Overview of Elasticity of Materials/Introduction

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Currently, there is no suitable open source text for materials science that not only includes the basics of the topic, as seen in W.D. Callister's Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, but also covers additional concepts such as the derivation of Mohr's circle and an introduction to tensors. Never the less, these concepts are key for student to gain an understanding of more advanced topics in materials science and engineering. This text is built as an open-source companion for the currently available texts. It attempts to address these additional topics and give further detail on their application.

While this text will go in depth on the linear elastic behavior of materials, there are currently no plans to include boundary conditions, which are essential for advanced analysis. The non-linear response often observed in polymeric and biological materials also is neglected here. Thus, this content should only be considered as an introductory overview of the topic.

A basic level of understanding on the subject of materials science, including stress and strain, is required to understand the real-world applications of this text. While the resulting equations and concepts given here can be immediately applied by the reader, a basic understanding of the mathematical foundations presented here is recommended for advanced applications.

SPB -- April 2022