A Guide to Discord/Bots

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Bots are automated Discord users utilizing the Discord API. They can be identified in a server by the "BOT" tag next to their name.

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Named after Mr. Meeseeks, a character from the Adult Swim series Rick and Morty, MEE6 is one of the most popular bots on Discord, utilized in 15,300,000 servers. MEE6 has many functions, including:

  • sending a welcome message to new members who join a server
  • rewarding a user with XP points if they stay consistently active in a server
  • playing music
  • announcement functions for Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, and Reddit


Command Description
Moderation Commands
!ban To ban a user from the server
!tempban To temporarily ban a user from the server
!clear To delete select messages in a channel
!infractions To display a user's infractions
!kick To kick a user from the server
!mute To mute a user on the server
!tempmute To temporarily mute a user on the server
!role-info To get info about a specific role
!server-info To get info about the server
!slowmode To enable or disable slowmode in a channel
!unban To unban a user from the server
!unmute To unmute a user on the server
!user-info To get info about a specific user
!warn To warn a user
Music Commands
!play To start playing a song from the queue
!stop To stop/pause the current song
!search To search for a song
!record To record the current conversation in a voice channel
!stop-recording To stop recording and get the link to the audio file
!seek To jump to a specific time in the song
!volume To increase or decrease the volume up to 200%
!add To add a song to the queue
!queue To list out all the songs in the queue
!clear-queue To remove all the songs from the queue
!skip To skip the next song in the queue
!vote-skip To start a vote to skip the next song in the queue
!join To add the bot to your voice channel
!leave To remove the bot from your voice channel
!start-quiz To start a music quiz with your friends in Discord
!stop-quiz To stop the music quiz


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Carl-bot is another popular Discord bot, utilized in 3,950,000 servers. Carl-bot offers many features, including adding reaction roles, moderation, and logging.


Command Description
/about Shows some interesting stats about the bot
/attachmentspam disable Disable Attachmentspam
/attachmentspam set Set attachment settings for the server
/attachmentspam punishment Sets the punishment(s) for hitting the rate limit
/autofeeds list Shows a list of autofeeds created in this server
/autofeeds create Creates an autofeed
/autofeeds silent Creates a silent autofeed for things that you don't necessarily want to ping someone for
/autofeeds everyone Creates an autofeed for things that you necessarily want to ping everyone for
/autofeeds here Creates a silent autofeed for things that you don't necessarily want to ping someone for
/autofeeds silence Silences an existing normal autofeed so that it will not ping anyone upon announcing
/autofeeds move Moves autofeed to to a different channel
/autofeeds repeat Repeats autofeed to after specified duration
/autofeeds delete Deletes an autofeed with the specific time
/autofeeds clear Clears all autofeeds
/automod server Show's the servers current automod settings
/automod whitelist Add/remove roles and/or channels to/from whitelist
/automod media Marks channels as "media only" allowing only attachments and/or links to be posted
/automod unmedia Unmarks channels as "media only" allowing any content to be posted again
/automod drama Set up a drama channel for mods only. This channel should not be made public.
/automod log Set the channel where automatic automod actions go
/automod threshold Sets the warning threshold to automatically punish people after receiving x number of warnings
/automod warnpunishment Sets the punishment for hitting the warning threshold
/autoresponse server View a brief overview of the autoresponses set up in the server
/autoresponse list Shows a full list of triggers set up in the server
/autoresponse clear Removes all triggers
/autoresponse create Creates a normal autoresponse trigger, checks for substring
/autoresponse strict Creates a "strict" trigger, meaning the exact word has to be present somewhere in the message
/autoresponse startswith Triggers created with this command are only invoked when a message starts with the trigger
/autoresponse endswith Triggers are only invoked when a message ends with it
/autoresponse exact Triggers are only invoked when a message is exactly like it
/autoresponse channel Only works in channels where the command was used
/autoresponse remove Removes a trigger by name
/autoresponse ignore Adds one or more channels/members to be ignored by the bot
/autoresponse unignore Removes one or more channels/members to be ignored by the bot
/autorole show Shows a list of roles that all members get when joining
/autorole reassign Toggles reassigning roles on rejoining
/autorole blacklist Blacklists roles from being reassigned
/autorole unblacklist A whitelisted role is a role that you can assign to yourself with !role <role>
/autorole add Adds a role to be automatically assigned
/autorole remove Removes a role from being auto assigned
/avatars Gives you a users avatar in different formats
/banmessage Sets a ban message to be sent to the greet channel when a member is banned
/caps limit Set caps limit for the server
/caps punishment Sets the punishment(s) for hitting the rate limit
/censor server View censor settings for server
/censor words Removes/Adds one or more words from the blacklist
/censor display Shows all the blacklisted words
/censor clear Removes all blacklisted words
/censor punishment Sets the punishment(s) for saying a bad word
/cute Cute but not necessarily cat or dog related
/deletefiles Deletes posted Non-image/video/text files from the server
/echo Makes the bot say something in the specified channel
/embed edit Edits the title and description
/embed custom Posts an embed in a specified channel based on the raw JSON discord uses
/embed editcustom Ecembed means edit custom embed and requires you to pass in JSON
/embed source Fetches the JSON source of an embed (any embed!)
/embed create Creates an embed with the specified color in the specified channel
/farewell Sets a farewell message to be sent to the greet channel when a member leaves
/feeds list Shows a list of feeds created in this server
/feeds create Creates a feed
/feeds announce Announces a feed
/feeds delete Deletes a feed
/feeds move Moves a feed to a specified channel
/feeds clear Clears all feeds
/fun aesthetics makes text look like this
/fun pick Chooses a random element from the supplied choices, use a comma for multi word selects
/fun fraktur 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔰 𝔱𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔨 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰
/fun boldfraktur 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖘 𝖙𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘
/fun fancy 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓈 𝓉𝑒𝓍𝓉 𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓀 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈
/fun boldfancy 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓼 𝓽𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼
/fun double 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤
/fun smallcaps ᴍᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴛᴇxᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ
/fun eightball Ask Yes/No questions to seek advice
/fun owofy Converts/Adds random "w" and "y" to random places
/fun emojify Makes emojify text
/fun urbandictionary Looks up the definition for a word on Urban Dictionary
/fun clap 👏 makes 👏 text 👏 look 👏 like 👏 this 👏
/fun space lets you pick anything you want to put in between the words
/fun info Shows some interesting information about a member
/fun addemoji Add custom emoji in the server with your desired name
/fun coinflip Flips a coin
/help Shows Help Options for all cogs and commands
/highlight add Add a word to highlight
/highlight remove Removes a specific highlighted word from you
/highlight block Blocks one or more channels or members
/highlight unblock Unblocks one or more channels or members
/highlight clear Removes all highlights from you
/highlight show Displays the words you have highlighted and which members and channels you're ignoring
/highlight matches This shows which of your highlighted words will be triggered with a test sentence
/invitespam server Shows Invitespam settings for the server
/invitespam norole Same as setting it to "block" except it only affects members without roles
/invitespam punishment Sets the punishment(s) for posting server invites
/joindm Sets the message that will be sent in pms to a member joining
/level member Shows the rank card for a member
/level mee6import Import Levels from MEE6
/level config Show's the servers current level config
/level rate Set level rate
/level blacklist Blacklists/Unblacklists one or more roles or channels
/level mod Sets what a level has to be evenly divisible by to be announced
/level limit Announce levels only if they're above this limit

Dyno is an all-purpose Discord bot that offers moderation, custom commands, and other features.


Command Description
?rps [choice] Play Rock Paper Scissors with the bot
?dadjoke Get a random Dad joke
?poll [message] "[choice 1]" "[choice 2]"

?poll show [message ID/link]

Start a poll (max 10 choices)
?space Get info about the space station
?cat Find some cute cat pictures
?github [repo name]

?github [owner]/[repo name]

Get info on a Github repository
?pokemon [name] Get info on pokemon
?dog Find some cute dog pictures
?pug Find some cute pug pictures
?norris Get a random Chuck Norris fact
?itunes [song name] Get info on a song
?flip Flip a coin
?league [subcommand] [args] Get summoner, champion, history, build, and more stats for League of Legends!
?info Get bot info
?uptime Get bot uptime
?premium Dyno premium information (Responds in DM)
?addrole [role name] (color name/hex) (hoist) Add a new role, with optional color and hoist
?setnick [user] [new nickname] Change the nickname of a user
?addmod [role] Add a moderator role
?rolecolor [role] [hex color] Change the color of a role
?ignorechannel [channel] Toggles command usage in a channel. (Does not affect mods and managers).
?rolename [role], [new name] Change the name of a role
?listmods List moderators
?delrole [role] Delete a role
?nick [new nickname] Change the bot nickname
?delmod [role] Remove a moderator role
?purge [count]

?purge user [user] [count]

?purge match [text] (count)

?purge not [text] (count)

?purge startswith [text] (count)

?purge endswith [text] (count)

?purge links

?purge invites (count)

?purge images (count)

?purge mentions (count)

?purge embeds (count)

?purge bots (count)

?purge humans (count)

?purge text (count)

?purge after [message ID/link] (count)

Delete a number of messages from a channel. (limit 1000)
?command [command name] Enable/disable a command
?modules List available modules
?ignoreuser [user] Toggles command usage for a user
?prefix [new prefix] Get or set the command prefix for this server
?announce [channel] [message]

?announce everyone [channel] [message]

?announce here [channel] [message]

?announce role [role] [channel] [message]

Send an announcement using the bot
?clearwarn [user] Clear warnings for a user
?ignorerole [role] Toggles command usage for a role. (Does not affect mods and managers).
?mentionable [role name] (true/false) Toggle making a role mentionable on/off
?customs enable [command name]

?customs disable [command name]

?customs show [command name]

?customs list

List, enable, disable custom commands
?addemote [name] [image link or attach a image file] Adds an emote to the server
?role [user] (+/-)[role(s)] (separated by comma `, `)

?role add [user] [role(s)] (separated by comma `, `)

?role remove [user] [role(s)] (separated by comma `, `)

?role toggle [user] [role(s)] (separated by comma `, `)

?role removeall [user]

?role all (+/-)[role]

?role bots (+/-)[role]

?role humans (+/-)[role]

?role in [role], (+/-)[role]

?role status

?role cancel

Add/remove a user to a role or roles
?module [module name] Enable/disable a module
?giveaway create [channel] [winners] [duration] [name]

?giveaway end [message ID/message link]

?giveaway reroll [message ID/message link] (winner to reroll)

Create and manage giveaways
?afk [status]

?afk set [status] - same as afk [status]

?afk ignore - ignore the channel you're in when you use the command.

?afk ignored

?afk reset [member]

?afk clear [member]

?afk list

Set an AFK status to display when you are mentioned
?avatar [user] Get a users' avatar
?roll [size]

?roll [size] [number of dice]

Roll the dice (support optional size: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d100)
?randomcolor Generates a random hex color with preview
?membercount Get the server membercount
?remindme [time] [reminder] Set a reminder
?whois [user mention] Get user information
?distance [coords] [coords] Get the distance between two sets of coordinates
?highlights add [phrase]

?highlights delete [phrase]

?highlights list

Get notified when a specific phrase is said in a server
?dynoav (optional user) Generates a Dyno-like avatar
?color #hex

?color hex

Show a color using hex
?remotes (optional search) Gets a list of server emojis
?flipcoin Flip a coin
?serverinfo Get server info/stats

?covid [country]

?covid [state]

Get COVID-19 stats
?deafen [user] Deafen a member
?softban [user] [reason] Softban a member (ban and immediate unban to delete user messages)
?warn [user] (reason) Warn a member
?diagnose [command or module] Diagnose any command or module in the bot to determine if there are any problems
?unban [user id] (optional reason) Unban a member
?mute [user] [limit] [reason] Mute a member so they cannot type
?warnings [user] Get warnings for a user
?clean (optional number) Clean up Dyno's responses
?modlogs [user] (page) Get a list of moderation logs for a user
?members [role] List members in a role(s) (max 90)
?kick [user] [reason] Kick a member
?undeafen [user] Undeafen a member
?rolepersist [user] [role], [optional reason]

?rolepersist add [user] [role], [optional reason]

?rolepersist remove [user] [role], [optional reason]

?rolepersist toggle [user] [role], [optional reason]

Assign/unassign a role that persists if the user leaves and rejoins.
?unmute [user] (optional reason) Unmute a member
?ban [user] [limit] [reason]

?ban save [user] [limit] [reason]

?ban noappeal [user] [limit] [reason]

Ban a member, optional time limit
?moderations (user) (page) Get a list of active moderations (timed)
?unwarn [warning reason] Delete a warning
?notes [user] Get notes for a user
?clearnotes [user] Delete all notes for a member
?duration [modlog ID] [limit] Change the duration of a mute/ban
?ignored List ignored users, roles, and channels
?temprole [user] [time] [role], [optional reason]

?temprole add [user] [time] [role], [optional reason]

?temprole remove [user] [role], [optional reason]

Assign/unassign a role that persists for a limited time
?case [Case ID] Show a single mod log case
?editnote [user] [note to edit] Edit a note about a member
?modstats [user] Get moderation statistics for a mod/admin (may take up to 30 minutes to update)
?note [user] [text] Add note(s) about a member
?lockdown (optional message)

?lockdown end (optional message)

Lock channels defined in moderation settings
?reason [case num] [reason] Supply a reason for a mod log case
?unlock [channel] (message) Unlock a previously locked channel
?lock [channel] (time) (message) Lock a channel with optional timer and message
?star [message ID/link] View starboard stats for a message
?delnote [user] [note ID] Delete a note about a member
?addrank [name or id] Add a new rank for members to join, role must exist
?delrank [name or id] Delete an existing rank, does not delete the role
?rank [rank name] Join/leave a rank
?roleinfo [role] Get information about a role
?roles (optional search) Get a list of server roles
?ranks Get a list of joinable ranks.
?slowmode channel [channel] [limit]

?slowmode user [channel] [limit]

?slowmode discord [channel] [limit]

Enable/disable slowmode
?tags (optional category) (optional search) Get a list of tags, use the tag command to fetch a tag
?tag [tag name]

?tag category [cat name]

?tag create [tag name] [content]

?tag edit [tag name] [content]

?tag delete [tag name]

?tag raw (optional category) [tag name]

Get or create a tag