A-level Computing/AQA/Problem Solving, Programming, Data Representation and Practical Exercise/Skeleton code/2016 Exam Resit

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2016 Old Spec Comp 1: AQA REVERSE ANSWERS!

[edit | edit source]

Please put the question number followed by what your answer was, thanks for contributing. I would also like to thank everyone who, along with me, created this page, very good and had most of the solutions on what came up in the exam.

  1. Binary number was:
  2. .
  3. .
  4. Hexadecimal number was B4
  5. .

2016 Old Spec Comp 1: AQA REVERSE

[edit | edit source]

The Skeleton Program accompanying this Preliminary Material is for the board game AQA REVERSE.

AQA REVERSE is a board game in which a human plays against the computer. Each player takes it in turn to make a move by specifying coordinates of where they would like to place one of their pieces – the human player uses pieces labelled "H" and the computer uses pieces labelled "C". A piece can only be put in an empty square on the board.

After a player has put a piece on the board any of the opponent’s pieces that are now trapped, either horizontally or vertically, between the piece just placed and one of the player’s other pieces are flipped – this means that they now change their label (if they were an "H" they become a "C" and vice versa). There must be no empty spaces or other pieces belonging to the player between the two trapping pieces.

The game finishes when every square on the board contains a piece. The winner is the player who has the most pieces on the board at the end of the game. The human player always moves first.

The default board consists of a 6x6 grid of squares.

If you want to communicate I will be able to help:



I am one of the contributors to the coding solution, I am a python coder and I can help with any solution.
I can talk about my the solution as pseudo or plain English if it isn't python and a python solution.
My contact is: rad-wane@hotmail.co.uk
Please go to the discussion page at the top of the page to talk. Note be-careful and aware of the contact you put here Please contribute to this website as you can see in this link: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/A-level_Computing_2009/AQA/Problem_Solving,_Programming,_Data_Representation_and_Practical_Exercise/Skeleton_code/2015_Exam/Section_D

Similar Games:

  • Chinese Go is very similar to this game
  • The real board game version (called Othello) has these other rules:
  1. Diagonal capture is allowed (along with horizontal and vertical)
  2. Pieces can only be placed where flips will occur
  3. If no flips are possible, the player's turn is skipped.

Potential questions could include:

[edit | edit source]
  • A loop for invalid co-ordinates
  • To accept both upper case and lower case inputs for Selection Menu
  • Saving and Loading (Board layout and whose turn)
  • Two player mode
  • A tally of scores after match is over
  • Ability to change player's initials from H and C
  • Starting position of pieces changed
  • Computer move may be asked to be modified
  • Entering your name before the game starts
  • Flip Diagonally
  • Only allowing a player to place a piece if it captures opponent piece
  • Skip Turn
  • (More to follow)

If adding to this list, please provide tangible and measurable changes.
"Changing capture rules" is not a workable idea unless possible changes are also stated.

This is the skeleton program: (Please add to this and make sure it is the full code, mistakes could be costly)

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Visual Basic Code:


'Skeleton Program code for the AQA COMP1 Summer 2016 examination <br />
'this code should be used in conjunction with the Preliminary Material <br />
'written by the AQA COMP1 Programmer Team <br />
'developed in the Visual Studio 2008 programming environment

Module Module1
  Sub Main()
    Dim Choice As Char
    Dim PlayerName As String
    Dim BoardSize As Integer
    BoardSize = 6
    PlayerName = ""
      Choice = GetMenuChoice(PlayerName)
      Select Case Choice
        Case "p"
          PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize)
        Case "e"
          PlayerName = GetPlayersName()
        Case "c"
          BoardSize = ChangeBoardSize()
      End Select
    Loop Until Choice = "q"
  End Sub

  Sub SetUpGameBoard(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer)
    Dim Row As Integer
    Dim Column As Integer
    For Row = 1 To BoardSize
      For Column = 1 To BoardSize
        If Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 And Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 Or Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 And Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 Then
          Board(Row, Column) = "C"
        ElseIf Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 And Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 Or Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 And Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 Then
          Board(Row, Column) = "H"
          Board(Row, Column) = " "
        End If
  End Sub

  Function ChangeBoardSize() As Integer
    Dim BoardSize As Integer
      Console.Write("Enter a board size (between 4 and 9): ")
      BoardSize = Console.ReadLine
    Loop Until BoardSize >= 4 And BoardSize <= 9
    Return BoardSize
  End Function

  Function GetHumanPlayerMove(ByVal PlayerName As String) As Integer
    Dim Coordinates As Integer
    Console.Write(PlayerName & " enter the coordinates of the square where you want to place your piece: ")
    Coordinates = Console.ReadLine
    Return Coordinates
  End Function

  Function GetComputerPlayerMove(ByVal BoardSize As Integer) As Integer
    Return (Int(Rnd() * BoardSize) + 1) * 10 + Int(Rnd() * BoardSize) + 1
  End Function

  Function GameOver(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer) As Boolean
    Dim Row As Integer
    Dim Column As Integer
    For Row = 1 To BoardSize
      For Column = 1 To BoardSize
        If Board(Row, Column) = " " Then
          Return False
        End If
    Return True
  End Function

  Function GetPlayersName() As String
    Dim PlayerName As String
    Console.Write("What is your name? ")
    PlayerName = Console.ReadLine
    Return PlayerName
  End Function

  Function CheckIfMoveIsValid(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal Move As Integer) As Boolean
    Dim Row As Integer
    Dim Column As Integer
    Dim MoveIsValid As Boolean
    Row = Move Mod 10
    Column = Move \ 10
    MoveIsValid = False
    If Board(Row, Column) = " " Then
      MoveIsValid = True
    End If
    Return MoveIsValid
  End Function

  Function GetPlayerScore(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer, ByVal Piece As Char) As Integer
    Dim Score As Integer
    Dim Row As Integer
    Dim Column As Integer
    Score = 0
    For Row = 1 To BoardSize
      For Column = 1 To BoardSize
        If Board(Row, Column) = Piece Then
          Score = Score + 1
        End If
    Return Score
  End Function

  Function CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer, ByVal StartRow As Integer, ByVal StartColumn As Integer, ByVal RowDirection As Integer, ByVal ColumnDirection As Integer) As Boolean
    Dim RowCount As Integer
    Dim ColumnCount As Integer
    Dim FlipStillPossible As Boolean
    Dim FlipFound As Boolean
    Dim OpponentPieceFound As Boolean
    RowCount = StartRow + RowDirection
    ColumnCount = StartColumn + ColumnDirection
    FlipStillPossible = True
    FlipFound = False
    OpponentPieceFound = False
    While RowCount <= BoardSize And RowCount >= 1 And ColumnCount >= 1 And ColumnCount <= BoardSize And FlipStillPossible And Not FlipFound
      If Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = " " Then
        FlipStillPossible = False
      ElseIf Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) <> Board(StartRow, StartColumn) Then
        OpponentPieceFound = True
      ElseIf Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = Board(StartRow, StartColumn) And Not OpponentPieceFound Then
        FlipStillPossible = False
        FlipFound = True
      End If
      RowCount = RowCount + RowDirection
      ColumnCount = ColumnCount + ColumnDirection
    End While
    Return FlipFound
  End Function

  Sub FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer, ByVal StartRow As Integer, ByVal StartColumn As Integer, ByVal RowDirection As Integer, ByVal ColumnDirection As Integer)
    Dim RowCount As Integer
    Dim ColumnCount As Integer
    Dim FlipFound As Boolean
    FlipFound = CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, StartRow, StartColumn, RowDirection, ColumnDirection)
    If FlipFound Then
      RowCount = StartRow + RowDirection
      ColumnCount = StartColumn + ColumnDirection
      While Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) <> " " And Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) <> Board(StartRow, StartColumn)
        If Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = "H" Then
          Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = "C"
          Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = "H"
        End If
        RowCount = RowCount + RowDirection
        ColumnCount = ColumnCount + ColumnDirection
      End While
    End If
  End Sub

  Sub MakeMove(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer, ByVal Move As Integer, ByVal HumanPlayersTurn As Boolean)
    Dim Row As Integer
    Dim Column As Integer
    Row = Move Mod 10
    Column = Move \ 10
    If HumanPlayersTurn Then
      Board(Row, Column) = "H"
      Board(Row, Column) = "C"
    End If
    FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, 0)
    FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, 0)
    FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, 1)
    FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, -1)
  End Sub

  Sub PrintLine(ByVal BoardSize As Integer)
    Dim Count As Integer
    Console.Write("   ")
    For Count = 1 To BoardSize * 2 - 1
  End Sub

  Sub DisplayGameBoard(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer)
    Dim Row As Integer
    Dim Column As Integer
    Console.Write("  ")
    For Column = 1 To BoardSize
      Console.Write(" ")
    For Row = 1 To BoardSize
      Console.Write(" ")
      For Column = 1 To BoardSize
        Console.Write(Board(Row, Column))
  End Sub

  Sub DisplayMenu()
    Console.WriteLine("(p)lay game")
    Console.WriteLine("(e)nter name")
    Console.WriteLine("(c)hange board size")
  End Sub

  Function GetMenuChoice(ByVal PlayerName As String) As Char
    Dim Choice As Char
    Console.Write(PlayerName & " enter the letter of your chosen option: ")
    Choice = Console.ReadLine
    Return Choice
  End Function

  Sub PlayGame(ByVal PlayerName As String, ByVal BoardSize As Integer)
    Dim Board(BoardSize, BoardSize) As Char
    Dim HumanPlayersTurn As Boolean
    Dim Move As Integer
    Dim HumanPlayerScore As Integer
    Dim ComputerPlayerScore As Integer
    Dim MoveIsValid As Boolean
    SetUpGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
    HumanPlayersTurn = False
      HumanPlayersTurn = Not HumanPlayersTurn
      DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
      MoveIsValid = False
        If HumanPlayersTurn Then
          Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName)
          Move = GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize)
        End If
        MoveIsValid = CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move)
      Loop Until MoveIsValid
      If Not HumanPlayersTurn Then
        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move")
      End If
      MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn)
    Loop Until GameOver(Board, BoardSize)
    DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
    HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "H")
    ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "C")
    If HumanPlayerScore > ComputerPlayerScore Then
      Console.WriteLine("Well done, " & PlayerName & ", you have won the game!")
    ElseIf HumanPlayerScore = ComputerPlayerScore Then
      Console.WriteLine("That was a draw!")
      Console.WriteLine("The computer has won the game!")
    End If
  End Sub
End Module

Python Code:


#Skeleton Program for the AQA COMP1 Summer 2016 examination  
#this code should be used in conjunction with the Preliminary Material  
#written by the AQA COMP1 Programmer Team  
#developed in a Python 3.4 programming environment  
import random  
def SetUpGameBoard(Board, Boardsize):  
  for Row in range(1, BoardSize + 1):  
    for Column in range(1, BoardSize + 1):  
      if (Row == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 and Column == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 + 1) or (Column == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 and Row == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 + 1):  
        Board[Row][Column] = "C"  
      elif (Row == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 + 1 and Column == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 + 1) or (Column == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 and Row == (BoardSize + 1) // 2):  
        Board[Row][Column] = "H"  
        Board[Row][Column] = " "  
def ChangeBoardSize():  
  BoardSize = int(input("Enter a board size (between 4 and 9): "))  
  while not(BoardSize >= 4 and BoardSize <= 9):  
    BoardSize = int(input("Enter a board size (between 4 and 9): "))  
  return BoardSize  
def GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName):  
  print(PlayerName, "enter the coodinates of the square where you want to place your piece: ", end="")  
  Coordinates = int(input())  
  return Coordinates  
def GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize):  
  return random.randint(1, BoardSize) * 10 + random.randint(1, BoardSize)  
def GameOver(Board, BoardSize):  
  for Row in range(1 , BoardSize + 1):  
    for Column in range(1, BoardSize + 1):  
      if Board[Row][Column] == " ":  
        return False  
  return True  
def GetPlayersName():  
  PlayerName = input("What is your name? ")  
  return PlayerName  
def CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move):  
  Row = Move % 10  
  Column = Move // 10  
  MoveIsValid = False  
  if Board[Row][Column] == " ":  
    MoveIsValid = True  
  return MoveIsValid  
def GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, Piece):  
  Score = 0  
  for Row in range(1, BoardSize + 1):  
    for Column in range(1, BoardSize + 1):  
      if Board[Row][Column] == Piece:  
        Score = Score + 1  
  return Score  
def CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, StartRow, StartColumn, RowDirection, ColumnDirection):  
  RowCount = StartRow + RowDirection  
  ColumnCount = StartColumn + ColumnDirection  
  FlipStillPossible = True  
  FlipFound = False  
  OpponentPieceFound = False  
  while RowCount <= BoardSize and RowCount >= 1 and ColumnCount >= 1 and ColumnCount <= BoardSize and FlipStillPossible and not FlipFound:  
    if Board[RowCount][ColumnCount] == " ":  
      FlipStillPossible = False  
    elif Board[RowCount][ColumnCount] != Board[StartRow][StartColumn]:  
      OpponentPieceFound = True  
    elif Board[RowCount][ColumnCount] == Board[StartRow][StartColumn] and not OpponentPieceFound:  
      FlipStillPossible = False  
      FlipFound = True  
    RowCount = RowCount + RowDirection  
    ColumnCount = ColumnCount + ColumnDirection  
  return FlipFound  
def FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, StartRow, StartColumn, RowDirection, ColumnDirection):  
  FlipFound = CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, StartRow, StartColumn, RowDirection, ColumnDirection)  
  if FlipFound:  
    RowCount = StartRow + RowDirection  
    ColumnCount = StartColumn + ColumnDirection  
    while Board[RowCount][ColumnCount] != " " and Board[RowCount][ColumnCount] != Board[StartRow][StartColumn]:  
      if Board[RowCount][ColumnCount] == "H":  
        Board[RowCount][ColumnCount] = "C"  
        Board[RowCount][ColumnCount] = "H"  
      RowCount = RowCount + RowDirection  
      ColumnCount = ColumnCount + ColumnDirection  
def MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn):  
  Row = Move % 10  
  Column = Move // 10  
  if HumanPlayersTurn:  
    Board[Row][Column] = "H"  
    Board[Row][Column] = "C"  
  FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, 0)  
  FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, 0)  
  FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, 1)  
  FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, -1)  
def PrintLine(BoardSize):  
  print("   ", end="")  
  for Count in range(1, BoardSize * 2):  
    print("_", end="")  
def DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize):  
  print("  ", end="")  
  for Column in range(1, BoardSize + 1):  
    print(" ", end="")  
    print(Column, end="")  
  for Row in range(1, BoardSize + 1):  
    print(Row, end="")  
    print(" ", end="")  
    for Column in range(1, BoardSize + 1):  
      print("|", end="")  
      print(Board[Row][Column], end="")  
def DisplayMenu():  
  print("(p)lay game")  
  print("(e)nter name")  
  print("(c)hange board size")  
def GetMenuChoice(PlayerName):  
  print(PlayerName, "enter the letter of your chosen option: ", end="")  
  Choice = input()  
  return Choice  
def CreateBoard():  
  Board = []  
  for Count in range(BoardSize + 1):  
    for Count2 in range(BoardSize + 1):  
  return Board  
def PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize):  
  Board = CreateBoard()  
  SetUpGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)  
  HumanPlayersTurn = False  
  while not GameOver(Board, BoardSize):  
    HumanPlayersTurn = not HumanPlayersTurn  
    DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)  
    MoveIsValid = False  
    while not MoveIsValid:  
      if HumanPlayersTurn:  
        Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName)  
        Move = GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize)  
      MoveIsValid = CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move)  
    if not HumanPlayersTurn:  
      print("Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move")  
    MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn)  
  DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)  
  HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "H")  
  ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "C")  
  if HumanPlayerScore > ComputerPlayerScore:  
    print("Well done", PlayerName, ", you have won the game!")  
  elif HumanPlayerScore == ComputerPlayerScore:  
    print("That was a draw!")  
    print("The computer has won the game!")  
BoardSize = 6  
PlayerName = ""  
Choice = ""  
while Choice != "q":  
  Choice = GetMenuChoice(PlayerName)  
  if Choice == "p":  
    PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize)  
  elif Choice == "e":  
    PlayerName = GetPlayersName()  
  elif Choice == "c":  
    BoardSize = ChangeBoardSize()

C# Code:


// Skeleton Program code for the AQA COMP1 Summer 2016 examination
// this code whould be used in conjunction with the Preliminary Material
// written by the AQA COMP1 Programmer Team
// developed in the Visual Studio 2012 programming environment

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Comp_1_Resit
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      char Choice;
      string PlayerName;
      int BoardSize;
      BoardSize = 6;
      PlayerName = "";
        Choice = GetMenuChoice(PlayerName);
        switch (Choice)
          case 'p':
            PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize);
          case 'e':
            PlayerName = GetPlayersName();
          case 'c':
            BoardSize = ChangeBoardSize();
      } while (Choice != 'q');
    static void SetUpGameBoard(char[,] Board, int BoardSize)
      for (int Row = 1; Row <= BoardSize ; Row++)
        for (int Column = 1; Column <= BoardSize ; Column++)
          if (Row == (BoardSize + 1) / 2  && Column == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 + 1 || Column == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 && Row == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 + 1)
            Board[Row, Column] = 'C';
          else if (Row == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 + 1  && Column == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 + 1 || Column == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 && Row == (BoardSize + 1) / 2)
            Board[Row, Column] = 'H';
            Board[Row, Column] = ' ';
    static int ChangeBoardSize()
      int BoardSize;
        Console.Write("Enter a board size (between 4 and 9): ");
        BoardSize = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
      } while (BoardSize < 4 || BoardSize > 9);
      return BoardSize;
    static int GetHumanPlayerMove(string PlayerName)
      int Coordinates;
      Console.Write(PlayerName + " enter the coordinates of the square where you want to place your piece: ");
      Coordinates = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
      return Coordinates;
    static int GetComputerPlayerMove(int BoardSize)
      Random RandomNo = new Random();
      return RandomNo.Next(1, BoardSize + 1) * 10 + RandomNo.Next(1, BoardSize + 1);
    static bool GameOver(char[,] Board, int BoardSize)
      for (int Row = 1; Row <= BoardSize; Row++)
        for (int Column = 1; Column <= BoardSize; Column++)
          if (Board[Row,Column] == ' ')
            return false;
      return true;
    static string GetPlayersName()
      string PlayerName;
      Console.Write("What is your name? ");
      PlayerName = Console.ReadLine();
      return PlayerName;
    static bool CheckIfMoveIsValid(char[,] Board, int Move)
      int Row;
      int Column;
      bool MoveIsValid;
      Row = Move % 10;
      Column = Move / 10;
      MoveIsValid = false;
      if (Board[Row, Column] == ' ')
        MoveIsValid = true;
      return MoveIsValid;
    static int GetPlayerScore(char[,] Board, int BoardSize, char Piece)
      int Score;
      Score = 0;
      for (int Row = 1; Row <= BoardSize; Row++)
        for (int Column = 1; Column <= BoardSize; Column++)
          if (Board[Row, Column] == Piece)
            Score = Score + 1;
      return Score;
    static bool CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(char[,] Board, int BoardSize, int StartRow, int StartColumn, int RowDirection, int ColumnDirection)
      int RowCount;
      int ColumnCount;
      bool FlipStillPossible;
      bool FlipFound;
      bool OpponentPieceFound;
      RowCount = StartRow + RowDirection;
      ColumnCount = StartColumn + ColumnDirection;
      FlipStillPossible = true;
      FlipFound = false;
      OpponentPieceFound = false;
      while (RowCount <= BoardSize && RowCount >= 1 && ColumnCount >= 1 && ColumnCount <= BoardSize && FlipStillPossible && !FlipFound)
        if (Board[RowCount,ColumnCount] == ' ' )
          FlipStillPossible = false;
        else if (Board[RowCount,ColumnCount] != Board[StartRow, StartColumn])
          OpponentPieceFound = true;
        else if (Board[RowCount,ColumnCount] == Board[StartRow, StartColumn] && !OpponentPieceFound)
          FlipStillPossible = false;
          FlipFound = true;
        RowCount = RowCount + RowDirection;
        ColumnCount = ColumnCount + ColumnDirection;
      return FlipFound;
    static void FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(char[,] Board, int BoardSize, int StartRow, int StartColumn, int RowDirection, int ColumnDirection)
      int RowCount;
      int ColumnCount;
      bool FlipFound;
      FlipFound = CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, StartRow, StartColumn, RowDirection, ColumnDirection);
      if (FlipFound)
        RowCount = StartRow + RowDirection;
        ColumnCount = StartColumn + ColumnDirection;
        while (Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] != ' ' && Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] != Board[StartRow, StartColumn])
          if (Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] == 'H')
            Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] = 'C';
            Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] = 'H';
          RowCount = RowCount + RowDirection;
          ColumnCount = ColumnCount + ColumnDirection;
    static void MakeMove(char[,] Board, int BoardSize, int Move, bool HumanPlayersTurn)
      int Row;
      int Column;
      Row = Move % 10;
      Column = Move / 10;
      if (HumanPlayersTurn)
        Board[Row, Column] = 'H';
        Board[Row, Column] = 'C';
      FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, 0);
      FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, 0);
      FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, 1);
      FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, -1);
    static void PrintLine(int BoardSize)
      Console.Write("   ");
      for (int Count = 1; Count <= BoardSize * 2 - 1; Count++)
    static void DisplayGameBoard(char[,] Board, int BoardSize)
      Console.Write("  ");
      for (int Column = 1; Column <= BoardSize; Column++)
        Console.Write(" ");
      for (int Row = 1; Row <= BoardSize; Row++)
        Console.Write(" ");
        for (int Column = 1; Column <= BoardSize; Column++)
          Console.Write(Board[Row, Column]);
    static void DisplayMenu()
      Console.WriteLine("(p)lay game");
      Console.WriteLine("(e)nter name");
      Console.WriteLine("(c)hange board size");
    static char GetMenuChoice(string PlayerName)
      char Choice;
      Console.Write(PlayerName + " enter the letter of your chosen option: ");
      Choice = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());
      return Choice;
    static void PlayGame(string PlayerName, int BoardSize)
      char[,] Board = new char[BoardSize + 1, BoardSize + 1];
      bool HumanPlayersTurn;
      int Move = 0;
      int HumanPlayerScore;
      int ComputerPlayerScore;
      bool MoveIsValid;
      SetUpGameBoard(Board, BoardSize);
      HumanPlayersTurn = false;
        HumanPlayersTurn = !HumanPlayersTurn;
        DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize);
        MoveIsValid = false;
          if (HumanPlayersTurn)
            Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName);
            Move = GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize);
          MoveIsValid = CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move);
        } while (!MoveIsValid);
        if (!HumanPlayersTurn)
          Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move");
        MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn);
      } while (!GameOver(Board, BoardSize));
      DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize);
      HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, 'H');
      ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, 'C');
      if (HumanPlayerScore > ComputerPlayerScore )
        Console.WriteLine("Well done, " + PlayerName + ", you have won the game!");
      else if (HumanPlayerScore == ComputerPlayerScore )
        Console.WriteLine("That was a draw!");
        Console.WriteLine("The computer has won the game!");

A loop for invalid co-ordinates

[edit | edit source]



   boolean checkIfMoveIsValid(char[][] board, int move, int boardSize) {   //add in the boardSize reference
    int row;
    int column;
    boolean moveIsValid;
    row = move % 10;
    column = move / 10;
    moveIsValid = false;
    if (row <= boardSize && column <= boardSize && column > 0 && row > 0 ){ //add in this if statement
    if (board[row][column] == ' ') {
      moveIsValid = true;
    } //closing the new if statement
    return moveIsValid;



   Function CheckIfMoveIsValid(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal Move As Integer) As Boolean
        Dim Row As Integer
        Dim Column As Integer
        Dim MoveIsValid As Boolean
        Row = Move Mod 10
        Column = Move \ 10
        MoveIsValid = False
            If Board(Row, Column) = " " Then
                MoveIsValid = True
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception 'Allows the user to enter invalid coordinates without crashing the program.
            Console.WriteLine("Try enter the coordinates again.")
        End Try

        Return MoveIsValid
    End Function



# Edits made here is so that the program only accepts numbers #
def GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName):
  MoveValid = False
  while MoveValid == False:
    print(PlayerName, "enter the coodinates of the square where you want to place your piece: ", end="")
    Coordinates = input() # No longer int(input)
    if Coordinates.isdigit():
      MoveValid = True
  return int(Coordinates) # Value is now changed into integer

# Edits made here to check if the co-ordinates are valid, on the board
def CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move):
  Row = Move % 10 
  Column = Move // 10
  MoveIsValid = False
  if Row <= BoardSize and Column <= BoardSize and Column > 0 and Row > 0: # Validate the co-ordinates
    if Board[Row][Column] == " ":
      MoveIsValid = True
    return MoveIsValid



        static bool CheckIfMoveIsValid(char[,] Board, int Move, int BoardSize) //add reference BoardSize 
            int Row;
            int Column;
            bool MoveIsValid;

            Row = Move % 10;
            Column = Move / 10;
            MoveIsValid = false;

            if (Row <= BoardSize && Column <= BoardSize && Column > 0 && Row > 0 ) //add line
                if (Board[Row, Column] == ' ')
                    MoveIsValid = true;
            return MoveIsValid;




                if (Board[Row, Column] == ' ')
                    MoveIsValid = true;
                //Allows the user to enter invalid coordinates without crashing the program.
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Coordinates. Please reenter.");

To accept both upper-case and lower-case inputs for Selection Menu

[edit | edit source]



BoardSize = 6
PlayerName = ""
Choice = ""
while Choice.lower() != "q":
  Choice = GetMenuChoice(PlayerName)
  if Choice.lower() == "p":
    PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize)
  elif Choice.lower() == "e":
    PlayerName = GetPlayersName()
  elif Choice.lower() == "c":
    BoardSize = ChangeBoardSize()


def GetMenuChoice(PlayerName):
  print(PlayerName, "enter the letter of your chosen option: ", end="")
  Choice = input()
  return Choice.lower()


BoardSize = 6
PlayerName = ""
Choice = ""
while Choice != "q" or Choice != "Q":
  Choice = GetMenuChoice(PlayerName)
  if Choice in ("p", "P"):
    PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize)
  elif Choice in ("e", "E"):
    PlayerName = GetPlayersName()
  elif Choice in ("c", "C"):
    BoardSize = ChangeBoardSize()



        static char GetMenuChoice(string PlayerName)
            char Choice;
            Console.Write(PlayerName + " enter the letter of your chosen option: ");
            Choice = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine().ToLower());
            return Choice;

Skipping a turn

[edit | edit source]


def PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize):
  Board = CreateBoard()
  SetUpGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
  HumanPlayersTurn = False
  while not GameOver(Board, BoardSize):
    HumanPlayersTurn = not HumanPlayersTurn
    MoveIsValid = False
    while not MoveIsValid:
      if HumanPlayersTurn:
          Skip = str(input("Would you like to skip the game? N for no, Y for yes, Q to quit."))
          if Skip == "N":
            Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName)
            MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn)
            DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
            HumanPlayersTurn = False
          elif Skip == "Y":
            HumanPlayersTurn = False
          elif Skip == "Q":
            Choice = GetMenuChoice(PlayerName)
        Move = GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize)
        MoveIsValid = CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move)
    if not HumanPlayersTurn:
      print("Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move")
    MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn)
    DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
  DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
  HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "H")
  ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "C")
  if HumanPlayerScore > ComputerPlayerScore:
    print("Well done", PlayerName, ", you have won the game!")
  elif HumanPlayerScore == ComputerPlayerScore:
    print("That was a draw!")
    print("The computer has won the game!")

Only letting a player place a piece if it captures the opponent's piece

[edit | edit source]

In the original Reversi game you are only allowed to place a piece if it captures the opponent's piece.

Python :


def CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn):
  Row = Move % 10
  Column = Move // 10
  MoveIsValid = False
  if Board[Row][Column] == " ":
    if HumanPlayersTurn == True:
      Board[Row][Column] = "H"
      Board[Row][Column] = "C"
    if ((CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column,  1, 0) == True) or
        (CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column,  -1, 0) == True) or
        (CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column,  0, 1) == True) or
        (CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column,  0, -1) == True) or
        (CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column,  1, 1) == True) or
        (CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column,  -1, 1) == True) or
        (CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column,  -1, -1) == True) or
        (CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column,  1, -1) == True)):
      MoveIsValid = True
      MoveIsValid = False
      Board[Row][Column] = " "
  return MoveIsValid

#You must also make it so that when you call upon the CheckIfMoveIsValid function in PlayGame you 
#add the HumanPlayersTurn parameter

Saving and Loading (Board layout and whose turn)

[edit | edit source]

I haven't made it load yet, but it does save in a text file called test. If anyone has other ideas on how to do this I'll code other possible solutions. This current one, saves the board every turn and whose turn, true means its human turn, false computer.
Vb.Net - Using last year's as an example this is what I came up with, I could definitely be improved but is a starting point.

To save the game i put in a If statement when the human move was fetched so when the input move = 6666 the save sub was run

To make the Load game sub work, I put another case statement into the menu that set a variable Gameload = true and ran the play sub passing it through. Then in the play sub an if statement that when true runs the load game sub, while also making sure to stopped the SetupGameBoard sub overwriting the save.


  Saving The Game: 

Sub Savegame(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal HumanPlayersTurn As Boolean, ByVal Boardsize As Integer)

       'Passed into the sub all values that need to be saved. Current board, whose turn it is and the board size.
       'To access a .txt file you need to import System.Io
       'Declare a variable as a tool to write with
       Dim SaveFileWriter As StreamWriter
       Dim TurnFileWriter As StreamWriter
       'Declare where the text file is, I have two files one for Turn and board size. One for the actual board layout
       Dim BoardSave As String = "c:\users\at\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Exam code\Save.txt"
       Dim TurnSizeSave As String = "C:\Users\at\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Exam code/TurnSizeSave.txt"
       'This variable converts the whose move boolean into a character string you can store
       Dim whosemove As String
       'This declares whos turn it is in string form
       If HumanPlayersTurn = True Then
           whosemove = "Human"
           whosemove = "Computer"
       End If
       'Recording all the boord positions cycles through all column/row combinations and written then one line per coordinate 
       SaveFileWriter = New StreamWriter(BoardSave, False)
       For Rowno = 1 To Boardsize
           For ColumnNo = 1 To Boardsize
               SaveFileWriter.WriteLine(Board(Rowno, ColumnNo))
       'This section records whos turn it was on the first line and board size on the second
       TurnFileWriter = New StreamWriter(TurnSizeSave, False)
       Console.WriteLine("The game has been saved")
   End Sub

Loading the game:

   Sub loadgame(ByRef BoardSize As Integer, ByRef HumanPlayersTurn As Boolean, ByRef Board(,) As Char)
       'Declare one reader for the save file and one for the turn/boardsize file
       Dim SaveFileReader As StreamReader
       Dim TurnFileReader As StreamReader
       Dim whosturn As String
       'The two locations of the save files
       Dim Save As String = "C:\Users\at\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Exam code\Save.txt"
       Dim TurnSize As String = "C:\Users\at\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Exam code\TurnSizeSave.txt"
       'Reads in the first line of the Turn/Board size save and converts it back to the boolean
       TurnFileReader = New StreamReader(TurnSize)
       whosturn = TurnFileReader.ReadLine()
       If whosturn = "Human" Then
           HumanPlayersTurn = False
       ElseIf whosturn = "Computer" Then
           HumanPlayersTurn = True
           Console.WriteLine("Error loading turn")
           HumanPlayersTurn = True
       End If
       'Fetchs boardsize 
       BoardSize = TurnFileReader.ReadLine()
       'Cycles though all the coordinates for the board size and loads what was saved in the Save.txt file
       SaveFileReader = New StreamReader(Save)
       For Row = 1 To BoardSize
           For Column = 1 To BoardSize
               Board(Row, Column) = SaveFileReader.ReadLine()
   End Sub

Adapting the program to load the save:

In Sub Main - Case "l"

           GameLoaded = True
           PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize, GameLoaded)

In Setup Board - Enclose all code with If Gameloaded = False Then ..... End If

In PlayGame -

If Gameloaded = True Then
           loadgame(BoardSize, HumanPlayersTurn, Board)
End If

Python (Method 1):


def DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize):
  print("  ", end="")
  for Column in range(1, BoardSize + 1):
    print(" ", end="")
    print(Column, end="")
  for Row in range(1, BoardSize + 1):
    print(Row, end="")
    print(" ", end="")
    for Column in range(1, BoardSize + 1):
      print("|", end="")
      print(Board[Row][Column], end="")
  return Board

def SaveGame(Board,HumanPlayersTurn):
  f = open("GameData.txt","w")
  for Row in range(1,BoardSize+1):
    for Column in range(1,BoardSize+1):
      f.write(str(Board[Row][Column]))  #Prints each square of the board next to each other - this will make it easier when loading the game.

def PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize):
  Board = CreateBoard()
  SetUpGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
  HumanPlayersTurn = False
  while not GameOver(Board, BoardSize):
    HumanPlayersTurn = not HumanPlayersTurn
    DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
    MoveIsValid = False
    while not MoveIsValid:
      if HumanPlayersTurn:
        Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName)
        Move = GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize)
      MoveIsValid = CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move)
    if not HumanPlayersTurn:
      print("Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move")
    MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn)

    SaveGame(Board,HumanPlayersTurn) # Saves the game after each move
  DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
  HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "H")
  ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "C")
  if HumanPlayerScore > ComputerPlayerScore:
    print("Well done", PlayerName, ", you have won the game!")
  elif HumanPlayerScore == ComputerPlayerScore:
    print("That was a draw!")
    print("The computer has won the game!")

Python (Method 2):

Another Way of Saving (Nested FOR Loops to separate data from board lines)


# SWood - Ossett Sixth

def SaveGame(Board,HumanPlayersTurn):  
  with open("MySave.txt", "w") as SaveFile:           # Open file securely
    for Row in range(1 , BoardSize + 1):              # For each Row do this...
      for Column in range(1, BoardSize + 1):          # For each Column in each Row...
        SaveFile.writelines(str(Board[Row][Column]))  # Write only the contents of each cell, no borders etc.
      SaveFile.writelines(" " + "\n")                 # Write new line after each Row.
    SaveFile.writelines(str(HumanPlayersTurn))        # Write PlayerTurn after the Board.

def LoadGame(Board):
  with open("MySave.txt", "r") as SavedFile:
    for Row in range(1 , BoardSize + 1):          # For each Row, readline of text file
      Line = SavedFile.readline()                 
      for Column in range(1 , BoardSize + 1):
        Board[Row][Column] = Line[Column - 1]     # For each Column in Row, put the data in that cell position.
    WhoseTurn = SavedFile.readline()              # Set this based on what is read in as text.
    if WhoseTurn == "True":
      HumanPlayersTurn = True
    elif WhoseTurn == "False":
      HumanPlayersTurn = False

    print("Human Turn:", HumanPlayersTurn)

  return Board, HumanPlayersTurn          # Return the variables to use.

#------------- ADD This bit to PlayGame...
def PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize):
  print("Do you want to play a SAVED Game?")
  myGame = str(input("Enter choice (y/n): ")).lower()
  if myGame == "n":
    Board = CreateBoard()             # original section of code, if choose not to load a game.
    SetUpGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
    HumanPlayersTurn = False
  elif myGame == "y":             
    Board = CreateBoard()
    Board, HumanPlayersTurn = LoadGame(Board)      # If loading a game, get the info from LoadGame() instead of SetUpBoard().
    #-------- Below here is normal ---------------

    SaveGame(Board, HumanPlayersTurn)              # Need to call SaveGame in PlayGame loop. Put it after MakeMove().




Two player mode

[edit | edit source]

Firstly I have added another choice on the main menu called (m)ultiplayer game, where user will enter 'm' to play against each other, this will straightly ask them to enter their names, I stored the first player's players name in the variable PlayerName and the second in another variable I made called PlayerTwoName. I then call the play game function passing on three parameters PlayerName, PlayerTwoName, BoardSize. Because I added another parameter that it takes I had to pass another parameter when the computer plays with human so I added none leaving the other two so like (PlayerName,None, BoardSize). In the PlayGame function just before the computer gets it's move, I made a check to see if it's two players against a computer or a human, this was simply done by that variable/parameter I have passed on, if Player2Name does not equal none, then we know it is another human player as we passed his/her name. Under that I did Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(Player2Name), this is calling the function GetHumanPlayerMove but passing a different parameter than the computer. Otherwise/else it is a computer so we keep the existing line Move = GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize) but under the if statement as else. I then just added some extra bits so instead of "Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move" I did a check to see if it is against human player and then added anther message saying press enter so 'player2name' will make their move, for example. Also a message saying player 2 won instead of computer won.


def DisplayMenu():
  print("(p)lay game - against computer")
  print("(m)ultiplayer game")
  print("(e)nter name - Single Player")
  print("(c)hange board size")

def PlayGame(PlayerName,Player2Name, BoardSize):
  Board = CreateBoard()
  SetUpGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
  HumanPlayersTurn = False
  while not GameOver(Board, BoardSize):
    HumanPlayersTurn = not HumanPlayersTurn
    DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
    MoveIsValid = False
    while not MoveIsValid:
      if HumanPlayersTurn:
        Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName)
        if Player2Name != None:
          Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(Player2Name)
          Move = GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize)
      MoveIsValid = CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move)
    if not HumanPlayersTurn:
      if Player2Name != None:
        print("Press the Enter key and the",Player2Name," will make their move")
        print("Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move")
    MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn)
  DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
  HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "H")
  ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "C")
  if HumanPlayerScore > ComputerPlayerScore:
    print("Well done", PlayerName, ", you have won the game!")
  elif HumanPlayerScore == ComputerPlayerScore:
    print("That was a draw!")
    if Player2Name != None:
      print("The computer has won the game!")
      print("Well done", PlayerTwoName, ", you have won the game!")

BoardSize = 6
PlayerName = ""
Choice = ""
while Choice.lower() != "q":
  Choice = GetMenuChoice(PlayerName)
  if Choice.lower() == "p":
    PlayGame(PlayerName,None, BoardSize)
  elif Choice.lower() == "e":
    PlayerName = GetPlayersName()
  elif Choice.lower() == "c":
    BoardSize = ChangeBoardSize()
  elif Choice.lower() == "m":
    PlayerName = input ("Player one's name: ")
    PlayerTwoName = input ("Player two's name: ")
    PlayGame(PlayerName, PlayerTwoName, BoardSize)



        static void Main(string[] args)
            char Choice;
            string PlayerName;
            int BoardSize;
            string PlayerTwoName; //add player 2 variable for name

            BoardSize = 6;
            PlayerName = "H";

                Choice = GetMenuChoice(PlayerName);
                switch (Choice)
                    case 'p':
                        PlayerName = GetPlayersName();
                        PlayGame(PlayerName, null, BoardSize); //add the parameter for player two but set to null as the computer will be taking the role
                    case 'e':
                        PlayerName = GetPlayersName();
                    case 'c':
                        BoardSize = ChangeBoardSize();
                    case 'm':
                        Console.WriteLine("Player one enter name:");
                        PlayerName = Console.ReadLine(); //store player one's name

                        Console.WriteLine("Player two enter name:");
                        PlayerTwoName = Console.ReadLine(); //store player two's name
                        PlayGame(PlayerName, PlayerTwoName, BoardSize); //call play game with player one and two

            } while (Choice != 'q');

        static void SetUpGameBoard(char[,] Board, int BoardSize, string PlayerName, string PlayerTwoName) //add player two name as parameter
            for (int Row = 1; Row <= BoardSize; Row++)
                for (int Column = 1; Column <= BoardSize; Column++)
                    if (Row == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 && Column == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 + 1 || Column == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 && Row == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 + 1)
                        if (PlayerTwoName != null) //if player two parameter is NOT empty
                            Board[Row, Column] = Convert.ToChar(PlayerTwoName.Substring(0, 1)); //use first letter of player one name
                            Board[Row, Column] = 'C'; //if player two name empty use default C
                    else if (Row == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 + 1 && Column == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 + 1 || Column == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 && Row == (BoardSize + 1) / 2)
                        Board[Row, Column] = Convert.ToChar(PlayerName.Substring(0, 1)); //gets first letter of playername
                        Board[Row, Column] = ' ';

        static void FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(char[,] Board, int BoardSize, int StartRow, int StartColumn, int RowDirection, int ColumnDirection, string PlayerName, string PlayerTwoName) //add player two parameter
            int RowCount;
            int ColumnCount;
            bool FlipFound;
            FlipFound = CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, StartRow, StartColumn, RowDirection, ColumnDirection);
            if (FlipFound)
                RowCount = StartRow + RowDirection;
                ColumnCount = StartColumn + ColumnDirection;
                while (Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] != ' ' && Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] != Board[StartRow, StartColumn])
                    if (Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] == Convert.ToChar(PlayerName.Substring(0, 1))) //change all instances of H to playername.substring and convert to char
                        if (PlayerTwoName != "") //if player two name is NOT empty use first letter as counter
                            Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] = Convert.ToChar(PlayerTwoName.Substring(0, 1));
                            Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] = 'C'; //use default C when player two name is empty
                        Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] = Convert.ToChar(PlayerName.Substring(0, 1)); //change all instances of H to playername.substring and convert to char
                    RowCount = RowCount + RowDirection;
                    ColumnCount = ColumnCount + ColumnDirection;

        static void MakeMove(char[,] Board, int BoardSize, int Move, bool HumanPlayersTurn, string PlayerName, string PlayerTwoName) //add parameter
            int Row;
            int Column;
            Row = Move % 10;
            Column = Move / 10;
            if (HumanPlayersTurn)
                Board[Row, Column] = Convert.ToChar(PlayerName.Substring(0, 1));
                if (PlayerTwoName != null) //if player two name is NOT null then allow move for player two
                    Board[Row, Column] = Convert.ToChar(PlayerTwoName.Substring(0, 1));
                    Board[Row, Column] = 'C';

            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, 0, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1), ""); //change all instances of H to playername.substring and convert to char
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, 0, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1), "");
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, 1, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1), "");
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, -1, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1), "");
            //flip diagonals
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, 1, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1), "");
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, 1, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1), "");
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, -1, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1), "");
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, -1, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1), "");

        static void PlayGame(string PlayerName, string PlayerTwoName, int BoardSize) //add player two parameter
            char[,] Board = new char[BoardSize + 1, BoardSize + 1];
            bool HumanPlayersTurn;
            int Move = 0;
            int HumanPlayerScore;
            int ComputerPlayerScore;
            bool MoveIsValid;

            SetUpGameBoard(Board, BoardSize, PlayerName, PlayerTwoName); //add player two 
            HumanPlayersTurn = false;

                HumanPlayersTurn = !HumanPlayersTurn;
                DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize);
                MoveIsValid = false;

                    if (HumanPlayersTurn)
                        Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName);
                    else if (PlayerTwoName != null)
                        Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerTwoName); //recall function but for player two
                        Move = GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize);

                    MoveIsValid = CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move, BoardSize);

                } while (!MoveIsValid);

                if (!HumanPlayersTurn)
                    if (PlayerTwoName != null) //allow player two to move

                        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move");

                MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn, PlayerName, PlayerTwoName); //call make move function with player two parameter added

            } while (!GameOver(Board, BoardSize));

            DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize);

            HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, Convert.ToChar(PlayerName.Substring(0, 1))); //convert playername.substring to char

            if (PlayerTwoName != null)
                ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, Convert.ToChar(PlayerTwoName.Substring(0, 1))); //computer score will now store player two's score (reusing preexisting code but searches for pieces with the initial from player two's name)

                ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, 'C');

            if (HumanPlayerScore > ComputerPlayerScore)
                if (PlayerTwoName != null) //calculates who won but checks for player two
                    Console.WriteLine("Well done, " + PlayerName + ", you have won the game!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Your Pieces: " + HumanPlayerScore); //show human score
                    Console.WriteLine(PlayerTwoName + " Pieces: " + ComputerPlayerScore); //show computer score
                    Console.WriteLine("Well done, " + PlayerName + ", you have won the game!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Your Pieces: " + HumanPlayerScore); //show human score
                    Console.WriteLine("Computer Pieces: " + ComputerPlayerScore); //show computer score
            else if (HumanPlayerScore == ComputerPlayerScore)
                Console.WriteLine("That was a draw!");
                if (PlayerTwoName != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Well done, " + PlayerTwoName + ", you have won the game!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Your Pieces: " + ComputerPlayerScore); //show human score
                    Console.WriteLine(PlayerName + " Pieces: " + HumanPlayerScore); //show computer score
                    Console.WriteLine("The computer has won the game!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Your Pieces: " + HumanPlayerScore); //show human score
                    Console.WriteLine("Computer Pieces: " + ComputerPlayerScore); //show computer score




'Skeleton Program code for the AQA COMP1 Summer 2016 examination <br />
'this code should be used in conjunction with the Preliminary Material <br />
'written by the AQA COMP1 Programmer Team <br />
'developed in the Visual Studio 2008 programming environment

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim Choice As Char
        Dim PlayerName As String
        Dim player2name As String
        Dim BoardSize As Integer

        BoardSize = 4
        PlayerName = ""
        player2name = ""

            Choice = GetMenuChoice(PlayerName)
            Select Case Choice
                Case "p"
                    PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize, player2name)
                Case "e"
                    PlayerName = GetPlayersName()
                Case "c"
                    BoardSize = ChangeBoardSize()
                Case "m"
                    PlayerName = GetPlayersName()
                    player2Name = GetPlayer2Name()
                    PlayMultiGame(PlayerName, BoardSize, player2name)
            End Select
        Loop Until Choice = "q"
    End Sub

    Sub SetUpGameBoard(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer, ByVal playername As String)
        Dim Row As Integer
        Dim Column As Integer
        For Row = 1 To BoardSize
            For Column = 1 To BoardSize
                If playername = "" Then

                    If Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 And Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 Or Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 And Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 Then
                        Board(Row, Column) = "C"
                    ElseIf Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 And Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 Or Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 And Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 Then
                        Board(Row, Column) = "H"
                        Board(Row, Column) = " "
                    End If
                    If Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 And Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 Or Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 And Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 Then
                        Board(Row, Column) = "C"
                    ElseIf Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 And Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 Or Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 And Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 Then
                        Board(Row, Column) = GetPlayersInitials(playername)
                        Board(Row, Column) = " "
                    End If
                End If
    End Sub

    Function ChangeBoardSize() As Integer
        Dim BoardSize As Integer
            Console.Write("Enter a board size (between 4 and 9): ")
            BoardSize = Console.ReadLine
        Loop Until BoardSize >= 4 And BoardSize <= 9
        Return BoardSize
    End Function

    Function GetHumanPlayerMove(ByVal PlayerName As String) As Integer
        Dim Coordinates As Integer
        Dim choice As String

        Console.WriteLine(PlayerName & " enter the coordinates of the square where you want to place your piece: ")
        Console.WriteLine(" Or Enter q to quit")
        choice = Console.ReadLine

            Select Case choice
                Case "q"
            End Select

        Loop Until IsNumeric(choice)
        Coordinates = choice
        Return Coordinates
    End Function

    Function GetHumanPlayer2Move(ByVal Player2Name As String) As Integer
        Dim Coordinates As Integer
        Dim choice As String

        Console.WriteLine(Player2Name & " enter the coordinates of the square where you want to place your piece: ")
        Console.WriteLine(" Or Enter q to quit")
        choice = Console.ReadLine

            Select Case choice
                Case "q"
            End Select

        Loop Until IsNumeric(choice)
        Coordinates = choice
        Return Coordinates
    End Function

    Function GetComputerPlayerMove(ByVal BoardSize As Integer) As Integer
        Return (Int(Rnd() * BoardSize) + 1) * 10 + Int(Rnd() * BoardSize) + 1
    End Function

    Function GameOver(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer) As Boolean
        Dim Row As Integer
        Dim Column As Integer
        For Row = 1 To BoardSize
            For Column = 1 To BoardSize
                If Board(Row, Column) = " " Then
                    Return False
                End If
        Return True
    End Function

    Function GetPlayersName() As String
        Dim PlayerName As String
        Console.Write("What is your name Player1? ")
        PlayerName = Console.ReadLine
        Return PlayerName
    End Function

    Function GetPlayersInitials(ByVal playername As String)
        Dim initial As String
        initial = playername(0)
        Return initial
    End Function

    Function GetPlayer2Name() As String
        Dim Player2Name As String
        Console.Write("What is your name player2? ")
        Player2Name = Console.ReadLine
        Return Player2Name
    End Function

    Function GetPlayer2Initials(ByVal player2name As String)
        Dim initial2 As String
        initial2 = player2name(0)
        Return initial2
    End Function

    Function CheckIfMoveIsValid(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal Move As Integer) As Boolean
        Dim Row As Integer
        Dim Column As Integer
        Dim MoveIsValid As Boolean
        Row = Move Mod 10
        Column = Move \ 10
        MoveIsValid = False
        If Board(Row, Column) = " " Then
            MoveIsValid = True
        End If
        Return MoveIsValid
    End Function

    Function GetPlayerScore(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer, ByVal Piece As Char) As Integer
        Dim Score As Integer
        Dim Row As Integer
        Dim Column As Integer
        Score = 0
        For Row = 1 To BoardSize
            For Column = 1 To BoardSize
                If Board(Row, Column) = Piece Then
                    Score = Score + 1
                End If
        Return Score
    End Function

    Function CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer, ByVal StartRow As Integer, ByVal StartColumn As Integer, ByVal RowDirection As Integer, ByVal ColumnDirection As Integer) As Boolean
        Dim RowCount As Integer
        Dim ColumnCount As Integer
        Dim FlipStillPossible As Boolean
        Dim FlipFound As Boolean
        Dim OpponentPieceFound As Boolean
        RowCount = StartRow + RowDirection
        ColumnCount = StartColumn + ColumnDirection
        FlipStillPossible = True
        FlipFound = False
        OpponentPieceFound = False
        While RowCount <= BoardSize And RowCount >= 1 And ColumnCount >= 1 And ColumnCount <= BoardSize And FlipStillPossible And Not FlipFound
            If Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = " " Then
                FlipStillPossible = False
            ElseIf Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) <> Board(StartRow, StartColumn) Then
                OpponentPieceFound = True
            ElseIf Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = Board(StartRow, StartColumn) And Not OpponentPieceFound Then
                FlipStillPossible = False
                FlipFound = True
            End If
            RowCount = RowCount + RowDirection
            ColumnCount = ColumnCount + ColumnDirection
        End While
        Return FlipFound
    End Function

    Sub FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer, ByVal StartRow As Integer, ByVal StartColumn As Integer, ByVal RowDirection As Integer, ByVal ColumnDirection As Integer, ByVal playername As String, ByVal player2name As String)
        Dim RowCount As Integer
        Dim ColumnCount As Integer
        Dim FlipFound As Boolean
        If playername = "" Then
            FlipFound = CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, StartRow, StartColumn, RowDirection, ColumnDirection)
            If FlipFound Then
                RowCount = StartRow + RowDirection
                ColumnCount = StartColumn + ColumnDirection
                While Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) <> " " And Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) <> Board(StartRow, StartColumn)
                    If Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = "H" Then
                        Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = "C"
                        Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = "H"
                    End If
                    RowCount = RowCount + RowDirection
                    ColumnCount = ColumnCount + ColumnDirection
                End While
            End If
        ElseIf player2name <> "" Then
            FlipFound = CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, StartRow, StartColumn, RowDirection, ColumnDirection)
            If FlipFound Then
                RowCount = StartRow + RowDirection
                ColumnCount = StartColumn + ColumnDirection
                While Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) <> " " And Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) <> Board(StartRow, StartColumn)
                    If Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = GetPlayersInitials(playername) Then
                        Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = GetPlayer2Initials(player2name)
                        Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = GetPlayersInitials(playername)
                    End If
                    RowCount = RowCount + RowDirection
                    ColumnCount = ColumnCount + ColumnDirection
                End While
            End If
        ElseIf playername <> "" Then
            FlipFound = CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, StartRow, StartColumn, RowDirection, ColumnDirection)
            If FlipFound Then
                RowCount = StartRow + RowDirection
                ColumnCount = StartColumn + ColumnDirection
                While Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) <> " " And Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) <> Board(StartRow, StartColumn)
                    If Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = GetPlayersInitials(playername) Then
                        Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = "C"
                        Board(RowCount, ColumnCount) = GetPlayersInitials(playername)
                    End If
                    RowCount = RowCount + RowDirection
                    ColumnCount = ColumnCount + ColumnDirection
                End While
            End If

        End If

    End Sub

    Sub MakeMove(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer, ByVal Move As Integer, ByVal HumanPlayersTurn As Boolean, ByVal playername As String, ByVal player2name As String)
        Dim Row As Integer
        Dim Column As Integer
        Row = Move Mod 10
        Column = Move \ 10
        If playername = "" Then
            If HumanPlayersTurn Then
                Board(Row, Column) = "H"
                Board(Row, Column) = "C"
            End If
        ElseIf player2name <> "" Then
            If HumanPlayersTurn Then
                Board(Row, Column) = GetPlayersInitials(playername)
                Board(Row, Column) = GetPlayer2Initials(player2name)
            End If
            If HumanPlayersTurn Then
                Board(Row, Column) = GetPlayersInitials(playername)
                Board(Row, Column) = "C"
            End If
        End If

        FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, 0, playername, player2name)
        FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, 0, playername, player2name)
        FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, 1, playername, player2name)
        FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, -1, playername, player2name)
    End Sub

    Sub PrintLine(ByVal BoardSize As Integer)
        Dim Count As Integer
        Console.Write("   ")
        For Count = 1 To BoardSize * 2 - 1
    End Sub

    Sub DisplayGameBoard(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer)
        Dim Row As Integer
        Dim Column As Integer
        Console.Write("  ")
        For Column = 1 To BoardSize
            Console.Write(" ")
        For Row = 1 To BoardSize
            Console.Write(" ")
            For Column = 1 To BoardSize
                Console.Write(Board(Row, Column))
    End Sub

    Sub DisplayMenu()
        Console.WriteLine("(p)lay game")
        Console.WriteLine("(e)nter name")
        Console.WriteLine("(c)hange board size")
    End Sub

    Function GetMenuChoice(ByVal PlayerName As String) As Char
        Dim Choice As Char
        Console.Write(PlayerName & " enter the letter of your chosen option: ")
        Choice = Console.ReadLine
        Return Choice
    End Function

    Sub PlayGame(ByVal PlayerName As String, ByVal BoardSize As Integer, ByVal player2name As String)
        Dim Board(BoardSize, BoardSize) As Char
        Dim HumanPlayersTurn As Boolean
        Dim Move As Integer
        Dim HumanPlayerScore As Integer
        Dim ComputerPlayerScore As Integer
        Dim MoveIsValid As Boolean
        SetUpGameBoard(Board, BoardSize, PlayerName)
        HumanPlayersTurn = False
            HumanPlayersTurn = Not HumanPlayersTurn
            DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
            MoveIsValid = False
                If HumanPlayersTurn Then
                    Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName)
                    Move = GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize)
                End If
                MoveIsValid = CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move)
            Loop Until MoveIsValid
            If Not HumanPlayersTurn Then
                Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move")
            End If
            MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn, PlayerName, player2name)
        Loop Until GameOver(Board, BoardSize)
        DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
        If PlayerName = "" Then
            HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "H")
            HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, GetPlayersInitials(PlayerName))
        End If
        ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "C")
        If HumanPlayerScore > ComputerPlayerScore Then
            Console.WriteLine("Well done, " & PlayerName & ", you have won the game!")
        ElseIf HumanPlayerScore = ComputerPlayerScore Then
            Console.WriteLine("That was a draw!")
            Console.WriteLine("The computer has won the game!")
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub PlayMultiGame(ByVal PlayerName As String, ByVal BoardSize As Integer, ByVal player2name As String)
        Dim Board(BoardSize, BoardSize) As Char
        Dim HumanPlayersTurn As Boolean
        Dim Move As Integer
        Dim Player1Score As Integer
        Dim Player2Score As Integer
        Dim MoveIsValid As Boolean
        SetUpMultiGameBoard(Board, BoardSize, PlayerName, player2name)
        HumanPlayersTurn = False
            HumanPlayersTurn = Not HumanPlayersTurn
            DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
            MoveIsValid = False
                If HumanPlayersTurn Then
                    Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName)
                    Move = GetHumanPlayer2Move(player2name)
                End If
                MoveIsValid = CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move)
            Loop Until MoveIsValid
            MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn, PlayerName, player2name)
        Loop Until GameOver(Board, BoardSize)
        DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
        Player1Score = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, GetPlayersInitials(PlayerName))
        Player2Score = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, GetPlayer2Initials(PlayerName))
        If Player1Score > Player2Score Then
            Console.WriteLine("Well done, " & PlayerName & ", you have won the game!")
        ElseIf Player1Score = Player2Score Then
            Console.WriteLine("That was a draw!")
            Console.WriteLine("Well done, " & player2name & ", you have won the game!")
        End If
    End Sub

    Sub SetUpMultiGameBoard(ByVal Board(,) As Char, ByVal BoardSize As Integer, ByVal playername As String, ByVal player2name As String)
        Dim Row As Integer
        Dim Column As Integer
        For Row = 1 To BoardSize
            For Column = 1 To BoardSize
                If Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 And Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 Or Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 And Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 Then
                    Board(Row, Column) = GetPlayer2Initials(player2name)
                ElseIf Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 And Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 + 1 Or Column = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 And Row = (BoardSize + 1) \ 2 Then
                    Board(Row, Column) = GetPlayersInitials(playername)
                    Board(Row, Column) = " "
                End If
    End Sub
End Module

Ability to change player's initials from H and C

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def SetUpGameBoard(Board, Boardsize, PlayerInitials, ComputerInitials):
  for Row in range(1, BoardSize + 1):
    for Column in range(1, BoardSize + 1):
      if (Row == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 and Column == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 + 1) or (Column == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 and Row == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 + 1):
        Board[Row][Column] = ComputerInitials # Changes the initial "C" piece into ComputerInitial variable value
      elif (Row == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 + 1 and Column == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 + 1) or (Column == (BoardSize + 1) // 2 and Row == (BoardSize + 1) // 2):
        Board[Row][Column] = PlayerInitials # Changes the initial "H" peice into PlayerInitial variable value
        Board[Row][Column] = " "

def ChangeInitials(PlayerName):
  print("Enter the initials for", PlayerName, "'s peice") 
  PlayerInitials = input()
  PlayerInitials = PlayerInitials.upper() # converts player's initials into upper case
  print("Enter the initials for the computer's peice")
  ComputerInitials = input()
  ComputerInitials = ComputerInitials.upper() # converts computer's initials into upper case
  return ComputerInitials, PlayerInitials
def DisplayMenu():
  print("(p)lay game")
  print("(e)nter name")
  print("(c)hange board size")
  print("(i)nitials change")# adds initial change option to menu

def PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize, PlayerInitials, ComputerInitials):#
  Board = CreateBoard()
  SetUpGameBoard(Board, BoardSize, PlayerInitials, ComputerInitials)#
  HumanPlayersTurn = False
  while not GameOver(Board, BoardSize):
    HumanPlayersTurn = not HumanPlayersTurn
    DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
    MoveIsValid = False
    while not MoveIsValid:
      if HumanPlayersTurn:
        Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName)
        Move = GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize)
      MoveIsValid = CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move)
    if not HumanPlayersTurn:
      print("Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move")
    MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn)
  DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize)
  HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "H")
  ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "C")
  if HumanPlayerScore > ComputerPlayerScore:
    print("Well done", PlayerName, ", you have won the game!")
  elif HumanPlayerScore == ComputerPlayerScore:
    print("That was a draw!")
    print("The computer has won the game!")

BoardSize = 6
PlayerName = ""
Choice = ""
PlayerInitials = "H"# Sets the default Player initial to H
ComputerInitials = "C"# Sets the default Computer initial to C

while Choice != "q":
  Choice = GetMenuChoice(PlayerName)
  if Choice == "p":
    PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize, PlayerInitials, ComputerInitials)#
  elif Choice == "e":
    PlayerName = GetPlayersName()
  elif Choice == "c":
    BoardSize = ChangeBoardSize()
  elif Choice == "i": # 
    ComputerInitials, PlayerInitials = ChangeInitials(PlayerName)


The solution here changes the default H to the first letter of the player's name when entered through the menu.


        static void SetUpGameBoard(char[,] Board, int BoardSize, string PlayerName)
            for (int Row = 1; Row <= BoardSize; Row++)
                for (int Column = 1; Column <= BoardSize; Column++)
                    if (Row == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 && Column == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 + 1 || Column == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 && Row == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 + 1)
                        Board[Row, Column] = 'C';
                    else if (Row == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 + 1 && Column == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 + 1 || Column == (BoardSize + 1) / 2 && Row == (BoardSize + 1) / 2)
                        Board[Row, Column] = Convert.ToChar(PlayerName.Substring(0,1)); //gets first letter of playername
                        Board[Row, Column] = ' ';

        static void FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(char[,] Board, int BoardSize, int StartRow, int StartColumn, int RowDirection, int ColumnDirection, string PlayerName)
            int RowCount;
            int ColumnCount;
            bool FlipFound;
            FlipFound = CheckIfThereArePiecesToFlip(Board, BoardSize, StartRow, StartColumn, RowDirection, ColumnDirection);
            if (FlipFound)
                RowCount = StartRow + RowDirection;
                ColumnCount = StartColumn + ColumnDirection;
                while (Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] != ' ' && Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] != Board[StartRow, StartColumn])
                    if (Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] == Convert.ToChar(PlayerName.Substring(0, 1))) //change all instances of H to playername.substring and convert to char
                        Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] = 'C';
                        Board[RowCount, ColumnCount] = Convert.ToChar(PlayerName.Substring(0, 1)); //change all instances of H to playername.substring and convert to char
                    RowCount = RowCount + RowDirection;
                    ColumnCount = ColumnCount + ColumnDirection;
        static void MakeMove(char[,] Board, int BoardSize, int Move, bool HumanPlayersTurn, string PlayerName) //add parameter
            int Row;
            int Column;
            Row = Move % 10;
            Column = Move / 10;
            if (HumanPlayersTurn)
                Board[Row, Column] = Convert.ToChar(PlayerName.Substring(0, 1));
                Board[Row, Column] = 'C';
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, 0, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1)); //change all instances of H to playername.substring and convert to char
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, 0, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1));
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, 1, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1));
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, -1, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1));
            //flip diagonals
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, 1, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1));
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, 1, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1));
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, -1, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1));
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, -1, PlayerName.Substring(0, 1));

        static void PlayGame(string PlayerName, int BoardSize)
            char[,] Board = new char[BoardSize + 1, BoardSize + 1];
            bool HumanPlayersTurn;
            int Move = 0;
            int HumanPlayerScore;
            int ComputerPlayerScore;
            bool MoveIsValid;

            SetUpGameBoard(Board, BoardSize, PlayerName);
            HumanPlayersTurn = false;

                HumanPlayersTurn = !HumanPlayersTurn;
                DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize);
                MoveIsValid = false;

                    if (HumanPlayersTurn)
                        Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName);
                        Move = GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize);

                    MoveIsValid = CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move, BoardSize);

                } while (!MoveIsValid);

                if (!HumanPlayersTurn)
                    Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move");

                MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn, PlayerName);

            } while (!GameOver(Board, BoardSize));

            DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize);
            HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, Convert.ToChar(PlayerName.Substring(0, 1))); //convert playername.substring to char
            ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, 'C');

            if (HumanPlayerScore > ComputerPlayerScore)
                Console.WriteLine("Well done, " + PlayerName + ", you have won the game!");
            else if (HumanPlayerScore == ComputerPlayerScore)
                Console.WriteLine("That was a draw!");
                Console.WriteLine("The computer has won the game!");

Entering your name before the menu appears

[edit | edit source]



BoardSize = 6
PlayerName = ""
Choice = ""
while Choice != "q":
  Choice = GetMenuChoice(PlayerName)
  if Choice == "p":    
    PlayerName = GetPlayersName() #Runs the GetPlayerName function before the PlayGame function
    PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize)
  elif Choice == "e":
    PlayerName = GetPlayersName()
  elif Choice == "c":
    BoardSize = ChangeBoardSize()



 static void Main(string[] args)
            char Choice;
            string PlayerName;
            int BoardSize;

            BoardSize = 6;
            PlayerName = "H";

                Choice = GetMenuChoice(PlayerName);
                switch (Choice)
                    case 'p':
                        PlayerName = GetPlayersName();
                        PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize);
                    case 'e':
                        PlayerName = GetPlayersName();
                    case 'c':
                        BoardSize = ChangeBoardSize();
            } while (Choice != 'q');

Flip Diagonally

[edit | edit source]



def MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn):
  Row = Move % 10
  Column = Move // 10
  if HumanPlayersTurn:
    Board[Row][Column] = "H"
    Board[Row][Column] = "C"
  FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, 0, playerInitial)
  FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, 0, playerInitial)
  FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, 1, playerInitial)
  FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, -1, playerInitial)
  #------------------------------------------------------ Flip Diagonally
  FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, 1, playerInitial)
  FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, 1, playerInitial)
  FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, -1, playerInitial)
  FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, -1, playerInitial)

#OR do all 8 directions Using a nested loop:

def MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn):
  Row = Move % 10
  Column = Move // 10
  if HumanPlayersTurn:
    Board[Row][Column] = "H"
    Board[Row][Column] = "C"
  for r in range(-1,2):
    for c in range(-1,2):
      if not (r == 0 and c == 0):
        FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, r, c)



        static void MakeMove(char[,] Board, int BoardSize, int Move, bool HumanPlayersTurn)
            int Row;
            int Column;
            Row = Move % 10;
            Column = Move / 10;
            if (HumanPlayersTurn)
                Board[Row, Column] = 'H';
                Board[Row, Column] = 'C';
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, 0);
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, 0);
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, 1);
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 0, -1);
            //flip diagonals
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, 1);
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, 1);
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, 1, -1);
            FlipOpponentPiecesInOneDirection(Board, BoardSize, Row, Column, -1, -1);

Showing the User's score after a Game is finished.

[edit | edit source]

I have quite simply added ONE line of code in to the original section which calculated when the game was over.
It now just tells you your score against how many spaces were on the board originally.



def PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize):

  ##------- Original code is still here. ------------

  #------------------------------ Amended section ----------------------------------
  HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "H")
  ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, "C")
  if HumanPlayerScore > ComputerPlayerScore:
    print("Well done", PlayerName, ", you have won the game!")
    #--------------------------------- Prints the players score total below, when the game has ended.
    print("You captured", HumanPlayerScore, "Pieces. Out of", BoardSize * BoardSize)
  elif HumanPlayerScore == ComputerPlayerScore:
    print("That was a draw!")
    print("The computer has won the game!")



        static void PlayGame(string PlayerName, int BoardSize)
            char[,] Board = new char[BoardSize + 1, BoardSize + 1];
            bool HumanPlayersTurn;
            int Move = 0;
            int HumanPlayerScore;
            int ComputerPlayerScore;
            bool MoveIsValid;

            SetUpGameBoard(Board, BoardSize, PlayerName);
            HumanPlayersTurn = false;

                HumanPlayersTurn = !HumanPlayersTurn;
                DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize);
                MoveIsValid = false;

                    if (HumanPlayersTurn)
                        Move = GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName);
                        Move = GetComputerPlayerMove(BoardSize);

                    MoveIsValid = CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move, BoardSize);

                } while (!MoveIsValid);

                if (!HumanPlayersTurn)
                    Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key and the computer will make its move");

                MakeMove(Board, BoardSize, Move, HumanPlayersTurn, PlayerName);

            } while (!GameOver(Board, BoardSize));

            DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize);

            HumanPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, Convert.ToChar(PlayerName.Substring(0, 1))); //convert playername.substring to char
            ComputerPlayerScore = GetPlayerScore(Board, BoardSize, 'C');

            if (HumanPlayerScore > ComputerPlayerScore)
                Console.WriteLine("Well done, " + PlayerName + ", you have won the game!");
                Console.WriteLine("Your Pieces: " + HumanPlayerScore); //show human score
                Console.WriteLine("Computer Pieces: " + ComputerPlayerScore); //show computer score
            else if (HumanPlayerScore == ComputerPlayerScore)
                Console.WriteLine("That was a draw!");
                Console.WriteLine("The computer has won the game!");
                Console.WriteLine("Your Pieces: " + HumanPlayerScore); //show human score
                Console.WriteLine("Computer Pieces: " + ComputerPlayerScore); //show computer score

Section A Questions:

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Section A usually doesn't relate to the skeleton program. The type of question that will be asked is:Correct any mistakes I make here, please.


  • Representing denary values to binary, e.g. in last year's paper it was represent 55 using 8 bit unsigned binary.r

The way to go about this is, you will firstly know that 8 bits means there will be 8 numbers. The answer will be: 00110111 Learn how to convert from binary to denary and vice versa

  • Two's compliment, this is basically a negative binary value, the 1 at the end (to your left) will usually tell you if it is negative, this is when it says it is signed.

Look at Two's compliment

  • DON'T FORGET denary numbers which have a decimal e.g. 5.625. This is simply 1/2^n, where n is the next column to your right, so it goes 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625. It halves each time.
  • You will need to know the range of denary numbers that can be represented by a certain bit value. This is easily worked out, if it is positive 2^n, where n is the amount of bits, meaning if I was using 8 bits, I could represent 2^8 values which is 256 bits.

Don't forget to know the range of the negative bits too

  • Look at Hexadecimal that is 0-9 A-F, usually represented in 4 bits.
  • Understand why, for example hexadecimal is used instead of binary. This can be so it is faster to write, easier to read, takes less space to display on the screen...
  • The amount of characters 7-bit ASCII and 8-Bit ASCII can represent. 7 bit can do 128 character and 8 bit is 256 characters same as doing 2^n.
  • You need to know what an algorithm is, my definition is a set of instructions to solve a given problem independent of any programming language
  • Know your what parity bits are, odd and even parity. It is validation usually used in communication to check if the message has been received without any errors.
  • Know Hamming code - Hamming code uses multiple parity bits and understand how it works.
  • Find errors given parity bits or hamming code, so by looking at if the value is odd or even depending on type of parity/hamming code.
  • Know how to follow/read and understand an algorithm.
  • FSM - finite state machines, read,follow and understand them.
  • Transition tables
  • Bit Maps, Vector graphics, resolutions, colour depth...

Advantages and disadvantages so mostly talk about the quality of image, the size the file is...

  • Know what floor division is //, know what '%' is know what mod does, mod finds the remainder from dividing one number with another. 12 mod 10 (12% 10 in Python) would be 2.
  • Structured Charts!


Section C - Potential Questions:

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State a User Defined Subroutine with only one parameter: 1)GetHumanPlayerMove 2)GetComputerPlayerMove 3)PrintLine 4)GetMenuChoice

'''State a User-defined subroutine whose only action is to produce output to the screen:''' 1)DisplayGameBoard 2)PrintLine 3)DisplayMenu

State a Local variable: 1)BoardSize 2)PlayerName 3)Choice

State a Global variable: 1)BoardSize 2)PlayerName 3)Choice

Variable that has a stepper role: 1)Row 2)Column

Variable that has a Gatherer role: 1) Score

Array variable: 1)Board

Describe the circumstances under which this structure in the Skeleton Program will stop repeating: When the int value of the Global Variable of BoardSize has been reached, or when the game has been won by a player.

Why has a For loop been chosen for the repetition structure : The program is fed the specified number of times it has to repeat ( e.g. BoardSize parameters ), therefore a for loop has been used as it allows the user/player to pick a specific range, and execute it the specified amount of times.

#State two reasons why subroutines should, ideally, not use global variables : 1)Easier re-use of routines in other programs; 2)Routine can be included in a library; 3)Helps to make the program code more understandable; 4)Ensures that the routine is self-contained // routine is independent of the rest of the program; 5)(Global variables use memory while a program is running) but local variables use memory for only part of the time a program is running; 6)reduces the possibility of undesirable side effects; 7) Using global variables makes a program harder to debug;

Name a variable used to store whole numbers : 1)Coordinates 2)BoardSize

State a User-defined subroutine that has exactly two parameters : (Arguments are values assigned to the parameter that is passed through) (Paramters are the names passed through the function or subroutine) 1)SetUpGameBoard(Board, Boardsize) 2)GameOver(Board, BoardSize) 3)CheckIfMoveIsValid(Board, Move): 4)DisplayGameBoard(Board, BoardSize) 5)PlayGame(PlayerName, BoardSize)

What does random.seed() do? 1) Makes it more random

Why has MOD 10 been used? 1) To get the second digit of a two digit number

State a Built-in function with exactly one parameter that returns an integer value: 1)GetHumanPlayerMove(PlayerName) ====> (gets the integer value of coordinates)

Explain what is meant by a boundary value 1)Boundary values are those just inside, on and just outside the range of allowed values

Built-in function that converts a string into a different data type : 1)int

Variable Types



A variable that is given a value that then does not change for a duration of a loop
BoardSize Is set to 6 towards the end of the code, but it could be most recent holder because it can be changed once the program has started
Stepper A variable used to move through an array or other data structure, often heading towards a fixed value and stepping through elements in an array
Row Is used to iterate through the board to give a total amount of rows
Column Is used to iterate through the board to give a total amount of columns
Count It iterates through the board adding the correct number of elements to create sufficient spaces
Count2 Will again iterate through the board which will adding "" to represent a blank space
Most Recent Holder A variable used to record the last thing inserted by a user or a the latest value being read from an array
Playername Will use the latest name entered throughout the program
Choice Will take the latest value inputted and compare against the available options and enter that menu.
Move It is assigned a value and it is used later in the program.
Gatherer A variable that accumulates or tallies up set of data and inputs. It is very useful for calculating totals or totals that will be used to calculate averages.
Score Tallies up total number of pieces of human/computer which gives the total score
Most Wanted Holder A variable that keeps track of the lowest or highest value in a set of inputs
Not Sure Please add if you think there is
Follower Used to keep check of a previous value of a variable, so that a new value can be compared
Not Sure There is None
Temporary A variable used for storing something for a very short period of time
Coordinates The program will only hold the coordinates for one turn, before holding the computer's and back around to the human's coordinates again
Transformation Used to store the result of a calculation involving more than one variable
RowCount stores result of adding the variables StartRow and RowDirection
ColumnCount stores result of adding the variables StartColumn and ColumnDirection