Guide to UC San Diego/Eleanor Roosevelt College

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The Great Hall at Eleanor Roosevelt College.

Eleanor Roosevelt College (ERC) is the fifth undergraduate college created at UC San Diego. It is located at the northern end of the main campus and is near Thurgood Marshall College. This college has an international theme and the International House ("I-House") is part of this college.[1] The ERC campus is one of the newer areas of the campus so ERC students enjoy newer residence halls and other facilities than students living at older parts of the UCSD campus such as Revelle College and Muir College.


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Roosevelt College has a five quarter sequence of courses known as the Making of the Modern World (MMW) that every freshman must take (transfer students must take two of them).[2] This sequence consists primarily of world history, spanning prehistoric times up to the present. For each quarter of MMW, students must write a research paper on a certain theme relevant to what is taught in class. In the first few MMW courses, students learn to write a university-level academic paper and do so throughout the rest of the sequence. Attendance at discussion sections is required. A student's TA grades their paper so students can get valuable feedback from their TA at their discussion section.