Illustrated Guide to the world of Spira (FFX and FFX-2)/Lost Cities

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The city we see at the beginning of the game, Tidus' home town, is shown in the game as a very modern city, with little or no magic, no summoners and no fiends. We can be reasonably sure of that because Tidus does not recognize any of those when he gets transferred to Yuna's world of Spira. We see very few details about Tidus' home town besides the fact that it has a large Blitzball stadium, several large tall buildings, viaducts and a small boat marina.

To Tidus' surprise he learns that the entire city is a dream of the fayth, who are aiding High Summoner Yu Yevon call forth a dream like version of the Zanarkand that was destroyed 1,000 years ago. The entire city and it's residents dissolved into pyreflies after Yuna and her team defeated Yu Yevon.

The following ruins can be found in Spira

Zanarkand Ruins

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A city dead for 1,000 years, this is not the same city as Tidus' home town. A large city full of ruined buildings all sporting a distinct architectural style - much different from Bevelle's. Zanarkand's style is found repeated all over Spira on ruined buildings , confirming that the people of Zanarkand were once one of, if not the major civilization of Spira and influenced many of the old cities that are now extinct.

Moonflow River - Submerged City Ruins

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Architectural style fairly similar to Zanarkand's. During FFX a large sunken city can be observed at the bottom of the Moonflow river. The ruins are not accessible in either game. Wakka and Lulu tell Tidus that this is yet another site where Sin has utterly destroyed a city

Mi'hen Highroad - City Ruins

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Architectural style fairly similar to Zanarkand's. Spira's resident scholar Maechen says that a large city was located there until it was utterly destroyed by Sin

Bikanel Desert - City Ruins

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Architectural style fairly similar to Zanarkand's. No one knows the origin of those ruins. Large bulky towers and numerous ruins indicate a large city was once situated here.

Macalania Lake - Submerged City Ruins

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Architectural style fairly similar to Zanarkand's. These ruins are actually the ruins that lies in Sin's head. Maybe theare parts of Zanarkand stuck in Sin's head.

Thunder Plains - Ruins (City ?)

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Architectural style fairly similar to Zanarkand's. Several large columns and building tops can be found scattered along the desolate plains. Not numerous enough to be a city, but then again, maybe Sin has done a more thorough job of pulverizing the city that was once there.

Calm Lands - Ruins (City ?)

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Architectural style fairly similar to Zanarkand's. A couple of large columns and building tops can be found scattered along the vast prairie. Not numerous enough to be a city, but then again, maybe Sin has done a more thorough job of pulverizing the city that was once there

Besaid - Ruins (City ?)

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Architectural style fairly similar to Zanarkand's. Several large columns and building tops united by a large passageway can be found at the top of the hill in Besaid. Not numerous enough to be a city, but then again, maybe Sin has done a more thorough job of pulverizing the city that was once there.