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Dishwashing/Cleaning liquids

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Good clean water is an essential part of the cleaning process.

Hand soap

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It is essential to wash your hands between handling dirty and clean dishes. Having and using hand soap by the sink or by the dish pit (With separate handwashing sink) is critical for proper sanitation.


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Detergents help you remove bits of food and grease that are stuck on items. Detergent is common in both residential sinks and commercial dishpits.


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Degreasers are chemicals specifically aimed at removing grease from objects. This type of liquid is seen more often in commercial dishpits then in residential settings.


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Bleach is good at sanitizing surfaces of harmful microbes. It is harmful to ingest, so you should handle it with care around yourself, and should not allow it to come into direct contact with food.

It is important to never mix bleach with ammonia.

Bleach can easily stain your clothing.