Elite and Minority Bilingualism in Colombia/Saint Thomas Aquinas School

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The Saint Thomas Aquinas School (Colegio Santo Tomás de Aquino in Spanish) is an elite private school in Bogota, Colombia and is one of Colombia's highest ranking education. Founded and run by the Order of Preachers (Dominicans Fathers) is a educational institution private, Catholic, bilingual; forming whole persons: Christian and ethically committed, socially responsible investigative and innovatively.

Quality Policy

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The Saint Thomas Aquinas School of Bogota, with recognized track record, has a competent team that meets the requirements of a high quality education service, based on the Dominican Thomist philosophy, focus on communities of research and learning, strong background in human and Christian values, high academic standards, commitment social, environmental awareness and continuous work on improving their processes.


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The November 10 of 1573 His Majesty Philip II, by Royal decree authorizing fr. Juan Mendez, OP, the creation of the College of St. Thomas Aquinas first school of the New Kingdom and dean of colleges of Colombia. It was closed by the government Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera. on November 5 of 1861. It was restored again March 7 in 1944 in the Chapinero neighborhood; would restored the University of St. Thomas (Colombia) In 1965, the college change of venue north of the city.

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