Ordinary Differential Equations/Without x or y

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Equations without y

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Consider a differential equation of the form


If we can solve for y', then we can simply integrate the equation to get the a solution in the form y=f(x). However, sometimes it may be easier to solve for x. In that case, we get

Then differentiating by y,

Which makes it become


The two equations


is a parametric solution in terms of y'. To obtain an explicit solution, we eliminate y' between the two equations.

If it is possible to express

parametrically as ,

then one can differentiate the first equation:

So that

to obtain a parametric solution in terms of . If it is possible to eliminate , then one can obtain an integral solution.

Equations without x

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Similarly, if the equation


can be solved for y, write y=f(y'). Then the following solution, which can be obtained by the same process as above is the parametric solution:

In addition, if one can express y and y' parametrically

then the parametric solution is

so that if the parameter can be eliminated, then one can obtain an integral solution.