Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant: The WikiBook/orphaned pages/US public opinion shifts in the aftermath

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A new CBS poll found that 50 percent of Americans now oppose building new nuclear plants, up from 34 percent the last time the poll was conducted in 2008.

[1] Only 43 percent, meanwhile, approve of building more nuclear plants - a drop of 14 points from the 2008 poll. [2]

On March 22, 2011 Rachel Maddow blasted the DCPP to the sound of a cash register ringing as she recounted a history of errors at the plant. [[1]

Information, please

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As reported on the non partisan Civil Society Institute website, a 2005 Congressional study on water supply impact of American production is apparently being suppressed as it has become the target of a Freedom of Information Action (FOIA) litigation filed by the Civil Society Institute (CSI) vs the Department of Energy (DOE) and U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu.



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Even the French bowed to public opinion pressures after the Fukushima accident.[4]