Web Science/E-Commerce

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Classic E-Commerce - Amazon, eBay etc.

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When one thinks of e-commerce the first things which come to mind are the early American online companies and the dot.com boomers such as Amazon.com operating since 1995, eBay Inc and lastminute.com.


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SibeliusMusic.com has a paperless online music store model for displaying music with protection of the copyright. It developed as an offshoot of the Sibelius music setting software.

E-Commerce by Classic Businesses - Supermarkets and Mailorder

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Constraints on the growth of supermarkets due to market saturation, land availability and competition considerations have meant that to maintain their edge many such traditional businesses have used their supply chain to enable a mail-order catalogue and an online web site for ordering and home delivery. This brings shop based businesses into competition with pure e-business and traditional mail-order catalogues.

Online Financial Services

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One of the greatest challenges for any business is to attract new customers, not just any customers, but want to meet the right customers, the customers who know they need your products and services and who are ready to buy. Finding new customers can be time consuming, but it is a critical part of building value into business. It's need process. Working with a financial advisor or company like wellfargo or acura, would be a better option.

Ecommerce Development Services

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The most effective solution for expanding the customer base and achieving the biggest platform with a very small investment is E-Commerce. But surely, developing an Ecommerce website is not an easy task. E-Commerce is a field that requires an experience and a day to day operation in setting up website such as an online store. By joining an Ecommerce web development company like shopify or will reduce many issue when developing a ecommerce website. Those ecommerce company offer solution to those who would like to sell their products and services online. They have a highly experienced team that will help out in setting up the store and also a technical maintenance team to help out if face any problems in day to day operation.

Internet Based Stockbroking

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Security in E-Commerce

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  • Warwick Ford and Michael S. Baum, Secure Electronic Commerce, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-027276-0.
  • Raymond R. Panko, Corporate Computer and Network Security, (Prentice Hall, 2003), ISBN: 0130384712.
  • Stephen Northcutt, Lenny Zeltser, Scott Winters, Karen Fredrick, Ronald Ritchey, Inside Network Perimeter Security: The Definitive Guide to Firewalls, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), Routers, and Intrusion Detection Systems, New Rideres Publishing - ISBN: 0735712328