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User:Rdhill734455/sbox, test

About This Guide

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This is the Eric 6 User's Guide. Its goal is help users learn about Eric 6, an integrated development environment (IDE) for Python. It contains detailed information about Eric’s main features, tools and benefits and demonstrates them through some typical use-cases.

The guide will probably be most useful to those with some Python experience who are new, occasional or basic users of Eric. Although it may turn into it, the guide is not currently intended to be comprehensive documentation of Eric’s every feature; rather, it focuses on the most popular, useful and powerful ones. It supplements the information available in the Technical Report prepared by Pietro Moras.

The Eric 6 User’s Guide is under development. It is being built by a group of grateful Eric users. You can help by joining in. There are several ways to do that.

You can join WikiBooks as a writer/editor and contribute your own content.


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  1. Getting Started
    • Installation
    • Upgrading
    • Quick Start
    • UI Tour
  2. Eric as a Quick-And-Dirty Editor/Debugger
  3. GUI Development
  4. Settings
  5. Tools

Main Page Development stage: 10% (as of June 10, 2020)

WikiBooks Help:Contents

Eric 6 User's Guide/Eric As a Quick-And-Dirty Python Editor


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You want to import some data into a database. To do so, you need to manipulate some of the text for consistency, turning text like this:

Province/State,Country/Region,Last Update,Confirmed,Deaths,Recovered
Anhui,Mainland China,1/22/2020 17:00,1,,
Beijing,Mainland China,1/22/2020 17:00,14,,

and this:

Province/State,Country/Region,Last Update,Confirmed,Deaths,Recovered,Latitude,Longitude
Hubei,Mainland China,2020-03-03T11:43:02,67217,2835,36208,30.9756,112.2707
,South Korea,2020-03-03T09:43:02,5186,28,30,36.0000,128.0000
Guangdong,Mainland China,2020-03-03T10:23:10,1350,7,1101,23.3417,113.4244

and this:

45001,Abbeville,South Carolina,US,2020-04-10 22:54:07,34.22333378,-82.46170658,7,0,0,0,"Abbeville, South Carolina, US"
22001,Acadia,Louisiana,US,2020-04-10 22:54:07,30.295064899999996,-92.41419698,94,4,0,0,"Acadia, Louisiana, US"
51001,Accomack,Virginia,US,2020-04-10 22:54:07,37.76707161,-75.63234615,12,0,0,0,"Accomack, Virginia, US"

into this:

"2020-05-18",35,0,0,"Abbeville, South Carolina, US"
"2020-05-18",198,12,0,"Acadia, Louisiana, US"
"2020-05-18",688,9,0,"Accomack, Virginia, US"
"2020-05-18",773,22,0,"Ada, Idaho, US"
"2020-05-18",5,0,0,"Adair, Iowa, US"

A perfect project for Python and Eric. This will be a console-only application – no need for classes or a fancy GUI just to clean up some text files.


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Suppose you have an interest in Covid-19 data and find the publicly available representations of that data to be too narrow and limiting. You see that news organizations are crediting the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University (JHU CSSE) as the data source. It turns out that JHU makes the data it collects publicly accessible on github:

Suppose further that you have access to a realtional database manaagement system (RDBMS) like MariaDB or Firebird and can work with it using a GUI tool like DBeaver.

Transform Plan

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I probably should review the structure of Blender Noob to Pro re flat or deep structure.The recommendation is flat.

So that would be just the main chapter titles

Eric - New Project

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Eric Project in Progress

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Common Editor Settings

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