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Traverso aka Baroque or one-keyed flute

These are notes I’ve collected over time from various sources: the Yahoo earlyflute email list where possible, I’ve tried to acknowledge posters in the reference section), things that caught my attention in standard (and not so standard) reference works, notes from lessons, and other jottings. You may notice that some of it is somewhat or even completely contradictory. I’ve made no attempt to harmonize these differences of opinion. Instead, they are represented as best I can, using verbatim quotes from authors where possible, and leaving it to the reader to decide (though I have interjected a few personal comments in the form of footnotes).

Table of Contents

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  1. Traverso_Title/Introduction
  2. Traverso/Care
  3. Traverso/Practicing
  4. Traverso/Technique
  5. Traverso/Exercises
  6. Traverso/References