Cookbook:Kunun Gyada (Groundnut and Rice Gruel)

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Kunun Gyada (Groundnut and Rice Gruel)
CategoryRice recipes
Servings3 servings

Cookbook | Ingredients | Recipes

Kunun gyada is a light porridge made from blended raw groundnut and rice, usually eaten in the northern part of Nigeria. It is similar to akamu, except that blended rice is poured into a boiled groundnut milk when the later is made by pouring pap into boiled water. The type of soft rice variety used in making kunun gyada is that used in making tuwo shinkafa.


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  1. Soak the tamarind for a few hours and extract the juice. Also, soak the rice and raw groundnut in separate bowls for a few hours.
  2. Drain the groundnuts. Grind them in a blender with some water and strain the resulting groundnut milk.
  3. Drain the rice and grind with a little water.
  4. Boil the groundnut milk in a pot, stirring to prevent sticking and lumps. Slowly stir in the blended rice.
  5. Stir in the tamarind juice and serve.