Developing A Universal Religion/Determining Moral Behaviours/Summary

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Please keep in mind that my thoughts have been sketched here simply to demonstrate how a value system might be later deduced from the desire to support Life’s continued evolution. Let me be the first to say that the logic I display above is likely weak, and probably non-productively biased by personal constructs. Such deliberations should properly be carried out by experts, wise representatives of a variety of disciplines and communities, not just a single neophyte like myself.

Early theologians spent much time thinking about moral problems and formulating faith-based solutions. These satisfied the needs of the less-rational societies that existed in times past. Computer-driven cultures (that are beginning to dominate the world) crave a more logical moral code.

Developing a rational moral code of behaviour is clearly very difficult, but it is not impossible. Development can begin just as soon as a single supreme universal purpose has been defined and adopted.

I do not expect widespread acceptance of, nor even interest in, the idea that the world is ripe for a different kind of religion. But I do anticipate some level of interest, because discussions of a number of matters related to the theme of this book are common throughout the media today. My hope is that a few individuals, a small but critical mass,[1] will act or react in a way that benefits civilization.

A few ways they might do so are discussed in the next chapter.


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  1. Critical mass does not mean fifty percent or more of the world’s population. It simply means the number of people needed to bring about a significant change. Very few, like-minded, influential individuals may be all that’s required.