
From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
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  • Use this image container template to display CENTERED images.
  • Resizes the container dynamically and provides additional image related features.
  • When used to display an offset image, the surrounding text is broken into a new paragraph.
  • Always please use the shortcut to FreedImg, {{FI}}, rather than the long template name.
 | type         =
 | file         =
 | width        =
 | imgwidth     =
 | cclass       =
 | cstyle       =
 | float        =
 | margin-left  =
 | margin-right =
 | clear        =
 | caption      =
 | tmleft       =
 | indent       =
 | tstyle       =
 | talign       =
 | alt          =
 | link         =
 | page         =

For true inline usage, please see FreedImg/span, {{FIS}}, instead.


[edit source]
For the Image itself
  • mandatory file: File name (without the "File:" prefix).
    • optional alt: Image alt-text, ie. for mouse-over text box or for use with a screenreader for the visually impaired.
    • optional link: Override the default image link with an internal/external URL of your choosing (optional)
    • optional page: Select individual image page within a multi-page file (PDF/DJVU etc.; optional)
when the (type=user ) is present & set
  • Images generated by certain wikicode extensions (e.g. the default <math> User preference, <score>, etc.) may be entered in the named file parameter instead.
Primary DIV container
  • width: The width of the primary container, by percentage (present, variable, default 100%)
  • cclass: The class for the primary container, (present, variable, default floatnone [a null undefined classname just for placeholder purposes])
  • cstyle: Any special overall styles to apply to primary container (default: no extra CSS).
  • float: The alignment of the primary container (not present; must be added, options are "left" or "right"; otherwise remains centered).
  • clear: The margin(s) of the primary container to be cleared (not present; must be added, options are "left", "right" or "both").
  • margin-left,margin-right : Any special margins to be applied to the primary container (defaults appropriate for centered result).
Image element
  • imgclass: extra CSS classes to add (often rotations)
  • imgstyle: extra CSS styling to add to the image (e.g. borders)
  • imgwidth: request this size of image from the server, rather than computing a guess. This can help to reduce file size, for example, when you know the image will be used in a narrow container.
Image Caption
  • caption: The image caption (not present; must be added)
  • tstyle,talign: Any special text style or alignment to apply to caption block (if present).
  • tmleft,indent: Any special text-flow (e.g. hanging indent etc.) control to apply to caption (if present).


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Basic example: centred image

[edit source]
 | file     = Iceberg.jpg
 | width    = 20%
 | link     = w:Iceberg{{!}}Iceberg article at Wikipedia
 | alt      = WS Iceberg
WS Iceberg

Musical score

[edit source]
 | type  = score
 | width = 50%
 | file  = <score>{ \clef bass \time 3/4 g,4 (b,4 [d4 f4 a4]) r4 \bar "|." }</score>
{ \clef bass \time 3/4 g,4 (b,4 [d4 f4 a4]) r4 \bar "|." }

Mathematical Equation

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N.B. This only works if the user's Preferences are set to the default (i.e. Preference/Appearance/Math is "Always render PNG". Experimental choice "MathJax" causes any formulæ to be rendered entirely in text, completely bypassing any effect {{FreedImg}} may have.)

 | type  = math
 | width = 25%
 | file  = <math>sin x = {e^{ix} - e^{-ix} \over 2i} </math>

Page of a multipage document

[edit source]
 | file     = Character of Renaissance Architecture.djvu
 | width    = 20%
 | link     = Character of Renaissance Architecture
 | alt      = Plate III: Cvpola Di S Pietro
 | page     = 91
Plate III: Cvpola Di S Pietro

Adding classes to the image (e.g. rotation)

[edit source]
 | file     = Iceberg.jpg
 | width    = 20%
 | link     = w:Iceberg{{!}}Iceberg article at Wikipedia
 | alt      = WS Iceberg
 | imgclass = rot270
 | caption  = Gravity right
 | file     = Iceberg.jpg
 | width    = 40%
 | link     = w:Iceberg{{!}}Iceberg article at Wikipedia
 | alt      = WS Iceberg
 | imgclass = rot90
 | caption  = Gravity left
WS Iceberg
Gravity right
WS Iceberg
Gravity left
WS Iceberg
Gravity up
 | file     = Iceberg.jpg
 | width    = 40%
 | link     = w:Iceberg{{!}}Iceberg article at Wikipedia
 | alt      = WS Iceberg
 | imgclass = rot180
 | caption  = Gravity up

Extra CSS styles

[edit source]
 | file     = Iceberg.jpg
 | width    = 10%
 | imgstyle = outline: solid 3px blue;
 | caption  = An iceberg
 | tstyle   = background-color: yellow; font-family:serif;
 | cstyle   = border: dashed 1px red; padding: 10px;
An iceberg

Missing images

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If an image doesn't exist yet, you can use missing in the file parameter:


 | file     = missing
 | width    = 200px
 | caption  = The caption can be entered as usual
An image should appear at this position in the text.
The caption can be entered as usual

See also

[edit source]