History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Wireless Weekly/Issues/1922 09 15

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Electronic Source Files

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The National Library of Australia TXT file of this issue was used to create the baseline content for this issue:

Wireless Weekly (Aus) - 15 September 1922 - NLA

The WorldRadioHistory.com PDF of this issue can be referred to for further text correcting content in this issue:

Wireless Weekly (Aus) - 15 September 1922 - WRH

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

P.01 - Front Page

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The Hundred per cent. Australian Radio Journal.


A Journal Devoted to the Interests of Wireless Enthusiasts both Amateur and Professional

Vol. 1 — No. 7; SYDNEY, SEPTEMBER 15th, 1922. Price — Threepence.

Cover Graphic: Photo of members of the Waverley Amateur Radio Club; Graphic Caption: Members of the Waverley Amateur Radio Club (Photo Credit: Carlton Studios, Darlinghurst)

Advertisement: Wireless Electric Company, Beach Street, Coogee, N.S.W. We Specialise in Complete Radio Receiving Sets and all Parts. Write or Phone for Particulars. PHONE 368 & 369 RANDWICK.

Tags: Waverley Amateur Radio Club NSW, Photo

Electricity House Ad

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ELECTRICITY HOUSE 387 GEORGE STREET (OP. STRAND). TEL- 2961 CITY FOR ALL RADIO SUPPLIES. We cater specially for the amateur. Expert advice given free. All and any Gear made to order. Large Stocks always on hand. Complete Outfits from £5. HONEYCOMB COILS, from 6s. 6d. CONDENSOR PLATES, from Is. 6d. doz. Knobs, Dials, Rheostats, Switch Arms, Ebonite and Bakelite Panels, Cabinets, etc. Switch Points, each. Polished English Ebonite Dials, 3s 9d each. All Crystals, 6d and Is. Crystal Cups, Is 3d each. Our Rotary Switch-Arms are a decent job at 4s 6d. Sliders (for Tuning Coils), Is 9d. Terminals, 6d each. Get your name down for a Catalogue. Price 6d. Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Editorial - A Talk with "Wireless Weekly"

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A TALK WITH "WIRELESS WEEKLY." The benefits of radio telephony are to be given to the residents in Australia’s great "out back," according to the chairman of di- rectors of Amalgamated Wireless (Australia) Ltd. He told the shareholders at the annual meeting that the company was about to establish a Radio Concert Service. "Wireless Weekly," in the se- cond issue, expressed the view that weather forecasts should be broadcasted by Radiophone, for the benefit of the farmers. Now comes the announcement that this is to be done, also that market re- ports, news items, etc. are to be sent out. On this public-spirited action, Amalgamated Wireless is to be heartily congratulated. The inauguration of this service will bring into the radio field a new type of amateur altogether. He will be the man who will want to use radio in a similar manner to which we use the tele- phone. The way his set is Tpired, or the type of apparatus used, will interest him not at all. He will merely want his set installed so that by turning a switch he can get his weather reports and music. This will mean, of course, that the radiophone will become as much a public utility as the line telephone is now. But the Government should do something toward making this concert service a permanent thing. It is not fair to expect Amalga- mated Wireless to carry on a ser- vice which should rightly be a public one. The Government being the big- gest shareholder in the company, could easily do this. It would hardly be a fair thing if a large number of people purchased appa- ratus, and then found, after a few months, that the radiophone ser- vice was to be discontinued. It is, of course, not likely that the company would do this, but no- body could blame them if they did, for the service will cost money. The Prime Minister is the chair- man now, so "Wireless Weekly' asks him now not to lose sight of this point.

How It Is Spread

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HOW IT IS SPREAD Radio sets have marked demon- stration advantages over many of the interesting entertainment de- vices which preceded them. Wherever is the air, there are wireless waves to be picked up, and with a good loop aerial and a 3 or 4 stage amplifying re- ceiver, a portable wireless tele- phone set may be assembled and set up in a few moments. Various radio shops in America make a practice of going to clubs and institutions and giving demon- strations on these portable sets, so that we hear of the "Women’s Club" devoting an afternoon and evening to the study of wireless telephony.

Using a valve receiving set

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In using a valve receiving set, try and work with the coupling as loose as possible for the best results.

Eilvese - Big German Station

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EILVESE. BIG GERMAN STATION. Although not as well known as the Nauen station, the Eilvese sta- tion is by no means unknown to ambitious American amateurs who can receive its signals providing their sets tune up to extreme wavelengths and they make use of good amplifying equipment. The Eilvese station in Germany ob- tains its power supply from the Weser power station as three- phase, 15,000-volt current, and transforms it into 5,000 volts be- fore it is rectified in a 600-horse- power motor-generator set con- sisting of one alternating current motor and two direct-current dy- namos, one for 220 volts and the other 440 volts. The 440-volt generator feeds the Goldschmidt high-frequency machines. To be assured of continuity of service there are also installed five Diesel oil engines of 200-horsepower each. For the regular telegraph service, 400 horsepower to 600 horsepower is needed. There are two aerials, one of the umbrella type for waves of 7,000 meters, to 12,000 meters and a ring type for longer waves. The main tower is 800 feet high and the six smaller towers are 340 feet high. Six weights of network under proper tension me- chanically. The receiving station is at Hager, three miles from Eil- vese, and is connected to two 3- mile straight-line antennas, laid out and built like a double high- tension line on poles with disk- type insulators, with two wires 3u feet above the ground and two wires 60 feet above the ground, both lines on the same poles, one above the other. Eilvese works with the Goldschmidt station at Tuckerton, N. J.

USA Receiver Statistics

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It has been estimated that Washington, D. C., (U.S.A.) has 1,800 private receiving sets; that in Detroit there are between 40,000 and 60,000; and that one home in every six in -Pittsburg is equipped with a receiving set. An American report reveals the fact that at present there are in use in the United States approxi- mately ten million automobiles, six million phonographs, and that according to present indications, there will be approximately six million radio receiving sets in use within five years. Los Angeles, California, has the largest number of radio telephone broadcasting stations licensed in any city of the United States —18. There are now forty-three news- papers broadcasting in the United States. Of these the, "Detroit News'’ was the first.

On Coils

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ON COILS. The ratio of resistance to in- ductance in bank wound coils is lower than in single layer coils of the same dimensions. In long wave wmrk, they are to be preferred to the latter owing to the smaller space taken up and consequently their comparative freedom from capacity effects while tuning. Their large distri- bated capacity is not so objection- able m long waves as in short waves.

Sulphated Cells

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SULPHATED CELLS. At a recent meeting of the Met- ropolitan Radio Club a member described a novel method of cur- ing a badly sulphated accumulator* The ordinary acid electrolyte was emptied out and was replaced with distilled water. The cell was then charged and discharged at normal rates, and it soon re- turned to its usual condition. This method had none of the bad effects of the rapid charge and discharge usually adopted.

Many Years Ago

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MANY YEARS AGO. This is a photograph of Mr. R. C. Marsden’s set, taken soon after lie went into the game many years ago. A review of his radio activi- ties, written by himself, was pub- lished in "Wireless Weekly" of August 11.

Magnavox Australia Ad

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SPECIAL OFFER - - TO - - RADIO CLUBS (for Two Weeks only). A SPECIAL CUT ON Magnavox Tonearms & Speaking T ransm itters (Speaking), Will be given to Radio Clubs, Only a Limited Number Available DO IT NOW! Call at the Offices of MAGNAVOX AUSTRALASIA. 17 THE BANKING HOUSE, 228 PITT STREET, SYI NEY.

Miss F. V. Wallace Ad

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AMATEURS! Let us show you how to make your own set, and economise. We stock all Parts and will give you every assistance. We Specialise in all Loose Coupler Parts Country and Interstate amateurs, take advantage of our Same Day Service. m ess F. V. WALLACE, Electrical Engineer, 18 Royal Arcade (opp Q.V. Buildings), George Street, Sydney.

A Big Step in Telephony

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A BIG STEP. In Telephony. In view of the attention now being directed to radio-telephony, it is of great interest to learn that a British inventor has dis- -cpvered a means of reproducing, over almost any distance, with ab- solute fidelity, the intonations of the human voice. It is well-known that, at tne present moment, the greatest stumbling block in the way of complete success, as far as radio- telephony is concerned is the fact that, hitherto, all known means of reproducing sound have been unsatisfactory. If, for example, one listens at the receiver of a telephone, many strange noises which have noth- ing to do with conversation can be heard, and, at time, indeed, make conversation a matter of great difficulty (says a London newspaper). This is because the microphone which translates the electric current into speech is not a perfect reproducer. 3.000 MILES. The inventor of the new instru- ment has gone on entirely fresh principles, and discovered a new repr.oducing device, the basis of which is the inclusion of a small quantity of neon gas in a glass container. With this new, microphone in- stalled at the ends of a telephone wire, the listener will find that, when speaking is not going on the line is absolutely "dead," and when conversation begins, nothing is heard except the sound of the voices, which sound is- absolutely faithfully reproduced. The power of this microphone is. still further shown by the fact that the inventor has been able to speak over wires bearing a resistance of equal to three thous- and miles without any relay, and is confident that very soon Lon- don will be able to speak to New York. TALKING PICTURES. The full significance of this in- vention is that it can be applied not only to the telephone, but the radio-telephone and to radio-tele- graphy. Moreover, the inventor has dis- covered that by photographing sound waves on an ordinary cine- ma film, he can, by projecting the picture of these sound waves bn to a silenium disc, which is con- nected up with this microphone reproduce with such clearness and strength the voices of actors in the pictures that they can be distinctly heard throughout the- largest cinema theatre. • In this way the inventor would appear to have come very near to the ideal solution of the talking pictures which has been a will-o- the-wisp for inventors for the last ten or fifteen years. In some circuits too much plate voltage on the amplifying valves ieduce the efficiency of same. Do not let your accumulator get too low before charging, as it does not improve the plates, and will considerably shorten the life of same. Should a variable condenser tend to scrape and crackle when on the oscillating in tuning, get a piece of flexible wire and fix same from centre spindle to wiper pole brush. This will get over the trouble.


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DAH-DA-DAH-DA-DAH! Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, all the night I lie Dreaming all of radio, till morning paints the sky, And wakes me up from dream- land, and sends me out afar, To dream again the same refrain of Dah-da-dah-da-dah. I hear the locusts singing on the gum trees by the way, I never used to notice them, but now I hear them say. With their shrill familiar music penetrating far. Rising, swelling, most compelling, Da-da-dah-da-dah. The trains, and trams and fer- ries sing the same old song, I think it has bewitched me, for as I go along. The homeward track at nightfall, and gaze up at a star. It seems to wink at me and say, Dah-da-dah-da-dah! Sister Sue.

What is It?

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WHAT IS IT? My Primary you will oft get, When Pennant Hills tunes up his set. My Secondary ’s in eat, And often you’ll meet My whole in a panel set. My third and my fourth and my fifth, you will find All in the word evolution, com- bined.

Make Your Own - Cabinet Construction

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MAKE YOUR OWN. CABINET CONSTRUCTION. By "CRAFTSMAN." Panel type radio sets are now so popular that general advice on the construction of cabinets will be ap- preciated by many. A well-made cabinet wonderfully improves the appearance of a set, and, by excluding dust and mois- ture from the apparatus, helps to Fig 1. keep the set permanently in an effi- cient condition. The selection of the timber for a cabinet is a matter for individual preference, but some good cabinet wood should be chosen, either Queensland maple or Pacific oak being particularly suitable. The choice between these is decided by the finish required, it being usual to highly polish maple, w'hile cak is given a duller wax finish. These wcods may be obtained from most timber yards, and it is well to order them "mill dressed and selected grained," as this en- sures the supply of a good quality timber. For most work half-inch wood is suitable. After mill dress- ing this has a thickness of about S inch, while it should also be noted that the width is usually about J inch less than that specified. Thus six inch timber would come 52 inches wflde. Proper dressing or "cleaning up" of the timber is essential, as other- wise a good finish cannot be obtain- ed. Mill dressing is not sufficient as the planing machine does not give a sufficiently smooth surface, being followed commercially by the application of a smoothing plane, and a cabinet maker’s scraper. The proper use of these tools, however, requires a considerable amount of skill, and the novice is not advised to attempt it. A much easier method is to ob- tain the necessary smooth surface by means of glass paper. Begin by using a medium grade and finish up with No. 00, this latter being extremely fine and giving a very good surface. Always paper with the grain and don’t merely hold the paper in your hand. Get a small flat block of wood about three inches by two inches, and wrap the paper around this. This will give a level surface, and pre- vent the formation of small ridges, which are very noticeable when the wood is polished. The simplest joint to make is the "butt" joint, and this is quite strong enough for this purpose, and makes a fairly good finish. The pieces to be joined are merely butted, to- gether as in Fig. 1, well glued, and then nailed in position. Small blocks (A in Fig. 1) may be glued in the corners to strengthen the job. Very fine nails ("B") are used, the type known as, "one inch by 17 panel pins" being very suit- Fig 2. able. Dovetailing makes a rather stronger job, but does not improve the appearance, and requires much time and skill to make a decent finish. The panel may be merely screw- ed on to the cabinet, or, prefer- ably, let in flush with the face of it, this latter giving the better ap- pearance. In this case the panel is screwed to small blocks glued in the corners, as shown in Fig. 2 and "A" in Fig. 1. If the top and bottom of the cabinet are allowed to project a little beyond the sides and front, an appearance preferred by many is obtained. (Sec fig. 2.) When finishing maple stain slightly darker than the colour de- sired, as polishing makes it slightly lighter. For the novice a spirit varnish will give a better finish, and one more easily obtained than by polishing, as this latter is. very difficult without some experience. The spirit varnish should be ap- plied with a soft brush. In wax polishing a coat of shellac varnish is applied first to obtain a good surface. The job is complet- ed by the use of a prepared furni- ture wax. To obtain the golden oak colour, the wood is stained with a bronze green stain, which after application is well rubbed out Finish by waxing as above.

Marconi's Yacht has Three Sets

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MARCON'S YACHT HAS THREE SETS Mr. Marconi’s yacht, the Elletra, is fitted with triple sets of receiv- ing and transmitting apparatus, which are said to be an advance on anything at present in use afloat or ashore. The three transmitters are a 3- kilowatt valve set, a lj-kilowatt quenclied-spark set, and a J-kilo- katt quenehed-spark set. Mr. Marconi will make final tests of a system by which a ship could pick up the position of another ship exactly, and so steer straight for her. A ship in distress could sig- nal others directly to her, while vessels proceeding in fog could avoid collision.

Homecrafts Ad

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WIRELESS EXPERIMENTERS: NOTE THESE! li HOMECRAFT S’ CATALOG* 80 Pages, 200 Illustrations. Send 7d, in Stamps, now. LOOSE COUPLER TUNING COIL As illustrated, 40s. Postage : Vic., Is. Other States, Is. Bd. Complete Set of Parts, ready to wind and assemble; and woodwork is polished: 30s. Postage as above. 7 7tr i \Ji\i P.K.M C ELROY 211 SWANSTON STREET <l6 3 inch METAL TURNING LATHE, Will make or repair almost any part you may require. Including Accessories, as illustrated, .£8. Other Lathes, from 30s. List Free.

A Radio Concert Service

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A RADIO CONCERT SERVICE. A radio concert service is to be established by Amalgamated Wire- less (Australasia) Ltd. At the annual' meeting, the chairman, in the course of his speech, said:—* "In addition to an up-to-date commercial wireless telegraph ser- vice, we are also making arrange- ments to establish what will be known here as a Radio Concert Service, and what is known in other parts of the world under the peculiar term of "Broadcasting." "We have been able to gather a great quantity of valuable in- formation upon this subject from Europe and America, and we find that the latter country has become involved in some extraordinary difficulties through having no defi- nite means of controlling and properly organising this new ser- vice." "The Company, in conjunction with the Government, will estab- lish this new service on such a basis that residents and settlers in all parts of Australia will be able to receive daily in their own homes vocal and instrumental music, lec- tures and other entertainments." "We also hope to make arrange- ments with the principal news- papers by which their news services will be made available to those people who are situated in districts where daily papers are not avail- able. The Radio Concert Service will also be used for giving weath- er forecasts and market quotations to the people on the land. There is no doubt that this will introduce an entirely new factor into the daily life of Australia, and it is highly important that it should be placed on a basis which will make it available to everyone." "At the same time it must be carried out under such conditions as to prevent interference with or illegal tapping of the numerous other wireless services which must be carried on simultaneously." "The whole of the equipment for this service can be manufac- tured in Australia, and there is no doubt that it will give continu- ous employment to a great number of skilled and unskilled workmen, and it will be an important fac- tor in the further extension of the wireless manufacturing industry of this country."

New Directors - AWA

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NEW DIRECTORS. "You are all aware in general terms of the changes which have taken place on your Directorate since our last annual meeting, ’ said the chairman, at the general meeting of Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Ltd. "Three Direc- tors have been appointed by the Commonwealth— Messrs. Allard, Stinson and Sir William Vicars. Three of your former Directors, Sir Thomas Hughes, Messrs. Goni- nan and Taylor, resigned their seats, and Mr. Taylor now repre- sents Mr. Fisk in that gentleman’s absence." "The difficulty of finding a seventh Director acceptable to all the interests involved has, I am glad to say, been solved. The Prime Minister, Mr. W. M. Hughes, has been unanimously elected, and we have received his] intimation of acceptance of the position. We feel that our posi- tion will be very much strength- ened."

Humphreys' Limited Ad

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Beautiful Illumination with PARIAN WARE HUMPHREYS’ LIMITED, 465 George Street, Sydney. Telephone: City 3846.

Our Radio Yarn - The Rough Guy

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Our Radio Yarn The Rough Guy. By Q.R.M. I had brought my American friend to my place to hear how we get radio concerts in Austra- lia, and the last note of "God Save the King!" having faded away, we listened for a while to the whistl- ing of the valves from a few near- by amateur stations. This brought back memories to my friend’s mind. He was an enthusiastic experimenter when he was at home in California. Say!" he said, "I calculate your Government people would call those dinky little bird-cheeps in- terference; ain’t that so, pard?" I assured him that users of the valve in this country had to be able to read the code at a certain speed before getting their licence, so that if necessary they could be told by a commercial station to shut down. "Wal," he drawled, "I kin as- sure you that they don't Know what interference is, no sir! Did I ever tell you the story of the rough guy we had back home? -—No? Well, it was like this: "He was one of those pampered kids; Pop had all the money in the world except some loose change held by Rockefeller and Astor, and the little galoot sure put on the dog of the President’s mascot. Vanden V. Van Duce was what he was christened, but the lads called him—when they did- n’t use a harder name—Van. "Till he took up radio Van was just the ordin’ry blot on the land- scape, but after Pop had built for him the huge operating room, and the aerial that gave you a kink in the spine to look at it, he became the one and only origin’l ether devil. I’ll say he did!" "Now, the boys of the town had a nice little radio club, and as we worked with other clubs in neigh- boring places, it was very interest- ing. The commercial station in our town said we were the goods, as far as law and order was con- cerned, and we were proud of the reputation. "One night we were carrying out a ticklish test on short waves with another club, when Van opened up with his 4 KW trans- mitter. Believe me, Pard, the very windows and doors rattled!’ "Before we could shut off two pairs of our ’phones burned out, and three of our most cherished audions suicided right away. One of the members was sent out to find the ether pirate, and the rest just sat around and talked mur- der. When the scout came back and reported that it was only Van calling up Annapolis to ask for gun time, someone moved that we go up and burn him out. But our President had another scheme which tickled us to death, so we went home to make preparations for carrying it out. "The next night, when Van was at work in his Radio room, four of us managed to climb on to the roof of the building without disturbing him, and all was ready for us to carry on with our stunt. We rigged up a buzzer near his lead in wure, and called him up, signing ourselves NSS, which, as you know, is the call of Annapolis. When he replied, we earthed his aerial with the aid of a handker- chief, and the following conversa- tion ensued: — ‘NSS to 6 NUT: The President has heard of your wonderful Radio transmission, which constitutes a world’s record. It is his desire that you send your transmitter to the National Museum for exhibi- tion, and that in future you con- fine your experimenting to recep- tion, with a view to eliminating X’s or static, as he is sure that an amateur of your ability will be able to get success." "6 NUT to NSS: I shall obey the President’s commands." "NSS to 6 NUT: Thank you. Good night and good luck." "As we climbed down from the roof we saw Van dismantling his transmitter." "We heard later that the set had been badly knocked about travelling to Washington and. back, and as Van had stung Pop for an automobile in the mean- time, he found that he had no leisure to fix it up." "So thereafter there was peace in the ether over our home town.

Average Copper Wire Sizes

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W W M M « tJ W M W U l- 1 M l-‘ O0065ifcMOC0CS^MOW*pt^ Nu of wire. b.W.G. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO O © ® O 11 (O M W 4* ff) 00 w-CJ-JOOM^OOwCOClOC*. oo oi to oe >u oo Diameter in inches. .005 .0032 .0018 .001 .0006 .00038 .00025 .00012 .00008 .00006 .00004 .00002 .00001 Sectional Area, in sq. inches. 5.02 1 3.21 1.81 1.01 .616 .38 .254 .172 .12 .091 .066 .045 .028 .018 Current Capacity, At iooo Amp. per sq. in. 58.13 | 37.2 20.93 11.77 7.12 4.39 2.94 1.98 1.39 1.05 .768 .524 .327 .209 Pounds of Wire, per ioo yards. 17.1 | 26.8 47.6 84.9 140 227 339 501 713 939 1300 1870 3050 4760 Yards of Bare Wire per lb. 16.7 24.8 45 80 129 215 316 467 670 870 1163 1613 Yards of Insul. Wire per lb. • W^WOnmMUOlMNfOO oowM»qwH»cntJMO)WcnOo Resistance in Ohms per yard. to t'ocncoo^rficotoh-it— 1 oo co o t-i cn to ci c© to o • to cj w a Resistance in Ohms per mile. .0837 .2036 .6664 2.037 5.6 14.52 32.54 70.14 142.6 | 253.5 ! 481 1009 2623 1 6188 Resistance in Ohms per lb. 204 131.5 71.4 41.6 25 15.6 10.4 7.14 5 3.71 2.7 1.85 1.16 .77 Yards of Wire per Ohm. M M M 1 tn^HM'-itn^wtot'SHM 1 1 o^ocoMcnVTcnooocnto Turns of Wire per inch (bare). 11 14 19 25 33 41 50 62 71 77 90 125 Turns of Wire per inch (S.S.C.). 11 14 18 24 31 38 45 55 62 67 77 100 Turns of Wire per inch (D.S.C.). 1 1 K^tcoiOHcntowMwp Turns of Wire per inch (S.C.C ). 1 1 | 1 | hoou«^oomo Turns of Wire per inch (D.C.C.).

Star Batteries Limited Ad

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"STAR" RADIO BATTERIES ĺ We manufacture Special Radio Batteries (both " A" and " B" type). They are recognised to be better than any . imported battery, and no set is complete and up-to-date without a " STAR" Spare Plates or Parts Supplied to amateurs desirous of making up their own batteries. Full particulars and prices on application. Batteries repaired, re-charged, and hired- out at lov/est rates. STAR BATTERIES LIMITED Storage Battery Manufacturers Hitch your Radio »o a STAR. ___________ Wentworth Avenue, (Next Australian General Electric Company), Sydney. A USEFUL TABLE FOR AMATEURS. Particulars of Average Copper Wires. Note: —Figures only Approximate.

Rodman & Kelaher Ad

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How We Hear The World

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HOW WE HEAR THE WORLD. During the evidence before the select committee inquiring into the wireless proposals for communica- tion between England and Aus- tralia, Mr. Coffey, of the Radio De- partment of the Post Office, sub- mitted an interesting report. This showed in detail the value of the signal strengths (based on the International Code) of the transmissions intercepted at Mel- bourne from high powered stations. Following is a summary of the report:—The following indicates the state of the reception from various stations throughout an aver- age period of 24 hours : New York (Radio Central), Long Island —Could not be reliably copied between the hours of 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. The maximum signal inten- sity is between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m., when traffic can be read with ease. Koko Head, Honolulu—Cannot be read with reliability between the hours of 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. The signals are of maximum intensity, and can be read with ease between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. San Paolo, Rome—Was not ob- served to be working continuously, but signals were read with ease at maximum intensity between 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. Leafield, Oxford, England—Sig- nals are maximum and can be copied reliably between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. This station was heard only up till 10 a.m. Eiffel Tower, Paris —Was read with ease between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. Continuous wave signals, believed to be radiated by a valve station, were heard between 4 a.m. and 9 a.m., the maximum signal intensity being for the period of 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. Advice has been received from Perth Radio Station that a valve station (believed to be Car- narvon) is readable there in day- light, but up to the present time the identity of the station has not been established. ATMOSPHERICS. During the above period the aver- age daily atmospherics increased from a moderate intensity to a maximum at 3 p.m., and again fell off at 8 p.m. to a moderate valve at 6 a.m. The observations indicate that none of the abovenamed stations are reliably readable between the period of from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. daily, while during this period at- mospherics attain a maximum in- tensity. Good directional effects were ob- tained with the loop, and interfer- ence by other stations and by at- mospherics, was considerably re- duced. The receiving apparatus used was not specially constructed £or this purpose, but the test is useful in indicating the great vari- ation in signal intensity from the various stations, over different periods in the 24 hours. NOTES ON STATIONS. New York Radio transmitted traffic at a speed of twenty-three words per minute to Nauen. Single sending (very few repeats). On 18th January, New York (Radio Central) sending to Nauen: ‘‘We are awaiting many repeats. Much delay to traffic. Please give me your attention." "Please we are receiving badly on second set." Plonolulu to Japan—The follow- ing extracts have reference to the above circuit : "Speed of transmission on 18th January twenty words per minute. Frequent interruptions for repeats from Japan." 19th January —"Much time is wasted repeating traffic; sending letter ‘V’ for adjustment of receiv- ers, &c." The speed of transmission is normally twenty words per minute, frequently reduced to ten words per minute, due evidently to prevalence of static, as quality of signals, tuning and manipulation leave no- thing to be desired. Java to Amsterdam—‘‘Speed of working ten words per minute, each word sent twice. Frequently stop- ping to adjust arc, &c. INTERFERENCE. On Melbourne main aerial system it was noted that Koko Head inter- feres with New York (Radio Cen- tral),* and Leafield signals are greatly impaired by interference from Eiffel Tower, Paris, and spac- ing wave Bandoeng, Java." It was difficult to copy Leafield on morn- ing of 21st instant at Radio, Mel- bourne, on open aerial, owing to abovementioned sides tones from Parip and Java, coupled with pre- vailing static." V These records indicate that a ‘sta- tion such as Bordeaux cannot be r'eiU here beyond a certain number of hours per day. The number of hours daily of reading interceptions of long distance radio telegrams ap- pears to be very limited. It must be borne in mind that Australian stations are not equip- ped with modern atmospheric elim- inating contrivances.

N.S.W. Bookstall Company

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That Book you want ON Wireless can be procured at The fi.S.W. Bookstall Company Limited 467 George Street, Sydney.

Electrical Utilities Supply Coy Ad

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RADIO SETS and Parts to make them. Send for Price Lists. ELECTRICAL UT HUES SUPPLY COY. 605 GEORGE STREET, SYDNEY. Ml

Music in the Air

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MUSIC IN THE AIR SUNDAY NIGHT’S CONCERT. MR. MACLCRCAN'S CONCERT. Mr. Maciurcan’s concert for next Sunday, September 17th, the following Pathe records will be played, starting at 7.30 p.m.: Fox-Trot: "Humming." Duet: "Chance Your Name to Linder Lee." Hawaiian Guitar: "Honolulu Bay." Soprano: "Musetta’s Song"—La Boheme" (Rosina Buckman). Piano Solo: "Rustle of Spring." Code Practice: CW and Buzzer. Hawaiian Guitar: "Silver Sands of Love." Violin Solo: "Sonata," Paganini Tenor: Song from "Rigoletto." Fox-Trot: "I Want My Mam- my." Recitation.

On 3.2 Watts

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ON 3.2 WATTS. SYDNEY TO MELBOURNE. Successful Tests. The low power transmission tests carried out by Mr. Chas. Mac- lurcan on Friday and Sunday last, from bis Strathfield (Sydney) sta- tion, were most successful. On Friday evening he carried out the test in three stages. For the first stage he sent out a series of X’s on 8.5 watts, the second Q’s on* 6 watts, and the third Y’s on 2 W3»tts Information has reached the ex- perimenter that the X’s, Q’s and ¥’s were all received in Mel- bourne, and that Tamworth re- ceived the signals on the various powers. Mr. Warden, at Mungin- di, telegraphed that the low power signals were excellent, and that he heard the speech on all powers. A similar test was made at noon on Sunday, in order to get an idea as to the daylight range. In the stages of this test, F’s were sent on 8.7 watts, B’s on 6.2 watts and C’s on 3.8 watts. The Melbourne station reported that, on this occasion, interference was experienced for the first 26 minutes, but the tonic train was copied on the lowest power. Mr. Todd, at Tamworth, reported sig- nals on all powers were strong, also the music. At Mungindi, the tests were also heard well,

Help It Along

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HELP IT ALONG. PUBLIC EXHIBITION. Arrangements are well forward for the Public Exhibition of Radio Apparatus, under the auspices of the Metropolitan Club, to be held in the Congregational Hall (next to the Criterion Theatre), Pitt St., Sydney, on Friday and Satur- day, September 22 and 23. Experimenters are asked to send their entrance forms in as soon as possible. There is a class for crystal sets, as well as the most simple, comic, single and multi valve sets. As this is the first exhibition of its kind ever held in Australia, amateurs are asked to co-operate in making it a success.

Time Signals

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TIME SIGNALS. New York Central Radio is send- ing out time signals in a series of dots from 11.45 p.m. till midnight, on a wave length of 19,000 metres, each night till September 21. Annapolis is sending similar sig- nals on 17,000 metres for five minutes from five minutes past midnight. Mr. F. B. Cooke, of Sydney, would like to hear from any ama- teur who gets these signals. Let- ters to him may be addressed c/o. ‘'Wireless Weekly," Box 378, G.P.0., Sydney.


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DEFINITIONS. "A" BATTERY. —The low volt- age battery—usually accumula- tors —used for lighting the fila- ments of thermionic valves. AERIAL. —The system of con- ductors designed to radiate or ab- sorb electro-magnetic waves. The term is limited by some authors to that part of the system sus- pended in the air, the whole being termed the antenna. ACCUMULATOR or storage bat- tery is a cell the elements of which undergo a chemical change when a current is passed through it. After charging the elements tend to return to their original form, and in so doing generate an elec- tric current. ALTERNATING CURRENT is one which periodically 1 reverses its direction. Commencing from zero, it rises up to a maximum in one direction, falls to zero and rises to a maximum in the opposite di- rection, again returning to zero. This constitutes a cycle, and is repeated at frequencies varying from about 50 per second in com- mercial work to several millicfns per second in radio.

Anglo-American Bookshop Ad

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Anglo-American Book Shop. WILLIAMS AND SON (late Hallams). Q.V. BUILDINGS, 459 GEORGE STREET, SYDN EY. All the Latest Wireless Books and Magazines in stock, posted anywhere.

O'Sullivan's Electric Shop Ad

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Enamel, Silk, Cotton Covered Winding Wires At the Right Prices. Ready Run-off in 2 oz. and 4 oz. Reels. All Sizes from 42 to 20 Guage.

Round the Clubs

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Round the Clubs. "Wireless Weekly" is the official organ of the following clubs: —- Metropolitan Radio Club, Illa- warra Radio Club, North Sydney Radio Club, Western Suburbs Amateur Wireless Association, Waverley Amateur Radio Club, Concord Radio Club.

CONCORD RADIO CLUB. The membership of this club is growing steadily. Meetings are held on Tuesday and Saturday nights. Between 8 and 9 p.m. on the latter days, the club transmits C\V and telephony on 200 metres, and if any experimenters hear them, the members would be glad if they would let the secretary know. The club’s equipment in- cludes a transmitting set, single valve receiver, short wave receiver, wave meter, and a single stage amplifier. The aerial is 80 ft. long, on two iron masts 50 ft. high. Most of the gear was made by the members. The Hon. Secre- tary is Mr. Austin Smith, "Quon- dong," La Mascotte Avenue, Con- cord.

THE BOX HILL DISTRICT RADIO CLUB. VICTORIA. The first (inaugural) meeting of the Box Hill District Radio Club was held at the residence of Mr. H. S. Beattie on the 8th of September, 1922. Mr. Beattie occupied the chair. The election of office-bearers took place, result- ing in, viz : —Mr. H. Hurst, hon. secretary; Mr. Hickox, treasurer. The election of president,' and vice-presidents was left in abey- ance till next meeting, September 14. The election of advisors result- ed in Mr. Hickox, Mr. Rose, Mr. Weise and Mr. Edwards being ap- pointed. All inquiries as to membership will be gladly appreciated by the secretary, Mr. H. K. Hurst, No. 3 Wellington Road, Box Hill, Vic- toria, or Phone: Box Hill 124. At the last meeting of the Wav- erley Amateur Radio Club a mo- tion was carried to the effect that the "Wireless Weekly" be re- quested to become the official organ of the Club. "Wireless Weekly" will be pleased to act as requested.

An Example

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AN EXAMPLE. At the general meeting of Amal- gamated Wireless (Australasia) Ltd., the chairman referred to Empire wireless communication as follows: — "All indications point to South Africa and India following our ex- ample in the matter of establish- ing direct communication with the heart of the Empire, and it is very gratifying to know that Aus- tralia’s action has rescued the Empire from an ineffective service, and opened a way for the estab- lishment of a service commensur- ate with our needs and importance. "This is a direct result of the pioneering scientific work of your Company and the statesmanship displayed by our Prime Minister at the Imperial Conference last year and the subsequent action of the Australian Parliament." "One of the greatest steps ever taken in linking together the Brit- ish Dominions, in destroying Aus- tralia’s isolation, and in the prac- tical development of wireless com- munication is therefore entirely due to Australian initiative and Australian statesmanship.

? ? ? What do you want to know?

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9 a e a What do you want to know? Every reasonable specific query in the field of general wireless ad- dressed to the Information Depart- ment will receive a prompt reply. Address the Information Editur "Wireless Weekly,’’ Box 378, G.P.U. Sydney. A. R. E. (Bay Road), asks:— (1) What weight of 26 gauge enamel- led wire is required to wind a cylinder 7in. x 4%in., and what weight of 0 gauge single cotton covered wire is required for a cylinder 7in. x 4in. ? (2) is a license required for a crystal re- ceiving set? Answer: (1) See table in this issue. (2) Yes. E. R. C. (East Hills), asks:— (1) Will you tell me how to obtain a "Receiving License?’’ (2) What do you consider a good size for an aerial for a. receiving set such as described in No. 3 issue of "Wireless Weekly?" (3) Also what distance would messages be received from, with a receiving set such as in No. 3 issue?" Answer: (1) See last issue of "Wire- less Weekly:’’ (2) See last issue of "Wireless Weekly." (3) Telephony about 15 miles, Morse sighals much further.

Sale & Exchange

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SALE & EXCHANGE Three Lines (approximately 15 Words), may be inserted in this Column for 9d. Extra Lines or part thereof, at 6d per line. FOR SALE.— Tuner, 150-6,000 metres "R" valve mounting with rheostat; 6 volt 60 AH accum.; expanse variable condenser. Write for full descriptions. F. Poole, 518 Sydney Road, Brunswick, Victoria. WANTED. —Pair Baldwin phones, also transmitter as used in telephone exchanges. Box 378, G.P.O. Will exchange course on ventriloqu- ism (valued £5/5/-) and 3 volt qlec- tric motor for 2,000 ohms. Murdoch phones. Apply by letter to C. J. Cray, 32 George St., Marrickville.

Station Calls - Ships Stations - Great Britain

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STATION CALLS. SNIPS STATIONS. GREAT BRITAIN Ciare Hugo Stinnes, GBCZ; Clarissa Radcliffe, EWF; Ciaro, ODV; Classic, ZCF; Claus Horn, GCTK; Claymont, BAH; Clay- more, GFPR; Clayton, GCTF; Clearpool, LTI; Clearton, YGI; Clearway, MYH; Clematis, EOB; Clemenceau, ZRH; Cleopatra 111, GDPQ; Cliftower, YMA; Clifton- hall, EKV; Clintonia, YHT; Cloutsham, ZIS; Clumberhall, GXW; Cluny Castle, GCRN; Clutha, YVD; Clydemede, BOP; Clydesdale, BDF; Clyne Rock, GDKL; Coatsworth, GCDB; Cob- leny, GFCP; Coconada, GCRP. Colaba, GBT; Colleen Bawn, YWM; Collegian, MTL; Colling- bam, EJZ; Colon, GCKD; Colonia, MCL; Colonial, YSY; Columbia, MOI; Comanchee, GCRQ; Comedi- an, ZWD; Comeric, GBTD; Comic, LSK; Comino, BTD; Commodore, BCG; Coq, EYO; Commonwealth, GCRS; Competitor, YQJ; Comrie Castle, GCRT; Concordia, ELI; Confield, XEU; Conia, OFM; Con- way, ZHM; Constantin, GDXF; Cooee, GDLF; Cooeyanna, GBV; Copenhagen, EXS. Coquetmede, BDE; Corbank, BAA; Corbrae, MYT; Corby, BDD; Corcliff, ZDY; CorcoVado, MIE; Corcove, ZEC; Corcrag, ZAT; Corcrest, BBV; Cordale, GDFW; Cordelia, MXM; Cordil- lera, GDRK; Cordoba, GBCR; Cordobes, MHO; Corfe Castle, ERE; Corfell, ZBZ; Corglen, BKM; Corinthic, MWT; Corland, GFCT; Corlock, YTS; Cormorant, BTZ; Cormorant, MFJ; Cormount, XXT; Cornish City, YHR; Corn- isliman, GDW; .Cornish Point, ZPE; Cornwall, GDQM; Corn- wood, GFCJ; Coronado, GBC. Coronaldo, GFDJ; Corpath, GDJR; Corrientes, GDMP; Corsi- can, MCN; Corstar, EXT; Cor- stream, GCXW; Cortes, GBXD; Corton, BMO; Cortona, GFDP; Corwen, EVJ; Cosmos, LTD; Cos- mos Volga, ZRU; Counsellor, BCH; Courtfield, YCH; County of Cardigan, ETP; Coya, GXH; County of Carmarthen, YVN; Cow- rie, ZMW; Courtown, LUS; Coy- let, BNO; Craftsman, MHV; Cra- mond, GBNQ; Crane, YDJ; Cran- field, GjBQS; Cranford, GDST; Cranley, YSP. Cranmore, EVK; Crawford Castle, BGQ; Crenatula, OFG; Crenella, YPK; Cretic, MRC; Crewe Hall, EIJ; Cufic, GDR; Cromer, ZOB; Cromerton, GDQF; Cronstadt, BUE; Crosby Hall, EIK; Crosshill, BEU; Crostafels, GBDX; C.roxteth Hall, GBTF; Culna, GOQ; Cundall, OED; Cur- aca, YKA; Curraghmore, GCLR; Custodian, GCE' Cutcombe, ZLS; Cuthbert, YPR; Cutty Sark, GDJQ; Cyclops, GTF; Cymric Pride, BJQ; Cymric Yale, LUG; Cypria, ZZL; Cyprian Prince, GCMT. Dacre Castle, MTQ; Dago, ODW; Dacre Hill, GDNK; D.A.D.G., 76; GDKZ; Dagenham, GCDQ; Dag- hestan, YLL; Pakahlieh, GFJP; Dakarian, GFCY; Dakotian, GFNB; Daiemead, YIF; Dalewood, GFQR; Dallington, ODE; Dal- worth, GDCM; Dania, GBTK; Danier, GCNZ; Darnholme, YLD; Darro, GCRV; Datchet, EWH; David Lloyd George, EOS; Day- beam, GCYP;< Daybreak, GCYQ; Deerwood, XIK. Defender, YTE; Delambre, BHC; Delaware, GCRW; Delphin- ula, MXR; Delta, GBJT; Delta, MKG; Denis, MDE; Dememara, GCRZ; Demodocus, ZKH; Demos- thenes, MGK; Derbyshire, MYB; Derindye, GBKC; Derwent River, ZEF; Deseado, GCRX; Desna, GCRY; Dessau, GBNR; Destro, GDNT; Deucalion, YOW; Devan- ha, MOU; Devon, ZB J; Devon City, ESD; Dido, GDTM; Dews- bury, BEQ; Diadem, GDRX; De- vonia, GFNM; Dibble Bridge, ZHJ; Dictator, BDH; Discoverer, EIF; Disona, GFKY; Diyatalawa, ESZ. Dieppe, MRL; Digby, MNG; Di- rector, ETB; Djerissa, GZC; Dock- leaf, EZK; Dogra, BPB; Dolaura, GCTJ; Dolphin Shell, ZEP; Dom- ala, GDMV; Domingo de Larrinaga, ZJC; Dominic, ZKQ; Dominion, MDF; Domira, YJR; Donax, ZNL; Dongola, MNH; Doonholm, ZXM; Dora, GBWJ; Doricstar, GCYQ; Dorie, LSX; Dorington Court, MWR; Dorset, GRY; Dorsetshire, GDKB; Dotterel, ZRC; Douglas, GFBX. Douro, ODJ; Drachenfels, YUR; Draco, GFQB; Dramatist, GDVY; Dromore, GDSF; Dromore Castle, YAD; Dront, YDL; Drujba, GDSQ; Dryden, ZHW; Duchess of Devonshire, GPP; Duendes, GCSB; Duffield, ZQJ; Duke of Argyll, Y WK; Duke of Clarence, YWL; Duke of Connaught, YWI; Duke of Cornwall, XFG; Duke of Cum- berland, YWJ; Dumana, GDNF; Dumfries, BFA; Dumra, XGC; Dunaff Head, YAQ; Dunara Castle GFNV; Dunbridge, OCG; Dun- clutha, EZA; Dunera, GCU; Dun- drennan, EJI; Dundrum Castle, YAX; Duneric, EXG; Dungeness, ELQ; Dunluce Castle, MQO; Dun- mail, GBSZ.