Celestia/Celx Scripting/CELX Lua Methods/CEL command orbitflags

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orbitflags { set|clear <orbitflagsstring> }

Set (turn on) or clear (turn off) rendering of specific orbits, when orbits are turned on using the renderflags command.


set <orbitflagsstring> -- OR -- clear <orbitflagsstring>
The set or clear string values can be any combination of the items listed below. No default.
Multiple values are specified within a single set of quotes ("...") by separating them with a space or vertical bar "|" (i.e. "Planet|Moon"):
  • Planet
  • Moon
  • Asteroid
  • Comet
  • Spacecraft
  • Invisible
  • Unknown
  • DwarfPlanet
  • MinorMoon
  • Star

CELX equivalent:

Based on the celestia:setorbitflags() method.

  • Use the celestia:setorbitflags{ <orbitflagstring> = boolean } method to enable or disable the rendering of orbitss.
    Note the curly braces.
    <orbitflagstring> is a table which contains the orbitflags as keys and booleans as values for each key.
    The orbitflag keys must be one of:
    • Planet, Moon, Asteroid, Comet, Spacecraft, Invisible, Unknown, DwarfPlanet, MinorMoon, Star.

Multiple features can be enabled at once by giving multiple arguments to this method, separated with a comma ",".

celestia:setorbitflags{ <orbitflagstring1> = false, <orbitflagstring2> = true }

Enable the rendering of the orbits of planets and dwarfplanets.


orbitflags { set "Planet|DwarfPlanet" }
renderflags { set "orbits" }


orbitflagstable = { }
orbitflagstable.Planet = true
orbitflagstable.DwarfPlanet = true
renderflagstable = { }
renderflagstable.orbits = true

-- OR --

-- Shorter notation, but note the curly braces.
celestia:setorbitflags{ Planet = true, DwarfPlanet = true }
celestia:setrenderflags{ orbits = true }

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