telephony and telegraphy. At present the South Australian branch of the Wireless Institute of Australia numbers about 75 members, all enthusiastic in their experiments. The somewhat stringent regulations under which they hold their licences from the Federal Government to work receiving sets could probably be modified by the authorities if sufficient public* support were given to the movement. The licence fee per annum is £2, and holders are prohibited, from transmitting messages; but the amateurs consider if they were restricted to a certain wave-length there would be no interference with commercial stations." Leave your receiver alone when there is thunder about. A ground switch in your aerial circuit is well worth while. It may save your set from utter destruction.

P.04[edit | edit source]

Mr. Maclurcan's Puzzle[edit | edit source]


Mr. Charles Maclurcan has offered a prize of one V 24 valve for the best answer to the following con- undrum given out during the course of last Sunday night’s concert : PUZZLE. A rope is passed over a pul- ley. It has a weight at one end and a monkey at the other. . There is the same length of rope on either side and equili- brium is maintained. The rope weighs four ounces per foot. The age of the monkey and the age of the monkey’s mother to- gether total four years. The weight of the monkey is as many pounds as the monkey’s mother is years old. The mon- key’s mother was twice as old as the monkey was when the monkey’s mother was half as old as the monkey will be when the monkey is three times as old as the monkey’s mother was when the monkey’s mother was three times as old as the monkey. The weight of the • rope and the weight at the end was half as much again as the - difference in weight between the weight of the weight and the weight of the monkey. Now, what was the length of the rope ? Write your answer clearly in ink on one side of the paper only, and attach to "Wireless Weekly" com- petition coupon. "Wireless Weekly" holds the right to publish all or any of the answers, but will not publish names if specially request- ed. Judging will be by Mr. Mac- lurcan and Editor of "Wireless Weekly," and their decision shall be final on every point. Send- your answer to "Puzzle," "Wireless Weekly," Box 378, O.P C The competition will close on tember 20th.

Best Set - Whose Is It?[edit | edit source]

BEST SET. WHOSE IS IT? A COMPETITION. "Wireless Weekly" is conduct- ing a competition. We are looking for the best amateur crystal set, and the best amateur valve set. There is no entrance fee.. All you have to do to enter a set is to get a good clear photo- graph of it, and send it, together with a description and details, not exceeding 200 words, and the filed out coupon on this page to the Editor, "Wireless Weekly," Pox 378, G.P.O., Sydney. Enve- lopes should be endorsed "Compe- tition." The prizes will be an open order to the value of one guinea, on any establishment selling wireless ap- paratus, for the best crystal set and best valve set. The competition will close on September 22, when all entries must be in the hands of the edi- tor. All photographs and entries sent in become the property of the "Wireless Weekly."

COMPETITION COUPON. To the Editor. Sir herewith: — Photograph and description of my set as an entry for your competi- tion, or Answer to Mr. Maclurcan’s puzzle. I agree to be bound by your de- cision, and observe the rules of the competition. (Name) (Address) .... (If under 18 years of age) Strike out paragraph not re- quired. A separate coupon must be sent th each competition.

To Show the Public - Radio Exhibition[edit | edit source]

TO SHOW THE PUBLIC. RADIO EXHIBITION. DATE FIXED. The Metropolitan Radio Club has at last secured a home for its public exhibition of Radio apparatus, and the date has been definitely fixed. It will be held on Friday and Saturday, September 22 and 23, in the Congregational Hall, next to the Criterion Theatre, Pitt Street, Sydney. Intending competitors and exhi- bitors[check spelling] are asked to procure entrance forms from the secretary and send in particulars of the exhibits as early as possible. Mr. Charles Maclurcan has kindly consented to judge the ex- hibits in the various classes, and he will be assisted in this work by Mr. J. Reed and Mr. Basil Cooke. The exhibition was arranged with the object of giving the general public an insight into the science, and with this end in view, the com- mittee of the club are arranging many things to interest the visitors. It is intended to make the com- mercial exhibits a feature, and all firms wishing to display apparatus will be allotted stalls.

No Batteries[edit | edit source]

NO BATTERIES. The latest from America is a circuit for a 5 valve radio set to be used without batteries. It is for connection to an ordin- ary electric lamp socket, for its source of energy, and consists of a crystal detector and five-stage amplifier. It uses 60 cycle current to sup- ply power for the filaments and plates, a balancing resistance, radio frequency transformers, audio frequency transformers, telephone transformer, tungar rectifier, plate voltage rectifier, power transformer, filament rheo- stats, condensers, etc. Does it appeal to you as an economical idea?

P.05[edit | edit source]

Make Your Own - Making an Aerial[edit | edit source]

MAKE YOUR OWN. MAKING AN AERIAL. How are you going to make your aerial and put it up? For those who are not too sure of the answer to this question, we give these hints. It will be as- sumed that the reader is starting on a crystal set, and this being so, the higher he can get the aerials and the longer they are, the better will be the results. In valve re- Fig 1 Fig 2 ception the height is not so im- portant, though length is desirable. An aerial should not be an ex- pensive part of the amateurs’ equipment. The wire, which can be procured at any of the wireless shops advertising in these columhs does not cost much. The . insula- tors are only a few pence each, and the spreaders can easily be made at home. Fig 3 For a crystal set an aerial at an average height of 30 feet is desir- able, and it should be 100 ft. long! The one described in this article has two wires, and is of the type known as the inverted "L". The masts must be left to the discretion of the amateur. Any wood, as long as it is strong enough to support the wire is suitable. If you have a tree near your station it may serve as one mast, provided you keep the branches well clear of the wires, and allow sufficient slack in the aerial to provide for any swaying of the tree by the wind. The construction of the aerial is simplicity itself. Having arranged a pulley and ropes for raising and lowering the aerial (fig. 1), get two pieces of fairly light hard- wood, six feet long, for the spread- ers, and notch them (as in fig. 2) for the span ropes and wires to fasten the insulators. The span rope arrangement is shown at "a" in fig. 2; the free end going to the halliard. The insulators ("b" in fig. 2) are the ordinary reel type, and four will be needed in this aerial. At- tach the insulators to both spread- ers with wire or light rope (as shown in fig. 2 ) and pass one end of the aerial wire through one of them, leaving plenty of end to form one side of the lead in. Take a few turns in the wire to keep it from slipping, and take the coil of wire to the correspond- ing end of the other spreader and put it through the insulator, again taking three or four twists. Carry the end through the other insulator on this spreader, again putting in the twists, and then on to the remaining insulator on the other spreader. The free end, and the end left at the start, are now taken together to form a V shape (as in fig. 3), and soldered togeth- er at the point marked "A". One wire is now cut off below the soldered joint, and the other taken to the aerial terminal of the set. The completed aerial is shown in fig. 3, and it will be found quite efficient for receiving. It might be mentioned that the lead in should be kept as short as possible, and well insulated where it enters the building.

Make Your Own - Batteries[edit | edit source]

BATTERIES. An excessive charge or discharge current is liable to buckle the plates. Discharge should not be contin- ued below 1.7 volts, as sulphating will occur. Level of Electrolyte must be kept above plates, by topping with distilled water. Dilute acid must be added at intervals to make up for acid loss by spraying or gassing. Only pure acid and water should be used. When breaking down acid for ceils, do l not forget to add acid to water and not water to acid. Impurities in the electrolyte and overheating cause disintegra- tion of plates. This causes the internal short circuits, and they in their, turn cause buckled plates. If plates become buckled, specially prepared wooden sticks, ebonite or glass rods are pushed down be- tween them to stop the short cir- cuits. Sulphating of a cell increases the internal resistance, and therefore decreases the output. Sulphated plates are easily recognised by their whitish appearance. The plates should be a chocolate colour and the negative grey, when in good condition. If a cell is not to be used for a lengthy period it should be fully charged and then given a short period of charging every week.

P.06[edit | edit source]

Homecrafts Ad[edit | edit source]

WIRELESS SUPPLIES. id STRANDED AERIAL WIRE, 3/20 Copper, 100 ft. 4s. 6d, Pc stage Vic., 9d. Inter’s., Is. 2d. 16 HARD-DRAWN COPPER WIRE, 80 foot, 2s, 6d. NICKEL-PLATED BUZZER. Price ss. 6d, Postage, 3d. Send for our Cata- log—Bo pages. 200 illustrations. Send Id. m stamps- Tuning Coil Parts. 3 inch TUBE, Is. 3d. foot. SLIDERS, 2s. each. SLIDER ROD, 9d. foot. WOODEN ENDS. Bd. each. WIRE, 2s. Coil. Send Extra for Postage. J I* c ELPOV., g// SWANSTON STREET u TUNING COILS Single Slide: 21s. Double Slide: 255. Postage, Vic. Is. Inter’s. IsBd.

Directional Wireless[edit | edit source]

Directional Wireless. Recently, in a lecture on "Short- wave Directional Wireless Tele- graphy,’’ Mr. C. S. Franklin des- cribed many interesting experi- ments. He has proved to complete satis- faction that wave lengths of twenty metres are capable of pro- viding point-to-point directional communication over considerable distances says "Popular Wire- less," London. Moreover, these short waves have increased possi- bilities of secrecy as compared with the usual non-directional me-' thod of transmission. The range of wave lengths at which it is possible to send mes- sages is rapidly becoming fully occupied, and once the range is full, the only way to enable a fur- ther increase in the number of pos- sible services will be by employing systems of directional control. Senator Marconi began experi- ments in this direction in 1916. He tried waves of only two or three metres’ length, but found that, al- though they were satisfactory in many ways, they were disturbed by waves from motor cars and motor boats. 700 WATTS. In 1919 further experiments were carried out at Carnarvon with valve transmitters and a fifteen- metre-wave. Speech of a strong and clear nature was obtained at Holyhead, twenty miles distant, and after a little adjustment com- munication was effected with Kingstown Harbour, a distance of about sevently nautical miles. The centre of experimental ac- tion was then transferred to Hen- don, and tests were made over all- land distances from a reflector and with a transmitter of fifteen- metre waves. The reflector was pointed in the direction of Birm- ingham. A portable receiving set was then fitted up in a motor car, and messages were sent from Hendon and received in the car. Very good speech was heard up to a distance of 66 miles, and quite fair results in the neighbourhood of Birmingham. In the autumn of last year a re- flector station was erected near Birmingham at a place called Frankly. This is about ninety- seven miles from Hendon, but speech of strong and good quality was received. Reflectors were used at both ends. The transmitters consisted of two medium-size power valves working in parallel, and the power used was roughly 700 watts. So good have been the direc- tional effects obtained with reflec- tors that are large compared with the waves length that suggestions have been made that this method might be of use for ships for find- ing their positions when they ap-* proached dangerous localities » FOG SIGNALS. With this object in view trials are being made at Inchkeith Is- land with a transmitter and revol- ving reflector. The machine in- stalled forms a kind of wireless lighthouse. Its range of utility at present is not intended to be great, but the suggestion is that reflectors should be put up in position such as are occupied to-day by fog signals, ana that wireless warnings of position should be given to ships when they are within ten miles of the danger- point. In 1920 tests were made be- tween Inchkeith Island and a light- house tender of the Northern lights Commissioners, the Pharos. A working range of seven nautical miles was obtained, using a four metre wave, a spark transmitter, a reflector of eight-metre aperture, and a single valve receiver on the tender. The reflector made a complete revolution once in two minutes, and clear and distinct signals were easily sent to every point of the compass. From the tender it was found that the bearing of the transmitter could be determined to within one quarter point of the compass or within 2.8 degrees.

P.07[edit | edit source]

Our Radio Yarn - The Magic Song[edit | edit source]

OUR RADIO YARN The Magie Song BY Q.R. M. Teddy St. John looked at the high wall and signed. "To think," he muttered, "that I am 19 years of age to-morrow, and yet have never been in a town of any size." Teddy’s position was a strange one. His father, who was old, had taken the big country house when Teddy was very young, and had lived there ever since. There was something peculiar some- where. Old St. John was a wealthy man, but he had many pe- culiarities, one of the chief being that he would not associate with a human being outside the walls of his home, neither would he al- low his son to do so. Mrs. St. John had died soon after Teddy was born, and the two lived in the big house attend- ed by an aged manservant. A tutor who came daily to the house attended to Teddy’s education, and let him mix with the people of the surrounding towns, but the old man had always received the requests with a clouded face, and promptly refused them. "My son," he had said on one occasion, "the world is peopled with hypocrites and rogues. You would be contaminated by contact with society. You may have any- thing money can buy, but never ask me to take you out into the world, and never leave the grounds yourself." So Teddy continued to live the life of a hermit. But he dreamed of the wonders outside the high walls of his prison, and longed for the day, which he knew must come, when he would go forth and mix with his fellow men and women. Strolling toward the house, the young man met his father. "Well, my lad," said the latter, "it is your birthday tomorrow. Is there anything you fancy for a present?" "Well, dad, I should very much like one of those wireless sets I read so much about. I’m sure I could have a lot of fun with it." v So it was that a few days later a box containing a handsome three-valve set was delivered at the house, together with materials for an aerial and a parcel of literature on radio. For a week or so Teddy was very busy. He erected a splendid aerial, installed the set, and got it working. Then he waited patiently for the next con- cert night, when a fine programme by volunteer artists was to be broadcasted from a Sydney sta- tion. It came at last, and Teddy was wildly excited when he heard the voice announcing the first item. He called his father, and the old man came into the room just in time to adjust the phones for the second song. The artist had been announced as Miss Irene Mallin. She started to sing, the voice com- ing over the ether waves as clear as a bell. It was a simple old time melody, and Teddy, who had on a spare pair of phones, saw his father become violently agitated as the song proceeded. His face went white, and there were tears streaming down the wrinkled cheeks ere the last note died away. "Why, what’s the matter, Dau inquired the son, anxiously. "Nothing, my boy, that song stirred my memory. Your mother used to sing it, was her favourite. But that voice, who was the singer?" , "Irene Mallin," replied the son. "Mallin, Mallin, Oh God, can it be true! The old man stood up and glanced round impatiently. "Quick, son, tell me where she was singing from, and get me a tele- gram form." Wondering, Teddy obeyed, and watched his father write out the message with a hand that trembled violently. The manservant was sent post haste to the village to send it. "This may mean a lot -to us if what I think is right," said the father, as he bid his son good night. The following day a car pulled up at the gates, and two women alighted and walked up to the house. Teddy, looking from a window, saw that one was young and beautiful, and the other elder- ly, with a kindly face. His father met them at the door, and for an hour or so the three were in con- sultation in the old man’s study. When they came out Teddy, who had been hovering in the vi- cinity, was amazed to see that his father had his arm round the girl’s waist, and there was a look of joy on his face that had not been there before. "Teddy," he called, "come here and let me present you to your sister." When the excitement had died down, the father took his' son into the study and told the story. "W r hen you were but a tiny child," he said, "your mother and I and your sister lived in a Sydney suburb. In those days I was busy making money, and thoughtlessly neglected my family. Thus it was that a false friend, James Mallin, lured my wife away, and she took your sister, who was then, of course, only a child with her. All my effort to trace them failed, and embittered the occurrence. I took this house and determined to avoid all contact with my fellow creatures. "From what I have heard to- day, Mallin and your mother went to India, where she died soon after arrival. Mallin, himself a sick man, returned to Sydney, placed your sister in the care of Mrs. Smithers, who came here with her to-day, and disappeared." "Irene is like your dear mother, and her voice is, too. I recognised the similarity last night as soon as she started to sing, and wTTen you told me her name I thought I could not be wrong, and I was not." The old man sat silent for a while, and then looked at his son with a smile. "I looked upon your radio as a toy, but it has found you a sister, and brought back some of my lost happiness."

P.08[edit | edit source]

Magnavox Ad[edit | edit source]

SPECIAL OFFER - - TO - - RADIO CLUBS (for Two Weeks only). A SPECIAL CUT ON Magnavox Tonearms & Speaking Transmitters (Speaking), Will be given to Radio Clubs. Only a Limited Number Available DO IT NOW! Call at the Offices of MAGNAVOX AUSTRALASIA. IV THE BANKING HOUSE, 228 PITT STREET, SYDNEY.

Battery Advice[edit | edit source]

Cells should not be left dis- charged for lengthy periods, other- wise plates will sulphate.

O'Sullivan's Electric Shop[edit | edit source]

Enamel, Silk, Cotton Covered Winding Wires At the Right Prices. Ready Run-off in 2 02. and 4 02. Reels. All Sizes from 42 to 20 Guage.

Star Batteries Ad[edit | edit source]

"STAR" RADIO BATTERIES y* We manufacture Special Raaio Batteries (both " A" and " B" type). They are recognised to be better than any imported battery, and no set is complete and up-to-date without a " STAR" Spare Plates or Parts Supplied to amateurs desirous of making up their own batteries. Full particulars and prices on application. Batteries repaired, re-charged, and hired- out at lowest rates; STAR BATTERIES LIMITED Storage Battery Manufacturers "Hitch vonr Radio to a STAR." " — " — 43-45 Wentworth Avenue, (Next Australian General Electric Company), Sydney.

P.09[edit | edit source]

Another Step - N.S.W. Amateur Association[edit | edit source]

ANOTHER STEP: N.S.W. Association. The second meeting of delegates from radio clubs and societies in N. was held on Friday last in the Royal Society’s Rooms, Elizabeth St., Sydney. Mr. Stowe (Wireless Institute) was elected to the chair, and Mr. O. F. Mingay was appointed Min- ute Secretary. The following clubs were repre- sented: —Wireless Institute, Wav- erley, Iliawarra, Metropolitan and Western Suburbs. Military Radio Association de- Opinions expressed by the vari- ous delegates were: cided not to co-operate in this movement for the time being. Wireless Institute was in fav- our of the general scheme, but considered the financial position needed thoroughly thrashing out. Metropolitan Club, in favour of the scheme with the exception or the capitation fee, which, in the opinion of the last general meeting of this club, should not be more than 1/- per member. Waverley did not agree with the necessity for 10 licenced members before a club could be recognised. They suggested that the age limit upon which the delegates should be elected should be 16 years, and that 15 members be necessary for one delegate to the association, and 51 or over for two delegates. Western Suburbs agreed to 15 members, one representative and two for 25 or over. Illawara in favour of all propos- als, but preferred 1/- capitation fee instead of 2/-, yet would agree to 2/- if necessary. After discussion, it was resolved "that the capitation fee be levied on all club members." The Metropolitan Club moved: "that the fee be 1/- per member." The Waverley Club, supported by Western Suburbs, moved for 2/- per member. It was finally decided on majority vote that the capitation fee be 2/- per member. Representation on Association. —lt was resolved: "That 15 mem- bers, 17 years and over, five of whom must be licenced, constitute a club. This to entitle the club to one delegate, and fifty-one members or over, two delegates. New Clubs.—lt was decided that all new clubs wishing to join the Association be charged pro rata on a monthly basis. It was also decided that the capitation fee be paid by each club, half yearly in advance, ac- cording to the number of members on the books at that date. Policy.—Delegates agreed that all clubs associated agree to refrain from commenting upon, or taking any action, on any matter whatso- ever (unless it be club adminisr tration) other than through the Association. Expenses.—lt was resolved that all expenses connected with ar- ranging this Association be borne by all clubs represented. It was also resolved that each club make an advance payment of £1 on ac- count to commence operations. Mr. Renshaw.—lt was carried this meeting record their pleasure at the splendid recovery of Mr. P. Renshaw from his recent illness. Adjournment.—lt was resolved that the meeting adjourn until Thursday, 28th September, when all delegates must be authorised to proceed with the formation of the central body.

Join Up![edit | edit source]

JOIN UP! SOME ADVICE. (By R. C. Marsden, President, Metro. Radio Club). Many a person who contem- plates taking up experimental radio gets rather scared at the idea, owing chiefly to the lack of information required to grasp the initial principles. So the matter slides. One often hears people say "I would love to take up wireless only I haven’t any elementary knowledge about it." What is the right thing to do to put these interested people on the straight and narrow radio track? Well what are the several v ire less clubs in existence for? To get these people under their wing, and put them right from the word go. In and around Syd- ney there are several clubs, and the person who contemplates go- ing in for radio is very well cater- ed for in this respect. SAVE MONEY. By joining a club the beginner will glean a lot of useful informa- tion, and will save himself time and money in the building of his set. The activities of a radio club are far and wide, much more so than the average member ever dreams of. The clubs are formed for the mutual benefit of all genu- ine radio enthusiasts, and we look to people who intend taking up radio to join up. A person join- ing will find many ready to help him out of his difliculties, and the technical committee are for the benefit of all. The Metropolitan Radio Club was formed in Sydney about six months ago, and up to date it is the largest and strongest Radio Club in the Commonwealth. The Club was formed because of the lack of a body embracing every- one, from the small boy to the grown man, and those who had a keen interest, but who were not necessary experimenters. This club has at present a membership of 200, and is growing every day* BOLD POLICY. Experimental wireless in Aus- tralia has been in the transition period, and necessarily the activi- ties of the club have been cur* tailed. But the club can promise a very bold policy in the future, and hopes that its members will pull together to the mutual bene- fit of experimental wireless. To those who are i going to take up this fascinating hobby, we say "Join up."

P.10[edit | edit source]

Western Electric Co Ad[edit | edit source]

AN ARMY AND NAVY STANDARD. After prolonged and thorough tests by the U..s. Bureau of Stand- ards, the U.S. Army and Navy adopted the Western Electric Wireless Head Set. It is light and comfortable, easily and quickly adjusted to the head, and built to serve effectively over a wide range of frequency. It reproduces the crooning of a baby as naturally as it does the high vibrations of a massed band Call and inspect, or write your enquiry, now. WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. (AUST.) LIMITED 192 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. Also at 262 Flinders Lane Melbourne Agents in all States & New Zealand,

Williams and Son Ad[edit | edit source]

Anglo-American Book Shop. WILLIAMS AND SON (late Hallams). Q.Y. BUILDINGS, 459 GEORGE STREET, SYDNEY. All the Latest Wireless Books and Magazines in stock, posted anywhere.

Avoid a gas-pipe earth[edit | edit source]

Avoid a gas-pipe earth —espec- ially if you have a transmitter. The reason is obvious.

N.S.W. Bookstall Company Ad[edit | edit source]

That Book you want ON Wireless can be procured at The N.S.W. Bookstall Company Limited 467 George Street, Sydney.

Humphreys' Limited Ad[edit | edit source]

Beautiful Illumination with PARIAN WARE HUMPHREYS’ LIMITED, 465 George Street, Sydney. Telephone: City 3846.

Music in the Air[edit | edit source]

MUSIC IN THE AIR SUNDAY NIGHT’S CONCERT. MR. MACLURCAN'S CONCERT. For next Sunday, September 10th, the following Pathe records will be played for Mr. Maclurcan’s concert, starting at 7.30 p.m. : Fox Trot.—" Say it with Music." Violin Solo. " Humoreske " (Dvorak). Tenor. —"Mother Macree" (Chas. Harrison). Hawaiian Guitar. —"Kawaka." Code Practice. Whistling.—" Listen to the Mock- ing Bird." Fox Trot. —"Fluffy Ruffles." Hawaiian Guitar. "Wailana Waltz." Piano. '"Rhapsody No. 13" (Liszt). Soprano. —"My Old Kentucky Home" (Yvonne Gall). Recitation.

Amplification in Wireless[edit | edit source]

Amplification. IN WIRELESS. The problem of amplifying music or speech received by wire- less is more complete than the ordinary methods of amplification with which we come in contact every day. The deaf use ear-trumpets. The short-sighted glasses; we continu- ally use microscopes, levers and such devices as the pantagraph, for enlarging the dimensions of a picture, and the transformer for magnifying electrical current. But the electrical magnifier in connec- tion with a wireless receiver, must amplify power. If we insert a power-amplify- ing device between the aerial and the detector, thus amplifying the original radio wave, we have radio-frequency amplification. If the device is inserted after the radio waves have been detect- ed and transformed into electrical waves of an audible frequency, we have audio-frequency amplifica- tion. The device unually employed as the magnifier of voice and speech is the vacuum tube, which has in- herent amplifying properties.

P.11[edit | edit source]

Rodman & Kelaher[edit | edit source]


Electrical Utilities Supply Co[edit | edit source]

RADIO SETS and Parts to make them. Send for Price Lists. ELECTRICAL UTILITIES SUPPLY COY. 605 GEORGE STREET, SYDNEY. k

Round the Clubs[edit | edit source]

Round the Clubs. , The "Wireless Weekly" has ibeen asked to act as official organ for the Illawarra, North Sydney, [Western Suburbs and Metropolitan Badio Clubs. In all these cases, ?we have consented and agreed to give the clubs our help.

Illawarra Radio Club[edit | edit source]

ILLAWARRA RADIO CLUB. ~~ At the last meeting of the Illa- fwarra Radio Club two interesting Bectures were given. Mr. E. G. [Bailey spoke on "Aerials and 'Tuning Circuits." Different types [of aerials were referred to, as well las earths, and their uses and ad- vantages explained, also the rela- tive uses of capacity and induct- ance in tuning in various forms of [circuits employed. Mr. F. H. Kirk- by dealt with "Crystal Receivers." [The function of the crystal detee- Itor was explained, also the rectify- ing properties of the several kinds [of crystals, specimens of which [were exhibited. Various crystal [circuits were also shown. The [members carried a vote of thanks [for the lectures, which were much f appreciated. The following lectures have [been arranged for the next three [meetings: — Sept. 14. —Constructional De- tails of Receiving Appara- tus Mr. Gorman Sept. 28. —Members’ night—• Display of Apparatus and General Discussion. In charge . . . Mr. Borthwick Oct. 12.—Elementary Valve Work Mr. Hewett The Committee has under con- sideration what is hoped will be a permanent room for the Club, and if the negotiations in this direction are successful, this should' prove to be a great advantage to the Club. The next meeting will be held at Carlton School of Arts on Thursday, 14th September, at 8 p.m., at which all wireless enthusi- asts are invited to be present. The secretary would particular- ly like to hear from any intending members and others interested. His address is 44 Cameron St., Rockdale.

North Sydney Radio Club[edit | edit source]

THE NORTH SYDNEY RADIO CLUB held a meeting- on Tuesday night, when the question of apparatus for the club was discussed. It was decided to concentrate on a valve re- ceiver at present, the transmitting - ap- paratus to follow when the receiver has been completed. The next meeting- of the Club will be held at the club house (corner High and Alfred Streets), .on Tuesday, September 5. to be present. Members and all interested are asked to be present. It is rumoured that Electricity House is applying for a broadcast- ing telephony licence in the near future. This firm is to be com- mended for the strides it has made in the last few months, in its Radio Department which is in the capable hands of Mr. Shaw, late of the Helen B. Sterling under the management of Mr. J. S. Marks.

Another Test - Low Power[edit | edit source]

ANOTHER TEST. LOW POWER. Hr. Maclurcan Again. Mr. Maclurcan is starting anoth- er test to-night (Friday) at 7.30 p.m., and he will continue it on Sunday at noon. The object is to ascertain the lowest possible power with which he can communicate with Mel- bourne from his Strathfield sta- tion. At first he will use three trans- mitting tubes, then two, then one, using power of approximately 8, 5, and 2£ watts. C.W. and buz- zer will be sent in a series of dashes for about 10 minutes in each stage of the test. The object of the second half of the test at noon on Sunday is to get the daylight range. It is Mr. Maclurcan’s request that 1 amateurs listen in and com- municate with him by letter, giv- ing the results attained. It may be necessary to alter the wave length slightly as Mr. Mac- lurcan reduces his power.

P.12[edit | edit source]

? ? ? - What do you want to know?[edit | edit source]

? ? ? What do you want to know? Every reasonable specific query in the field of general wireless ad- dressed to the Information Depart- ment will receive a prompt reply. Address the Information Editor, "Wireless Weekly," Box 378, G.P.O., Sydney. H. E. W. (Wyalong) asks:—I see that the set described in "Wireless Weekly" would have a range of 2,000 miles with a good aerial, and as I have not very much idea of what a good aerial is, I would be pleased if you could let me know. Answer: See this issue. Editor’s Note: H.E.W. (West Wyalong) wants a mate to work with at Wyalong. T. R. (Oatley) asks:—I have 200 ft. over all single wire aerial about 25 ft. high. Will you give me instruc- tions and sizes to make a coil to work with a crystal to receive Mr. Maclur- can’s concerts. Answer: For apparatus for us with your tuner see "Wireless Weekly" of August 25th. R. T. G. (Leeton) asks:—(1) What height, length, number of wires, what particular wire is necessary for an aerial. (2) The best amateurs’ hand book in the construction and instruc- tion of an inexpensive amateurs’ wire- less receiving plant. Answer: (1) See this issue. (’2) "Wireless Manual." M. T. (Eastwood) asks:—Please ad- vise me whether the method shown m diagram No. 1 (enclosed) is a prac- tical method of taking of taps for the secondary of a loose-coupler or wheth- er No. 2 (enclosed) is the correct way? Answer: Your No. 2 diagram is the recognised method, and we would ad- vise you to follow it. "Wave Length" asks:—(1) Is it pos- sible, using- a 1-valve C.W. receiving set, to pick up at Mudgee (150 air-line from Sydney) the messages and con- certs broadcasted from Sydney? (2) Can you recommend any publication in which complete instructions are given for the construction of a set to do the work indicated above? Answer: (1) Yes. (2) "The Experi- menter’s Manual," by E. E. Bucher. 3706 asks:—"I have a home made crystal set of a range of 600 to 3,500 metres and a set of head phones of 2,000 ohms R. (Murdocks), and would like to know if the set would be bene- fited by a fixed condenser, of .001 mfds. capacity. If so, where is the best place to put same?" Answer: If you have no condenser in the set, try it across the ’phones. G. E. C. (Banksia) asks:— (1) [a]. Does enamel have to be scraped off the wdre where the slider makes contact with it on the tuner?’ Yes. [b]. Would No. 28' enamelled wire do, as I have some of this gauge? Use 24 gauge enamel. (2) Would this set receive the conH certs sent out by Mr. Maclurcan? Yes.-' (o) How could I make a simple con- denser to work with this set, and! where in the circuit should it be] placed? See "Wireless Weekly" No 5 for condenser, and put it in shunt across the secondary. (4) I have only a 75 ohm. ’phonel (single); is it because of this thet they do not act? My aerial is about 25ft. high and 60 ft. long. Buy wire- less 2,000 ohms, ’phones.

Sale & Exchange[edit | edit source]

SALE & EXCHANGE Three Lines (approximately 15. Words), may be inserted in this Column for 9d. Extra Lines or part thereof, at 6d. per line. FOR SALE:—Valve Set, Panel Type, 600 to 1600 metres: £6/10/-. Ring- FOR SALE. —Expanse No. 1 Unit Single Slide Inductance, 2 fixed con- densers, intervalve transformer. Apply, W. D. W., this, paper, WANTED TO BUY—Valve Panel Set without valves or crystal tuner, also pair phones, cheap. Write par- ticulars to H. Donald, ‘Armagh," Grosvenor St., Kensington. FOR SALE: WIRELESS SET—Use one or two valves, emergency crystal, mounted panel, Radiophone set if re- quired, all fitted on table. Aerials, masts; everything; complete. Ready to erect; absolute bargain. Owner commercial operator. Apply, S. G. White, "Kelso," 63 Bellevue Road', Woollahra.

Station Calls - Issued August 1922[edit | edit source]

STATION CALLS. Call Signals, as under, have been issued during the month of August, 1952: NEW SOUTH WALES. No. N 735, Cropley, E. W.; N 741, Wedgewood, W. G.; N 742, Pepper, R. C.; N 743, Cousens, H. R.; N 744, Stanfield, C. R.; N 745, Bongers, G. S.; N 74 6, Grove, H.; N 752, Haigh, B. R.; N 754, Beames, K.; N 758, Smith, W. J.; N 760, Gotting, H. E. VICTORIA. No. V 733, Teece, C. A. S.; V 734, Bourke, J.; V 736, Forshaw, C. J.; V 738, Bertram, W. L.; V 739, Stewart, D. R.; V 740, Bearup, H. A.; Y 748, Hancock, C. A.; V 750, Closs, A. T.; V 751, Jansen, C. H.; V 753, Rymill, R. R.; V 755, Cor- ney, K. C.; V 756, Semmens, G. S. C.; V 757, Coates, A. M.; V 759, Gutteridge, R. F.; V 761, LuHrs, V. A. QUEENSLAND. No. Q 737, Haworth, Wm.; Q 747, Reinhold, E. C. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. No. 5382, Spurrier, L. C. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. No. W 7 32, Wireless Institute of Australia, W. A. Division (A. E. Stevens). TASMANIA. No. T 74 9 Morgan, D. M.

Ships Stations - Great Britain[edit | edit source]

SHIPS STATIONS. GREAT BRITAIN City of Oran, YTB; City of Ox- ford, GBXR; City of Palermo. GBDW; City of Paris, GFQM; City of Pekin, GDSJ; City of Poona, GBB; City of Rangoon, MTP; City of Shanghai, EMM; City of Simla, GFQN; City of Smyrna, Eli; City of Sparta, YUK; City of Sydney, GCSD; City of Tokio, GFMW; City of Valencia, GBDP; City of Ver- sailles, YNO; City of York, GAO; City of Winchester, LUC; Clam. YHZ; Clan Alpine, XJE; Clan Bu- chanan, YVS; Clan Chattan, ZHS; Clan Chisholm, LSF. Clan Colquhoun, YZA; Clan Cumming, YOH; Clan Kennedy, EQI; Clan Kenneth. YES; Clan Lamont, YON; Clan Lindsay, YOO; Clan Macaulay, YJQ; Clan Macbean, KJD; Clan Macbeth. YVV; Clan Macbrayne, YPS; Clan Macbride, ZHT; Clan Macdonald. ZHV; Clan Macfadyen, L£G; Clan Macgillivray, GVS; Clan Macindoe, GDXN; Clan Machines, GCTP; Clan Macintosh, ZGE, Clan Mac- intyre, MOC; Clan Maciver GFPY; Clan Mackay, YTI; Clan Mackel- lar, GZM; Clan Mackenzie, YXX; Clan Mackinlay, YXC; Clan Mac- kinnon, YOG; Clan Maclaren, YJO; Clan Macmaster, ZXK; Clan Mac- millan, XKV; Clan Macnab. GBYD. Clan Macnair, GFNK; Clan Macpliee, ZCB; Clan Macquarie. GVL; Clan Mactaggart, GDPV; Clan Mactavish, GDPW; Clan Macvicar, XHB; Clan Macwilliam, LTS; Clan Malcolm, ZQK; Clan Matheson, MZQ; Clan Menzies, LSH; Clan Monroe, EIS; Clan Morrison, EIR; Clan Murdock. ZSA; Clan Murray, LSR; 'Clan Ogilvy, GW; Clan Ranald, EIT; Clan Robertson, ZHU; Clan Ross, GVU; Clan Stuart, ZPN; Clan Sin- clair, YZB; Clan Sutherland, YJP; Clan Urquhart, YZG; Clara Yelck, GDFL.